From the perspective of myth, it is the ultimate mythical power of the evolution of the yin and yang poles between the dead self and the Tao self.

It’s hard to imagine that is such a power!

The super string life is so powerful that it can destroy the ancient god's body!

The power of the transformed black hole swallows everything and absorbs all matter. The splendid body is like light, as if the true god has descended.

This blow faced everyone, including Ye Jue, who were all impacted by the super string.

Tai Chi Golden Flame!

Ye Jue's heavenly eye shot out divine flames, which became more and more condensed. The golden light was dazzling and powerful.

Unexpectedly, the super string life also shot out the flames of the Third Eye, extremely violent, shooting left and right, dazzling and thousands of rays of light.

Attack him from behind!

The three pillars stood up and raised their holy swords. If they could touch them, they would definitely be able to kill them dozens of times.

However, it can't even be touched, and it can convert matter and energy at will. It's also a holy sword, and it's more powerful than him!

How do you beat this mud horse?

B was shocked and kept supplying strength.

However, even the power of freedom can't do anything, let alone the three corpses. This is Ye Jue's background.

The power of creation, that thing on the other side, can be used easily, and the ability to create things out of thin air is even better than Ye Jue.

Really cheating!


Ji Zizai's face was gloomy, his eyes were cold, his body suddenly swelled up, exuding precious brilliance, he raised a big foot and stepped directly towards Super String Life.


However, the divine light on the instep instantly leaked out, like stepping on a hard nail and being penetrated.


What's even more terrifying is that the virus spreads rapidly from the wound and will eat away at Ji Zizai's whole body in an instant.


Ji Zi cut off one of his legs with a wave of his hand, but it was reborn immediately.

It's useless. Superstring life is invincible. Ancient high-entropy bodies are so terrifying. You are just low-level ancient gods. How can you win with quality?

At this moment, a person appeared on Long Xiaoguo's spaceship, Zhao Yin.

He was wearing a white coat, no battle clothes, and elegant glasses. He put his hands behind his back and looked at everything indifferently.

Zhao Yin.

Ye Jue faced this person directly for the first time and said coldly: Who are you?

Superstring life must come from this person's hands.

Long Shaoqin and Wei Ting's senior executives were actually his playthings, and they were all taken advantage of by this person.

Now that Super String is resurrected, his purpose should be exposed.

Me? I am me, I am from the same origin as you.

Zhao Yin pushed up his glasses and squinted his eyes.

Same origin, what does this mean?

Ye Jue gave a low drink.


At this moment, the battle spread to his side, blasting the void around him into pieces, but it did not affect him from questioning this person.

Aren't you an ancient god? Go and calculate, calculate, and evolve!

Zhao Yin raised the corner of his mouth.

We'll talk about it after I capture you.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed, he no longer paid attention to Super String Life, and went straight to Long Xiaoguo's spaceship.

Ye Jue, we finally meet again!

Ye Yingxiong, long time no see!

In the spaceship, the voices of Wei Ting and Long Shao Qin were heard.


Ye Jue hit the energy shield and emitted a brilliant light in an instant, causing a large electromagnetic thunderbolt to roar.

Freedom Fist!

He punched out fiercely, piercing the energy shield and hitting the spacecraft directly.

Then he condensed the three corpse axes in his right hand, exploded back a certain distance, and struck in the air.


The energy shield of the spacecraft was directly dented in half, and the ax blade and the protective shield hit the spacecraft together, making a heavy muffled sound.

Fight, smash, come on, you still have a long way to go in fighting me.

Zhao Yin sneered and pressed a small universal remote control in his hand.

The entire Dragon Roar Kingdom's spaceships erupted with even more powerful deep space technology rune power, instantly repairing everything and isolating all attacks.


Ye Jue's three-corpse ax only left a white mark on the protective shield.

Why is it strengthened again?

B is vomiting blood and is almost drained.

What seemed like an ordinary attack was actually powerful enough to deal with Ji Zizi.

But can't break through the protective shield?

what exactly is it?

Ye Jue, it's useless. The spacecraft is protected by deep space technology.

Long Shaoqin shook his head and advised him to stop.

For now, I still concentrate on dealing with super string beings.

Although it is not a threat.

Bang bang bang!

However, civilization runes and mythical treasures kept popping up from Ye Jue's body, bombing one by one, creating a scene like a mushroom cloud.

Huh? Why are those weapons so familiar?

Ji Zizai had been paying attention to Ye Jue's movements, and when he saw the bombing treasures, he felt a little familiar for a moment.

However, there is no time for calculations now.

The super string life came to kill him again.

After all, he is an intermediate ancient god.


With incredible force, it hit him with a fission fist.

He suddenly escaped into the void.

However, the superstring life was material, and the terrifying magnetic power actually pulled Ji Zizai out of the void.


Then, he was hit hard by this punch.

The sound of bones cracking and blood splattering came out!

Ji Zizai's body was torn open, divine light and tears and blood leaked out!

Fentian, who was standing next to him, felt the same when he saw this. He had also suffered such a move just now. He was attracted by the magnetism of the superstring life and couldn't escape even if he wanted to. He directly received the terrifying fist.


Super String Life singled out a group of people, and on the spot, Ye Yida's blood and broken bones flew everywhere. He used the three pillars as sticks and stepped on them. The face of the leader of Chaos Zuma was spattered with blood, which was terrible to watch.

While being attacked, there was also a virus invasion, which made the Chaos Zuma leader's face completely disfigured, completely rotten, and screamed miserably.

What is torture?

This is torture, but killing is not enough. If the super string life was really that powerful, they would have died long ago.

It's impossible to compete. Only the Ancient Emperor, the ultimate in the mythical body, can deal with it!

The ancient qi master was so beaten that he almost didn't come up.


Immediately afterwards, Super String Life kicked the Moon Emperor.

Just like playing football, play the Ancient Moon like a football.

Bang bang bang! !

The last step was strong and kicked the ancient moon into pieces into the void.

There were cracks in the entire heavenly artifact, and the Moon Emperor himself looked shocked.

Although they are both from ancient times, the gap is a bit big!

What is the identity of this superstring life? It is definitely not cannon fodder, it must be famous.

Take down the heavenly weapon in one piece.

At this moment, Zhao Yin ordered.

This superstring life covered in light really obeyed the order and fished out the Moon Emperor from the depths of the void, holding it in the palm of his hand.

I don’t know what weird ability was used to actually turn the ancient moon into the size of a marble.

Just like Sun Wukong cannot escape from Wuzhishan, he is imprisoned in the palm of his hand.

Bang bang bang!

The Moon Emperor drove the Taikoo body into a frantic collision, and bounced around, but could not break through.


Ji Zizai, Chaos Zuma Leader, Three Pillars, Ye Yi, Fentian, Ancient Qi Master, Wanxiang Wuchang, and Ye Jue all took action at the first opportunity, and struck out with the most powerful foundation at the critical moment.


However, Super String Life was not afraid and did not flinch at all. He was fierce and domineering and directly resisted the bombardment of the ancient gods.


An earth-shattering explosion resounded over the chaotic continent.

This is the scariest explosion ever!

The sky is empty and cracks the entire realm like a centipede!

But even so, the Moon Emperor was not saved!

The heavenly weapon that everyone wanted to have was actually possessed by a superstring life...

No, it was the person behind him who succeeded!

Including the powerful magic core, the same is true!

This is definitely the most sinister Lao Liu!

The perfect winner of this battle!


At this moment, the Longxiao Kingdom's spaceship started its engine. In full view of the superstring life, Diran activated the God Engine, roared, and turned back towards the spacecraft.

What a superstring life. The high-entropy body ceiling of the ancient times is so terrifying. No one is his opponent one-on-one. Even if we work together, we can't win!

Ji Zizai said coldly.

What's even more terrifying is that Zhao Yin has obtained the Heavenly Artifact and taken away the Moon Emperor. He doesn't know what to do. I have a hunch that something is definitely wrong!

Ye Yi's gloomy face.

Now, all the ancient gods in the world are gathered here.

I feel that now is not the time for us to have internal strife. We ancient gods in this world are in a big crisis.

Chaos Zuma's face had healed and he said while snapping his fingers.

In front of us is the rise of the Dragon Roar Kingdom, in the back is the Demon God of Hell, the Prince of Yama, and the world of mortals is about to come. When the deep space collapses, all will be superstring beings. Our death is not far away.

Wanxiang Wuchang clicked his tongue.

We should join forces, so that we have the possibility of survival. Continuing to fight alone is a dead end. We can't continue to fight internally. How about we sign a peace agreement?

Santaizhu nodded slightly.

Peace agreement? Humph, ask Fentian to hand over the Heavenly Demon Divine Vein. That is my thing. If he is willing to hand it over, I will sign it!

Ye Yi snorted coldly.

The Heavenly Demon Divine Vein? The strong one lives here. If you have the guts, attack it!

Fen Tian's whole body breathed fire, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He didn't mind starting another war.

You guys keep fighting. It's just because Ye Yi wants to regain control of the Heavenly Demon Divine Vein and break through to the middle-level Ancient God. The Heavenly Demon Divine Vein is only a slight boost to Fentian, right? You are an elemental body. If we can’t use the power of the heavenly demon, it’s better to return Ye Yi and let him break through to the intermediate level, so that our chances of survival are higher. If you don’t obey, our empire will punish you here first, and you won’t be able to escape!”

San Tai Zhu said suddenly.

He, Ji Zizai, and the leader of Chaos Zuma, it is not impossible for these three people to subdue Fentian.

However, Fen Tian was also a fighting member of the camp at the moment and could not be given up easily.

Empire, are you threatening me?

Fentian roared.

He and the Empire have been at war for a long time and are already enemies.

Now, the acting emperor and his ministers actually forced him face to face?

How about it?

The three pillars approached.

If Fentian doesn't agree, he will take action immediately.

After all, Fentian has no allies here. He is so proud and now he is reaping the consequences with no one to help him!

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