This is really a disaster. Where did the devil come from?!

These demons are so powerful, even the soldiers are so terrifying!

Our country sent out its main force, but it was crushed by those Hell's Headless Horsemen, turned into a blood mist, and they were all killed!

The entire chaotic continent is like boiling water, completely in chaos!

Those countries that claimed to be invincible were destroyed in less than a quarter of an hour. This was simply a disaster!

The mother ship, battleships, etc. immediately fell into the mire of blood mist, unable to jump at all, and they did not know where to escape.

There are whirlpools appearing everywhere, and the demons are jumping from the whirlpools in a steady stream!

How the hell do you fight? It feels like entering the devil's kingdom!

Are we in hell? Is this really our world?

Not only these countries, but individual strong men also had pale faces at this time, and they were all stunned.

Those armies kept escaping, the spaceships were exploding, and the death toll was already uncountable.

They saw with their own eyes that a 4,000-star high-entropy body was besieged to death, and then a burst of destructive energy blasted out, turning the surrounding demons directly into ashes.

The demons are so ferocious, both in terms of strength and power, their numbers are far beyond everyone's imagination.

Even the beings who had experienced it in the last era were all shocked and their faces were ashen.

Now, they are unable to move an inch, and there is no way out except to resist and resist desperately.


In the sky above a country, an incomparably huge body suddenly appeared, with blood flowing all over it like a waterfall.

what is that?

People in this country screamed in shock.

This figure is so huge that the energy it generates is enough to turn asteroids into ashes!

Puff puff puff puff! ! !

At the same time, the huge beams of light on the opposite side are enough to destroy everything in the universe. They continuously hit this body, and their divine power is amazing!


Immediately afterwards, there was a catastrophic disaster. A large number of fleets were turned into fly ash and exploded together. Several mother ships were also shattered one after another and were vulnerable to a single blow!

This country, all life and technology in it were reduced to nothing in this moment.

It was just shaken.

Those people all screamed in agony, and their bodies exploded into pieces and turned into blood mist.

It's too awful!

They didn't know what happened, so they died suddenly.


This figure flowing with blood is the Blood Demon God. Opposite the Moon Emperor and the ancient gods, they continue to gather energy and shoot out huge beams of light to bombard him.

They are still fighting fiercely, fighting again to the next battlefield!


Suddenly, a magic light shot out. Ye Jue used his backhand to eliminate the magic light. He saw the magic shadow flash, and it turned out to be a hellish demon with great strength, sneaking up on him.


Ye Jue grabbed it and pressed it on its head. The latter couldn't resist at all, so it was completely absorbed and turned into a piece of skin.

Under his control, the skin clung to the body and slowly merged.

Within a few moments, a brand new demon appeared.

He became a demon.

Of course it is a power similar to the disguise technique, but this skin cannot last long.

It will crack in an hour.

what are you up to?

B is startled.


Ye Jue didn't answer, turned into a devil, and entered a whirlpool world like a fish.

Then, there was a blood-red passage. He explored and entered it and smelled a hint of the devil's lair.


Ye Jue's body was flying, heading towards the inside of the demon's lair. The world in this vortex was a lair, extending in the infinite distance, and seemed to be a vast demon world.


In an instant, there was an overwhelming wave of demons coming, densely packed!

Ye Jue suddenly activated the power of the ancient gods, and a piece of peerless power twisted into a line and swept towards the demons.

Puff, puff, puff, puff!

These demons were unable to dodge and were all swept away, bang bang bang, exploding one after another.

Zi la!

Ye Jue reached out with his big hand, grabbed it again, and captured the only demon that didn't explode.

Ah ah ah, let go of this demon. I am a general under the Blood Demon God. If you don't let me go, the Blood Demon God will definitely remember your breath and kill you no matter where you escape!

cried the demon.

However, Ye Jue shook his head, grabbed it hard, and it crackled!

Amidst the screams, this hell demon turned into a round bead, pitch black and translucent.

This is the power of demons. You can collect it. Look, all the demons you just killed have these beads. After refining them, they can be used as powerful pills.

B said.


Ye Jue waved his hand, and all the nearby demon beads condensed in his palm.

He has never studied the power of demons.

I first used the Divine Calculator to analyze it, and then performed the Ancient God Calculation, and immediately discovered many secrets.

The Blood Demon God turned out to be the vanguard, and each of those whirlpools was indeed a lair, the number of which was probably as large as the sand of the Ganges River.

If you don't destroy the devil, you won't be able to kill them all.

Moreover, there are many masters among the demons who have reached the level of gods. No wonder the Chaos Continent has been selected for disaster.

Ye Jue calculated the big starry sky.

It was found that the same was true, both realms were eroded by hell.

Prince Yama didn't even appear, but he caused such a disaster, as if he was facing the wasteland again.


The analysis of the devil bead was completed, turned into ashes, and the power turned into a source.

But it is too small, just like when you are thirsty, go drink water and replenish your water.

If you are not thirsty, there is no need to drink.

Ye Jue swept across the demon in the passage, twisting and turning, and moved forward again.


Finally, he came to the end, and it turned out to be a blood-red demon world.

This demonic world seems to be the military camp of the empire.

The huge egg masses are constantly squirming.


Ye Jue saw it. After an egg mass cracked, tens of millions of demons flew out.

They are all at the level of gods, which is simply unbelievable.

No wonder you can't kill all the demons. The demon lair is simply a breeding machine!

B exclaimed.

Discover...human beings...

At this time, many demons discovered the intruder and howled.


Here, Ye Jue can use the power of the ancient gods at will.

Push it away with a finger.

Puff puff! !

Just like squeezing bugs to death, the demons exploded one after another.

Run away!!

This momentary gap made the devil know that he was invincible and wanted to escape.


However, an ax wrapped in gray energy appeared in Ye Jue's hand, and he struck it in the air.

The entire demon world's lair was suddenly split into two and destroyed in a blink of an eye.


When Ye Jue came out of the vortex, the demon skin had cracked.

Oops, they've gone somewhere else, let's chase them!

B said quickly.


Ye Jue heard these words and calmly chased after them.

However, there were so many demons looking for death that they surrounded him and seemed to form a formation.

Ye Jue was not afraid at all and summoned the mecha to chop these demons into pieces.


As he got closer, he turned into a small dot and got into the savior's main armor.


This mecha immediately exploded to its maximum power and rushed towards the next battlefield.


The blood demon's moves are deadly and the attacks are extremely violent. The first move is the most powerful killing move in hell.

The Moon Emperor punches out, this move is called Wang Tu Hegemony, it is extremely fierce!

Just like a king going to conquer all directions, every blow contains thousands of different energies!

This energy is twisted into a spiral, like a drill, rumbling and expanding in all directions!

During the battle, the king's army surrendered everywhere the enemy went, making them invincible.

Ordinary beings cannot resist this kind of punch.

It is already the same as Ye Jue's own free fist.

They are all fists of ideas!

One is free and the other is king and hegemony!


After a duel of killing moves, the Moon Emperor and the Blood Demon God were knocked back far away at the same time.

During the process, the Moon Emperor stabilized his body and directly slashed out a sword. Black mist curled up, using some kind of stunning power from the ceiling.


The sword light caught up with the Blood Demon!

Hell's Supreme Armor...

The Blood Demon God wears a black metal robe, and the black light flows and is full of texture. He is tall and powerful, and he can take this blow forcefully.

This sword indeed has the appearance of subduing heaven and earth.

However, it only left a trace on the Hell God's Clothes.

See this.

Emperor Yueshang's face darkened.

I saw that the Blood Demon God condensed another big blood horse, shaking its head and swaying its tail, raising its head and hissing, it was terrifyingly powerful, its body and the big horse jumped in the blood mist, and each step cracked the void.

The great changes in hell are definitely due to the influence of Prince Yama.

After several epochs, this existence was finally born.

Hell chooses to fight back in this life.

Inevitably, something different from other eras will happen in this world.

Suppress the devil, suppress hell, the devil returns home, and the world is at peace!

More than a dozen ancient gods followed and showed their power one after another.

They couldn't let the Moon Emperor lose to the Demon God.

Will definitely take action!

If this continues, the Moon Emperor will undoubtedly be defeated, but every time at critical moments, these ancient gods will come to help!

Ji Zizi gnawed on her fingers, her eyes twinkling.

Yes, it is indeed in the way. Disciple, let me do it.

San Tai Zhu said solemnly.

Master, be careful.

Ji Zizai nodded slightly.


At this time, the Blood Demon God was already riding a big horse, fighting with the ancient gods. The sky collapsed, and the powerful Qi machine, no matter what it was, was being turned into powder in pieces.

Unexpectedly, the devil is so terrifying. Is it really because of the birth of Prince Yama?

On top of the heavenly weapon, the old man, the Moon Emperor, said to the scroll in front of him.

Emperor Moon, the hell in this world is tens of millions of times more ferocious than before. You must withstand the pressure and wait for my true body to return. The alliance between you and me is the most powerful alliance and the true master of the new world.

The lips of the figure in this scroll moved.

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