For Ye Jue, it is really the inevitable trend.

I almost have to admit that this person's luck is simply mysterious. Coupled with the freedom and power he created, he can basically be said to be the one who stands out among the many ancient gods.


The young emperor's face was expressionless.

He looked at Ji Zizai and the three pillars in front of him.

The luck of these two people is also increasing rapidly, without any sign of decline. The red light emerging from them, like Optimus Prime, stretches across the void.

Especially Ji Zizai, who has completely taken control of the empire and echoes the emperor ring.

Every breath and every breath is equivalent to facing the fate of the entire empire. It is almost impossible to compete one-on-one. It takes a whole country to fight against that fate.

Emperor, let's not talk nonsense,...

Ji Zizi rushed forward in an instant, as fast as lightning and as fierce as a tsunami. The violent energy hit the other side, shaking the whole place.

However, it stopped abruptly at the next moment.

Ho! Emperor, Ye Jue got the jade butterfly of creation, the power of destiny, the weapon of the law of cause and effect, and the gate to heaven!

Because, a long roar tore through the void and came.

What? The jade butterfly of creation really exists?

The same was true for the three pillars. They originally followed Ji Zizai to attack and were ready to continue the battle, but they immediately stopped and listened in astonishment.

The creation jade butterfly just discussed is just a calculation.

But after hearing this, I was absolutely shocked to the extreme.

Prediction and fact are absolutely different!

The Creation Jade Butterfly, one of the ten ancient innate treasures, a divine object bred from the beginning of Hongmeng, is it really still alive in the present world?

Ji Zizai reacted instantly when he heard the roar.

This voice was impermanent, roaring with extreme reluctance, almost full of emotion.

It seemed that letting Ye Jue get this divine object was the most desperate thing for him since he was born.

Emperor, what I said is right. It seems that this divine object has given Ye Jue an advantage.

Ji Zizai smiled coldly.


However, the Dao lines bloomed under the young emperor's feet, and he crossed the void in one step.

Behind him, a black spot was slowly getting bigger.

There were several figures inside who were about to rush out.

He came in an instant and disappeared into the black spot.


Ji Zizai and Santaizhu followed closely behind and also entered one after another.

Now, Ye Jue has obtained the Jade Butterfly.

But it certainly can't be completely refined yet, and there is still a chance to snatch it away.

However, the only chance is in this void tunnel.

This is the only place that is not affected by the covenant and is the best time to make a move.

Now that the emperor is going to seize the Jade Butterfly, he will definitely not stand by and watch, he will definitely have a hand in it and fight for it.


When Ye Jue was being chased by Wanxiang Impermanence and the leader of Chaos Zuma, he didn't say anything. He had clear eyes, no longer wasting time, and turned into light and electricity and rushed into the end point.

However, there are three majestic figures looming, especially the one at the front. With their imposing manner and pressure, you can tell who they are at a glance.

The starry sky emperor in his youth!

Oops, now everyone knows that you got the Jade Butterfly, and no one wants to let you go!

Yi's huge eyes shone brightly, staring ahead, a little dazed.

Now it depends on whether Ye Jue's destiny factor can show its power in the hands of the five great masters of heaven and earth.


The Emperor of the Starry Sky took the lead in taking action from a distance, and various ancient weapons flew out from his body, blasting towards Ye Jue with a heavy historical atmosphere that could not be concealed.

Seeing the Emperor intercepting Ye Jue in the distance, Wanxiang Wuchang and the leader of Chaos Zuma also took action one after another, using unpredictable killing moves and attacking from both sides.

No matter how defiant Ye Jue was, he still couldn't completely dodge the attack. In an instant, various ax marks and sword holes appeared on his body, and his battle clothes were shattered.

Ye Jue, hand over the Creation Jade Butterfly!

The cold light in Wanxiang Wuchang's eyes was breathtaking, and he and the emperor once again joined forces to attack.


However, Ye Jue's expression was calm and cold in the turbulent flow of energy.

The fate factor in him became brighter and brighter.

It doesn't matter how many people come, fate will let me reach the finish line.

Ye Jue transformed into a long spiral dragon, like a horizontal tornado, breaking through attacking moves like a drill, and rushed towards the position of the Emperor of the Starry Sky.

If you want to break through, you have to go through there.

Ye Jue, hand over the Creation Jade Butterfly, and I promise to let you leave safely!

At this moment, two people flew out from behind the Emperor of the Starry Sky. Their eyes were like golden lamps. It was Ji Zizai and San Taizhu. They suddenly joined forces to attack, sacrificing a terrifying divine light in the twisted void, shrouding Ye Jue.


A magical scene appeared. This bright divine light, together with the Star Emperor's attack, were bombarded by numerous sudden swarms of dark stars and instantly collapsed.

In the endless darkness, the probability of suddenly encountering a swarm of dark stars is very low.

But now, they appeared at the critical moment, as if the big hand of fate deliberately threw them over and blocked them for Ye Jue.

This is the power of fate, the weapon of the law of cause and effect. Only by joining forces to attack can we have a chance to defeat this mysterious force!

Wanxiang Impermanence roared loudly.

Now whoever controls the Jade Butterfly is everyone’s enemy.

Moreover, Ye Jue must not be allowed to leave this dark road, and he must stay no matter what.

The power of destiny is truly extraordinary!

Ji Zizai was also very surprised that his attack just now was resolved invisibly.

It seems to be a coincidence, but it is not. It is the power at work, creating a seemingly unexpected but reasonable scene, helping Ye Jue escape and reach his destiny.

What Wan Xiang Wuchang said is right, take down Ye Jue first, and then force out the Jade Butterfly!

San Tai Zhu nodded instantly, knowing that if Ye Jue entered the country and reached the realm of destruction, it would be completely over.

It must be intercepted here.

Everyone, the jade butterfly is already in my shape. I create freedom, which is actually caused by fate. Destiny itself also desires to break fate.

Ye Jue seemed to be talking to himself, but in fact he was also panicking inside. He felt that he could not resolve the attack just now, and he had no idea how the fate factor would help him.

But just in an instant, a large group of dark stars appeared, each one like a real star, exploding one after another.

It’s so unexpected and amazing!

This is the ability to create a jade butterfly, which is truly heaven-defying.

After mastering this power, when fighting others, it is not impossible for a knife to suddenly fall from the sky and stab the enemy to death.

Of course, this is outrageous!

Energy and matter are relative. How strong the enemy is, the more powerful the destiny factor is needed to create matter that can compete with it.

The so-called fate factor also has two weaknesses. The first weakness is that it only exists in one event.

This event will disappear immediately after completion.

In the next event, this factor must be accumulated again. After all, it is specificity and directionality.

That is to say, factors accumulate, and when they reach a certain amount, they directly produce results.

After the results, there is a new accumulation.

However, it also depends on whether Good Fortune Jade Butterfly will continue to help him.

But from the current point of view, there is no problem.

The second weakness is that only one fate factor can be accumulated at the same time.

This needs no explanation.


As soon as Ye Jue finished speaking, he rushed through the big energy hand created by the Starry Sky Emperor, which actually allowed him to find the gap between the Tao and the runes. His body shrank instantly and he passed through smoothly.

From an outsider's perspective, it seems as if they have passed right through and been ignored.


The three pillars roared and launched another killing move.


As a result, the vibrating energy actually collided with the killing moves launched by the Chaos Zuma leader behind Ye Jue.

The aftermath actually pushed Ye Jue's body and directly smashed the rune light curtain created by the Starry Sky Emperor. It fell down like glass, swaying with brilliance, gorgeous and beautiful.

Originally, this starry sky emperor was like a majestic and unreachable mountain, standing in front of him and difficult to shake.

Now, he passed by with great ease. A small accident allowed Ye Jue to break through the encirclement.

In front, there were only Ji Zizai and the three pillars.


At this moment, Wanxiang Wuchang's time punch unexpectedly hit Ji Zizai's body.

Moreover, the artifact almost brushed against Ye Jue's suit.

Hitting Ji Zizai straight and straight!


This time, Ji Zizai's body was hit with a rumbling sound, like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, with a huge sound.

It made him completely confused!

Ha ha ha ha!!

Seeing this scene, Ye Jue smiled. The destiny factor was too powerful now. It was swallowing clouds and mist, making his whole body shine like a true god, like a dragon emerging from the abyss, and no one could stop him.

These accidents are just fate helping him!

After exerting his Tao Tian Xing, he just continued to move forward!

Don't even think about it!

Ye Jue, stay!

The jade butterfly is not something you can possess!

Stop it!!


Ji Zizai and Santaizhu's eyes were menacing and they screamed the most fiercely. However, Ye Jue's men immediately broke through with their spears. Their free wings were dazzling, like a dragon ascending into the sky.

It's not that they didn't try their best, but that the killing move they used unexpectedly caused energy incompatibility, twisted each other, and exploded out of thin air.

Ji Ziyu has cooperated with the three pillars countless times, but has never been in this situation.

Even if it happens, the probability is probably only 0.001%.

The probability of such a low result appeared at this moment.

Why do I feel like vomiting blood so much?

Ji Zizai's blood was surging, and the energy in his body surged.

This is so infuriating.

It's like holding an AMW super sniper rifle in your hand, but you can't shoot a jumping ant to death.

Every time they dodge to the limit and attack, they become the injured party!

If he continues like this, he might be accidentally killed by his teammates!

Have you given up? Then I'll leave.

Ye Jue turned around and raised his lips.

When they saw them behind them, their faces were ashen, and their eyes were filled with murderous intent.

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