The continent of the solar system seizes the star of creation, the earth.

By the time Ye Jue and the others arrived, the meeting location had already been chosen.

All the ethnic groups who were resurrected in the Samsara Pond have arrived.

There are the former allies Star Clan, the familiar eight major powers, and the demon clan in the stars.

There are even mechanical races, semi-mechanical races, etc.

These mechanical tribes also have free particles, and their strength is terrifying. Most of them are at the Golden Immortal level!

After they were resurrected, they found the destroyed base and dug out the core of civilization without saying a word.

A mothership was born in an instant, landed here, and sent representatives to the earth.

Reunited again.

In a place filled with brilliant lights and divine light, everyone gathered together.


Next, there were many shadows breaking through the sky, and the divine rainbow descended.

Man in black robe, I know you are not dead yet, please show up.

Ye Jue said expressionlessly.

At this moment, there was a bang, the void in the sky split open, and a figure seemed to be descending quickly.

This is the man in black robe, does he really exist?

The descendants of the earth were all horrified and jumped into the air, frightened by the man in black robe.

According to legend, this is the referee of the arena. No one can guess who he is.

There was a possibility before that he came from deep space and hell was his testing ground...

Ye Jue, it's very good. To my surprise, you came back from deep space alive.

The man in black robe was sitting cross-legged in the sky, and he made a sound, causing silence all around.

The moment he looked at Ye Jue, his pupils were revealed, pure white, making people's hair stand on end.

I already know your identity, God.

Ye Jue said calmly.

He once saw ten black-robed corpses in the Black Realm, offering sacrifices around the abyss.

Yes, we are members of the Celestial Clan.

The man in black robe also agreed.

So, what exactly is the Seed Plan you mentioned before?

Ye Jue has not forgotten this incident.

You mean the Seed Project?

The man in black robe had a very calm voice and said immediately: The seed plan can only be known by going into deep space.

This is unrealistic!

The next moment, Jin Yulan shook her head: The messenger from the Red Dust Sky has descended into deep space to destroy deep space. What kind of seed plan must not be completely destroyed?

That's why it's called the Seed Project.

The man in black robe shook his head and looked at Ye Jue: We, the gods, have always been neutral to you. The real enemy of our gods has always been hell.

I already know this.

Ye Jue responded calmly.

In front of so many people, the man in black robe appeared, which also solved the confusion of the world.

You once told us that if we abandon the earth, we will lose everything. Now that we have guarded it, what is the role of the earth?

Dragon Girl said loudly.

She was among the first batch to go to deep space, which was different from the time period of Proud Saint.

I know that the man in black robe has appeared in front of everyone before, and it is the same scene.

However, it was different at this moment.

This is related to a super big secret. The earth is actually a rocker switch... Our Celestial Clan has been guarding this secret for countless years. By my generation, we don't even know what the secret is anymore.

The man in black robe shook his head.

You don't even know?

Dragon Girl frowned.

Yes, because it is so important, in a certain generation we have already taken the initiative to erase the memory of this aspect. We only know that the earth is a rocker switch, but what kind of rocker switch, I don't know.

The man in black robe shook his head and his body gradually disappeared.

Chaos is coming. How do you protect the earth and the starry sky? Everything is betting on the new soul of World Tree. Let her grow up. You won't be disappointed. I don't have much power anymore and I need to hibernate... …”

At this point, the man in black robe disappeared without a trace.

Is this the man in black robe?


I couldn't understand what he said.

Me too, am I not smart enough?

People were talking a lot.

Of course, this is just a small episode.

When Ye Jue returned to Earth, besides questioning the man in black robe, he had other things to do.

East China Sea Divine Furnace.

He shouted lowly.


The huge furnace body of the East China Sea Divine Furnace flew out from the ground!

As the East China Sea rolls in, the sky-filling scene is so astonishing that it makes those watching tremble and feel their scalps numb.

No one would have thought that there would be such a magical object buried under the earth.

After such a long time, it has been hidden?

That's... that's...

At this time, some people were so excited that they all yelled.

The East China Sea Divine Furnace is actually the East China Sea Divine Furnace!

It is said that the Earth God once possessed this kind of treasure, but I didn't expect it to be true!

Yeah, I was dumbfounded!

At this moment, the eyes of the descendants of the Earth were bright and they said in great shock.

The Samsara Pond has resurrected too many lives, including various evil sects, righteous ways, dynasties, sects, indigenous people, chiefs, etc.

All those who had contributed in the battle against the empire were resurrected.

However, we are all gods, what is the use of the East China Sea Divine Furnace at this time!

These people couldn't stop talking.


Immediately there was a bolt of thunder and lightning, and the sky was filled with fire.

The entire East China Sea Divine Furnace was rebuilt in an instant, conveying a thundering roar!

The vast, majestic sound made the planet shake.

Next, you can see the East China Sea boiling and the divine furnace turning crazily!

Forming into terrifying dragons of pure vitality, they flew out from the East China Sea.

Under the influence of the ancient god's power, every one of them was earth-shattering.


Ye Jue pointed a little at his fingertips.

At the same time, the free particles flew majestic and vast, penetrating into the East China Sea Divine Furnace again, bathing it in the divine light.

Everyone in the world was stunned and trembled.

Because the East China Sea Divine Furnace is being re-created, and the swaying fire produces a mysterious power.

It will be called the Era Divine Furnace from now on.

The divine furnace burned blazingly, tearing a gap in the void, and more complex symbols evolved on it, intertwining and rotating with each other. The sun, moon, mountains and rivers were rotating, settling on the earth.


Suddenly, thick vitality spurted out from the Era Divine Furnace, and in the rumbling and trembling sky, dazzling golden clouds boiled out.

Created by the power of the ancient gods, this divine furnace can burn for at least three epochs, during which it will continuously eject vitality into the starry sky of the universe.


This is not over yet, Ye Jue's left and right hands opened up the world in the vast silver light, spraying out black sticks and thunderbolt cities.

Countless void cracks immediately burst open above the earth. The power of the Black Stick and Thunderbolt City was unbearable even by the stars.

Because Xiao Mumu hasn't fully grown up yet, and when she gets older, she won't be like this.


This black stick created in the black realm absorbed countless divine objects, sank from the sky, fell into the ocean, and penetrated into the deepest part of the earth.


Just like the Dinghai Divine Needle, it dominates the sky and stabilizes the original core of the earth.

The same is true for this Thunderbolt City. The golden magic circle roars in the sky, and the endless stars fall down, as vast as the sea.

A force of thunder descended into every place inside and outside the earth.

Life has not been destroyed, but the level of life has been enhanced unimaginably.

Ye Jue has no use for these two divine items for the time being.

Because compared to the Three Corpse Axe, the Three Corpse Sword, and the Anti-Universe Cornerstone, they are slightly inferior.

What's more, now that he has become an ancient god, even if he is running in the cave, he cannot increase his power.

He only has one ancient divine weapon, the Feathering Mirror.

After a brief modification of the earth, the meeting that ended in an unexpected farce was hastily ended.

During this period, Ye Jue returned to Earth and did nothing else.

Instead, I met many acquaintances, such as Xingxing Xiaozhenren and others, and talked about old times.

By the way, I also helped them a little and raised their life level.

He is an ancient god and can easily do it, but his improvement is limited, and his cultivation still depends on himself.

The Golden Eye of Tai Chi, the power of creation, the book of freedom, and the secret secret of the returning heart...are all in motion!

In a certain room in the quiet building, Ye Jue's eyes wandered as he observed the empire.

Now he has the strength to condense some fragments of the empire, but his secret secrets are still limited, and he can't see much.

He also observed it before leaving.

At that time, Su Yan was in a deep ocean of stars, expressionless, walking straight towards the darkness ahead.

Finally, there was a hint of hope.

Ye Jue still remembers this expression.

A new picture emerged.

Ye Jue's brows tightened.

Su Yan, who was caught by Ji Zizai, was not in the cage.

Instead, she was on a big purple star. This planet seemed to be a forbidden place. She sat cross-legged deep in the center of the earth. She seemed to notice something. She suddenly opened her eyes. The purple eyes were deep and intimidating, and she immediately showed her teeth. , turned out to be a sneer.

The snow-white teeth sparkled with a fierce luster...


Ye Jue's eyebrows flickered, and the power of creation created another self from the air, which was somewhat like the methods of the Starry Sky Emperor back then.

Su Yan, it's me.

He spoke immediately.


Unexpectedly, a golden fairy sword appeared in Su Yan's hand, and she slashed it down.


His weak clone immediately disappeared into thin air.

So strong murderous intent.

Ye Jue frowned.

That golden sword was actually on par with the Three Corpse Sword. The sword glow radiated the power of the ancient gods.


He suddenly opened his right hand and created a golden prison across the border, trying to trap Su Yan and see if he could capture the misery.


Su Yan, whose body was steaming with purple energy, had order and rules woven into her body. She roared, and the sound waves shattered the power of creation. The sound of the shattering made the entire Great Purple Star roar.

Ye Jue, don't waste your energy.

At this moment, a shadow appeared next to Su Yan. It was Ji Zizai's face. He smiled calmly and said: It's useless. She is no longer moved by emotions. She is not disturbed by emotions. She forgets her feelings and is detached from the world. , you are already a thing of the past to her.

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