The fist carrying the power of freedom is indestructible and unstoppable, colliding one after another in the divine mist.

Zi la!

But at this moment, time was suddenly torn apart.

Ye Jue's fist disappeared without a trace as if it had not been punched.

The strange noises in the divine mist also disappeared.

Delete time?

Ye Jue frowned.

His free fists are ahead of time in terms of rules and enjoy certain priority.

But at this moment, it was deleted abruptly.

This is enough to show that people who use the power of time are very accomplished and are almost the strongest in the world.


It is impossible to rely on yourself to delete something with this kind of power. You have to use the Time Treasure.

The only way is to grasp all aspects of the death knell.

Hahaha, Ye Jue, are you back so soon?

Wanxiang's voice resounded in the divine mist, making a sound of laughter.

Wanxiang, what are you thinking, that you are willing to destroy alliances?

B asked coldly.

Originally, I didn't want to break the friendship between us, but you brought a presence and instantly made me change my mind.

Wanxiang stood side by side with Wang Qi in the divine mist. Wisps of tribulation force and time fragments fell from above their heads, crystal clear like snow.

They really joined forces, but they still tricked Ye without his knowledge.

Wang Qi, I brought you back from hell, is this how you repay me?

Ye Jue said coldly.

Ye Jue, the real Wang Qi has died long ago.

Wang Qi shook his head.

I knew it.

B stared.

Although Wang Qi was the pure-blood leader of the human race in his previous life.

That is, the pure-blood human race in that life was too weak. That Wang Qi failed to even refine the creation formation. How strong could he be?

As expected, he was finally possessed by the power of impermanence.

Sure enough, you are impermanent. You have been acting all the time. Even I didn't notice it. You must be the winner of the Oscar.

Ye Jue couldn't help but smile and looked at Wanxiang with cold eyes: Wanxiang, you are cutting off your own path to survival. I have already given you a chance, and there will never be a second time. I will kill you, no matter which life you are in.

As soon as these words came out, the eerie horn of ‘woo woo woo’ sounded.

A cold and fierce aura, murderous intent burst out!

The whole universe trembled!

Hmph, Ye Jue, who are you trying to scare? When I was practicing Wanxiang, your mother didn't know which mother she was in.

Wanxiang said disapprovingly: Do you know that we are going to join forces with Wu Chang? It's not how strong he is, but his ability, which fits me very well. I have become an ancient god. From a trillion-level time clone, I have evolved into Ganges. Sand level.”

With impermanence, I can transform all these time clones into other people, and I can also have some of my powers and abilities.

Do you know what this means?

Wanxiang spread his arms and said crazily: Become a true god!

Playing for yourself? Becoming the god of your own world? What kind of true god is this?

When B heard this crazy idea, he was instantly stunned.

I've seen crazy people.

I've never seen anyone so crazy.

The whole world and the entire universe is Himself, and he is indeed the true God.

Yu Huajing, you underestimate the compatibility between Wu Chang and me. Others are me, and I am others. In the past time, I can clone everyone, including you, Ye Jue, and you will also become my time. A doppelganger.”

However, you don't know that you are just a clone. You think that you are the overlord of heaven and earth, and you are toyed with by me!

I can destroy any clone with just one thought.

I am the true God!

Wan Xiang Lang Lang said.

good idea.

Ye Jue applauded from the side and said: If you succeed and break through to the high-level Ancient God or even surpass it, it is really possible for such a new world to be born. Therefore, I will not let you succeed. I swear to kill you!

Hmph, can you kill the master if you want?

At this moment, phantom bodies appeared one after another in the divine mist.

These are all time clones of Wanxiang, but due to the power of impermanence, they turned into others. The first birth of the Wanxiang world was in this divine mist.

No matter what you say, get out!

Ye Jue shouted.

No one could see what happened, and countless people died in the mist.

Okay, okay, you are worthy of the ancient god Ye. With a loud shout, all my newly born clones collapsed. I really can't keep you. Without you in the new world, the world we want will not arrive.

Wang Qi said aloud.

As long as I'm here, you'll never reach the New World.

Ye Jue showed his sharpness.

call out!

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a ray of light and flew out, rushing into the depths of the divine mist.


Those time clones screamed, and when he pointed them, they were all shot through the skulls by divine light, and died unexpectedly. Even the great power could not stop them.

No one could escape, men and women also died in Ye Jue's hands.

The power of freedom breaks through the sky, and no one can escape this fate.

Ye Jue, I'm really afraid of you otherwise. Watch me perform my heaven-defying magic. I'll go back and kill you!

The death knell suddenly sounded!


Time shatters!

Wanxiang and Impermanence traveled to the past.

No, he's going to go back and kill you. You were very weak in the past!

B screamed.

Just let them try.

At this moment, Ye Jue sat cross-legged like an old monk and closed his eyes.

This is the Black Territory, and that is Ye Jue, who is chasing one of the emperors of the Black Territory. He is not an ancient god yet. However, even if I were an ancient god, I could only stay for a moment after traveling so far in time. hit.

In the long river of time, Wan Xiang and Wang Qi jumped out and said, However, this blow of mine will cause great trouble to Ye Jue in the future. It will be easy to defeat him!

Do it!

Wang Qi's eyes flashed.

In an instant, they struck together.

This blow was so terrifying. It was Wanxiang's special move. All the time clones he had stored in time were ignited at this moment and burned violently.


These time clones distributed everywhere, existing in different times, have no idea what is happening, and they start to burn their own power to supply everything.

This is the terrifying thing, the mysterious power brought by joining forces with Wang Qi, each clone has different abilities.

So this blow gathered hundreds of millions of different forces to form a huge storm!


Falling from the sky, penetrating Ye Jue downwards.


At this moment, Ye Jue was still chasing his lover in the ancient battlefield, when a shocking accident suddenly occurred.

He saw that in the long river of time, two terrifying powers came to kill him!

In an instant, he understood everything!

He must be too powerful in the future. Maybe he has collected all the ancient energy, restrained the power of the three corpses, and achieved higher achievements.

These two unparalleled powerful men had no way to deal with him in the future, so they traveled through time and launched a sneak attack on him.


There is only one person who can do all this, Wanxiang!

This person has a very good understanding of time!

Since I can understand the current situation, then I will definitely know that I will be attacked during this time period in the future, and I cannot sit idly by.

On the contrary, Ye Jue was extremely calm and watched the attack coming coldly.



Under the starry sky of the future, Ye Jue's body suddenly cracked with countless fine lines, and each fine line burst out with divine light, as if it was about to be torn into pieces.

If the past Ye Jue was killed, then there would be no future version of him.

It's over, it's over, you are too trusting. How could you resist the power of the ancient gods in the past?

Yi was shocked, thinking that Ye Jue had some incredible ability, that he could travel through time and fight to the death with Wanxiang.

He himself was eager to try it.

I didn’t expect that I would be stabbed while standing?


Ye Jue had no expression on his face, with his eyes closed, as if asleep, waiting for collapse.

But what?

After a while, a moment, half an hour later...

Those cracked lines heal quickly!

No more signs of collapse!


In the past time, Wan Xiang and Wang Qi looked at each other: Sure enough, this son comes from the positive universe. I was still suspicious before, but now I am sure that he is immortal and no one can kill him!

They saw that Ye Jue, who had been torn into pieces in the bombardment of the storm, quickly gathered together.

It's because your strength is not up to the standard of killing him completely. If you want to kill him, at least five high-level ancient gods need to exert their power at the same time, so that he cannot leave any fragments and cannot be reborn.

Wang Qi frowned and said.

I have sacrificed a lot of time clones of the Ganges Sand level at this time. I can't kill them all. There is really no other way. However, my attacks are ever-changing and will have a great impact on him in the future. Let's take advantage of this In his moment of confusion, he leaves the realm of suffering and heads for the realm of destruction.”

Wang Xiang returned directly from the river of time and said: The situation in the realm of destruction is now chaotic, and the ancient gods from all sides hold a territory. We went there, and the chaos became more chaotic. Once a battle breaks out between the ancient gods, then the other The Ancient God will not sit idly by at all, I have a way to make the Tree of Chaos accept us, let’s go!”

After saying that, they returned to the big starry sky and jumped out of the river of time.


When B saw such a scene, he immediately chased and killed him.

However, he found that Ye Jue frowned and stayed still, watching the two of them slip away.

What’s wrong with you?

he asked hurriedly.

Wanxiang has bombarded me with hundreds of millions of different abilities in the past. These abilities are like a tangle of ropes. If I don't untie these ropes, my use of power will be seriously affected.

Ye Jue said in a low voice.

Then he put his hands together and began to push away these forces like a millstone.

Wanxiang's attack must have sacrificed a lot of time clones to have this effect to stop him.

When he develops these powers, he will get a lot of huge benefits.

Wan Xiang had to do this as a last resort. Only by doing this could he escape under his nose.

Otherwise, if Ye Jue pursues them, Wang Qi will suffer first. After all, it is just a catastrophic force and will never be the opponent of the ancient gods.

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