Just when Ye Jue passed through the Crystal Wall System of the Destruction Realm and returned to the big starry sky.

Ji Zizai, Three Pillars, Chaos Zuma Leader, Moon Emperor, and Ancient Qi Lord are fighting for the powerful magic core.

No matter who gets it, he can be promoted to the intermediate ancient god immediately.

Ji Zizai obtained it, which is also one of the foundations for becoming a high-level ancient god, and he will definitely not miss it.

Moreover, Ji Zizai, Three Pillars, and Chaos Zuma Leader are in the same camp.

The heavenly weapon is integrated, the Moon Emperor, and his ally the Ancient Qi Lord, join forces to punish and counteract.

Originally, the emperor gave Ji Zi a headache in one month with the three ancient gods.

Not to mention that there is now an ancient Qi Master joining forces with the Heavenly Artifact.

Damn Ye Jue, he insisted on collecting some ancient energy, and he succeeded. He created such a disaster and messed up my plan.

Ji Zizi was really angry. He had just been attacked by the ancient Qi Lord and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. He sat down cross-legged and used his divine power. A beam of light rose above his head. The beam was slender and as straight as a line. The thread pierced the void and reached the Emperor Ring.

He is connecting to the system of the Emperor Ring, and his chaotic faith brings terrifying blessing power to it!

After all, the Emperor Ring operates by extracting the power of the Tree of Chaos. During its operation, his whole body is filled with precious light!


With a shout, a more powerful aura and majesty appeared!

Where is the slightest feeling of hurt?


He stood up immediately, all the muscles and bones in his body crackling, and all his injuries had recovered.

This boy is really powerful.

The Ancient Qi Master couldn't help but be horrified.

The blow he just struck caused Ji Zizi to be seriously injured.

But he was able to do it in a short period of time...

No, it recovered almost instantly!

This method is worthy of being the master of the realm of destruction!

Maybe not even the Starry Sky Emperor himself!

Because the realm of destruction is too powerful now!

However, he resurrected his body for the ancient energy. Although he is a low-level ancient god, he can fight with this person.

Now his energy index is not as good as Ji Zizui, three times less than this person.

That is to say, only by relying on magical magic can he join forces with the Moon Emperor to fight against these three enemies.

Whoosh whoosh!!

Long Xiaoguo keeps moving forward with its magic core.

Running around the entire chaotic continent is to avoid the pursuit of these people.

Every time there is a dangerous moment, if one of the parties wants to succeed, there will always be someone who shows off their secrets and repels them.

So until now, this country is safe and sound and has not been acquired by anyone.

Okay, okay, very good, Ancient Qi Master, you are indeed extremely powerful. After becoming the Ancient God Queen, you are the first being to hurt me. You are worthy of being one of the ancient powers!

However, if the Moon Emperor hadn't cast an extremely powerful spell, even if I was hit by your power, nothing would have happened. There are very few things in this world that can hurt me, but you can It hurts me...

Ji Zizai whispered while pursuing, obviously dissatisfied with the attack just now.

Ji Zizai, we will not let you get the magic core.

The Moon Emperor said coldly, flicking dust on his body calmly.


He was entangled by the Chaos Zuma leader and the three pillars, and was constantly attacked.

However, streaks of light appeared above his head, constantly repairing his body.

Even if it is scratched, it will recover immediately.

This heaven-defying recovery ability is no less than Ji Zizi's power to connect to the emperor's ring.

You are indeed powerful together.

Cough cough cough cough...

At this moment, the three pillars made a series of coughing sounds!

However, he immediately used terrifying power and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab and squeeze.


In an instant, at the moment of rapid flight, a space cage was created out of thin air!

This space cage caused time to stop rotating and was completely sealed, trapping the Ancient Qi Lord and the Moon Emperor.

He is a three-in-one ancient god, and he has understood many supreme rules with his magical power, which is simply terrifying.


However, this absolutely still space was then smashed into pieces by the ancient moon.

The Moon Emperor flew out directly with the Ancient Qi Master, without wasting any time and taking his time.


But at this moment, a lightsaber fell from the sky, carrying a strong power of religious belief.

Teach me the killing sword!


Ice-cold energy emitted, and a biting chill filled the void.

At the same time, thousands of divine lights rise together!

The leader of Chaos Zuma suddenly had holy wings flying out from behind him, cutting off their path.

Xiao Xiao, is it just you?

The ancient Qi Master snorted coldly, raised his hand and the Overture Killing Formation burst out. The ancient formation that can truly destroy all things was launched at will.


The fluctuations of monstrous energy spread immediately, surging all around, with billions of beams of light.

The vast ancient formation collided with the Cult Killing Sword of the Chaos Zuma leader, unleashing terrifying power. The place suddenly burst into light and chaos...


The three pillars scolded, and immediately displayed their strongest magical power, and streams of divine light rose into the sky.

They joined forces to form a huge divine formation in the void, and once again pressed against the Moon Emperor, the ancient Qi Lord!

Boom boom boom boom!

Energy attacks one after another shook the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon lost all light.


Ji Zi slapped out a palm, and three black flames appeared in his palm.

The black flames are billowing, exuding a terrifying evil aura, burning the sky.

Balls of flames turned into a huge phoenix shadow, then turned into three ancient beasts and pounced away!

Boom! !

Between heaven and earth, there were explosions one after another, and the destructive aura swept across. The entire space was shaking, as if it would collapse at any time.


The Ancient Qi Master moved his hands quickly, and ancient runes shot out from his body. These runes flew into the air, turned into huge palms, and swatted at the three pillars.

Boom boom boom boom!

The five people collided fiercely, various magical powers emerged one after another, and ancient killing formations appeared frequently!


The ancient qi master punched the void, and the three people he hit were sent flying backwards.

However, they were not afraid and continued to fight.


The Moon Emperor holds a long bow, draws it like a full moon, and arrows pour down like rain.

boom! ! !

Ji Zizai, the Three Pillars, and the leader of Chaos Zuma were all shot, but their bodies were tough and they bounced away these divine light arrows when their bodies shook.

The Moon Emperor's divine bow is made from a kind of chaos stone. It can destroy everything that is not a god and is very powerful.

However, the defense of the divine array sacrificed from the three pillars is also super powerful. Even if it is attacked like this, it only destroys them and leaves a few scratches on them.

The magic core is ours!

At that time, the three pillars flashed towards the Moon Emperor, and the terrifying power broke out again.

At this moment, the Ancient Qi Master also fought against Ji Zizi and Chaos Zuma Leader.

Ji Zizai's thoughts whirled and he retreated violently. At the same time, two huge black scythes suddenly appeared on his left and right sides!

The black sickle sliced ​​through the void, splitting endless time and space.

This was the death scythe transformed from the ancient energy. As soon as the black scythe and the huge death scythe appeared, they struck at Ji Zizai, the leader of Zuma.

Ji Zizai's face was gloomy, and he sprayed out civilized runes all over his body. He launched various star weapons one after another, and bombarded the death scythes left and right under the starry sky.


The sounds of metal hitting each other continued to resound through the void.

The leader of Chaos Zuma, who was already slightly inferior to the ancient Qi master, was knocked away again.

He spit out a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and the expression on his face became solemn. He looked at the ancient Qi Lord with a look of amazement on his face: As expected of the ancient powers, a top ancient god, he has actually cultivated to this level. What have he experienced? What, a son of destiny like me is difficult to defeat, but even so, don’t try to get the magic core today.”

The Ancient Qi Master sneered: You are the son of destiny. You are really boasting. Today I will let you know who is better. The strength of the ancient powerful is not something you can guess without authorization!

As soon as he finished speaking, the shadow of an ancient statue was created behind him.

The ancient idol suddenly opened its eyes.


Waves of terrifying energy fluctuations spread, and at this moment, his entire body turned into a huge phantom.

There are mysterious lines on the huge statue, which are constantly sketched to create countless strange patterns.

This is the imprint of his strength and life, integrated into this statue of the ancient god, turning it into a living Titan King.

What is this? How come there is the aura of the Titan King?

Leader Zuma frowned.

Be careful, that is the King of Titans, a great god. His strength and vitality are comparable to high-level ancient gods, and are beyond the reach of us!

San Tai Zhu was shocked and said repeatedly: After fighting for so long, you still have such strength hidden?

It's nothing, it's just a shadow. They can't succeed today. Their power in the future must be mine. I am the overlord in the realm of destruction. Who dares to resist me?

Ji Zizai said coldly.

Hmph, your ambition is quite big!

The Titan King, the incarnation of the ancient Qi Lord, waved his hand, and endless Titan power sprayed out, turning into a giant fist and killing Ji Zi.

There is not much difference in our strength. You can turn into the King of Titans, but I have the power of an entire civilization in the Realm of Destruction!

Ji Zizai was shocked and finished speaking.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Hundreds of millions of civilized runes flew out of the body, forming various technological weapons and mythical powers.


As soon as all this happened, the ancient qi master's divine fist had already arrived and struck hard at the three pillars and the leader of Zuma.


Bang bang bang!!

The three pillars and the leader of Zuma both spurted out essence from their mouths.

Various defensive formations collapsed, and the void exploded!

But afterwards, their bodies still stood firm in this space.

They resisted the punch and allowed Ji Zi to use the weapons of technology and myth from behind.

Are these two really the gods of the world? Is there anyone in this world who can withstand the Titan's fist?

The Ancient Qi Master frowned.

Although he is powerful, he is only slightly stronger than the two of them. His energy index is slightly inferior to Ji Zizuo, and he is not the kind of existence that has exceeded the limit.

Therefore, these two people resisted his blow and still remained conscious. This is really shocking!

What kind of power is this? It's so powerful.

One of them became a god from the black realm, and the other became a god from the divine religion. They have accumulated power in more than one life. There is only one true god in this world.

The Moon Emperor said coldly, waving his palms, countless black divine thunder condensed into purple thunderbolts.

The thunderbolt turned into a long dragon with teeth and claws, and rushed out to fight Ji Zizai who was behind.

Bang bang bang! !

The civilization runes flying out from Ji Zizai's body had formed a stunning fort, condensing energy and aiming the muzzle at them.


The three pillars and the leader of Zuma teleported to both sides to avoid the ray trajectory.


A red line instantly penetrated the void, falling from the sky like a refraction, and struck the Titan King transformed from the ancient Qi Lord.

The bright beam of light shattered everything, and the sacred soil of the void cracked everywhere and slowly disintegrated.

It seems to be the most powerful force of extermination technology, its brilliance runs through ancient and modern times, and its power is unparalleled in the world!


Hit the bullseye, terrifying to the extreme!

This is a suffocating power that even the ancient emperors who surpassed the ancient gods can tremble!


Suddenly, a terrifying melting pot appeared, a huge wave that spoke of the strongest power of civilization.


The bloody light dissipated!

The Titan King transformed by the ancient Qi Lord split open and turned into a pool of pus and blood in one breath!


The energy shrank, and an old man with disheveled hair flew out, his body covered in burnt black.

This shot actually injured the origin of the ancient Qi Lord!

A blow from the most powerful combination of technology and runes in the world only hurt a little bit of the origin?

Without saying a word, Ji Zizai waved his war arm and attacked with a rolling tide!

He wants to take advantage of the victory and pursue it!

Thunder is coming!

Although the ancient Qi Lord was injured, his body roared, and a powerful thunder and lightning burst out from all over his body again, filling the void. The thunder turned into a huge light ball and blasted past.


The thunder collided with the void tide, producing terrifying energy that continued to explode.

This battle set off a storm in the realm of destruction, with mountains and rivers collapsing, and some places turning into ashes.

At this moment, the bodies of the five people could no longer be observed. They were sinking deeper into the space while fighting.

Let's see how much knowledge you have!

Ji Zizai sneered, and kept bombarding, and the attacks became more and more sharp.


The ancient Qi Master did not expect that the majestic Titan King would be defeated at the hands of a junior and be killed by the power of technology.

This was far beyond his expectation!

The combination of high entropy body and mythology has such amazing power.

Is this the right path?

Chasing the magic core first!

The Moon Emperor signaled to calm down.

After saying that, the ancient moon suddenly flashed with light, and the huge sphere disappeared instantly. When it reappeared, it was already above Ji Zizai's head.

Space law?

Ji Zi was startled.

The next second, his body was suppressed, and a huge force came down, making other waists bend down!

A huge circle of light appeared above his head again, and countless thunder powers gathered from all around, condensing into thunder balls.

The thunderballs were like meteors, carrying the aura of destruction.

Each one gushed out with intense energy and countless golden brilliance.

The ancient Qi Master's body also appeared next to Ji Zizai in an instant, and punched Ji Zizai's chest, piercing directly through it.

This was a successful sneak attack, but when Master Zuma and Three Pillars took action, it was still a few tenths of a second too late.


The two sides are at odds again!


Just when Ji Zizai was vomiting blood, the Moon Emperor once again burst out with surging energy, sweeping in all directions and forming a huge energy storm that enveloped the three of them.

This is a killer move!

Seeing this, Leader Zuma and the Three Pillars roared, grabbed Ji Zizai, and moved him.

However, it was already too late. A terrifying energy storm completely covered their surroundings.

A muffled groan immediately came from the energy storm.

At this moment, the figures of the Ancient Qi Lord and the Moon Emperor disappeared in an instant. When they reappeared, they were already pursuing Long Xiaoguo.


On the same spot, hundreds of holes appeared on Ji Zizai's body, and blood kept coming out.

Those two are really terrifying. When they join forces, the three of us actually suffer a loss again?

San Taizhu shook his head. All this was beyond their expectations. He thought that this time it would be a sure win, but unexpectedly he lost a move!

The power of the weapon as a whole is so great that once it is successfully attacked and suppressed, the middle-level ancient gods will kneel down.


Leader Zuma looked at them and nodded slightly.

They don't dare to take action now, even their energy is almost exhausted.

The same is true for us, and so are they. Continue to pursue and accumulate energy. I have already figured out how to win the next battle!

Ji Zizai said sadly.

At this moment, the Ancient Qi Master and the Moon Emperor both spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The armors on their bodies had all become tattered. After all, they were all bodies, revealing their glorious bodies. Their muscles were knotted, their skin had a golden sheen, and their veins were bulging, like small snakes swimming. .

Those three are amazing.

The ancient Qi Lord's eyes flashed with light.

Once upon a time, his strength could be said to be one of the ancient powers. Unexpectedly, today, he would be defeated in the hands of three juniors.

indeed so.

The Moon Emperor nodded slightly.

If he hadn't used the power of his heavenly weapon to suppress them in the end, he wouldn't have been able to repel the three of them for a while.

Taking advantage of such a small opportunity, hurry up and chase us. What method did Long Xiaoguo use to escape us?

The ancient Qi Master turned his attention to the demon core with a puzzled expression.

There is a strange being in that spaceship. It is most likely one of the ancient powers. Just like you and me, I just don't know who it is.

The Moon Emperor said.

That's too bad. The people inside must be using the power of the magic core to revive this person!

The Ancient Qi Master frowned and said: However, the power of the magic core is too powerful. It will take at least a hundred years to absorb it. We still have a chance to catch up with them now.


The two superpowers threw away Ji Zizai, the leader of Chaos Zuma, and the three pillars, and approached Long Xiaoguo's spaceship.

On this day, the residents of the entire chaotic continent were in deathly silence!

A group of people looked at the vision in the sky and were all stunned.

The great war of ancient times!

Yes, this is just like the scene of the ancient battle. What we are seeing now is just the tip of the iceberg!

We were all suppressed to the point where we almost lost our minds. If it weren't for some remote reason, I'm afraid the entire army would have been wiped out by now!

You just don't know who is fighting?

Everyone was talking about it.

At this moment, deep space!

An ancient road has collapsed!

All the races that guarded the ancient road were completely destroyed!

A large tomb in the ancient road was suppressed!

At this moment, a body was torn apart without knowing where it was, but it perfectly integrated the power of the stars and formed a small universe of its own, constantly expanding its strength.

This is a wonderful feeling, this is the power of the universe.

Great, I finally found a complete body!

This body is the body of the stars. This is the body that is most suitable for me. I must cultivate it to its peak state!

This man was extremely excited and felt the powerful power in his body.

Who are you?

someone asked tremblingly.

Deep Space, the son of the universe, the descendant of the ancient high-entropy body!

The son of the universe?

Hearing this word, some people's bodies trembled.

The son of the universe is the oldest existence!

God in a high-entropy body!

The oldest divine blood also flows in their bodies.

This is their master!

Meet the Master!!

These people bow down!

The existence in this tomb made them so excited.

All the passages leading to the primitive world were shattered.

This is a complete passage. Behind this ancient road is another vast world. I want to escape from the deep space. The messenger from the Red Dust Sky has nothing to do with us, haha!!

The son of the universe looked at the avenue under his feet, with a hint of joy on his face.

He finally understood.

This is a passage left over from ancient times, and what he just said just guided this passage in one direction.

Once the passage leads to another world, the ancient road will be destroyed, and by then, deep space will collapse.

He stepped into the passage of the world.

This vast world was created by a remnant soul of the ancient Great Emperor, and the passage was laid out by the Great Emperor himself.

Once you step on this path, you will be protected by the remnant soul of the Great Emperor. As long as you don't encounter an extremely powerful person, you will generally not be injured.

Moreover, this passage is very strong, even stronger than the Ancient Divine Weapon!


He led everyone into the so-called Great World.

In fact, it is the current three realms!

Only three pieces of the universe have been left.

This passage was very long. Along the way, they saw many dilapidated cities, some of which had been filled in by ruins, while others were destroyed.

What's all this about?

He looked at this scene with an expression on his face full of shock.

He knew that this ancient road was personally laid out by the Taikoo Emperor. With their strength, they simply could not enter here.

And now, this ancient road seems to have been destroyed?

We don't know either.

Everyone shook their heads.

They are all ants. Even the Son of the Universe is not famous for this passage. How could they possibly know about it?

Whoever is fighting, we must go.

At this moment, they saw a dark shadow crouching on the road ahead.


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