The boundary monument is the treasure of your clan of gods. It is similar to the jade butterfly of creation. It is originally connected to the jade butterfly of creation. Its true body is the great grind of world destruction, but it has not yet awakened.

The Emperor of the Starry Sky revealed the true nature of the boundary monument.

In fact, if you think about it, the treasures that can fit all the gates of heaven must be almost less than the gates of heaven.

The God Lord wants to activate the World-Destroying Great Mo at the last moment, so that he will not be afraid of the suppression of the Jade Butterfly.

Otherwise, he will always be the subordinate of the person who controls the creation of Jade Butterfly.

How could he, the majestic Lord of Heaven, be willing to become someone else's slave?


Before he could successfully activate the boundary monument, he was surrounded by three people and found it difficult to resist.

Even if Prince Yama interferes with the situation, he will hardly be a match for the three divine emperors.

Emperor, it seems you know everything.

The God Lord said coldly.

The World-Destroying Great Grind has been damaged. It is almost unrealistic to repair it. This is not the ancient universe. Where can we get so many resources? Even if we use everything in the two realms, it will be difficult to repair this thing. So, you still Stop your delusions and obediently hand over the boundary monument, we promise that we will only take the gate to heaven.

The Emperor of the Starry Sky had a loud voice and was persuading.

Until now, the God Lord is still struggling to support himself.

There can be no further delay now.

If the angels were to evolve into a complete body in the mortal world, their plan would fail.

Even now, as Adam evolves all the time, the probability of failure is increasing every second.

Do you think I am a fool? If you don't covet our clan's precious treasures and destroy the world, what does your life and death have to do with our Celestial Clan?

The voice of the God Lord was cold.

Hahahaha, this is the Celestial God Clan. They are confident and arrogant. They regard all races as ants. Yes, their life and death have nothing to do with us. The world of mortals destroys everything, but it cannot destroy us Hell, and you Celestial God Clan. , let them all die, only hell and gods will be left!

Prince Yama laughed several times in succession at this moment.

All races in the realm of misery and destruction are struggling, aren't they the last ones to look at?

The gate of hell is under his ancient hell, and the gate of heaven is under the great grinding mill of the Lord of Heaven.

Both the entropic body and the mythical body must beg them!

Prince Yama, you are deliberately disrupting the situation. Don't you just want us to be killed by the angels of the world of mortals? You are reaping the benefits, but can you guarantee that the angels will not attack and kill you?

Yang Wanjin glanced at the Prince of Hell opposite.

The messenger is from the Chaos camp. Sooner or later, everything in the world will be killed by him. Naturally, we and other demons cannot escape. However, we can enter the gate of hell first. That Taoyuan is the power of our hell.

The demon on the twelfth floor slayed the demon and swept towards the three invincible creatures on the opposite side.

Now, both the gate to hell and the gate to heaven are in the hands of our two clans. It is you who are struggling to survive. As long as we can delay time, you will be dead.

Prince Yama sneered, he was deliberately disrupting the situation.

Every time the Lord of Heaven is defeated, he will come to help, including the Demon God Killer.

Anyway, as long as the Lord of the Gods survives and stalls for time, he will definitely come over and attack the God Emperor as soon as possible after the envoys finish dealing with them.

Zhang Ziran, Yang Wanjin, and the Starry Sky Emperor cannot escape!

Wait for them to be dealt with by the messenger.

The two of them are the only ones left in the new world, returning to their origins again.

But in this life, he was born.

In the new world, the clan of gods will be eliminated, and the hell world will be unified, the underworld will be established, and an exclusive reincarnation system will be built!

According to what others have suffered, it's a pig farm.

All beings in the new world, no matter strong or weak, are just piglets whose souls will be harvested when they mature.

Then give it a try!

In Zhang Ziran's hand, a small brass clock appeared, but it was not one of the top ten ancient artifacts, but a replica.

Existences at this level of life like them can only withstand their own energy by using godless weapons.

In addition, Yang Wanjin also used a second long sword, dual-wielding Wushu Weapon. Anyway, this is really shocking.

The three soldiers without God were like the creation of the world, a dazzling light curtain, overlooking the entire universe.

The God-Emperor Galaxy orbits the body for the final showdown. Here, Emperor Tian is miserable!

Because of Zhang Ziran's order, he had to protect Ye Jue. In addition, the flaming crow girl, Mie Shitai, Tao Long, lizard beast... ten gods from the ancient heaven were also protecting Ye Jue.

There is no way, Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin are their masters, and their masters' will must not be violated.

If you dare to resist, there will only be one outcome, and that is destruction!

There is no need for mortal angels to kill them.


The fiery red crow girl holds a golden divine feather, which she claims is an ancient divine weapon made by the great dark crow of the tribe. It is extremely powerful, but unfortunately it was directly shattered by Adam there.

Destroyed my weapon with one blow?

She didn't even react before she was hit. Her beautiful body was suddenly attracted and came to Adam.

At this moment, no one reacted. In the blink of an eye, the flaming crow girl was pinned down by Adam.


Tao Long and Mie Shitai, two high-level ancient gods, immediately came to help, but it was a step too late!



With a shrill scream, the fiery red crow girl started to burn in Adam's palm.

This flame, the divine fire that covered her, was the death fire of the world of mortals, instantly igniting her whole body.

The mythical avenue tattoos on her body began to explode with thunderbolts. The fiery red crow girl had the magical power to reach the sky and move the earth, and could correspond to the sun, moon and stars.

But now there is no use of any power, he is being brutally grilled, and he keeps screaming!


Di Tian took a step forward, and a vast mythical avenue pattern condensed in the palm of his hand. After a dazzling scene, the huge cauldron turned into a rolling burning oven, which could smelt everything. Each of the auspicious beasts opened their mouths and took a breath. In the meantime, he must suck the flaming crow girl into it and save her.

Hoo ho ho! !

But he didn't expect that what was attracted was not her, but the rolling flames of the world.


In an instant, his oven was ignited, and the flames surged, engulfing and enveloping it.


Mie Shitai was shocked in his heart. He was now convinced that this flame could not even compete with the imperial weapons created by the emperor.

She knew the identity of the flaming crow girl. She was the Great Sage of Fire Crow, and she had the bloodline power of the Ancient Golden Crow.

Born with black feathers, the black light flickers, and the original power is bright and crystal clear, like a flame, leaping and beating.


She is dying!


Ditian's blow failed to save her, but instead set her on fire, the oven collapsed, and the mythical avenue weapon she had created throughout her life was immediately defeated.

If he didn't give up, the flame would come and end up like the fiery crow girl.


The huge divine furnace collapsed, and the sky fell down, crashing into the chaotic continent on the realm of destruction.

Bang bang bang! !

In an instant, rays of light shone everywhere, flames leaped up, and the Chaos Continent was ignited by the fire in the world of mortals. It started burning, countless screams and screams were heard, and lives were ruthlessly harvested!

As long as it is contaminated in the slightest, it will be destroyed directly and burned to ashes. Don't even think about resurrecting it.


At this moment, the fiery crow girl has been burned into huge red eggs, which are the last protective power of her clan.

This red egg is a mysterious Golden Crow egg, which is the imprint of the ancient Golden Crow's altar. The mythical avenue pattern is imprinted on it, circle by circle, very ancient.

As long as this egg exists, the flaming crow girl will be able to be reborn.

It's a bit similar to my Nirvana!

Fentian was surprised when he saw this scene, but his expression changed drastically.

Because he saw it, the Golden Crow Egg actually cracked open, and Adam tore it open, rubbing the life inside unscrupulously.


You can hear the miserable screams of babies resounding in the Golden Crow Egg.

But it disappeared immediately, which meant that the fiery crow girl was completely dead!

It was just an accident. Adam grabbed him and killed him!

It only takes ten seconds!

A high-level ancient god was just gone.

However, none of the remaining gods in the world, nor the ancient gods in heaven, sympathized with her plight and fate.

Because at this moment, Adam's red light once again filled the sky, and his pulling power reached the end of the vastness, attracting everyone, and everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Ye Jue, kill me and let me be free. Otherwise, you will be killed by me. If you are killed by me, it means that you do not have the power to be truly free!

Adam's consciousness was blurred. He was repeating what he said before, and his eyes had long been replaced by deep red, further changes.

He came for Ye Jue!

Ji Zizai, the three pillars, the leader of Chaos Zuma, Wanxiang Wuchang, Fen Tian, ​​and the ancient Qi master all hid far away.

Because they know that the opportunity is coming!

If Adam comes to Ye Jue, Ye Jue will have a flaw. Then they can add insult to injury and maybe get the Jade Butterfly!

The attitude of the God Emperors is very obvious. Whoever obtains the Jade Butterfly is qualified to associate with it!

As for Ye Jue's power, they are not interested!

The opportunity is coming!

The same goes for Long Xiao's group of people, who are following closely behind, and the superstring life form is ready to go.

As long as Ye Jue shows a flaw, he will find a way to get into his inner world and steal the jade butterfly!


If you don't give it, the opportunity will not appear so easily. The remaining nine ancient gods of the ancient heaven gathered around Ye Jue, including Di Tian, ​​who had a gloomy face.

This person is who the Starry Sky Emperor is talking about, and we must protect him too!

The group of superstring beings were ready. There were not many of them left, but they were all the elites among the elites. There were almost a dozen lightning humanoids blocking Ye Jue's front.

This formation is extremely luxurious!

Even if the God Emperor comes, he will still have a headache when he sees it!

However, to Adam, it was nothing more than a group of rocks blocking the way.

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