The hell world looks like a heart-shaped seed, extremely blazing, turning bright red, and filled with a powerful wave of destruction.

This is the sixth child!

The people on earth were shocked.

The hell world, which had been silent for a long time, was actually waiting for an opportunity to move.

The perfect divine body of the Supreme King was actually swallowed into the hell world?


Di Tian was also shocked.

I never expected that such a change would happen, what a surprise!

Hell is coming so fiercely that it will affect even him.

Fortunately, the target was not him, so he was spared.


The divine body of Shenhuangzi with all its rays of light could not shine through the hell world. Originally, wisps of divine radiance illuminated the past and present with great brilliance. But now, there is no light at all.

Something is wrong!

B sensed the familiar aura in the hell world. It was the aura of the devil, unique and unique. There were three of them, and the most terrifying one made him shiver all over!

Maybe it's the Demon King!

Because the breath was so permeable that I had never felt it before, and it made me feel sick to my stomach.

There is a thirteenth level of hell, and it is said that the devil is sealed there.

It's not the Demon King. What is the Demon King? That was an existence that could fight against the world of mortals in the ancient times, and it has passed away long ago. That should be the Prince of Yama!

After all, the ancient Qi Master was an old man. Part of his memory revived and he said in a deep voice.

However, his words carry little weight.

Because in the ancient times, he was just a little guy.

The great powers of the same era, such as Shenhuangzi, were powerful characters that he could only look up to.

Now, the sixth generation of Shenhuangzi is in one body and is even more powerful. I wonder if he can compete with the mysterious Prince Yama.

After all, Prince Yama has never appeared in public.

Now everyone has the opportunity to meet this character!


As soon as the seeds of the hell world appeared, the miracle seeds in Chen Ya's hand fluctuated violently several times.

Seed of destruction?

Chen Ya blurted out.

The new hell world created by Prince Yama is actually a seed of destruction, which was created with painstaking efforts by gathering the aura of destruction in the hells of all ages.

It is completely opposite to the miracle seed, because one side is destruction and the other side is miracle.

The hell world has been planning the miracle seed and used humans to go to deep space to obtain this miracle seed. Now it is finally time to harvest it.


The seeds of destruction bloomed instantly, and everyone saw a terrifying scene. The sky suddenly turned blood red, blood mist rolled, and the God of Destruction thunder continued to explode, penetrating through layers of space and folding, and no world could escape. The state of misery and destruction is enveloped in an instant.

Almost in the blink of an eye, hell spread to all worlds.

At this time, they shared the same space with the Supreme King and could see the Supreme King's perfect body shining brightly in the hell world.


He is facing three terrifying existences. The two demon gods at the front are both humanoid, with black skin, golden pupils, long tails, and strong and swollen muscles. Judging from the fluctuations in their breath, they are absolutely It is the strength of a high-level ancient god, and there are even signs of a breakthrough.

The spiral horns on their foreheads were burning with black flames, and the powerful fluctuations were very violent and spread farther away.

The eleventh level, the twelfth level demon!

A familiar demon god of all calamities, and another one who is more brave than him, called Killing Demon!

Not far behind them, a black hole collapsed, and there was a vague energy body in it. It could be seen that it was both in human form, but its limbs were much more ferocious. It could be seen that the sky was falling apart, and the ghosts were crying and the gods were howling. The despair, death, and destructive power emerging from the black hole definitely belong to the topmost existence in hell.

Prince Yama!

They both woke up in the sixth era, and are terrifying existences that have been born in hell.

Now, we finally have to face him!

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

At this moment, the Soul-Calling Flag has been captured by Longxiao Kingdom. After all, Chaoxian's strength is obvious to all, and he can resist the messenger of the Red Dust Sky in deep space for so long.

This superstring life captured the soul-calling flag from Ji Zizai and others, and instantly returned to the Dragon Roar.

Got it.

Super String Life said.

Very good. Although the Supreme King has dispelled part of the fog of endless darkness, it is only one ten thousandth of the scope. The endless darkness is too big and represents the entire ancient universe. Let us get the horror of those who have fallen since ancient times. Energy bodies, stuff them all into our soldiers to create a heavenly weapon and a dark body!

Zhao Yin's eyes flickered.

Now what?

Wei Ting asked.

They were also enveloped in the hell world and could not escape at all.

Because no matter where you escape, it is within the scope of the hell world.

Wait, this battle does not belong to us. It was a duel between ancient powerful men. This reincarnation is to completely purify history. Wait for them to be annihilated!

Zhao Yin said.

Our battle is in the new world, even in the positive universe.

Long Shaoqin said coldly.


This huge and huge spaceship was completely hidden.

What a sixth man!

Ji Zizai's eyes were filled with hatred, and the characters on the spaceship had benefited many times.

What's even more despicable is that after getting the benefits, they don't show any signs of it and just disappear.

Who can bear this?

They have seen through that in this world, the era of fighting for the ancient powerhouse with his last breath and releasing all his secrets has nothing to do with them.

Wanxiang Wuchang did not pursue it because it was useless. There were superstring beings guarding the spaceship.

He was confused!

The other superstrings are resisting the messengers of the mortal world in deep space.

But this superstring is special.

If it weren't for his existence, the Dragon Roar country would have collapsed long ago.

So he was also very depressed. How could such a powerful being be willing to follow a weak country and not plan for himself?

Could it be that he has been brainwashed?

Where is the glory of their superstring life group?

What do we do now?

Fen Tian looked at the direction of the Supreme King. There was Di Tian, ​​and he seemed to hesitate.

Today's enemy must be one of the great enemies, the devil of the hell world, Prince Yama!

But here comes the problem!

Can they help?

The last time he fought against the tenth-level demon, the Blood Demon, a total of eight living gods took action at the same time, and this time he was barely killed.

Now, the two demon gods are in front, and their auras are much more terrifying than the blood-like appearance before!

They may not be opponents even if they go together!

Fortunately, there is an ancient strong man standing in front of him to resist, the Supreme King, the Great Emperor of Tiandu.

Moreover, the Supreme King also broke through the level of the Great Emperor, and his perfect divine body was recruited by the God Emperor.

These two unparalleled powerful men should be able to fight against the hell world, right?

What else can we do? With the covenant above, the enemies that threaten our universe are all powerful enemies. Do you want to entrust your life to their protection?

Ji Zizai said coldly.

Hmph, I didn't say that. I believe in my own power.

Fentian snorted coldly.

Come on, come on, you see, Ye Jue is already in front of us. He has just received a huge benefit. He is vaguely promoted to a high-level ancient god. He also has the jade butterfly in his hand. He is the most powerful among us. The powerful one should be led by him.”

Chaos Zuma leader suddenly smiled and said.

With him as the leader?

San Tai Zhu asked back.

No matter how strong he is, he is still just one person.

Go over and see what the people in Ancient Heaven have to say.

The ancient Qi Lord moved away, relying on his magical power to travel, and first came to the flaming crow girl, the middle-aged Taoist nun Mie Shitai and others.

You living gods didn't choose to hide, but dared to come here?

Tao Long looked at them in surprise.

There are some differences between the living gods and these real ancient gods, the rules of operation of the mythical avenue, and the entanglement between the civilization runes and the mythical avenue.

Now that they are all here, no one is escaping. It seems that they are going to fight?

This is unexpected!

This is our universe. What's more, where can we hide safely? Could it be the mainland world below?

Ji Zizai sneered.

The continent world below is a strange land, and I don’t know what kind of powerful life there is.

But it is indeed a peach orchard, where you can hide.

Then the purpose of your coming here is to fight?

The fiery crow girl looked at these living gods.

Less than ten, too few!

In today's world, the peak combat power is just this, and it can be said that it has declined.

They were reincarnated and recultivated in the ancient heaven, avoiding the mortal angels, and their cultivation speed was faster than them.

What's even more powerful than their living gods is that the techniques he masters are ancient divine arts. I'm afraid not many of these living gods can master them.

The weapons used are probably mainly ancient divine weapons, with no more than two ancient divine weapons.

You won't fight?

Of course, the leader of Chaos Zuma knew that these ancient gods looked down upon them.

I just managed to reach this level of life by picking up mistakes and bumping along the way.

That is the difference between orthodox and jungle.

Anyway, dogs look down upon people, and their living gods learned this lesson in the battle just now.

Every move has a huge sense of superiority, as if it is deliberately performed for them, the living gods.

If Emperor Tian starts a war, we will go.

Mie Shitian said.


That would mean fighting the enemy together with the Supreme King. Will Ditian agree?

Well, the ten of you and the rest of us make up a dozen in total. Isn't it worthy of an ancient emperor?

At this time, Ye Jue's voice suddenly sounded. He had been silent just now, full of evil flavor: Let's cooperate first, and then we will consider what each other wants. After all, if the universe is destroyed, we will be destroyed too. , no one wants to die, right?

Ye Jue, you just acted like a good boy after you got the Jade Butterfly? You have the destiny factor in your hands, so you are the safest one. I saw it just now. Even the Supreme King couldn't take it out. It means that the Jade Butterfly has fully recognized you.

Wan Xiang Wu Chang gritted his teeth and said: Fighting with you, we will all be affected by fate, and all kinds of unexpected attacks will fall on us. Who is willing to do this?

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