The news brought by Ye Jue was simply the most advanced intelligence for them.

No one here has ever doubted the authenticity.

Because Ye Jue said that information can only be obtained by those ranked 1 to 7 on the hero list.

This is indeed the case, but not in such detail.

What does this foreshadow? Are we all going to fall into hell and have our souls tortured?

If this is the result, it will inevitably make people feel chilling.

Humanity fought to the end, unable to compete with hell and unable to compete with the devil.

Having obtained the truth in advance, they all felt that humans might sleep here forever and turn into withered bones.

This is the bloody reality.

Ye Jue's face had no expression.

He has seen the human beings number one on the hero list fall.

I also walked into the city of hell...

The end result was that demons crawled to the surface and replaced humans.

This is a cruel fact that has happened before.


Wei Ting slapped the table.

The Demon Arena and the Demon King are all fictitious!

Those creatures are just bugs living in the vacuum layer underground.

Sooner or later they will be eliminated.

Just like humans invented insecticide spray, it is easy to handle.

It's up to you whether you believe it or not.

Ye Jue said calmly.


Long Shaoqin couldn't help but look at each other with everyone, feeling even more terrifying.

I talked so much with Ye Jue.

The more they feel that it is difficult for humans to fight against the devil.

It's not a dead end. Humanity definitely has hope. Otherwise, why would the equipment explode? Let us obtain blueprints, let us make technological breakthroughs, let us upgrade and awaken, let us...

Director Wu said excitedly.

This is related to another reality.

Ye Jue chuckled.

He hasn't told them about the source yet.

Even tell them.

These people will also think it is a fantasy.

After all, it is already a transcendent god-like existence.

Hero, come and sit in the base, and we'll talk in detail.

Long Shaoqin said.

Don't call me a hero, just call me by my name.

Ye Jue waved his hand: I still have things to do, it's very important to me.

Is it a matter of improving your strength? Is there anything we can do to help you?

A commander asked curiously.

Only I can help you, but you can't help me.

Ye Jue couldn't help but smile.

Well, there's nothing we can do about it. You're too powerful.

Someone said awkwardly.

It was really eye-opening for them to see a real strong person.

at the same time.

I also feel that since humans can be so strong, they can definitely defeat demons and kill demon gods!

Comrade Ye Jue, you can rest assured that we will develop the special evolver armor immediately and ensure it is completed as soon as possible.

Although Director Wu is old, he is full of energy and his eyes are shining.

Boy, sister will work hard.

Dr. Xiao blew a kiss to Ye Jue and walked into the laboratory with Director Wu.

This is the latest communication equipment developed. The previous walkie-talkies can no longer be used.

Long Shaoqin seemed to have been ready and handed this to him.

There are some things... I really need your help.

Long Shaoqin's majestic demeanor made people around him afraid to ask any more questions.

What's the deal?

Ye Jue asked as he walked.

The current situation in Base City is not very optimistic. We have received intelligence that several large guilds have secretly united to prepare to overthrow our management.

Long Shaoqin hesitated for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

He didn't seem ready to hide it anymore.

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