Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 1050: Hit the other side of the continent!

The Moon Emperor's battle clothes were shattered, but his body remained motionless, still like a stone statue, standing on the ancient moon, stabilizing the heavenly artifact.

The Blood Demon God's attacks continued to spray out with destructive power. Both the three pillars and Ji Zizai were suddenly unable to get close.


He suddenly roared, and the blood hell armor was engraved with unknown runes, complex and inexplicable power, and moved with various catastrophic forces.

Ye Jue hid in a small place and was knocked far away, sinking into the void.

Something is going wrong. The Demon God of Hell is actually so tyrannical. He becomes more and more courageous as he fights. The three ancient gods join forces and are no match for him?

B said in great surprise.

The demon god needs the power of the entire realm of destruction to fight against it, such as Ye Yi and the leader of Chaos Zuma. If they go into battle, they will definitely win.

Ye Jue responded.

It's unrealistic. Now Ye Yi is taking Jingxuan Island, look!

Yi pointed at the chaotic continent below.


Tai Chi's golden eyes penetrated the blood mist and saw that there was a battle going on in Jingxuan Island at this moment.

Monsters, demons, and elemental elves are having a big melee!

A silver dragon kept roaring and flying.

Ye Yi transformed into a Taizu zombie and was fighting against the Chaos Zuma leader and Burning Sky.

This place is close to a huge Taiwu.

Perhaps it was caused by Burning Sky. The blazing light and terrifying heat were enough to burn everything in the world.

Fentian can understand the power of all fires in the world, and at this moment he uses the ancient magic, the Sun Sutra, and his whole body is bathed in fire, making him immortal and immortal.

Ancient magic, this is a power that surpasses the supreme magic.

To become an ancient god is to create your own way, prove everything, and thus give birth to the mysterious ancient magic.

For example, Ye Jue became an ancient god and created and proved the art of freedom.

But it is not the end, Ye Jue believes that the power of the new world will definitely surpass history and surpass the ancient gods!

It's amazing!

B said suddenly.

Because at this time, the Blood Demon God, Santai Zhu, Ji Zizai, and the Yueshang Emperor arrived at Jingxuan Island.

This is a big change that no one could have calculated!

what is that?

Taizu Zombie opened his golden eyes.

Not only him, but all the big monsters under him showed shock.

Ye Yi, this is the devil...

Ye Jue instantly sent his thoughts into the scroll of destiny, made a compromise, and sent it to Ye Yi's ears.

A series of changes suddenly became apparent.

Now it's terrible. I haven't taken Jingxuan Island yet, and something happened like this. It seems that my fate is not in my hands. Now Ji Zizai, the three pillars have discovered me, and they deliberately lured the devil here. It's really abominable.

Ye Yi responded directly.

Ye Yi, your face doesn't look good. Did you not expect this scene and you are so angry?

The leader of Chaos Zuma was spinning the Sea of ​​Stars in his palm, and his eyes stood upright and kept spinning.

Now the devil is coming, and his power is unstoppable!

He saw it too.

Ji Zizai also had three pillars, and even the Moon Emperor, who was one body with the instrument, was covered in blood.

They all obviously suffered major and minor injuries.

It’s enough to show how powerful the devil is!

Moreover, it is obvious that this is the big enemy of the entire realm of destruction, and all ceilings need to join forces to have a chance of winning.

And this Ye Yi is extremely cunning and wants to take advantage of the opportunity to take back Jingxuan Island.

If he fails now, he will definitely become angry.

Chaos Zuma Leader, you are a troublemaker, are you trying to take me away?

The voice of the Lord of the Black Domain sounded within Ye Yi.

This is inevitable. I fused with the cancer in your body in order to restrain you. Sooner or later, you and Ye Yi will be killed by me. This is a destined thing, and fate cannot be changed.

Chaos Zuma leader Jie Jie smiled.

I'm not ashamed to say that if I get rid of you, I can completely merge with the Lord of the Black Realm and become an intermediate ancient god. When I take away Jingxuan Island and regain control of the demon veins of the gods, you will die.

Ye Yi Leng shouted.

This leader of Chaos Zuma still has a trace of the power of chaos in his body.

The more chaotic it is, the stronger it will become, but the aura is only a part of it, so the improvement is not big.

Now is a good time to get rid of him.


This person merged with the cancer, and the entire existence became a cancer cell, with the power to restrain the Lord of the Black Realm.

As long as he possesses the lord of the black domain, he will be suppressed.

Otherwise, the fight wouldn't be so difficult.

Wishful thinking, the demon vein of the gods has been controlled by my world-burning spirit. With the power of this spiritual vein, I can continuously give birth to elemental creatures. How can I hand it over again?

Fen Tian sneered at this time.

The three of them stood in separate positions, looking at each other indifferently.

The battle in the distance is about to come to an end.

They choose whether to temporarily join forces to fight against the Demon God, or continue to fight among themselves. Everything depends on the choice of either party, and one cannot be eliminated without the other.


At this moment, a majestic spaceship rushed out of Jingxuan Island, and the star of civilization was shining brightly. It was the Longxiao Kingdom.

Three of you, please stop for now and join forces to fight against the Demon God. Otherwise, the Realm of Destruction will be destroyed and no one will be able to live well. They can only escape into the big starry sky. But in the big starry sky, there is the Lord of the Starry Sky, the Overlord of the Realm of Misery, Ye Jue. There is him. Needless to say, this person wants to survive in his world, and I believe that life in the future will not be easy for everyone.

Long Shaoqin's voice came out.

Ye Jue?

When Fen Tian heard this, his expression was stunned.

Although he already knew that this person was right.

But after hearing the name, his face darkened.

How dare a small country dare to order me?

Ye Yi said coldly.

It's just a small country, but you may not be able to defeat this small country.

Long Shaoqin's confident voice boomed.


At this moment, the heaven-defying battle has spread here, and these people can no longer talk to each other.

A holy sword was as powerful as a knife splitting the sky. It screamed and trembled, causing everything in the void to collapse, and a torrential golden aura rushed out.

The Moon Emperor's sword was not aimed at them.

Instead, he killed the Blood Demon God and the aftermath came.


Then, there was a crisp sound, shining brightly, and the bodies of the three pillars fell from the sky, shattering the void, and fell down.


Immediately afterwards, the five-color holy light swept in and turned into a million divine swords. The energy aura filled the ceiling, and it was extremely sharp and abruptly penetrated this place.

This is Ji Zizai. He used a method similar to Ten Thousand Swords to Unite to achieve such momentum.

Dang Dang Dang! !

A terrifying sound erupted from the blood mist on the opposite side, shaking everything.

The bloody figure, carrying a big horse and a spiral spear, triggered a large blood mist to arrive.

This breath, this spirit, made Ye Yi, Fentian, and Chaos Zuma leader's expressions change drastically on the spot.

Since I became an ancient god, I have never seen such a terrifying existence!

They were also people who experienced it in their previous life.

However, such a powerful demon is simply terrifying.

No wonder they all calculated a terrifying fact.

This life is the most difficult one. All things are annihilated. Whether it is the mortal world or the hell world, it is not comparable to the past.

It looks like they are about to go through it.

Ye Yi, the world-burning spirit, as the acting emperor of the empire, I order you to put aside your personal grudges for the time being and join forces to fight against the enemy.

Ji Zizi's voice came through.

What? An order? Do you really think you are the Lord of Destruction?

Fen Tian suddenly smiled happily, and Yang Fire Essence spurted out from his whole body. His whole body was filled with radiance, and his fire body was invincible. He was comparable to the ancient Zhu Rong, and he was not afraid of anything.

As long as he swallows the fully developed Blade of Futian and the Darkness of Tomorrow, he can directly condense the most powerful five-color divine light in ancient times and burn everything.

Hmph, the Starry Sky Emperor doesn't even dare to give orders to me, so it's just you?

Ye Yi sneered.

Really? Then don't even think about watching the fire from the other side!

Ji Zizi's body moved.


Come towards them quickly.

He wasn't attacking the latter, but deliberately luring the Blood Demon God who was chasing him here!


Ye Yiyi's expression changed as he saw the terrifying big horse, accompanied by the thick blood mist, the tall demon god, shooting at him.

This shot caused the blood of Taizu's corpse to flow backwards all over his body, and all the cells in his body were frightened. This was something he hadn't seen in a long time!

It's not just him!

The same is true for Fen Tian!

He felt that the demon that was killing him in front of him had mobilized a terrifying power from hell.

The destructive power of hell!

That is what he is most familiar with!

Facing the Demon God again, even if he could see the sun and the moon and descend the mountains and rivers of the Nine Netherworld, he could not hide the horror deep in his heart.


One shot!

The void resonates and the stars roar!

The huge sun that Fentian transformed into stopped burning all of a sudden, and was actually suppressed and collapsed, revealing its true body. This was absolutely fatal!

One blow broke his shell!

Ye Yi was also shrouded in the blazing hell light, and his armor was torn apart!

It's not just them.

The leader of Chaos Zuma also flew out upside down, his whole body clanking, and he was almost unable to withstand the attack that split the sky.

The power of one shot can crush three ceilings!

It's so powerful!

Fentian quickly created a new Taiwu to protect his body, his expression was extremely horrified.

No wonder, even Ji Zizai, the Three Pillars, and even the Emperor of the Moon were all killed and retreated steadily.

This is not unreasonable!

That is beyond the ancient gods, no, it is the power of hell that is more terrifying than the ancient gods, the level cannot be described.

In short, it is much stronger than all the beings on the scene!

This is a murderous robbery!

At this moment, they realized that it was really time not to fight among themselves!

The big enemy is here. The demons in the blood fog spread out and descended in a vast and boundless way. They obviously want to rule the Chaos Continent!

As one of the masters of this world, how could they agree?

Finally joined forces!

Ye Jue's eyes narrowed.

Ji Zizai, Three Pillars, Moon Emperor, Ye Yi, Fen Tian, ​​Chaos Zuma Leader, these six unparalleled figures, work together to fight against the tenth demon god!

Other support came from the Dragon Roar Country and even the newly-rising Free Country. Several strong men flew out and their expressions changed in shock.

Okay, okay, this is a big change. It depends on whether you can take down the Demon God of Hell. Ye Jue, no matter what, you must not take action. This war will not be harmful to you from beginning to end.

B said in surprise.

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