Although they were all the strongest, they were still defeated in embarrassment under the blow that Ye Yi sacrificed nearly all his lifespan in exchange for.


The heart of the black domain returns to Ye Yi's body.

At this moment, he had broken through the shackles of faith, and the power of the trillion-level world poured into Ye Yi's body again.


Ye Yi's aura unexpectedly began to rise rapidly, becoming even stronger than before. It seemed that after exhausting his longevity, he had completely liberated the black world, completely integrated, and half-stepped into the high-level ancient god.

It can be said that at this moment, he is the most powerful ancient god in the world!


Chaos Zuma leader secretly thought it was a pity.

He was just a little bit close to succeeding, but at the critical moment, he was counterattacked.

Only a madman could do such a thing as offering sacrifices to Shou Yuan.

What's more, so many sacrifices were made at once!

So, if we go to the new world, what else is there to live for?

Could it be that he just took one look and passed away?

What's the point?

It doesn't matter!

Fentian's eyes flashed.

He suddenly discovered that although Ye Yi's aura was rising, it seemed to be stronger than before.

However, the luck did not return, but was still shaky.

There is still a risk of the ancient god falling!

I understand. He is strong on the outside but weak on the inside. After being attacked by us, it is not a good thing to forcibly merge with the Black Domain's trillion-level world. Let's take action while the shielding power is still there!

The leader of Chaos Zuma instantly turned into a bright light, made a space jump, and attacked Xiang Ye Yi.

There's still time!

Fentian also killed with all his strength.

Waiting for the other ancient gods to discover the changes here and when they come, they must deal with Ye Yi before then.

Boom boom boom! !

The continuous collisions broke the void, and a sinkhole appeared. It was very huge, attracting all impurities and swallowing them into endless darkness.

Swords collided with each other, and the sharp weapon struck the sky like a crack. It was impossible not to attract attention!

Not only Ye Jue, but also Ji Zizai and Wanxiang Wuchang are moving.


The leader of Chaos Zuma and Fen Tian were also impatient and fought frantically.

However, the Shengdao Sword still had some power left in it. Ye Yi held this weapon and was able to move it for a while, but he actually suppressed them and fought.

Not good!

Fentian's expression changed.

If this continues, he will be dragged to death.

Failure to capture Ye Yi would inevitably expose their trip, and other ancient gods might join forces to punish them.

That kind of ending must be something he doesn't want to see.

Chaos Zuma leader was the same, with a gloomy face and kept attacking, but he couldn't get any benefits.

Two beasts, your plan failed. Fentian, indeed, you created the opportunity to sneak attack on me, which I, Ye Yi, did not expect. However, Chaos Zuma leader, you are afraid of death and refuse to sacrifice. Chu Shou Yuan, if you had sacrificed Shou Yuan to fight with me just now, I would definitely have failed. How can we be like now?

Ye Yi kept bombarding in the light shock, making sounds one after another, shaking the void.

Because of the shielding power, the names Chaos Zuma Leader and Fentian seemed to be silenced when they were spoken.

In the realm of destruction, no one knows yet that they attacked Ye Yi.

Only Ye Jue knew it based on Chen'er's information.

What should we do now?

Fen Tian ignored Ye Yi and frowned instead.

He exchanged a look with the leader of Chaos Zuma.

It's not too late to escape now.

The shielding power is still there, and no one knows that it was their hands.

Just insist that there is no evidence.

But is the opportunity really just missed?

It was clear that Ye Yi's fortune was flickering in and out, looking shaky.

Could it be that they got it wrong?

We can't continue fighting. It won't do us any good.

The leader of Chaos Zuma was also more ruthless and decided to retreat as soon as he gritted his teeth.

If you fail, you will fail, and you will not suffer any loss.

It was Ye Yi who suffered the loss.

There is still a chance, just wait slowly.

That means you can't trap him next time, and you can only use the same trick once.

Hahaha, are you going to back down? Do you want to run away now? Who do you think I am, Ye Yi, just stay here!

When Ye Yi saw the behavior of Chaos Zuma Leader and Ye Yi, he knew what they were going to do.

Sacrifice a terrifying ultimate move and run away after throwing it.

Ye Yi, why don't we turn our hostility into friendship?

Fentian smiled and said something shamelessly.

Either you die or you perish.

Ye Yi stared coldly, with no joking expression at all, and used his great magic power to illuminate the star field in an instant.


At this moment, a sigh came out and a hoarse voice said: You two, I'm really disappointed. You originally wanted to compete with the snipe and the clam for the fisherman to benefit, but you actually got cold feet and wanted to run away? Will Ye Yi's great luck be extinguished? , if you miss this opportunity, there will be no next time!”


Chaos Zuma leader, Fen Tianfengjing, and Ye Yi also stopped at the same time.


In the void, a pure white light suddenly appeared, and a group of hazy pictures emerged, gradually changing to clarity.

Those were two figures.

One is impermanent, and there is a young man wearing a star crown and gorgeous royal robes. He is so noble that anyone who takes a look at him will feel ashamed.

Everything is impermanent? Who is around you?

Ye Yi suddenly discovered that this young man's face was very familiar.

He has been at war with the empire for so many years, and he can't even think of not being familiar with it.

Turns out to be the Emperor of the Starry Sky?

But why so young?

Is it the passage of time?

Like Wu Shen Kong, the emperor jumped out of the long river of time and appeared in the future with a young appearance?

But isn't he afraid that doing so will create a paradox? Something unimaginably horrific happened?

Since ancient times, no one has dared to do this. The consequences of trying to control the past and present are all tragic deaths, with no good results.

At the moment of his shock!

This young Emperor of the Starry Sky pointed a finger, which was huge and boundless. It shattered the aura around Ye Yi at once, and the aftermath of his finger struck into the distance and continued to wash away.


There are only two words to describe it!

Who is that?

Fen Tian didn't know each other.

I just feel that this person is very pretentious, a bit like an emperor in the feudal era.

After all, he was born on Earth.

Emperor of the Starry Sky!

The leader of Chaos Zuma has lived for nearly three lives and has experienced several star battles. How could he not know this person?

What shocked him was that he actually joined forces with Wanxiang Wuchang?

This is very suspicious!


The Emperor of the Starry Sky took action again, and a majestic figure appeared in his palm. It was completely digital and virtualized, and he quickly zoomed in and slapped his hand in the distance.


The space around Ye Zhou suddenly turned into a strange blue hole formed by a digital barcode, and it was blocked for a while.

The power of superstrings?

Fentian was shocked!

This must be a super string method, and Ye Yi was punished in one fell swoop.

Emperor of the Starry Sky, what are you doing secretly?

Ye Yi roared and turned into his true form. The screen flashed and a shocking picture appeared.

A Zombie Ancestor, wrapped in black light and with black-green skin, struggled out of the blue hole from the stars and moon.


The Emperor of the Starry Sky stretched out his hand and pressed it in the void. The picture was too incredible. A huge virtual digital palm pressed Ye Yi into the shackles.

Different from the power of myth, the power of superstrings is almost edited from a blue light barcode, with complex compositions and digital runes intertwined, making it impossible to understand what it is.

Only superstrings themselves can understand and are qualified to control this power.

The mythical body can never be used simply because it cannot be understood.

But superstrings can understand mythical energy.

This is why superstrings have dominated myths since ancient times.

What are you waiting for!

Wanxiang Impermanence blasted out the fist of time, drowning Ye Yi, releasing the blazing light, destructive power, and thousands of principles.

Now, Ye Yi is the target!

Wanxiang Wuchang, what are you and the Emperor of the Starry Sky planning? Why can you also block the power of the covenant? By the way, you must have your own way to study time. However, if we want to take action against Ye Yi again, we need you to say Serve your purpose, otherwise I won’t take action!”

Chaos Zuma leader suddenly said.

He is afraid that Wanxiang Impermanence will steal the heart of the Black Realm.

After killing Ye Yi, the young Starry Sky Emperor can be easily taken away. What can he do then?

If that's the case, it's better not to kill and maintain the status quo.

Yes, tell me your purpose!

Fentian didn't take action, even if it was a good opportunity now.

The most important thing is that he is too afraid of these two people.

One is playing time, and the other is the famous Starry Sky Emperor. He can't handle Ji Zizai's acting emperor, let alone this one.

I just want to get a weapon from the Heart of the Black Realm. I don't want anything else.

Wanxiang Wuchang, who continued to attack, seemed to have known that they would ask this question, and said it directly without hiding anything.


Chaos Zuma leader asked coldly.

If you delay any longer, Ye Yi will jump out of the blue hole. Although the emperor is powerful, he is still young after all and his strength is limited.

Wanxiang Wuchang said quickly: Time waits for no one. It's up to you whether you believe me or give up this great opportunity!

What if you want to lie to me?

Leng, the leader of Chaos Zuma, is the direct benefit recipient and must be investigated clearly.

Langzai, you have to trust me, otherwise if you miss this opportunity, you will never dream of getting the Heart of the Black Realm.

Wanxiang Wuchang's face suddenly softened, and he said: After you got the Heart of the Black Realm, I entered it and took what I wanted. This is a very simple matter. It is useless to say more. It is just a matter of Weapons are very suitable for me.


Chaos Zuma's leader's face suddenly changed into yin and yang, uncertain.

Take action!

After a moment, he said.

Immediately, a monstrous sword power of faith rushed up, rising and falling like a vast ocean. A terrifying ancient divine weapon erupted in the vastness, and with a flash of light, it slashed towards Ye Yi.

Go to hell, Ye Yi!

Fentian did the same, sacrificing the flaming divine sword he created and unleashing the ultimate divine power.

They cut to Ye Yi's neck, one on the left and the other on the right.

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