Fentian actually started to roll his eyes!

He is one of the reincarnations of the Ancient Flame Emperor, the most terrifying existence in time. Even in the ancient times, he has a special status.

Let alone now!

The master of Jingxuan Island actually paid the price with blood here!

After a bloody storm, he was originally very confident...

In the end, it felt like my bones were about to break, my body was about to disintegrate, and all elements were about to return to nothingness.

Is that the road to the Ancient Emperor?

Fentian stretched out his hand to grasp the light.

Unexpectedly, what he held was a full wine glass!

The Great Ancient Emperor? Hahaha, you are so funny!

Qin Xiu was stunned for a moment, then laughed like a silver bell, hung Fentian's head on his face, and disappeared into the crowd at the banquet while drinking.

“It’s just so lively over there!”

Ye Jue looked at the dispersed acquaintances and couldn't help but smile.

I haven't seen this scene for a long time.

Or a fusion of previous generations and future generations.

Ao Sheng, the female Jialuo generation, the old earth generation.

Now we are all having fun together, even happy.

To say it is a miracle is an understatement.

But for some reason, there was a trace of sadness in his heart.

For the ancient gods, this trace of sadness was unusual and traceable.

Could it be...

Can't it last forever?

Will some of them pass away?

Or does everyone...

Ye Jue's idea suddenly came to Ye Jue's mind on a whim.

It seems that this is true.

What's wrong?

The female companion beside him couldn't help but ask.

No one is eternally strong, and no one is eternally weak. The world is fickle and time has changed. This is the cruelest word in the world.

Ye Jue said suddenly.

What do you see?

Jin Yulan couldn't help but ask.

It must be unusual for the ancient god to suddenly express these insights.

I guess...he feels the future. In the future, we may disappear.

Qin Jiaxian spoke from the side.

Disappeared? So, am I dead after all?

Chen Ya strolled over, holding a glass of red wine.

She doesn't like divine brew, but is obsessed with things from the old part of the earth.

Hear what they say.

Ye Jue didn't have any answer, he just looked at the starry sky. The long scroll of fate that once spanned the Tianhe River had disappeared.

Now, it has long been transformed into the magical power of destiny and integrated into the second true self.

No way. Will we all really die when the enemy comes?

Jin Yulan was stunned and looked at the banquet behind her.

Where the lights are brightly lit, the sound of joy is endless, and no matter who it is, they want to keep it forever.

But after that, was it completely silent and no one else?

That would be too sad, right?

Even so, you are always there in those cherished memories.

Ye Jue said.

This body of his will die with them all.

Real, real death.

This is the way to kill.

Really? Is this our ending? It turns out that I knew this in advance. This is how I feel!

Qin Jiaxian couldn't help but smile.

As time goes by, they may meet again.

Maybe, never.



Under the astonished gazes of Jin Yulan and Chen Ya, Qin Jiaxian tilted his head, held the broken hair on his cheek, and suddenly stepped forward to kiss her.

When she came out, the two girls were shocked!

After all the changes, you are no longer the boy you once were.

Afterwards, Qin Jiaxian floated away without a trace of hesitation.

He got the better of him.

Chen Ya shook her head slightly, and suddenly raised her face to one side, holding the red wine glass in her right hand, and lifting the latter's chin with her left hand. As the fragrance blew against her face, she closed her eyes...

Without leaving any words, she disappeared into the crowd on her red high heels.

Humph, I won't die!

Jin Yulan clenched her fists, looked deeply at Ye Jue with incomprehensible eyes, and then disappeared.

Ye Jue, on the other hand, just looked at them quietly, as well as everyone present.

He now doubts whether the new world can be reached.

Even if they do arrive, they will probably pay a heavy price.

The so-called cutting path...

Is this the final path of myth that destiny leads him to?

If you want to transcend history, do you have to pay a price?

It would be too cruel.

At the banquet, everyone was like pacified migratory birds, and it was gradually coming to an end.

After an unknown amount of time, the leader of Chaos Zuma suddenly woke up.

He looked at the unfamiliar ceiling.

My great leader actually passed out from drunkenness?

he cried out.

Yes, you are really heavy. They used civilized weapons to carry you here to rest. You are like a dead dog.

Fentian said with a smile.

World-Burning Spirit, it's all your fault. You had to fight for a drink and drag me along. I just missed this great opportunity. I already saw the humanity of the Tree of Chaos at the banquet, and I didn't even have time to do so. Just start...

The leader of Chaos Zuma roared repeatedly.

Hmph, what are you talking about now? If you want to blame it, you have to blame yourself for being too drunk.

Fen Tian snorted coldly and said: You don't have to rush to attack Ye Yi. You need to establish a good relationship first and slowly infiltrate. Then you will be successful. Okay, I'm going to drink. Goodbye.

He dropped a few words and disappeared into the room.

Damn it!

The leader of Chaos Zuma has a sinister look in his eyes.

At the beginning, Fentian's words seemed okay, but later on, things started to feel worse and worse!

He already regretted joining forces with this guy.

It seemed that he had to find a way to get her by himself.


Then, he also left the room.

Humph, is this the inside of the earth? It's really a group of ants that created weapons of mythical technology? Weak, too weak!

The leader of Chaos Zuma suddenly reached out and took out something in his mouth.

This is a silver thread, the longer it is pulled, the longer it gets. Finally, in the hand, it turns out to be a magical hook.

Fortunately, I prepared this.

He must capture that shielding power before he goes crazy.

For several days, he lay dormant on the earth.

Because it is the incarnation of the leaves of the world, even if Xiao Mumu comes, there is no way to know the truth without personally exploring it.

The leader of Chaos Zuma is waiting patiently.

He believes that the opportunity will come again.

Better timing than that time at the party!

As soon as he succeeds, he will be out of trouble immediately.

If the identity is exposed, the result will be in vain.

Therefore, he must move very carefully.

To outsiders, he really looked like a subordinate of Prince Gaha, a slave.

Because Fentian had become very close friends with Qin Xiu and his gang in the past few days, and they were very acquainted with each other.

Therefore, he can use this identity to wait for opportunities and look for opportunities to strike.

Definitely not to be missed.


At noon on the eighth day, at this moment, the leader of Chaos Zuma felt the power of the big jump. He couldn't help but raise his head, his eyes penetrated all obstacles, and saw a voice jumping in the misery.

Is that Ye Jue? He finally left the earth, I've been waiting for it!

The leader of Chaos Zuma narrowed his eyes.

Except for Ye Jue, no one else is afraid of Earth.

Feng Tian, ​​Ye Jue left!

He immediately sent the secret message.

Yes, I saw it too, it's time, get ready to take action!

Playing and playing, making trouble and making trouble, Fentian still knows that big things are the most important.


He dodged and came to the leader of Chaos Zuma and said: The human nature of the Chaos Tree is called Chen'er.

Hmph, what do I care about her name?

The leader of Chaos Zuma snorted coldly: You are just our tool. You have been having fun these days, and I haven't stopped you. I think you have your own ideas of action. You deliberately get close and get familiar with that group of humans. It's all for your own good. It was premeditated, right?”

Ah...uh, right, right.

Fen Tian suddenly made an 'ah' sound, then changed his expression and said calmly.

This is Chen'er. The girl she holds in her hand is the soul of the World Tree.

He coughed lightly.

Can I not know? Is this all you have found out these days?

Chaos Zuma's eyelids twitched and he said: Didn't we already have an agreement not to attack the soul of the World Tree, because the power of shielding cannot be used in a difficult situation, which is an act of betrayal of the covenant.

Uh, yes.

Fentian nodded slightly.

Could it be...

The Chaos Zuma Cultist opened his mouth and seemed to finally understand that the guy in front of him had not been gathering information at all in the past few days.

They were just having fun, drinking, shaking the cork, and showing off their food!

It's really... it's really...


The leader of Chaos Zuma roared inwardly, almost exploding his lungs.

Ahem, okay, it's not too late now. Without Ye Jue on the earth, we can boldly use ancient divine thoughts.

Fen Tian shrugged his shoulders.

try to find!!

Chaos Zuma leader burst out a word from his teeth.

He swore that he would break up with Fentian after this incident! !

A normal person would get sick from anger.

The reincarnation of the Ancient Fire Emperor had to go through rivers of blood, piles of corpses, and the collapse of the great road several times before he came to this guy.

As a result, I don’t know how to cherish it at all! !

First, he went to war with the empire, suffered successive defeats, and lost his pride in meat.

Now that the opportunity has come, you are still acting like this!

Is this really the reincarnation of an ancient powerful man?

Are you sure it's not the reincarnation of Taikoo Tiaobi?

What are you yelling at? I can hear you clearly.

Fentian buttoned his ears.

The hearts of the people in the Tree of Chaos are already in their pocket, so why are they so excited?

Not calm at all! !

How does it look like an antique that has lived for two centuries?

If Chaos Zuma leader heard Fentian's inner drama, he would probably vomit blood on the spot.


A large black hole appeared in the Crystal Wall System of the Bitter Realm, leading to the Realm of Destruction. It was definitely not a natural formation.

What he senses these days is right!

Someone has sneaked in, and for no apparent reason.

The strange thing was that he couldn't find any trace. This was what surprised him the most.

Could it be that you are here for the second true self?

Ye Jue raised his eyebrows.

His second true self was sealed in the core space of the super earth by Dragon Girl, and his body was sleeping there.

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