Somewhere in the dark and chaotic continent, one needs to penetrate billions of space faults to reach this traceless place.

There is no life here.

call out!

However, a brilliant dazzling river of stars passed by, and from it, Wanxiang Wuchang's body flew out.

Bah, I didn't expect that old bastard to be so frightened that he ran away after hearing my plan. He's really worthless. He's so powerful from ancient times, he's just a loser.

Wan Xiang said with a sigh.

The Ancient Qi Master is inherently unreliable.

Impermanence has now been completely integrated with Wanxiang. They have become one person, but they can still communicate like this.

Yes, I will make this old bastard pay the price sooner or later. If he dares to reveal my plan, he will be dead!

Wanxiang Wuchang has a cold expression.


At this moment, Wu Chang suddenly said.

I saw another brilliant star river quickly crossing the dark sky.

From there, a figure jumped out, wearing a star crown and a supreme royal robe. It penetrated the unfamiliar sky and landed here.

Sure enough, you are here and everything is impermanent? Do you know who I am?

The man said with a face.

Emperor of the Starry Sky, Year 254 of the Imperial Calendar!

Wanxiang Wuchang spoke with a sudden change in his face: I didn't expect that in the last era, you already had the power to jump out of the river of time. Young emperor, I am your ally in this life.

I know this.

The young Starry Sky Emperor said calmly: This is just a time clone of mine. My body is still in the era. I am here to help you plan the black and white millstone to eliminate the false God Lord. You will lead God.

That's right.

Wanxiang Wuchang nodded and said: You have already informed me in the future.

Really? Then it seems that my future self is ready for everything.

The young Starry Sky Emperor nodded slightly.

I have been looking for the whereabouts of the small black and white millstone for a long time. Do you know where it is?

Wan Xiang Wuchang asked doubtfully.

He spent countless hours searching for the small black and white millstone.

But I just can't find where it is.

It's very strange, as if it has disappeared.

My time clone is here just to help you find it.

The young Emperor of the Starry Sky sat down in the void and moved his hands in the air to draw a circle, forming a scene.

Is that Ye Jue?

Wan Xiang Wuchang was stunned for a moment when he saw the birth scene showing Ye Jue entering the black realm.


Suddenly, two strange sounds came from his nose.

Because he discovered that right behind Ye Jue was the small black and white millstone.

Could it be that Ye Jue got it?

If this is the case, it will be difficult!


The next scene made him sigh in relief.

Because the small black and white millstone actually left Ye Jue and disappeared into the trillion-level world of the black domain, and its whereabouts were unknown.

So it's like this. It's actually in the black world, far away in the horizon and right in front of you. No wonder I haven't been able to find it!

Wan Xiang Wu Chang's eyes flashed.

At first, he searched for the black area, but could not find the small black and white millstone.

His real goal in going to the Black Realm was to find this thing.

I couldn't find it, so I thought it wasn't in the black area.

Who would have expected that Ye Jue would be brought in after this, causing a time difference.

So much so that he can't find it now.

The Good Fortune Jade Butterfly is in Ye Yi's body and in the heart of the Black Territory. Ye Yi should not be aware of it, not even the Lord of the Black Territory himself knows that the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly is in his world.

The young Starry Sky Emperor said.

It seems I need to find a way to deal with Ye Yi.

Wan Xiang Wu Chang narrowed his eyes.

My time clone has jumped further into the future.

The young Star Emperor continued.


Shocked by Wanxiang Impermanence.

Because if the time clone jumps further into the future, it will be wiped out by unknown forces in the blink of an eye.

How strong is the Starry Sky Emperor?

Although it was only for a moment, I saw the scene where Chaos Zuma leader and Fentian launched a sneak attack on Ye Yi.

The young Star Emperor shook his head.

Is this so? How did they escape the sanctions of the covenant?

The impermanence of Wanxiang was startling and full of doubts.

This is what we need to solve the mystery. Pay close attention to the whereabouts of the two of them. When you attack Ye Yi, it is the best time for you to obtain the Jade Butterfly.

The young Starry Sky Emperor said.


Wanxiang Wuchang nodded.

This is the mantis stalking the cicada, followed by the oriole.

The leader of Chaos Zuma and Fen Tian wanted to attack Ye Yi for some unknown reason, but just in time, he took the opportunity to obtain the jade butterfly that no one knew about, without anyone noticing.

Well, when you get the Jade Butterfly, you can easily defeat the false God Lord. The Jade Butterfly can open the door to heaven in the boundary monument. At that time, I will appear in the future with a group of people who transcend the world of mortals. , the great power of superstrings sweeps across everything and purifies everything. From now on, there will only be two existences in the world, your world and mine.

The young Emperor of Starry Sky said continuously.

Hahaha, it's great. Together we are invincible!

Wanxiang Impermanence laughed three times.

He seemed to have seen the future.

Ji Zizai, the three pillars, and even Ye Jue will all be defeated by him!

The God Lord, including the boundary monument, is now in the hands of Long Xiao and his group.

He believed that that group of people must have joined forces with the Lord of Heaven.

Little does he know that the one who can really control the boundary monument is the Creation Jade Butterfly!

At that time, he really wanted to see what the expressions of those old people were like. Would it be more uncomfortable than eating daddy?

Let's do it.

The young Starry Sky Emperor nodded slightly.

This time clone will be with Wanxiang Wuchang for a short time.

Boom! !

At this time, in the endless darkness surrounding these three realms, the realm of suffering, the realm of destruction, and even the realm of Tao, there is a red world in the distance. This is the hell world of Yama that was born out of the old world.

The controller, on the throne in the hell world, is a creature with an expression like eternal ice, without any joy, anger, sorrow or joy.

In the distance, the Demon God of All Tribulations was hairy and his body was trembling.

He had never been so scared.

call out!

Suddenly, the being on the throne shook his hand, and there was a roar that shook the earth and the mountains. Blood splashed and the face of the Demon God of All Tribulations was smashed.

Spare your life, spare your life, Prince Yama, it's my incompetence and I underestimated them, I'm willing to make my merits a crime!

The Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations said tremblingly.


Immediately, the screams sounded again.

Just when these things were happening, Ye Jue rose into the sky and fell into the misery, and a thought returned to Beidou.

It is said to be an idea, but if you look closely, it will make people horrified. It is an extremely terrifying speed!

Disappearing and reappearing for a while, the body became more and more blurred, and the body directly tore through the cold and dark void of the universe, carrying out a great movement and transfer.

That's why I returned to Earth in the blink of an eye.

Nowadays, many giant groups have been born on the earth, all of which have great potential.

The return of Mr. Wu and others is definitely a shock.

But Chen Ya immediately used thunderous tactics and teamed up with Long Nu to directly establish a designer system called Tianhe, and directly acquired all the large groups and companies on the earth.

This is all a matter of course. The relics left by the old ministry have been activated. Deep space technology has arrived. The outer star fields are also following the earth. The leaders of various races have come to a meeting to discuss changes in the situation.

Ye Jue does not need to attend such a meeting.

He has become a god. He is a legend, and his appearance in public has little significance.

Therefore, he looked at the entire human world and tried his best to figure out the existence of great luck, but he did not see any clues.

The fate of the entire world of misery is stable.

Often this kind of stability is a precursor to a storm.

He felt something in his heart, but it wasn't a whim. He knew what would happen, but he couldn't evolve what it was.

When Ye Jue saw Chen Ya and others, he began to gather the hearts of the world and replaced the chips of all major star system systems.

The whole plight seemed to be one, becoming some kind of giant defense.

Didi didi! !

The huge control system has penetrated the entire galaxy. Under the cold universe and on the scroll of fate, various huge mechanical operations are operating.

The power of the fusion of mythology and technology cannot be underestimated.

The defensive power evolved, and it was worthy of his current all-out attack.

Of course, these days, he has been reminiscing with his old subordinates. Seeing that these people in front of him have not changed at all, his heart is touched, and he is transported back to a long time ago in a trance.

Li Lianxue, Dong Minmin, Fatty Qian, Wu Zhen, Wang Xiuhan and others were all laughing and joking, and the atmosphere was full of joy.

They even held a comeback party, eating barbecue and drinking wine.


Fatty Qian was so drunk that he lay down first.

The rest of the people also gradually turned into cowards. They put their arms around each other and said they wanted to drink another glass of wine from the past and present life.

For Ye Jue, drunkenness goes away as quickly as it comes.

He is now standing on the rooftop, enjoying the cool breeze and looking at the stars.

I don't know when he could cross the universe with just one thought.

Ye Jue slowly lowered his head and took a look at his hands. They were still exactly the same as before, but this small body contained terrifying energy that could destroy the world. As long as he wanted to, he could blow out the current sun with one breath. .

One finger can penetrate the super-Earth which is a star.

You here?

Qin Jiaoxian was dressed in bright silver feather armor, covering her exquisite and graceful figure. She walked over with her big white legs raised, her cheeks were reddish, and her eyes were a little blurry.

As promised, no one can resist being drunk.

Chen Ya even opened the seal to suppress her body to the maximum effect.

As a result, Qin Jiaxian's consciousness began to become hazy when he drank the 1,000th bottle of divine wine.


I don't know what was mixed under her feet, but she stumbled all the way and fell on Ye Jue's back.


Ye Jue was thinking about something when he suddenly felt softness on his back.

But immediately, this softness was abruptly pulled away!

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