Boom, boom...

The terrifying red black hole's sound became stronger and stronger, like a powerful heart beating, and like the drum of death beating through the ages.

Ji Zizai, Three Pillars, Chaos Zuma Leader, Wanxiang Wuchang, Fen Tian, ​​Ye Jue, Ancient Qi Lord, Fiery Crow Girl, Middle-aged Taoist Nun Mi Shitai, Tao Long...

Now, their monks' faces were pale, their colors changed one after another, and their bodies just kept retreating.

That red black hole is really creepy and incredible!

What kind of power was that, and what an ancient creature it was, completely breaking the rules of common sense and attracting them firmly.

Damn it, if this continues, we will be dead. In that red black hole are particles from the sky of mortals, angels from the mortal world!

The leader of Chaos Zuma was shocked and now wanted to escape. They were tricked even though they were not a moment later.

The mortal angels were attracted by the Supreme King, and Jian Jian killed them.

We have a destiny factor...

Fentian said quickly.

No, the fate factor is of no use to the mortal angels, otherwise the supreme kings of the past dynasties would not have failed.

Ye Jue discovered that the red particles completely suppressed the power of the fate factor.

Ever since he was attracted, Destiny Factor began to resist violently, looking for a breakthrough.

But it hasn't been found so far.

It was a flawless force without any flaws, as if it did not come from this universe.

Then we're not doomed?

When Fentian heard this, his eyes were blazing and he struggled again.

However, it was still of no use. The body was attracted and had to go backwards.

This is terrible!

He didn't want to die yet, especially not in this way.

Now we have to work together to break through. The Red Dust Angels' target is not us now, there is still a chance!

Ye Jue suddenly began to move sideways. Although he could not move forward, he could move sideways and collide with the three pillars not far away.


All of a sudden, the two forces merged together, the yin and yang changed, and the ghosts and gods were unpredictable.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Seeing this, other people also moved sideways.

It turned almost in all directions, forming a curtain of light.

This light curtain gathered seventeen living gods and ancient gods from heaven. Around it, many small cosmic balls appeared surrounding it. In an instant, they would break through the shackles and fly into the distance.

However, this was just a fluctuation in remaining power, which made it difficult for them to resist, and they were almost swallowed up.

At this moment, the shadow of the mortal angel is extremely tall in the red black hole.

The Supreme King, including Di Tian, ​​all saw it. It was the invincible power of an era and the destructive machine of this world.

The civilization runes in the red black hole are still so weird. I have never seen them before.

The Supreme King could not have imagined that the messenger had grown to such an extent!

This was more horrifying than anything he had encountered since ancient times.

Supreme King, you have been targeted by the Red Dust Angel, you are dead!

Di Tian took a step forward and his expression changed.

If possible, he would kill it himself.

However, he cannot defeat the Red Dust Angel, and must escape now.

Otherwise, when the Supreme King dies, he might come looking for him.


As soon as he finished speaking, Di Tian's body began to move and turned back at an extremely fast speed.

The attraction of the red black hole has no effect on him. After all, he is at the emperor level, many times beyond the ancient god level.

You are this world...

The Supreme King's expression was indifferent, but before he finished speaking, the figure in the red black hole flashed and suddenly stepped out of it.

This is……

His expression changed suddenly.

The mortal angel in front of me is too young, with long golden hair blowing in the wind, and his face cannot be seen clearly.

He wore a battle armor with a blend of red and black lines on his lower body, and his upper body was naked, with bronzed skin shining through.

No way!!

At this moment, the eyes of the old men on Earth, especially Chen Ya and others, almost fell out of their eyes.

Adam?! Why is it him!

Fen Tian also saw it. The Angel of Red Dust appeared. It was a young man!


At this moment, everyone in the Long Xiao spacecraft, including Long Shaoqin and others, were also shocked.

This, this, this...didn't he already die in Antarctica?

Wei Ting seemed to have seen a ghost.

That's right.

It is indeed a ghost, a red ghost!

At that time, he and Ye Jue fell into the endless darkness together in Antarctica. Ye Jue accidentally went to other star fields, and Adam disappeared without a trace. In comparison, he left the plight directly.

Zhao Yin suddenly said: At that time, there was an ancient demon god, and this demon god also disappeared. This may be the key. I will definitely find out where it went.

Now that there are so many enemies, are you still in the mood to care about other things?

Wei Ting said disapprovingly.

Missing means missing, what is there to explore?

This is a clue. You don't understand, for example, how Adam became a mortal angel. Do you know?

Zhao Yin asked.

I don't know.

Long Shaoqin shook his head slightly.

At that time, Adam was the hero of the beautiful country, and the dragon was nowhere to be seen.

The battle in Antarctica showed a desire to die.

Unexpectedly, now he appears again, transformed into a mortal angel, destroying the machine.

The rich power of death is simply nauseating!

What if he still retains his humanity?

Pandora suddenly asked.

Human nature? Human nature is desire, and the mortal angel is the embodiment of desire!

Zhao Yin suddenly sneered: I have seen the data about Adam in Antarctica. He wanted to die. This was his desire. Now that he has become the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven, he is stronger and it is difficult to die. So you see, You keep looking for the strongest one, hoping that someone will kill you, and you just keep looking until you kill the last life.

This, this, this...

The other heroes heard this and were almost frightened to death.

Too cruel, too cruel!

In order to commit suicide, he keeps looking for others to kill him!

Then he can't stand and get beaten. Doesn't he want to commit suicide?

Wei Ting was stunned.

After your strength expands to a certain level, even if you stand still, you will fight back on your own, let alone a mortal angel.

Zhao Yin shook his head speechlessly.

Then let them fight first. The Supreme King will open the door to the universe. We must also help the Lord of Heaven to open the door to heaven. Now follow Ye Jue. Their group of ancient gods have just escaped from the attraction and returned to the outside world. He must be planning something.

Long Shaoqin said.


The huge spaceship pierced the darkness and moved silently.

Those fleas are really bad, and their attack method is too simple. After a few rounds, my body adapted to their power, and thus changed and copied, such as...

At this moment, Adam's body returned to ordinary, but there were still tiny blood-red particle balls spinning around it.


The next moment, he transformed into a lightning humanoid, a superstring life!

Am I dazzled?

At this moment, everyone who was paying close attention to this place was instantly dumbfounded.

Is the Red Dust Angel actually a superstring?

No, no, that's what he simulated. He's not a superstring, or a myth, he's simply the power of death!

Ji Zizai said suddenly.

He saw that all the dark ancient stars near Adam were corroded, and the darkness was easily defeated by the power of death.

The power of death?

A ray of light shot up from within Ye Jue's body, turned into a pillar of life, and was forcibly suppressed without anyone noticing.

He suddenly felt excited!

Could the power extracted by the divine calculation, the power of life, have the effect of restraining the power of death?

Or is there the power to fight?

He is in his prime, with waterfall-like black hair and deep eyes.

At that time, when he traveled back in time and brought his own combat experience, he did not get the first place. In the early years, he still had a little doubt in his heart.

Now that he knew that Adam was actually a mortal angel, the feeling of imbalance disappeared instantly.

The imbalance disappeared, but he was still looking forward to fighting Adam, fighting the catastrophe, leaving no regrets in the new world, and adding another glory to this Tao-killing body.


At this moment, the Supreme King had already fought against Adam.

Everyone held their breath, and everyone was extremely nervous. This battle is related to the future, and it will all be in the next peak showdown.


Adam was so cruel, he looked like he was begging for death. The red flame stood in the mist formed by the fire. He couldn't see his true body clearly, but it was extremely frightening. It could only be described as a great catastrophe standing between heaven and earth.

Can you kill me?

As soon as Adam's words came out, Di Tian coughed up blood!

What did he hear?

Can you kill... him?

What's going on?

The Supreme King did not answer. After two punches were punched through his body by Adam, if his perfect divine body had not been reorganized to the extreme, he would have been swallowed up by the power of death in an instant. If he had not sacrificed all his lifespan to prolong his life, he would have died just now.

This mythical body... is there such a powerful person in this world?

At this moment, a group of super strings, almost tens of thousands of them, were all in the shape of lightning humans, with different colors, blooming with brilliance. Seeing that the Supreme King resisted the attack of the mortal angels, their expressions became majestic.

This is the partner they are looking for to join forces. Can this powerful being help them defeat Adam?

I want to open the portal to the positive universe, the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven. If you want to commit suicide, don't come to me, because I want to commit suicide too.

The Supreme King said this with a cold face after the blow.


This time, it was the turn of the superstring beings to vomit blood.

What did they hear?

Another suicide?

Could it be that within an era of their existence in deep space, suicide has become popular in the outside world?

Everyone is anxious to die?

No, you have to kill me first before committing suicide.

Adam smiled slightly and stood in front of the Supreme King, just to prevent him from opening the sky.

How could my sixth life plan fail at the last moment? I voluntarily gave up creating the Jade Butterfly because I had failed before. This time, I don't choose to rely on the fate given by the Jade Butterfly. I want to use my own strength to break the fate. , if it doesn’t work out in this life, there will be no godless son in the future.”

The Supreme King took action, his brows lit up, and a bright light flew out. This was the mythical great method he created.

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