For example, the soldier's slender arms were replaced with the arms of a mutated beast.

Powerful and powerful, the combat effectiveness is greatly improved.

Looking at another soldier with an excited face.

Two wings appeared on his back, and after some movement, he was able to fly about ten centimeters.

The genes of mutant beasts can be fused, and the genes of demons can also be fused.

Humanity is now more powerful than ever before!

There is a famous saying: Human potential is unlimited.

This sentence is indeed true. The human body is born with a perfect embryonic body that can integrate everything!

I mean boring, not useless.

Ye Jue corrected her sentence.

It is true that in the early days of the wasteland, genetic fusion can greatly enhance a person's combat effectiveness.

However, the problem was discovered later.

After these genetic fusion people awaken, their personalities will undergo inexplicable qualitative changes.

Become murderous, ferocious, greedy, bloodthirsty...

Women are better...

But men have absolutely no control over it.

Finally, by Ye Jue's time, the gene warehouse had been abolished and became an antique.

All right.

Wang Yanyan shrugged her shoulders, continued walking with Ye Jue, and got into the elevator.

During this period, she also introduced a nutritional warehouse to Ye Jue.

This nutrient warehouse can meet all the energy supplies needed for biological survival.

In the previous peaceful times, they were just vitamin containers.

I want this.

Ye Jue pointed to one of them.

Ah? This... is ok. I can make the decision on a nutrition warehouse.

Wang Yanyan hesitated for a moment, then readily agreed.


The nutrition warehouse instantly entered Ye Jue's space bracelet.

By the way, your space bracelet was invented by demons. We have also broken through this technology, but the space is a little smaller. We call it a space ring.

Wang Yanyan stretched out a finger with a blue technological ring on it.

This is the newly invented space ring, which can hold a lot of things.

It seems that your institute is running well.

Ye Jue nodded.

Space rings, like anti-demon armor, will become the mainstream props for awakened people in the future.

Then let's keep walking.

Wang Yanyan said.

They walked through the busy research crowd relatively leisurely.

In front of you is a large warehouse.

It is full of complex circuits, and many researchers are busy operating.

Some new human warriors were sitting on chairs with black helmets on their heads.

Virtual helmet?

Ye Jue chuckled.

In the future wasteland, virtual helmets will be the mainstream among the mainstream.

It can bring people spiritual enjoyment, relax their mood and make their life happy.

Another important feature is the virtual battle game.

It can simulate your appearance and strength in reality.

Wearing a helmet can connect your consciousness to fight in a virtual battlefield!

The previous technology was only in the 3D realm.

If it weren't for the blueprints brought by the devil, it would have taken at least hundreds of years to reach this level.

It seems that Colonel Ye is also a game expert. You can see it is a virtual helmet at a glance.

Wang Yanyan said.

The development of virtual helmets is very important.

Its purpose is to allow children, women, and the elderly to exercise inside and develop their fighting skills against demons!

In this way, anyone can challenge the devil and upgrade to become a new human being.

Here we are.

she said suddenly.

This is a super huge laboratory, and Dr. Xiao is directing the researchers to work.

In mid-air in front of these people...

There is a beautiful armor placed!

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