We must add some output.

Ye Jue thought for a moment.

But I can't use more of my own power.

You can only use some restrictions and magic weapons to fight.

The mecha's weapons no longer have much attack effect.

What's more, there is only one Yuhua Mirror in his cave.


The feathered mirror cannot be easily exposed.

This bone monster has improved a lot in strength compared to the monsters he killed before.

If this continues, he won't be able to hold on anymore.

Looks like I'm going to use mental power to attack.

Ye Jue put all his mental power into his eyes to test his power.

Boom boom boom!

A ray of divine light swept away, and all those white-bone monsters exploded, and the calamity flew in.


Seeing these bone monsters being eliminated instantly, Ye Jue nodded slightly.

Because these bones are inherently resistant to physics and energy, and have little intelligence, they are most effective against mental attacks.

Nowadays, his mental body is constantly strengthening, like an awl. As long as he finds the wavelength, he can pierce their primitive consciousness and attack.

This is the original power, Ye Jue realized it and used it for the first time.

However, after going deep into this place, I discovered that there is another world.

Ye Jue carefully observed the environment of the nest. The passage of the nest was very narrow, but there was something different inside.

In the corner of the lair, there are a large number of stones piled up, some of which look like a piece of magma, and some of which look like water, with various colors and shapes.

I don't know what materials these stones are made of.

Ye Jue felt these stones. On some stones, he could actually feel a trace of immortal power flowing.

Huh? Is this a stone that contains the power of immortality?

These stones are very crystal clear, just like glass.

It's too common to put it in the outside world.

I just didn't expect that there was actually immortal power hidden inside.

There really is immortality everywhere in this domain.

Collect them all.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Jue absorbed all the immortal calamity power in all the stones.

The stone without calamity cracked directly and turned into pieces.

Ho ho ho!!!

The dragon-shaped bone monsters are being killed less and less, even if they are very tenacious, it is useless to keep resurrecting them.

He kept going deeper, killing group after group.

The physical power of these things is getting stronger and stronger.

Ye Jue's expression changed slightly as he went deeper.

But fortunately, his mental power can directly and accurately attack the original spirit.


Suddenly, a white skeleton grabbed him on the ground.

Ye Jue took a look and saw that the bones on this white skeleton were all black. His bones contained powerful immortal power, and he also held a sharp fang weapon in his hand, which exuded a ghostly cold light. .

As soon as the white skeleton appeared, it bit into the mecha's defensive cover.

Click, click, click!

The defensive energy shield was chewed and sparks flew everywhere.

Ye Jue's face was indifferent, and he slashed out with his sword, slashing towards the chest of the white skeleton, directly cutting through it and absorbing the immortal power from his body.

These resurrected bones rely on the immortal spirit to be so ferocious even when they are turned into bones.

Swish swish swish! !

A burst of sound came from behind him.

Ye Jue controlled the mecha to twist rapidly, and the Ziyang Sword swept through thousands of troops and cut them down with one sword.

This sword directly chopped through more than a hundred white-bone monsters.

However, the bones of these white-bone monsters are too strong, and they are not completely dead, and they will be reorganized immediately.

Original spirit.

Ye Jue frowned and could only use his mental power again.

His spirit is reflected in the lack of mental energy. He uses this power repeatedly and consumes it too quickly.

Swish swish swish!!

Several more sounds broke through the air, and another group of bone monsters attacked him.

He couldn't use it continuously, so he could only use his sword to chop it away and kill it forcefully.


These bone monsters didn't stop there.

They gathered again and pounced again.

Ye Jue's face darkened slightly. If he continued to use his original spirit, it would cause indelible damage to his mental body.

Now the spiritual body has not completely refined the original calamity power, so it is forced to activate.

Although these monsters have no IQ, they are numerous.

He only has one mecha, so it's impossible to kill them all, which means he can't go deep.

I will suppress my strength to the lowest level to help you.

B suddenly appeared, and the mirror reflected energy, instantly strengthening all the functions of the mecha and turning on the overclocking mode.

Chen'er, suppress me.

Ye Jue said immediately, a huge whirlpool appeared around the mecha's body, and countless white-bone monsters were sucked into the whirlpool, and were immediately destroyed into ashes.

This vortex rotates very fast, sucking almost all the monsters in the lair world into it.


At this moment, the vortex collapsed.

You can't use this trick anymore.

Chen'er warned from the side.


Ye Jue nodded slightly.

At this moment, the bone monsters charged forward again.


A gap was opened in the mecha, and all the parts inside collapsed, leaving a large section damaged.

These monsters never tire.

But for Ye Jue, not killing one means a little more immortal power.

Now, it is as big as three stacked fingernails.

Compared to the original catastrophic power of the clouds, it pales into insignificance.

In this way, soon after, he killed tens of thousands of bone monsters, but the number was still increasing.

Every time when the power of his spiritual body is restored, he will use it once to sweep away the white-bone monsters that come up to kill him.

After cooling down, he drove the overclocked savior armor and started slashing randomly.

His mecha walked inside step by step.

High-intensity fighting under suppressive power is a new experience for Ye Jue.

Been killing for five hours.

Ye Jue's expression was indifferent.

Now, he's too deep into the lair.

It seems that we have found the right path.

It seems like he is trapped here by a monster, it seems like the monster is waiting for him to dry up and takes advantage of it.

In fact, he surrounded all the bone monsters.

How big is this nest? Have you observed it with your spiritual mind?

At this time, B said: Besides, do you feel that this lair is a bit weird?

The weird thing is that there is a large ball of immortal calamity in the deepest part of this lair.

Ye Jue was indifferent.

What he needs now is just to keep killing, go inside and kill all the bone monsters in this lair.

It seems that there are such things underground in this domain.

B nodded and said.


Ye Jue walked forward while killing.

That person is coming towards us!

In the deep altar, many people in blood clothes were talking.

What's going on? We clearly laid a trap, how could he show up again?

This man is really ferocious. The trap we set didn't even catch him.

They talked a lot.

Didn't he die after being attacked by those bone monsters? How could he still be alive?

a woman asked doubtfully.

He possesses...primordial calamity power.

Some people shook their heads.

Original calamity power?

Everyone exclaimed.

Yes, this person must have obtained the original calamity power to be fearless of our Bone Warriors.

Someone nodded and said.

No matter, he hasn't found a way in yet, so we can snatch it.

The woman suggested.

This is a good idea. If we do it like this, the master will definitely reward us!

A group of people hit it off immediately.

Ye Jue stopped talking nonsense, stepped into the cave, and walked deeper.

This is a straight corridor with huge doors on both sides. It is empty and there is nothing inside.

Let's move on.

Ye Jue continued to walk inside. The further inside, the more monsters there were.

Some of these monsters look like skeletons, some look like bone monsters, and some are monsters made up of the corpses of bone monsters.


B said.

Ye didn't say anything and continued to go deeper inside.

The deeper you go, the denser the monsters become, and the monsters become more powerful. Many of them are pieced together from the corpses of white-bone monsters.

This lair is really strange and puzzling.

The monsters here are very powerful and very numerous, slowly moving forward.


In front of Ye Jue, a huge circle appeared.

Within the circle, there were corpses of monsters everywhere, so densely packed that it was impossible to see the end, just like a large cemetery.

And in the center, stood a monster.

This monster was all white, without any hair on its body. It was huge, more than ten meters tall, and its eyes were like stars in the night sky, shining with cold light.

What the hell?

B said in surprise. He had noticed this monster just now, but he didn't react for a while.

There is calamity in the body, and it is also immortal resurrection.

Ye Jue said calmly: It is stronger than those dragon-shaped white bone monsters.

Are you sure you can defeat it by suppressing your strength?

B asked.

Just try and you will find out.

Ye Jue stepped closer to the circle, ready to attack.

The monster also noticed Ye Jue and stared at him with a pair of cold eyes.


The phantom of the mecha controlled by Ye Jue flashed and he swung his sword. The mecha had already turned on the overclocking with the help of B, which greatly increased the power of its condensed energy weapon and slashed at the monster's head.

The monster did not dodge, and withdrew from the blow. It exploded with a devastating power, its head and body exploded, pieces of flesh flew out, and pieces of flesh and blood were scattered in all directions.

do you died?

B said in surprise.

However, the monster's head quickly regenerated.

He seemed to have come to his senses.

When it saw Ye Jue, its eyes suddenly lit up, showing a look of hunger, thirst and bloodlust.

His body flashed and he rushed towards Ye Jue!

With a wave of his huge rough palm, a huge black knife appeared in his palm.

Ye Jue was indifferent and drove the mecha backwards to avoid the blow, then drove the mecha to the side.

The monster was immediately in hot pursuit, closing the distance between the two.

Ho ho ho!!

The monster roared again and again, the immortal tribulation power on its body exploded, and its body rushed forward instantly. After catching up, the black knife slashed at Ye Jue.

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