What's even more powerful is that by taking away this Demon God Orb, the spaceships of the entire Dragon Roar Kingdom rippled with space fluctuations. For an instant, they swayed with the darkness in the depths of the Chaos Continent, dancing together and rushing to distant areas.

Don't even think about it!


Ji Zizai, Santizhu, Yueshanghuang, Ye Yi, Fentian, and the leader of Chaos Zuma were all shocked by this scene.

They never expected that someone would dare to snatch the loot in front of them.

It even succeeded, running away in a flash and disappearing before their eyes, turning into a point of light.

But if the ancient god wants to hunt down a being, his speed must be the best in the world.


At almost the same moment, Ji Zizai, Three Pillars, Moon Emperor, and Chaos Zuma leader were chasing after him.

The leader of Chaos Zuma is now in the imperial camp. If the emperor dares to chase him this month, then the outcome will definitely be a 1v3 situation.

Are you risking your life to get the Demon God Orb?

It is enough to show that this object is very critical, and even the heavenly weapon must be snatched!

Ye Yi and Fen Tian looked at each other coldly.

Their fight is not over.

Ye Yi knew the alternative and directly chose to stay and snatch the Heavenly Demon's divine veins.

Instead of competing with Ji Zizai and the others for the Demon God Orb of unknown use, the Moon Emperor, it would be better to capture the Heavenly Demon Divine Vein first.

What should we do? Should we take action?

B said quickly.

They are now allies with Ye Yi.

What's more, now that Fentian is alone, it is a good opportunity for Ye Yi to seize the sky demon's divine veins, and their overall strength will become stronger.


Ye Jue shook his head.

Because Chen'er just reminded him.

Because of the death of the Blood Demon God, the blood mist has now begun to dissipate, and the rules of the Fluctuating Chaos Tree have disappeared.

If he takes action now, he will be carried away directly.

Oh, this won't work, and that won't work either. I missed this good opportunity to take action.

B sighed.

What are you in a hurry for?

Ye Jue was speechless for a while.

Of course I'm anxious, because I want to be promoted to a heavenly weapon. Now you don't go after the Moon Emperor and you can't help Ye Yi. What are you going to do?

B was speechless.

Just now, I completely refined the tribulation force in my body.

Ye Jue suddenly said: This mass of calamity is indeed the original, spiritual power, the connection point of the spiritual soul of all things. With Chen'er here, I can use her power of perception to find the three immortality, eternity, and impermanence. This kind of spiritual power allows my spirit body to advance and become an incredible existence!

Your spirit body? Hasn't it been completely integrated with the body? This is the practice mode of the Great Sage.

Yi was extremely shocked.

That was originally the case, but just after I became the Ancient God, the spirit body separated again.

In Ye Jue's cave, there is another him sitting cross-legged. This him is not a clone, but the incarnation of all spirits. This is how the soul is.

You want to pick up the spiritual realm?

B's eyes widened.

The realm of the spirit body is very complex. Under Jinxi, there is the spiritual platform, crystal smooth, and Juechen. Under Guanyu, there are spiritual lottery, Baicao, Chenfei, and Xuantong has Mending Tian, ​​Jianjian, Lying Research, which reaches the level of Xingyue. With one thought, Foolishness, with just one thought of wisdom, if it comes to life, the mental power can turn into an awl and attack the enemy.”

Ye Jue continued: I once cultivated to the Dharma level, overlooking the three thousand worlds, the real scene was clear and empty, and my soul could enter the real world and combine with my mind. After that, my spiritual body was taken away by Wanxiang guy, and I was left in ruins ever since.

Have you always wanted to cultivate your spiritual body?

Yi said in astonishment: The spiritual body and the physical body are two kinds of power. However, the power of the physical body always crushes the spiritual body. No matter how powerful the mental power is, it cannot compare with the ancient magic. The ancient magic can be shaken by a punch. All the mental power They all collapsed.

So, today's powerful mythical people don't deliberately cultivate the spirit body, because it is enough. If you pursue it too much, it will be a waste of energy.

B continued: Moreover, high-entropy bodies have no feeling for spiritual bodies and just ignore them. Their original path is mechanical ascension and they have stopped using spiritual power long ago.

That's why the four spiritual powers of immortality, eternity, impermanence, and primitiveness exist today.

Ye Jue opened his palms, and the spiritual body in the cave opened his eyes, shot out divine light, came to his hands, and condensed a group of attacking moves.


He swung it hard, and the attack with spiritual power exploded in the distance.

Pfft, this power is not as good as the Immortal Emperor!

B was speechless.

What if this happens?

Ye Jue suddenly said something.

I saw that the spiritual body was suddenly surrounded by a magical power, re-condensing a killing power.


It was in the same position just now, but its power was the same as that of the ancestor.

Although it's good, it's still not good enough. The ancestor is just a dog or a cat to you. You can kill him at will.

B shook his head.

This is not my intention, but I want to use my spiritual body to create a second real me. I have a premonition that if I want to successfully reach the new world, I must go through a very terrifying catastrophe. I am afraid it will be the most powerful mortal world in history.

Ye Jue said: Look, the difficulty of hell is so terrifying now. He is obviously the tenth demon god, but he actually needs the supreme figures from all the ceilings in the realm of destruction to join forces to destroy him. This is enough to prove that the next demon god will need three The powerful people in the world join forces, including me.

Hell is so scary, so what about the world of mortals? The collapse of deep space is not far away. I am surprised that it has persisted for so long. It is possible at any time, maybe in the next second.

When the time comes, it will be hell, the devil, the world of mortals, and the messenger... Who can guarantee to survive?

Ye Jue said.

You mean you're going to die too?

Yi said in shock.

He knew that Ye Jue had a life-defying force within his body, and he would not be destroyed even if everyone in the world died.

The Holy Calculator is not invincible. Although it may come from the positive universe, its power has been on the edge since I was promoted to Ancient God.

Ye Jue shook his head: Faced with higher-level demon gods, even Prince Yama, the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven, my life force will most likely not be able to keep up with their destruction.

It seems that you are not invincible, so you are actually afraid?

B still thought he was invincible and laughed.

After cultivating as an Ancient God, I no longer have the concept of fear.

Ye Jue's lips moved slightly and said: So, I want to create a second me. There is always something wrong with this me now. I was originally born as a chess piece, killing three corpses, being the lord of the virtual world, and being a possibility. To open up the clues to the positive universe, this body was abandoned when necessary.”

What? Are you kidding?

When B heard this, he almost bit off his tongue.

What the hell?

Abandoning the body that I have been cultivating to this day, is this still a human being?

People doing things?

Maybe others don't feel much.

But he himself went through all kinds of hardships and blessings to create such an exquisite body.

Only mentally ill people would say abandon this body, right?

I'm already going to start with the mental body. Do you think I'm joking?

Ye Jue shook his head.

What on earth are you thinking that makes you have this idea? If you are just a chess piece and feel uneasy, then that's not it, right?

B continued to ask and explore the truth.

Because from the battle just now, I caught the tail of a new power. I know how to surpass the ancient gods. Maybe a new system can be born and transcend the long river of history.

Ye Jue looked at Jingxuan Island.

At this moment, Ye Yi was fighting Fentian.

you mean?

Yi was extremely shocked.

Zhan Dao!

Ye Jue's tone was firm.

Zhan Dao? I have only heard of killing three corpses, but I have never heard of Zhan Dao. If you cut your own path, doesn't that mean you are dead?

B was even more speechless.

I don't fully understand this. As I said, I just grabbed a little bit of the tail of the new power. I still have to study how to kill it specifically. However, I must attack the middle-level ancient god first. Let me see. How is the development of the free country?

Ye Jue sat in the mecha and sent a series of messages.

Although the sound can be transmitted directly, the Tree of Chaos has awakened at this moment and cannot take risks.


Soon, the report was transmitted.

Everything and information about the Free State from top to bottom is on it.

Ye Jue browsed it quickly and nodded slightly.

No wonder, he felt that the scroll of destiny had grown by a million feet, and his strength was rising little by little.

If he continues like this, he can really be promoted to an intermediate ancient god like Ji Zizi.

Okay, let them fight. Chase those who deserve to be chased, and kill those who deserve to be killed. In short, I must first subdue the three spiritual powers of immortality, eternity, and impermanence.

Ye Jue controlled the mecha, dragging a long star tail over the Chaos Continent.

You just don't care? Then Ye Yi is your ally! What if he loses?

B said quickly.

No, Ye Yi is still capable. I'm optimistic about him. The only person who can pose a threat to him is the leader of Chaos Zuma. However, if this person goes after Longxiao Kingdom, Fentian will be defeated. I've made some calculations. It’s the end.”

Ye Jue has flown far away at this moment.

At this moment, he had communicated with Chen'er.

Immortality, eternity, impermanence? This is the crystallization of the wisdom of countless powerful people throughout the ages. You got one by accident, but you are not satisfied. You want the other three, and you still say you are not greedy?

Chen'er said speechlessly.

Greedy? No, but I have superb strategic wisdom, lofty ideals, strong beliefs, and inspiration to stop evil in the world. But before that, I must become the strongest one. How can I act without strength? They are my chips, my chess pieces, just like playing chess, I am the king, and I have to collect the chess pieces to be qualified to play against others, don’t you think so?”

Ye Jue flew quickly, following the route given by Chen'er, tossing and turning several times, and rushed towards the void.

Yes, that makes sense.

Chen'er nodded and her voice became silent.


B listened to the whole process and gave a thumbs up.

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