Why is this big wolf dog chasing me?

A girl who was busy fetching water was speechless.

She saw the dog on the side of the road.

At that time, the dog was sitting on the roadside, shaking its head back and forth.

She thought she was sick and wanted to go check it out.

did not expect.

The dog's head suddenly stopped shaking, and his eyes were shining, staring at her.

This look...why does it look so much like those old people?

She simply could not imagine that a dog... could show such a mean, lustful expression.


She left quickly.

But she seemed to be being targeted.

The dog followed her slowly.

If she stops, it stops.

When she goes, it goes too.


This made the girl feel uncomfortable.

It's like being followed by a crazy man.

When she came to the house, she happened to be bumped into by another mature woman.

Did you get the water back, Su Yan?

This mature woman is Chen Ya.

They experienced the demon tide and the mass evacuation...

After wandering between life and death several times, I finally came to the base city and settled down.

But something depressing happened...

The soldiers at the city gate told them that the city's population was already full.

People without property deeds can no longer be admitted.

So, the soldier asked them to set up tents under the high wall.

They didn't know what to do... a turning point suddenly appeared.

The bruised and swollen Xu Wei suddenly took out a house deed for four people.

After the soldier inspected them, he actually let them enter the city.

that's all.

Su Yan, teacher Chen Ya, and a surviving male classmate named Wei Yujie.

They moved into the four-person house together and lived together for a while.


Su Yan nodded and snorted coldly when she saw Xu Wei was still inside.

It's not that she is green tea, living in someone else's house, erecting a memorial arch, and showing off her face.

But because of this Xu Wei, I saved him once.

At that time, the demon wave broke out and Xu Wei was almost trampled to death.

If she hadn't stretched out her hand and pulled it, it would have been turned into pulp.

This is because she doesn't care about the past.

Anyone else would have seen him dead.


She turned around and saw that the dog had disappeared.

Yes, yes... just wait for me... hehe...

When Xu Wei saw Su Yan giving him a look, he roared crazily in his heart.

However, his face showed nothing and was very calm.

Okay, then I'll boil water for cooking.

Teacher Chen Ya nodded.

Ingredients are exchanged for a good piece of equipment.

We replaced many bags of genetically modified grain and some meat poultry.

Then I'll help the teacher.

Wei Yujie said with a smile.

After a while, the hot meal was ready.

I won't eat.

Xu Wei whispered.

If you don't want to eat, don't eat. No one will spoil you.

Su Yan snorted coldly.

She and Teacher Chen Ya and Wei Yujie were chatting happily.

Let’s talk about some interesting things that happened under the high wall today.

I'll wash the dishes.

Su Yan packed up the dishes and walked into the kitchen.

By this time, it was already dark.

But for some reason, she felt very confused, sleepy, and wanted to sleep.

Teacher Chen Ya?

When she came to the living room, she found that Chen Ya had fallen on the sofa.

what happened……

She frowned, then collapsed to the ground and passed out.

When she woke up again, she heard crazy and excited howls!

Hahahahahaha, you little bitch, you finally fell into my hands!!

Xu Wei was laughing wildly and proudly.

One is pure and lusty, the other is in sexy black stockings...

Finally... finally everything fell into his hands!

Stimulate! So exciting! !

Cool! So cool! !

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