The owner of these majestic eyes is Ji Zizai, the acting emperor of the empire.

From the outside, it seems that the fortune of the empire has not weakened with the departure of the Emperor of the Starry Sky. On the contrary, it is flourishing and has the potential to surpass the past.

The power of the Starry Sky Emperor did not arise out of thin air. It was due to the alliance of hundreds of trillions of power circles, building altars and temples everywhere, and worshiping the emperor bit by bit. Finally, it gathered into a torrent, accumulated like a vast sea, and increased the strength of the emperor, making him invincible. In the world.

The power generated by worship is the power of faith.

If you believe in the emperor, your luck will rise steadily.

When the whole person dedicates everything to someone, that person becomes a god-like existence.


These altars and temples all turned to Ji Zizai, making him the only middle-level ancient god in the world.

The entire empire is dedicated wholeheartedly, without any impurities!

For example, sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers, relatives whose blood is thicker than water, are all inferior to people of faith!

God's will can make you destroy everything and disown all your relatives. This is the power of faith.

Pure and crazy, unable to distort faith, an unstoppable great force.

You know, in the chaotic years of the past.

Countless powerful people have studied the power of faith.

But later I discovered that this power of faith is not easy to control at all.

Because once you have more control and accept the beliefs of countless people, the cause and effect of these people will also be entangled in your soul.

This is a very serious consequence, which will directly cause the spiritual body and mind to collapse!

All kinds of impurities are left deep in the soul, which cannot be expeled. In the end, the whole body will be 'rusted', as heavy as lead, and finally become a statue.

Since ancient times, those old antiques have also established various sects and sects to let their disciples believe in them.


They didn't end well in the end.

All died.

Until later, the power of faith fell silent for a time, and the concept of faith becoming a god gradually disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Then, the Starry Sky Emperor took control of the power of faith. Later, he discovered that the power of faith had too many causes and effects, so he chose to abandon it, leaving it all to Ji Zizai.

This Ji Zizai actually didn't care about these karma and made the entire empire believe in him.


This is very similar to the Scroll of Destiny.

However, Ye Jue's long scroll of destiny is not about gathering faith and finally converging into a torrent, becoming the only god, dominating, enjoying and devouring it all.

The scroll of destiny is completely different, it is shared, shared.

No matter how many people there are, there will be no entanglement of cause and effect.


Next to Ji Zizai, there was a person, three pillars, with a calm expression.

Ji Zizai, you have so many people's karma entangled in their souls. Accepting their beliefs is equivalent to accepting karma. Your end will be very miserable.

The three pillars are now one person, five combined into one into a god, with mysterious skills.

It's out of the way.

Ji Zizai said: How can I not know the shortcomings of faith? With so many causes and effects, even high-level ancient gods may fall, because the truth that things must turn to the extreme and that prosperity must decline cannot be violated by any existence, even if It’s the world of three realms.”

Since you know everything, why do you still do this?

San Tai Zhu asked.

That's because my luck can suppress faith. Faith is divine power, and luck is imperial power. The two are different. To become an emperor, both divine power and imperial power need to reach their peak at the same time. When the Starry Sky Emperor falls, I become the emperor and surpass it. The high-level ancient gods just waved away cause and effect.

Ji Zizai continued: Luck is the power of the emperor. Your Majesty, the emperor, concentrates the luck of all people. With golden words, one word can change people's destiny. He is the master of destiny. This is super great luck. It is me. All people are like gods. Worship me, entangled in cause and effect, faith enhances the power to the limit, cause and effect will follow, but as long as before that, transcend the present.

Are you that confident?


A rumble sounded.

It was a huge sphere. As he spoke, the wild divine voice vibrated out, covering the sky and the sun, and filling the sky.

In contrast, the mighty Imperial fleet and the vast steel jungle shone with an icy sheen, densely packed and overwhelming.

The heavenly weapon becomes one, and the Moon Emperor appears to confront the empire!

Buzz buzz!!

There was no conversation yet, and in an instant, more than a dozen noble gods descended around the Moon Emperor.

Black Mountain Old Demon, Bloody Hand Demon Chief, Canghai Sage, Nine Elements Impermanence, Shinto Master, Fate, Tribulation Fire...

These ancient gods and masters were originally sealed in the virtual world, but now they have appeared.

The thought in the portrait of the Lord of God that day was their master, and they served here.

Beyond the present means breaking history. After so many eras, there have been so many talented people, but none of them are better than you. In the end, they all failed. It's just you? Huangkou kid!

The Moon Emperor was rude and sarcastic.

This acting emperor is really arrogant.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but show up.

Emperor of the Moon, you are the protector of the Emperor of the Moon Palace. You are a weapon and need a master. Now three of the four emperors of the Black Realm have died, and I am the only one left. Are you not allowed to surrender to the light and fall into my hands?

Ji Zizai's body flew out from a dazzling country, and the waves it sent out resounded throughout the sky, making the entire star field here resonate.

Buzz! !

The warship is like a jungle, shining with the unique cold luster of metal, and it is trembling due to suppression at this moment.

Seeing the emperor appearing in front of the emperor, the strong men of the empire had high morale. They were all waiting for the glory to come, kill all the gods of the void, and conquer this territory.

I am one body with the heavenly weapon, transcending the spirit of the weapon, and a real life. I have no longer recognized the power of the master. Only the person I choose will be his protector. I will grow up with you and I will take action if there is danger. Will give guidance...

The emperor on the moon talked eloquently.

Oh? But now you don't have a protector. I am now the strongest ancient god. If you don't choose me, who will you choose?

Ji Zizai's eyes were cold.

The so-called protector does not mean choosing the strongest one.

The Moon Emperor smiled.

It seems that I can only beat you until you surrender.

Ji Zizai sneered and wanted to use tough measures.

Boom boom boom!

In the void ahead, a huge star gate appeared, and more battleships flew out of it. There were too many battle ships, their magnificence was incomparable, and there seemed to be no end.

A large mother ship came with endless steel battleships.

The empire's foundation is so powerful and terrifying that its strength can only be defined by percentages.

Open the virtual world completely, and revive the ancient gods!

The voice of Emperor Langlang on the moon sounded.

Inside his body, the portrait of the God of Heaven suddenly opened its eyes and shot out majestic light into the boundary monument in his palm.


The boundary monument suddenly rose to the sky, and the whole thing began to be liberated, instantly turning into a giant black hole.

The virtual world!

San Tai Zhu frowned.

Not only releasing the ancient gods, but also reviving all the corpses of the gods in the virtual world?

Must be stopped!


His body suddenly swelled to the point where it was almost as big as the mother ship, majestic and huge.

A palm, listening to the stars biting the moon, enveloped the black hole.


All of a sudden, I held it in my hand!


But no matter what, it cannot be crushed, and magical powers and spells are of no use to it.


Then a strange sound of click came out, and countless gods emerged from the vast virtual world.

These gods are not as good as these ancient gods, but they are not weak in strength. Their faces have no expression, like puppets.

Facing the empire's fleet, there was no fear of life or death and he rushed towards it in a suicidal manner.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Beams of light pierced the darkness, countless Leng Sensen giant ships were destroyed, and the war broke out.

In an instant, a large fog was born in this area, gray and thick as a lead cloud, electromagnetic properties exploded, and the compressed void of the universe cracked.

Explosions, buzzing, myths and technology, and traces flow, forming a cage and fighting to the ends of the earth.

Ye Jue has arrived at this moment.

In his eyes, there was a terrifying scene in the distance, with countless battleships exploding continuously!

When a god dies, the body will explode violently, and a terrifying divine wave will sweep across. Many small spacecraft will be violently impacted and quickly disintegrate.

The characteristics of the gods are so strange, they look like monsters but not monsters, they look like humans but not humans. Some are like hills, some are hundreds of feet tall, some are covered with blood-colored scales, some are bald without any hair, and some are It has dragon horns on its forehead, and some of its arms are sharp claws, tearing directly towards a mother ship, destroying many warships along the way.

The gods are such a special group. They have been very noble since ancient times and have always surpassed high-entropy bodies and mythical bodies.

It looks like the boundary monument is completely opened.

Ye Jue was not surprised to see those gods, they were all corpses he had seen before.

The God Lord's thoughts can awaken them and make them come out to fight. He is indeed very capable.

However, in this battle, if we fight for consumption, the empire will not lose to the virtual world, and the foundation of the virtual world will not lose to the empire.

It could take tens of billions of years, and the war would never end. It would be an unsolvable war.

Unless, capture the opponent's leader.

For example, if Ji Zizai is killed, the empire will definitely be in chaos and the troops will be withdrawn directly.

After killing the Moon Emperor, no one will be able to control the portrait of the Lord of Heaven, and the boundary monument will be closed naturally.

But let's fight. The more intense the fight, the better.

Ye Jue was hiding here. When he saw the three pillars, Ji Zizai and Yue Shanghuang collided, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.


Beside him, the protective light curtain of a mother ship stretched open and was easily torn apart.

These resurrected gods, roaring with their mouths open and their bloody eyes flashing fiercely, all came towards him.


Ye Jue couldn't reveal his strength, he could only dodge and wait for the opportunity.

If there was any weakness in the heavenly weapon, he would disregard everything and use the strongest power to directly seal a small world and temporarily isolate the rules of the Tree of Apocalypse. No matter what, he would not let the Moon Emperor be snatched away by Ji Zizai.

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