It doesn't matter who I am. Whatever abilities I have, just use them.

Ye Jue shook his head, the mecha erupted, and with a sudden wave of his right arm, the Purple Sun Sword drew a beautiful arc and killed hundreds of thousands of white-bone monsters.

This kind of power is actually the same as before. It's just that it comes with a spiritual attack, which makes it so powerful.

Now that his mental power has become much stronger and his cooling is many times faster, it is only a matter of time before he can easily sweep through the army of bones created by his transformed form and capture their king.

Damn it, you're looking for death!

The body of the Immortal Tribulation Power was furious, and with a wave of his arm, thousands more heavenly whips appeared, lashing him crazily.

Ye Jue held the Purple Sun Sword in his hand and dodged left and right to avoid the attack of the Heavenly Whip. However, due to the limitations of the mecha's performance, he was still hit by the Heavenly Whip. A hole appeared in the mecha's sexual opening, and energy particles sprayed out.

Bang bang bang! !

In an instant, he was whipped millions of times!

Hand over the original calamity power!

The transformed body roared, and a white crystal slowly grew on his forehead. The crystal emitted a dazzling red light, as if a ball of flame was burning.

Wisps of immortal calamity power were released from it and continued to spread outward.


Suddenly, the spar bloomed with a dazzling red light, and then a small red sword flew out and floated in front of Ye Jue.

A burst of red light emitted from the small sword, and red runes continued to circulate on the surface of the small sword, emitting waves of strange fluctuations.

Ye Jue looked at the small sword in front of him and kept calculating in his mind.


Transform into a roar!

Swish, swish, swish! !

This small red sword instantly shattered the mecha into a piece of matter.

Ye Jue's mecha was blown up again!

However, it was reinstalled in the blink of an eye.

Keep killing, I don't believe you have no limit on the number of times!

He transformed into a human form and commanded the small red sword to strike continuously.

This move is probably his strongest power.

Amazing power!

Final blow!

He roared, and the crystal on his forehead exploded, turning into countless red lights and impacting the mecha's head.

There was the cockpit, and he wanted to smash this man's head in and destroy his consciousness.

This is the most powerful move of Immortal Tribulation, and it is also one of his natural spells.


The mecha was activated again, and the protective shield was activated again, forming a strong protective film, but it was useless and penetrated directly.

In an instant, the red light entered Ye Jue's sea of ​​consciousness and turned into a spiritual ax, slashing at his soul.


Similarly, the spiritual body opened its eyes, stretched out a finger, and all the primitive tribulation power it could control turned into countless knives, bombarding and intercepting the spiritual giant axe.

Puff puff puff puff

The fierce battle in the mind does not affect the fighting outside.

After Ye Jue's mecha was shattered, it turned into a pile of fragments, and then reorganized instantly. He held the Purple Sun Sword with both hands and slashed it down with one sword, destroying the bone monster blocking the road ahead.

On the tip of the Ziyang Sword, there are countless stars jumping, and the red light on the tip of the sword keeps jumping, as if a ball of flame is burning.

The power of this sword is already amazing, it is the ultimate power of the savior's armor.

A chirping sound rang out, penetrating Xianghua's form.

At the same time, the battle in the mind was over, and the mental ax was scattered. The fragments sank into the ocean of consciousness, were completely absorbed, and converted into power.

This, this is impossible!

The transformed form was so shocking that he didn't believe what he saw with his eyes. That was the energy attack he had condensed. How could it fail so quickly?

This is my power. I am the condensed form of immortal calamity power. How could I lose to a mecha!

he shouted.

No matter what, he didn't want to believe that his majestic form of immortal calamity power would actually lose this battle.


The flames of the Ziyang Sword had swept over him. He wanted to escape, but found that he could not move at all.

This scorching flame seemed to penetrate all-pervasively into his body, burning his entire body instantly, even his willpower was ignited and became extremely scorched.


The body of the immortal calamity power looked up to the sky and roared, the sound shook the heaven and the earth, making the whole world tremble, as if it was about to collapse.

He struggled violently and kept howling.

The body that was finally born has been almost burned, but it has not completely dissipated. It is not completely dead yet. It can still hold on for a long time and wait for the opportunity to escape.

However, when his eyes saw the Ziyang Sword in Ye Jue's hand, which seemed to have no consumption and gathered strength again, he was suddenly stunned.

The health bar, blue bar... all have incredible recovery. This is unscientific!

Is the person opposite him a living being?

Moreover, the life level is just a god, and should not have such high-end power!

No, this is an illusion, this is definitely an illusion!

You, you, who the hell are you?!

He screamed again and again.


Ye Jue shook his head slightly and killed ruthlessly.


Eventually, the transformed body was burned to ashes and disappeared into the universe.

Those bone monsters on the ground, no matter they were flying, fell apart instantly, and the calamity force slowly surged up.

Immediately afterwards, as if the paper could not contain the fire, a large cloud of immortal calamity spread in all directions, covering everything.

This scene is exactly the same as the original calamity cloud that I encountered before.


Ye Jue directly activated the Immortality Technique!

Whoosh whoosh!!

This cloud of immortal calamity surged into his body like smoke.

In an instant, the miraculous skill created by Ye Jue reached its peak, and he was simply enjoying a huge gluttonous feast.

One original, one immortal, two font symbols were finally created, floating in the cave.

This primitive represents the beginning of everything spiritual. The primitive spirit that can attack the enemy is very domineering.

Immortality is the ability to divide the mind, branch out countless spirits, control all things, and become immortal.

His mental power is strong again!

The entire spiritual body turned into flames that tempered the body.

Chi la…………

Primordial and immortality spurted out from the pores of Ye Jue's body.


In this world, he punched out, and his mental power roared violently. The starry dust was instantly shattered by the mental power, and no trace could be found at all.

very good.

As Ye Jue spoke, he moved his body and drove the mecha out of here.

The power of calamity has been obtained, and there is no need to stay here.

This trip not only yielded a younger brother who was close to the ancient gods, but also obtained the body of the immortal calamity power. His mental power was greatly increased, and now there are only two left.

Hoo ho!!

He breathed in and out, like the Yangtze River, rolling in, and the ambition to swallow the sky and soaring clouds arose spontaneously.

The stronger your mental power is, the more you will feel this way.

Now only eternity and impermanence remain.

Ye Jue has two tribulation powers, and it is too easy to deal with them.

Let's start with Eternity. This calamity cloud is in the reincarnation of the sun and the moon, where the Tiangang intersects, and is located in the center of the empire on the Chaotic Continent? It seems to have been captured and sealed.

Ye Jue frowned when he saw the position given by Chen'er.

The center of the empire, isn't it in the middle of the chaotic continent?

Yi said in shock.

Eternity is not easy to obtain. As for this impermanence, it is in a place that cannot be traced. You need to find eternity first. I use three kinds of tribulation powers to push the immortality formula to the extreme in order to lock the exact position.

Ye Jue said in a deep voice.

It seems that you want to visit the empire?

B said.

Yes, but I need to change my appearance first.


Immediately, Ye Jue changed his appearance and became a small soldier in the empire, with about fifty stars and the lowest strength.

With the saplings of the Tree of Chaos as disguise and the power of creation to help him change, no one could detect that he was Ye Jue.


Under the starry sky, a small wave rippled, but no one noticed it.

Have you heard that our acting emperor, the assistant, and the terrifying leader are actually joining forces to fight for the blood demon's core? Until now, the winner has not been determined!

What, no way, why can't the three ancient gods take down a small magic core? Is the Moon Emperor really invincible? Is the heavenly weapon so powerful in one body?

No, it's just that the Moon Emperor has found a new teammate. You won't be able to guess who it is!

Who is it? Stop being so secretive and tell me quickly!

Ancient Qi Master!


Hearing this, a certain soldier's ears suddenly stood up.

I see!

This person was Ye Jue who sneaked into the military camp and listened to the small leaders discussing big events.

I didn't expect that the Ancient Qi Master would join forces with the Moon Emperor. I really didn't expect it, because the Ancient Qi Master has no idea where he has gone since then. Did he not expect that he has secretly hooked up with the Moon Emperor?

B said in surprise.

Now the combat power is balanced. The Moon Emperor has the will of the God Lord to control the alien races of the gods. This is equivalent to three versus three. No wonder there is no winner yet.

Ye Jue nodded slightly.

This is a great fight, you come and I go, it's exciting, the rabbit is rising and the falcon is falling!

B couldn't help but say.

They are all ancient gods, and no one can do anything to anyone. However, this is just like playing chess. If you make one wrong move, you will lose the whole game.

Ye Jue said calmly: In the end, Longxiao Kingdom got the benefit. I didn't expect to be able to protect the magic core from so many ancient gods. All of this is inseparable from Zhao Yin's contribution.

This journey to find the tribulation has allowed us to know that Zhao Yin's identity is extremely mysterious, and he is most likely a visitor from deep space.

B nodded and said: It is indeed a wise choice for you not to chase the demon core, nor to peek at the Moon Emperor again, because not to mention the waste of time, in the end the bamboo basket will be empty, and you may be expelled from the realm of destruction.

After you have mastered the Art of Immortality and created a second true self, you can walk sideways in the realm of destruction and do things honestly.

However, before that, I hope there is still enough time...

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