Really? Interesting? That's fine. I'm afraid you'll be bored.

Ye Jue said with a smile.

Are you bored? I won't be bored. Maybe I was, but not now. There are so many new things waiting for me to discover.

Chen'er's voice fell silent.


Ye Jue did not continue to speak.

After all, it's a ticking time bomb.

If it doesn't work, it will explode directly.

Everything he does will be in vain.


Chen'er's existence is that of a voyeur.

Anything he does will be seen in her eyes.


She can listen to her heart if she wants to.

It's time, it's time for the Iron-Blooded Kingdom to be taken down.

Ye Jue murmured to himself.

He came to the Iron Blood Country just to get this country.

Now he has sneaked into the ace team and finally discovered an unstable factor, Lou Jianzi.

This person is just good enough to recruit.


He walked out of his room, and his divine thoughts had already enveloped the entire Iron-Blooded Kingdom.

Lou Jianzi's location is easily accessible.

He left on foot…


Damn it, these trash guys actually want to use me to kill the leader of the hostile force this time? Ancestor, you really think I'm a gun, you can use it however you want, no, I'm an ancestor, You high-level Immortal Emperors, I can kill you all!

Lou Jianzi's face turned green, extremely deep.

However, his savior's main armor was also tampered with by the Iron-Blooded Kingdom and installed with self-destructive civilization weapons. As long as he dared to betray, it would explode and cause him to lose everything.

Without the savior host armor, his strength would have dropped by more than three levels.


Nano bombs were also installed in his cells by those bastards from Long Xiao Kingdom.

Now he is being controlled from both sides. He is simply a tool. He may seem like a good person, but anyone can enslave him.

Damn it, isn't there any way to get out of this predicament? Should I rebel, abandon the savior host armor, and choose to occupy the Iron-Blooded Kingdom? Then I will have the strength to negotiate with the Longxiao Kingdom and let them take away the blood in my body. Bomb neutralization.”

Lou Jianzi walked into his room after thinking about it.


Unexpectedly, there was a person standing inside, with his hands behind his back.

How did you get in?

Lou Jianzi was a little dumbfounded.

You cannot enter the room without permission.

How did Ling Xiao get in?

He also clasped his hands behind his back and turned his back to him, looking like a master.

what's the situation?

It just came naturally.

Ye Jue turned around slowly with a smile on his face.


Lou Jianzi narrowed his eyes.

Why is it the first time...

Is he questioning Ling Xiao?

It shouldn’t be!

He knew this person's background very well.

After the foreign power was destroyed by the empire, he joined the Iron Blood Kingdom with passion for revenge and worked hard to become a member of the Ace Team. He made great contributions during the integration period and transformed the mecha system. modules, making them easier to manipulate, and...

Why can't he see through this person now?

Lou Jianzi, your room has been blocked by me. No one can hear our conversation. I don't know what happened here. Even if Ji Zizai comes in person, he won't find anything as long as he is outside the door.

Ye Jue said calmly, looking up with a pair of cold eyes, as if penetrating the void, and the waves of suppressed breath seemed to chill the skin and bones.

who are you?

The chill in Lou Jianzi's heart rose sharply, and the cold air in his spine whizzed. He involuntarily fell back, and the energy in his body leaked out.

Don't get excited. I have deduced that your memory has been sealed recently. I will help you unlock the seal.

Ye Jue flicked his finger, but the latter couldn't react at all and was instantly hit by a small ball of light.

Swish, swish, swish! !

Lou Jianzi was extremely shocked, a series of memories emerged, as if he had seen a ghost.

Ye Jue!

He was extremely shocked. Every pore in his body was glowing. This was something he had never seen before. He was completely shocked.

That's right, it's me, the master who is feared by all races, respected by the four seas, and surrendered to by everyone under the starry sky.

Ye Jue's light trail held up a brilliance in a difficult situation, lighting up the entire universe like a comet.

The Lord of Misery is him.

you you you……

Lou Jianzi was simply speechless.

He knew this person once in the wasteland!

Disappeared with Adam in Antarctica and later returned to become the first!

At that time, he also entered the hero list, and he was in awe of this number one.

Later, he also contributed to the counterattack on Hell.

But then the Empire came and everything changed.

He was also enslaved by Longxiao Kingdom and became a puppet...

I told you, don't get excited.

Ye Jue pressed his hands and released the easing factors mentally, allowing the latter to calm down.

It seems that Long Xiaoguo already knew that you were coming, and I was the first to discover it. Afterwards, I took the initiative to seal my own memory, not to erase it according to Long Xiaoguo's request, because I knew that you would find out, So, I was just waiting for this moment.”

Lou Jianzi said repeatedly after he calmed down.

It seems that you are also a smart person.

Ye Jue nodded.

This Lou Jianzi also knew that he was a puppet controlled by both parties, and he had already turned against him.

However, it has been impossible to implement without the means.

In fact, when he met Ye Jue, he already had an idea and buried it in his heart without anyone noticing.

Until now, it finally broke out.

Ye Gushen, you think too highly of me. I'm not smart.

Lou Jianzi laughed at himself in shame, and quickly said: Ye Gushen, if you have any purpose, maybe I can help...

No need to beat around the bush.

Ye Jue shook his head: When I unlocked your seal, I found that you have always wanted to escape from this dire situation. I can help you secretly, but due to some restrictions, I can't really show up. Do you understand Xiao’s identity?”


Lou Jianzi nodded quickly.

I like talking to smart people. This is the scroll of destiny. After imprinting the mark of life, you will be a member of my Ye Jue camp. You are the third person in this realm of destruction.

Ye Jue said.


Lou Jianzi did not hesitate and directly stamped his name on it.

Suddenly, a force of blessing came!

This, this, this, this is...

He let out a long roar, his aura rising steadily, and he actually ignored the catastrophic force for a moment, broke through on the spot, and directly became the ancestor of the intermediate level, approaching the peak!


Lou Jianzi squeezed his fist hard, as if he crushed the void, and crystal fragments fell to the ground.

There was a huge wave of horror in his heart!

Not only did he advance, he also realized the power of time! ?

You have received benefits, so you have to do things for me. I want you to take over the Iron-Blooded Kingdom and become the master of this country in the shortest possible time.

Ye Jue said slowly.

I thought too, but my savior armor was installed with self-destruction weapons by those high-level officials. If I launch a coup and the people of Longxiao Kingdom find out, they will definitely detonate the nano bombs in my body and take over everything by the way, Fisherman Profit.

Lou Jianzi said with great shame.


Ye Jue frowned and said, I can help you clean up the nano bombs in your body right now.


As soon as he finished speaking, he put a palm mark on Lou Jianzi's body.

Holy Calculator!

Didi, analyzing...

Three-star civilization weapons, super nano, apocalypse...

Start extraction!


On Lou Jianzi's body, arcs of electricity were sprayed out.


Immediately, a ball of silver-white substance spurted out from his mouth.

This mass of material was about the size of a fist, wriggling and deforming.

Ye Jue isolated himself a little and sealed this civilized weapon.

That's no problem. You can also use this bomb as a weapon.

Ye Jue continued: The self-destruction weapon of your savior armor was already cleared before I came here.

As expected of the ancient god Ye, who is said to be capable of thunder.

Lou Jianzi was shocked again and again, it turned out that he had been manipulated a long time ago.

Don't worry, at least you won't be a puppet here with me. Just do things for me. The benefits will be indispensable to you. Musashi, Nikolai is now your comrade. You can get in touch with them to help you make a coup.

Ye Jue walked out of here.

no problem.

Lou Jianzi nodded quickly, looking at the back, feeling that he was standing on the ninth level of the sky, which was intimidating.

Okay, I'm finally free of shackles. I, Lou Jianzi, will also have such a day!

He roared.

This Lou Jianzi has been suppressed for so long, and you took advantage of it. No matter the timing or other things, it is impeccable. You are gradually becoming emperor-like!

B said.

No matter in the past or now, if you ask about the master of this world, there is no doubt that the Emperor of Starry Sky is the strongest.

This is the only person who surpasses the ancient gods and dares to call himself emperor.

He felt that Ye Jue was gradually gaining the aura of an emperor.

However, I don’t know how many epochs it takes for an emperor to be born. Only after the mortal angels appear, will there be an emperor to rule the world.

As long as the Starry Sky Emperor is still there, then no second emperor will be born.

You know, emperor is a special level of life.

To rule an era, to be invincible forever, and no one can resist, can only be gradually developed.

Not long after Ye Jue became the Lord of Misery, it was not unreasonable for him to show off his imperial demeanor.

But if you want to become an emperor, if you don't kill the Starry Sky Emperor, you may never get ahead.

The next thing is to wait patiently.

Ye Jue stood in the center of the room, his eyes piercing through the wall, paying attention to everything in the Iron Blood Kingdom.

Didi di di!!

Immediately, his bracelet appeared to summon the order.

Arrive at your destination.

Yang Zi and Duan Shuang were still confused.

Is there a new mission? So soon? Aren't people allowed to rest? And aren't the members of the ace team replenished?

Yang Zi looked puzzled.

Don't look at me. I don't know. The captain summoned me here. I'm afraid he has something to announce to us.

Duan Shuang guessed.

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