The name of Nielong has already been known before, that is, Wong Tai Sin's father, a mature Titan Dragon, once swept through an empire base, destroyed many facilities, and brought tragic accidents to the empire.

However, the dragon later paid the price, but the fierce power of the dragon still vaguely stayed in the minds of those people.

Now the same dragon appears, that is, the subdued Wong Tai Sin. How can it not arouse jealousy?

How could this headline be subdued?

Yes, doesn't Titanosaurus never recognize its master?

It's really strange. This is an exception. How can he, a lieutenant, deserve to own such a rare thing?

In the big world of the empire, there are some nobles staying on the spacious streets. Their eyes are shining and full of greed.

Hey, which army are you from, and what's your serial number?

Immediately, a noble with a round belly came over with a group of high-entropy bodies.


Ye Jue was about to speak.

The nobleman waved his hand with a look of disdain: Okay, no need to say more, I understand. I now order you to give this evil dragon to me for a period of time. After a hundred years, I will naturally return it.



A hundred years from now, it’s hard to say whether this world will still exist!

Now there's something good to watch. It depends on whether this soldier has a good background.

Yes, if he didn't have the background to overpower this noble, then his dragon would not be saved.

We'll wait and see what happens.

Everyone else stepped back.


Ye Jue couldn't help but smile.


Behind him, Huang Taixian, two streams of hot air rushed out of his nose, and said with a look of disdain: I just accepted a personal favorite, and someone actually came to my door. Well, well, I will teach you a lesson today. You nobles, let me know how powerful I am!


As soon as he finished speaking, he breathed out dragon breath.

This was of course Ye Jue's order, asking him to cause trouble in the nobles' territory and cause a big incident, so that he could enter the central imperial ring.

Naughty dragon, how dare you do something? It seems that in order to eliminate the wild nature, you need to erase the memory and train it properly!

The fat noble shouted lowly.

Whoosh whoosh.

Immediately, several white rays of light flew out of him.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Wong Tai Sin opened his mouth again and spit out streams of scorching dragon flames.

Bang! Bang!

All the white light was burned to pieces.


How can it be?

How can this be?

No wonder you dare to shout, your strength has greatly increased!

The fat noble and his men were surprised.


Wong Tai Sin pounced directly on the noble.



He slapped out his claws, and the fat noble immediately flew backwards.


It broke through several walls and hit the facility in the distance.

Hmph! You don't know your own abilities. How dare you attack me? Let's see how I can fix you!

Huang Taixian snorted coldly and pounced on him again.


Seeing Wong Tai Sin rushing towards him, the fat nobleman shouted in fright.



A crisp sound spread in all directions.


The fat nobleman was whipped out by Wong Tai Sin's dragon claw again!

It's like swatting flies!

What are you waiting for? Take action!

The fat noble lay there, screaming.

Do it?


Only a scream was heard.

The fat noble covered his face and shouted in pain: My face.

His face was actually burned by the dragon's breath coming out of Huang Daxi's nose.


The other nobles with low combat effectiveness fled in all directions.

These nobles did not control aircraft and did not dare to fly directly for fear of becoming Wong Tai Sin's target.

Keep making noise.

Ye Jue secretly ordered.

He needs Wong Tai Sin to cause trouble in the noble territory and draw the war to Emperor Huan.

Then, he sneaked in secretly to look for clues to the eternal calamity.


There is actually a more important thing than finding the eternal calamity.


After receiving the order, Wong Tai Sin spun into the sky and wreaked havoc.

As a titanosaur, he has wanted to do this for a long time!


This is a corner of the imperial world, a noble territory.

It has not reached the real emperor ring.

The Emperor's Ring is where the empire's combat power gathers.

He didn't dare to make trouble there.

Otherwise, even with the assistance of the Feathering Mirror, with his strength, he would almost be killed instantly.

There are many powerful characters under Ji Zizai.

They are much stronger than him!

Evil dragon!

Suddenly, a civilized weapon burst out with a strong light, which illuminated the entire field.

An irresistible terrifying momentum filled the air, and this momentum directly locked onto Wong Tai Sin.

Wong Tai Sin felt a fatal sense of danger, this momentum was too strong.


At this moment, he let out a dragon roar and swung his dragon tail towards the weapon runes.

There was a violent explosion, and the civilized weapon was shattered by Wong Tai Sin's blow, turning into fragments and flying everywhere.

Huang Taixian's attack was extremely overbearing. The fat nobleman did not expect such a thing to happen. He was stunned for a long time before he realized what was happening.

Even Wong Tai Sin himself was dumbfounded.

I am getting stronger and stronger!

What? What's going on?

Damn, the evil dragon has become so powerful?

Let's go!

All the nobles took out their weapons and attacked Wong Tai Sin. Even nobles and experienced people naturally knew what to do at this time, and they also knew that what they had to do was to subdue this evil dragon, and then Conquer.

As for the soldier, just ignore it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hundreds of attacks came towards Wong Tai Sin.

Wong Tai Sin opened his dragon's mouth and spit out fireballs.

Fireballs pelted the attacks, flames clashing together.


Sparks flew everywhere, and these attacks were directly broken by Wong Tai Sin.

What? How is that possible?

When those nobles saw that their attack was actually broken by an evil dragon, they all screamed in shock.

You all go to hell!


Wong Tai Sin opened his mouth again and spit out fireballs.

The fireballs condensed into huge fireballs in the air.

Boom boom boom.

With bursts of violent roars, these fireballs directly engulfed these nobles.

Don't kill me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!


A series of shrill screams came from the mouths of these nobles.

The blood in their bodies was burned, their muscles were torn, and their bones were broken.

Their souls were also devastated.


A noble shouted, and his body exploded, turning into a ball of black smoke and drifting away in the wind.



Another, another, two, ten.

Soon, all the nobles in this castle were killed by Wong Tai Sin.

Although Wong Tai Sin's strength is not high, in front of him, these ordinary nobles are no match for him.


Sparks flew everywhere, and these attacks were directly broken by Wong Tai Sin.

What? How is that possible?

When those nobles saw that their attack was actually broken by an evil dragon, they all screamed in shock.

You all go to hell!


Wong Tai Sin opened his mouth again and spit out fireballs.

The fireballs condensed into huge fireballs in the air.

Boom boom boom.

With bursts of violent roars, these fireballs directly engulfed these nobles.

Don't kill me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!


A series of shrill screams came from the mouths of these nobles.

The blood in their bodies was burned, their muscles were torn, and their bones were broken.

Their souls were also devastated.


A noble shouted, and his body exploded, turning into a ball of black smoke and drifting away in the wind.



Another, another, two, ten.

Soon, all the nobles in this castle were killed by Wong Tai Sin.

Although Wong Tai Sin's strength is not high, in front of him, these ordinary nobles are no match for him.

Don't kill me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!

Nie Long, don't kill me, I am willing to surrender to you!

Ah! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!

Please let me go!

forgive me!

A group of nobles knelt at Wong Tai Sin's feet and begged.

Hahaha. You all go to hell!

I want you to know what fear is!

Wong Tai Sin roared angrily and waved his dragon claws, directly turning all these nobles into blood mist.

Seeing their companions disappear into blood mist one by one, these nobles felt fear deep in their hearts.

This evil dragon is more ferocious and cruel than they imagined!

You all go to hell!

No, I don't want to die, I don't want to die!

These nobles ran out in panic, trying to escape from here.

But it was too late, Wong Tai Sin opened his mouth and spit out a big fireball.

This fireball enveloped all these nobles.


Waves of screams came from the fireball, and a minute later, the fireball turned into powder.


I want you to know what fear is!

Wong Tai Sin roared and continued to devour these nobles.

No, no!

Don't eat me, don't eat me, ahhhhh!

A group of nobles howled crazily, but it was too late, because Huang Taixian had already devoured them all. After devouring them, Huang Taixian discovered that his strength had actually doubled.

These nobles are simply supplements to Huang Taixian, because they don't know what kind of material their bodies are made of.

The Titan's bloodline is evolving, its strength is improving, and the energy in the body has become even more powerful.

He acted as ordered and made a big fuss here, rushing from the noble territory to the Imperial Ring.

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