Ditian's attack can be described as an earth-shattering blow. When it hits, the sky and the earth change color, the sun and moon fall, the void sinks, and there is no escape.

This kind of power that can hold the sun and moon in its hands, step on the stars, and spin the universe unexpectedly fell on the Supreme King, impacting the latter's perfect divine body and making a rumbling sound.

No one thought that even if the enemy was ahead, Di Tian would still not stand on the same front as the Supreme King Shen Huangzi.

Instead, he attacked him and shocked everyone.

Di Tian is not just talking, he really has a blood-and-blood hatred for the Supreme King. Even if the Prince of Yama stands in front of him, he will be indifferent. He will attack whoever needs to be attacked. He will not waver at all and betray his beliefs. ,Amazing!

B exclaimed.

Near the distant Forbidden God Circle, the blurry figure in the black hole, Prince Yama made a clanging sound, as if the wall of hell was opening, shaking violently.

It seems that even Prince Yama was shocked.

Someone swallowed hard.

Di Tian, ​​do you want to join forces with the hell world?

Wearing a moon crown and a supreme robe, Shen Huangzi was obviously extremely dissatisfied with Di Tian's actions.

To this day, this person still can't let go of his old grudge.

When did this happen? Deep space collapse is imminent.

Even the hell world has fully appeared!

As for Ditian, he is still obsessed with the hatred between them, and he really doesn't care about the overall situation and is petty-minded.

I have nothing to do with the hell world. They kill theirs and I kill mine!

Ditian struck with his hands together and waved his palms, showing various martial arts. These martial arts changed each other, and each fusion revealed the charm of heaven and earth and the mystery of the universe.


His roar shook the sky, and he struck out with heavy blows. Five ancient divine swords came out from behind, and the sword energy was everywhere, showing incredible power.

They were killing each other.

At this moment, the Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations said gloomily.

The person in the supreme robe with the moon crown is probably the strongest one. In that case, let's go and take the opportunity to kill this person.

The demon god standing next to him killed the demon, and the demon body appeared in the void. The oppressed living beings were about to suffocate, and a catastrophe was coming.

The devil is about to take action!

Ye Jue got an immediate intuition from there, and his heart sank. Disaster was about to arise and sweep across the universe.

With two demon gods of terrifying strength, plus Di Tian, ​​the situation of the Supreme King is worrying!

What should I say now, help or not? Do you want to take action?

Fen Tian said in a low voice.

The Prince of Yama is watching with eager eyes, but he has not made any move now.

If a battle breaks out, it will probably be 4v1.

Even if the Supreme King rebels against heaven, he may not have much chance of winning until the portal to the positive universe opens.

Do you, Gu Tianting, want to help Di Tian?

Ji Zizai asked.

Since Di Tian has made his choice, we will naturally follow him. However, a battle of that level is not something we can participate in.

The middle-aged Taoist nun suddenly said: Emperor Tian is just dealing with the Supreme King alone. He is not trying to unite with the hell world. The original intention of our ancient heaven is to protect the universe.

So, we should work together and focus on dealing with one demon. What do you think?

This sentence made everyone look at each other.

This is how it should be, but Ditian couldn't let go of his hatred and couldn't cooperate with the Supreme King on a common front.

In that case, let him do his thing. The mission of the ancient heaven, they, the ancient gods, still follow the instructions of their ancestors.


With all the fate factors in their possession, it shouldn't be a problem for the seventeen of them to deal with a demon.

Then take action!

Ye Jue nodded, the Supreme King defeated Emperor Tian, ​​killed the demon, and the mysterious Prince Yama did not take action.

They are responsible for getting rid of the Demon God of All Tribulations.

In short, let's work together now to defeat the hell world, otherwise it will be even more chaotic later. I don't know how many parties will fight, and the universe will turn into dust.


Everyone sacrificed their magical weapons, magical skills, and divine power spurted out. More than a dozen ancient gods rotated around an axis. Everyone's power blended with each other, containing endless changes in divine power. With time, , space, occult, mystery, mystery, etc.

This is the art of combined attack. They cooperated for the first time, and their infinite kinetic energy and potential were perfectly integrated under the influence of the fate factor.


The ear-piercing scream penetrated into the depths of nothingness, like a cosmic spiral, twisting and blasting away.


The Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations was about to attack the Supreme King with Killing Demon when he saw the void twisting in front of him and a spiral impact, carrying infinite terrifying power, coming to him in an instant.


At this moment, the huge and destructive power began to tremble, and the dark stars on the mysterious continent began to extinguish, losing their luster one by one, as if being swallowed up by some huge force.

At the moment of the drastic change, the Demon God of All Tribulations was knocked away, swept out by the great will and terrifying power, and left the battle situation here.

This was done deliberately by Ye Jue and others, pushing the Demon God of All Tribulations to the farthest place. Here, their bloody battle with the Demon God had just begun.

It's you?

The Demon God of All Tribulations still recognized Ye Jue, and at this moment, he expressed strong hatred.

The seed of miracle was obtained by this person and this ethnic group.

For Hell, this is the primary goal.

He hadn't gone looking for it yet, but to his surprise, it was delivered directly to his door.


The group of people in front of him turned out to be at the life level of the ancient gods, and there were several high-level people. He could feel that the target of this group of people was him, and they wanted to kill him here.

Prince Yama will tear you apart...

The Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations roared and sent out a rumbling wave, causing the seals in many places in the endless darkness to break. A majestic divine power of hell destruction rushed towards them.


Ji Zizai, Three Pillars, Chaos Zuma Leader, Impermanence, Ancient Qi Lord, Fen Tian, ​​Ye Jue, Mie Shitai, Fiery Crow Girl, Tao Dragon, Lizard Beast, Six Ancient Gods with Brilliant Armor, the first piece What happened was that the demon gods of all tribulations were surrounded, and each exerted their divine power to form a spectacle, as if the world was being destroyed. Everything was unstoppable and everything would be destroyed.

Under this power, the Demon God of All Tribulations seemed to be enveloped by the endless ocean, his body kept rising and falling, and his life seemed to be coming to an end.


A big hand of the Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations stretched out from the encirclement, appeared on the sky, and grabbed an ancient god from the ancient heaven.


The ancient god was completely unafraid to fight against this terrifying hell creature. He instantly displayed more than a dozen ancient divine spells and sacrificed five ancient divine weapons.

Bang bang bang! !

The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, ghosts cried and gods howled, and murderous aura swept across the two realms, making the entire star realm tremble.

The eyes of the Demon God of All Tribulations are as terrifying as a torch. He can catch the moon and the stars with his hands. With a clear roar, dark meteorites fly in one after another, and some dark stars explode.

It looks like a fight to the death.

Ye Jue said in a deep voice.

At that time, he, Chen Ya and others used miraculous power to repel the demon.

Now the power of miracle is the trump card, and it should be saved until the end.

Counting so many ancient gods, it would be so difficult to fight against a demon god of all tribulations.

The strength of this demon is close to that of the Great Emperor, which is normal.

Mie Shitai said.


At this moment, a war spear thrust through time and space, across the field, and came to her in an instant.


Mie Shitai's surroundings suddenly turned into a bloody storm, with ghosts crying, gods howling, and the earth collapsing. These were all strange phenomena, all caused by this attack.


She was forced backwards into the endless darkness of the leaden clouds.

The devil's spear is called the Spear of Hell, and the curse has been imprinted on it. The only thing that makes people happy is that the fate factor explodes, otherwise it will be a big trouble.

This blow would render Mie Shitai unable to fight anymore.

I never imagined that one day we would be able to fight against the world of hell.

Tao Long sacrificed everything he had and combined with the surrounding forces to fight against the devil.

Once, when he saw those powerful men fighting to the death with the devil and falling one by one, his mood was self-evident.

Now, he was in the same situation as those powerful people.

In this life, it was finally their turn.

I'm afraid this is an honor for any existence.

Let's go and fight. In the endless darkness, we won't be penetrated. There's no need to worry about being destroyed. There are even more magical beings in the mysterious continent below. If they take action, we can easily win!

The red crow girl's eyes turned red and she shouted loudly.

In the mysterious continent under the endless darkness, there are obviously creatures and they are very powerful.

But it has nothing to do with yourself.

However, if they were defeated, the hell world would rule the universe, and a catastrophe would come, would they still be able to sleep peacefully?

Now force them to take action and deliberately direct the war here!

From the outside perspective, the sky was dyed red with blood. Fierce battles were going on both near the Forbidden God Circle and on the crystal wall system.

Sure enough, in the mysterious dark continent where light monsters roam, some alien beasts have also taken action. Some are helping them, and some are standing with the human race. The choices are different.

The great catastrophe is approaching, and no one can stay dormant.

This is a disaster. Corpses fall from the sky. Because the arrival of the hell world means that countless demons swarm in. This is a doomsday battlefield, which instantly recreates the burial place of the mythical era and the death of technological civilization. fall.

A large number of living beings perished, becoming a hellish demonic land where ghosts cried and gods howled.

During the fierce battle, people looked at the endless darkness outside the two realms from time to time, but unfortunately they could not see anything. Those powerful ancient gods, the Great Emperor, were killed unknown where.

However, at this moment they must find a way to save their lives and seize a chance of survival in the hands of these cruel demons.

Within the scope of the earth, there are overwhelmingly demons, all of them are under the ancient gods. Their fighting power is unparalleled and they will not be defeated. They are too powerful!


Near the orbit of the system guarding the earth, blood spattered and corpses fell one by one. No one knew how many people had died.

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