A road of transformation, struggle, struggle, right now!

The one who stands out will lead everything against the world of mortals!

The ancient emperor didn't take action. He was jealous of something. This is my chance.

The white light that Ye Jue transformed into was particularly dazzling in the universe, flashing across the vast star field.

The powerful people opposite him were the middle-aged Taoist nun and the fierce lizard.

A high-level ancient god, and a mid-level ancient god.

Wanxiang Wuchang and the Ancient Qi Master were too insidious. They deliberately chose two low-level ancient gods to fight, and they fought back and forth in a lively manner without deciding the outcome.

This is the power of freedom you created. Living God, I can tell you that there is no real freedom in this world.

The middle-aged Taoist nun shook her head, and while offering her whisk weapon, she said: This is a power that is not recognized by heaven and earth, and it needs to be destroyed by divine punishment.


The power she used filled the air with waves of fairy mist and shimmering black light, completely shattering and disintegrating the power around Ye Jue. His body cracked instantly, which was the worst moment he had ever experienced.

However, under the operation of the power of life, Ye Jue's body emitted a vibrating sound like a heavenly drum, and the fate factor increased by a hundred levels in this blow.

The power of protection is too broad in scope.

It can be defensive or offensive.

Mie Shitai, you didn't kill him with one blow. Anyway, you helped him increase the power of creating the Jade Butterfly.

The lizard beast shook his head and said, You and I need to join forces to kill him all at once. We must use our ultimate strength so that he doesn't even have a chance to react.

I heard you, Sabi!

Ye Jue's ears had been perked up for a long time, and now he wanted to provoke the two of them. He spoke with the quintessence of the Chinese nation and raised his international finger in a gesture.


The next moment, Ta Tianxing was running, disappeared directly here, and rushed out of the plight.

The overwhelming and irresistible intimidation of the Emperor and Heaven made him not want to fight here.

What's more, they can destroy planets and star fields at will.

To the tribes in a miserable state, he is the god of death and cannot resist.

The universe is still too small!

If it were an ancient universe, this would definitely not happen.


The Ancient Qi Master saw Ye Jue leaving first and followed closely behind. They didn't care about the tribes in the misery or the World Tree.

Like Wanxiang Wuchang, he has always cared about the jade butterfly.

He must follow Ye Jue and wait for the opportunity to add insult to injury.

Therefore, the battle was dragged outside the territory.

For example, Ji Zizai, Three Pillars, the leader of Chaos Zuma, including Fentian, all retreated and moved outside the realm of suffering.

Wherever Ye Jue goes, they go!

That's it.

Ha ha!

B suddenly laughed and said: This group of people really makes me speechless. You see, they are just like followers. They are all here again. Wherever you go, they will follow!

After all, they are trying to create a jade butterfly.

Ye Jue nodded slightly.

The jade butterfly of creation has not recognized its master, and anyone has the opportunity to turn over and become the master.

In fact, he didn't think about letting the jade butterfly recognize its master.

But can't.

At least the level of life must be raised to the Great Emperor, the pinnacle of myth.

But there have been so many great emperors since ancient mythology!

Not to mention Emperor Yan, Zhu Rong, also known as the Red Emperor, has a beast body and a human face, and directly obeys the orders of the Emperor of Heaven.

Thunder Emperor, Nine Heavens Thunder Ancestor!

There is also the East Pole, with its nine lions. It is so familiar. According to legend, the emperor who opened the gate to the Nine Netherworlds is the deepest part of hell.

In addition, several others, such as Changsheng, have been passed down to this day, and other great emperors are not yet aware of them.

Anyway, there are as many dogs as the ancient gods, and the number walking around is very few in comparison.

Each one has a title and is remembered by others.

The Mie Shitai and the Lizard are catching up. Be careful. I will collect my strength first and won't support you. I will save some. This way, your pressure will increase, and your destiny factor will become stronger. , as long as you can withstand it.”

B said.


Ye Jue nodded.

At this moment, the Taoist nun's Buddha dust and the magic sword transformed from the lizard have arrived, shining in the darkness, shining with eternal glory, heralding the ultimate power.

Of course he won't be polite!

Just try your best to avoid it, the rest is all up to you!


Sure enough, these two ultimate powers spread out and collided with each other. Ye Jue actually found a flaw in it and got out unscathed. His face was stained with a little gray, and it was clean with a casual slap.

This shot is so casual, as easy as passing a leaf among thousands of flowers without touching it.

how come?

Mie Shitai frowned, this was something that had never happened before.

The power that can create heaven and earth is so powerful that it is enough to chop this person into ashes!

However, it contained a layer of hope that was suddenly found!

In the rumbling sound, Ye Jue dodged the magic sword and Fo Chen, and wandered freely in the vast ocean of energy.

The creation of jade butterflies.

The lizard beast's divine sword was crooked.

A blow that shattered the sun, moon and stars, a killing move that could rage across the sky and split the universe was actually broken.

The vast scene was like child's play, useless, and then was swallowed up by endless darkness.

Gu Gu Gu Gu...

There is a mysterious drumming sound in the endless darkness, which makes people's soul throb.

But they don't care, this is a common thing.

Endless darkness is the darkest field left behind after the collapse of the ancient universe. It has no boundaries and is endless.

In the darkest field, there are also many ancient beings that still exist.

Such as Void Divine Insect and so on.

As long as you don't go too far and leave quickly, you won't be swallowed up by the darkest field.

Therefore, if you hit once, you need to quickly change the place.

Ha ha!

Ye Jue was flapping his wings freely. It was originally a disaster, but he couldn't do anything about it.

The Destiny Factor is so magical that it is difficult to cause measurable damage to him.

On the contrary, it becomes stronger and stronger!

The meaning of guarding the misery is that after he is killed, he will no longer be able to guard it.

So he can't die, fate prevents him from dying, and maybe he can repel them!

But killing is impossible!

Because the difference is huge.

Maximizing the fate factor can only make up for the balance between them.

If you want to kill, you must use your own weapons, mystical skills, and a big killing move.

Free boxing is not very realistic. Although it can be eaten all over the world and cannot be defended, most of the ancient gods' bodies can be hard-hit.

Therefore, Ye Jue is also looking for new power.

Of course, the new power can only be realized after cutting off the path, and you can show off your evil in the new world.

Whoa whoa whoa!

At this moment, Ji Zizai's acquaintances who were chased by the others came over.

Seeing Ye Jue, who survived the Taoist nun and Lizard's attack, he was not injured at all and his expression was very calm.


Ye Jue knew very well that he was probably already ferocious beneath these calm faces, and he wished he could curse him to death immediately.

But if he wishes, not only will he not die, he can continue to fight.


At this moment, after dodging the attack, B begins to absorb energy.

The ancient god's power that opened up the world was infinite, without wasting a single point, and was absorbed into the mirror light.

It is still unknown how much the world in the mirror can accommodate.

However, the more the merrier!

When enough is enough, give it all to Ye Jue.

This is how you win!

Boom boom boom!!

The battle started on the spot, and the six ancient gods fought against each other around Ye Jue. Civilized patterns and mythological texts erupted, and people kept shouting and making rumbling sounds.

I suck, I suck!

B takes a big gulp of the energy.

Although it is not an ancient divine weapon, it is not a special body like a heavenly weapon.

However, it is still two-in-one. It is very special and can bring unexpected auxiliary power to Ye Jue.

The attack is coming.

Ye Jue's divine light was shining brightly, and he saw the middle-aged Taoist nun chanting something, and mythical runes emerged from her mouth one by one.

The same was true for the lizard, which stared at him and refused to let him go. There was a majestic and majestic sound of swords in its body, as if it came from ancient times, from the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth.

Although Lizard is a mid-level ancient god, he should not be underestimated. With that sword strike just now, billions of oppressive forces poured down and baptized this place. If fate hadn't allowed the sword light and fly whisk to come into contact with each other, Ye Jue would have died. Had to be seriously injured on the spot.

No, this blow is too strong!

Suddenly, Ye Jue was startled.

He discovered that the fate factor actually made a sound, sending out dangerous signals.

This is the first time I have received a warning from Destiny Factor.

He also believed that fate was passive and unconscious.

There is actually an early warning function?

Although he was surprised, Ye Jue could not escape at all. He was surrounded by the darkest fields on all sides, swallowing darkness and swallowing everything.

No matter where he flies, he will be stabbed.


At the critical moment, Ye Jue shouted.


When the Feathering Mirror was hung over Ye Jue's head, a curtain of light was reflected in the mirror, protecting him in it. He was invulnerable to all means, nothing could break it, and nothing could get close to him.

I also feel that fate is helping me, helping me protect you!

Yi roared in extreme surprise and raised his head to the sky with a long roar, fighting against the earth-shattering power of the Taoist nun and the lizard, while not forgetting to continue sucking.

Ye Jue also saw that the surface of the Feathering Mirror was gleaming white, and ancient mythical characters jumped out one after another, becoming stronger and stronger, seemingly stimulating the potential of this weapon.

He actually withstood these attacks for a while, completely protecting him and protecting him very well.

Although he was in a state of agitation and did not know what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on, what was going on!

What kind of weapon is that?

Mie Shitai frowned.

I don't know, it should be a special divine object created by him.

The lizard couldn't understand.

Are all the weapons of gods in this world so weird?

He does know that in mythology there are the Demon Mirror, the Treasure Mirror of Heaven and Earth, the Electro-optical Mirror, the Mirror of Desolation, the Kunlun Mirror, the Yin-Yang Mirror... and even the Haotian Mirror, a weapon used by Emperor Haotian.

But this mirror is so strange that I have never seen it before.

You're stupid. My name is Yu Hua Jing, also known as Ascension Mirror. I have a brilliant record and can lead all the people to ascend!

Yi shouted with great pride. Inspired by the fate factor, his potential began to be released, and he completely transformed into a mirror-light human form, standing next to Ye Jue.

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