Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 1057 The man who has been lying down for two epochs


The mechanical monster tilted its neck, as if it didn't understand what the word meant.

Just kneel on the ground and raise your hands, and I won't kill you.

Ye Jue smiled calmly.

No, I don't do that...

The mechanical monster roared, and various cannonball beams swept over its body.

However, after the bombing, the mutilated and tattered mecha was restored to its original state, unable to be killed at all.

This repair speed is ten thousand times more terrifying than his own!

What the hell are you... a monster...

The mechanical monster actually said that.

He actually thinks of you as a monster?

B is going to die laughing.

It’s hard to tell who is the monster now.

I said that if the fight continues like this, you will definitely die. Since you are wise, there is room for conversation. Instead of killing you, I will help you, open your mind, and let you recover and find yourself.

Ye Jue said.

Find me myself...

The mechanical monster's eyes seemed a little hollow.

Don't resist.

Ye Jue flew over, flew out of the mecha, and put a palm mark on the latter's forehead, and a ray of light slowly emerged.

I see.

After a while.

Ye Jue put down his arms and his eyes flashed.

Zhao Yin? Who is this person? This is actually his abandoned testing ground? This has been abandoned for two epochs, and no one has ever come. Two epochs ago, he studied the immortal power and created these A monster comparable to the Immortal Emperor? This is a bit outrageous, who dares to believe it?

B can also receive information instantly, and he can know it immediately without Ye Jue telling him.

I knew this man was unusual.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed.

This person suddenly appeared in the wasteland, seemingly out of thin air, forced Director Wu and Dr. Xiao away, and instantly became the highest level of Longxiao Mountain.

After that, Long Xiaoshan's technology advanced by leaps and bounds, directly entering the universe, all from the hands of this person.

At that time, he felt something was wrong, but he was too weak to notice anything.

Now the Ancient God has finally caught some of this person's flaws.

did not expect.

The real lurker turned out to be him.

I just don’t know if Long Shaoqin knows this person’s identity.

It's amazing. It's amazing. It's hidden so deep. Even if you don't look at Chaos Zuma's leader and those ancient big guys, they have already revealed their identities, but this person has been hiding in the dark. I'm afraid he has already reached the ancient god level. What’s your purpose? What an old fox.”

Yi kept saying: This person's identity is unusual. He may be one of those high-entropy bodies. If he is an ancient god, then he should not be noticed. There is a connection between ancient gods, unless He is the most powerful high-entropy body among them.

Deep space.

Ye Jue narrowed his eyes.

This person is most likely to have come from deep space, lurking in the two worlds and doing mischief secretly, for unknown purposes.

He felt that as long as he had the chance to force this person, he would be able to see the power of the deep space warrior.

What is the concept of a high-entropy body standing side by side with the ancient gods? We will know it only when we meet this person or collapse in deep space.

Ye Jue thought secretly.

My name is Jie'an, my name is Jie'an, hahaha, I remembered it, I found myself again, I owe everything to you, you helped me, thank you!

At this moment, the semi-mechanical monster came back to his senses, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

He had been buried in the underground testing ground for two epochs, and now he finally woke up.

It's just that my body is no longer the mythical body it used to be. I've become a robot. Damn it, it's that guy. It's a pity that I don't even know his name.

Jie An couldn't help but roar.

This person's name is Zhao Yin, but it is most likely not his real name. He is currently in a spacecraft called Longxiao Kingdom.

Ye Jingjing said to him.

Long Xiaoguo? Zhao Yin? OK, OK, I want revenge, I want to kill him!

Jie An roared.

It's useless. Your strength is too low. Even if you have immortal power in your body, you are no match for this person. You are only at the ancestor level. If you want to kill this person, you have to become an ancient god.

Yuhuajing flew out and said loudly.

Ancient God? I was originally an Ancient God, but now I have been reduced to an ancestor. I will wait for an era of cultivation before I go to find him.

Xie An was stunned and said.

An era?

B shook his head: You don't even have a year.

What does it mean?

Jie An frowned.

What do you mean you don’t even have a year?

Although he is a mechanical body, it is not a problem that he can survive for several eras.

What's more, revenge cannot be achieved overnight. He must accumulate strength and return to the top.

Because the messenger from the world of mortals has arrived.

Otomiye never spoke and spoke loudly on his behalf.

What, where where?

Xie An immediately looked around in panic, but there was nothing in this place except the forest and a piece of bones.

Are you lying to me? The mortal angels of the past all came by one person, but they could destroy everything. The whole world would be dead and gray. How could there be green water and green mountains?

He looked dissatisfied.

Because he's in deep space right now.

B said.

Deep space? What is deep space?

Xie An was stunned.

Oh, by the way, you are from the last era. You have forgotten this. In this era, there are three realms, the realm of destruction, the realm of suffering, and the realm of Tao.

B continued: The realm of destruction is controlled by him, my master.

You control a realm?

Jie An looked at Ye Jue doubtfully.

He suppressed his strength just now. For some reasons, he couldn't be exposed. He could only fight you with mecha, otherwise he would have killed you instantly.

B shook his head: The world we are standing in now is the world of destruction, the Tree of Apocalypse, but it was contaminated by chaos, and now it has become the Tree of Chaos.

It turned out to be the Great God. After that, the Great God transformed into a realm? To protect the fragments of the world? Then I understand.

Xie An was stunned for a moment and said: In the original world, there was only one, which was a huge starry sky. But with the coming of the red dust sky in the past dynasties, this huge starry sky has been broken more than once. It seems that after me, The Red Dust Sky has destroyed this universe twice more, and now there are only three starry sky fragments left, buried in the body of the Great God, the last pure land.

That's probably it. The Tao realm is deep space. It is now occupied by high-entropy bodies and is the strongest realm. Now that the mortal angels have arrived in this realm, we don't know what happened inside.

B said.

Don't think about it, it will definitely collapse. No one can resist the power of the Red Dust Angel.

Jie An shook his head and said, Unexpectedly, there are only three fragments left in the world.

By the way, the world of mortals and hell in this life are the strongest in history, including hell, which has already given birth to Prince Yama.

B remembered something and suddenly said.

Prince Yama is born? The most powerful mortal in history?

Jie An was dumbfounded for a moment: This is to completely destroy this universe. Can our anti-universe really not be tolerated and must be completely destroyed? As for the clan of gods who protect the great god of heaven, have they attacked Hell and Prince Yama? ?”

The Celestial Clan? Almost all of them are dead. The descendants are all crazy and were killed by me.

Ye Jue said calmly.

Then no one can punish hell. No one is the opponent of Prince Yama. Who would have thought that this existence, not a legend, would actually be the same as me?

Jie'an was extremely distressed.

It's better not to wake up and be an idiot.

This is simply a nightmare difficulty.

What are you going to do next?

Ye Jue asked.

What else can we do? If we wait until death, the anti-universe will surely perish. Even if it doesn't perish, there will only be a small piece of starry sky left to survive, and there will be nothing left next time.

Xie An smiled bitterly.

No more revenge?

B asked.

By the way, before that, I need to kill this Zhao Yin first.

Xie An said immediately.

Then join the Free State, sign the scroll of destiny, and share your power with me.

Ye Jue unfolded a corner of the free scroll.

This long roll cannot be completely unfolded now, and can only expose a corner of the body.

The main body is still under the big starry sky, running across the universe like the Milky Way.

Join you? This is a good choice.

Xie An also had nowhere to go, so he nodded and stamped his mark of life.


A magical power wrapped around him.

The breath is rising steadily!

He actually jumped two levels in a row and returned to his ancestor's peak strength!

Okay, okay, sharing your power is indeed magical, but the biggest beneficiary is you, right?

Xie An smiled and said nothing.

As the master of the Scroll of Destiny, this is naturally the case.

Ye Jue shook his head and said, I established a free country in the Realm of Destruction. You don't need to reveal your identity to join. As long as you have been imprinted on the scroll of destiny, you will have telepathy, and you will naturally know if you are one of our own.

Then the immortal power in my body?

Xie An said suddenly.

He realized that Ye Jue was here to obtain the power of immortality, and there was a large piece of it in his body.

Moreover, he sensed the power of the original spirit from Ye Jue's body. His spiritual body was being refined, and he needed this piece of immortal power to act as 'firewood' to help.

When I just helped you find yourself, I also locked the true location of the immortal tribulation power's transformation. The immortal tribulation power in your body has been mechanically fused with you. If you take it out forcibly, you will become an idiot again.

Ye Jue said.

This...leave it to me. The immortal calamity power takes form. Compared with my calamity power, it is like the bright moon and fireflies.

Jie An trembled all over and said quickly.

I'll give you a spaceship.

Ye Jue pinched a projectile from the space of the savior's main armor and flicked it with his finger.


Falling into the void, it immediately turned into a shuttle.


Xie An thanked him repeatedly, took the shuttle and disappeared into the mainland.

This person will soon be promoted to Ancient God. After all, he has been before. You have gained a lot of strength bonus this time, right?

B said with a smile.

He knew that Ye Jue's face seemed indifferent, but in fact, he felt secretly happy for a long time.

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