No matter what you are, you will never be a messenger from the world of mortals. This is a particle of God. Are you from deep space?

Ye Jue's spiritual thoughts moved, overwhelming the sky and the earth, and all the power penetrated into the void, reaching the extremely high edge, and surrounded the entire miserable situation.

Now this azure human figure will be observed by him no matter where he escapes.

Suddenly, the blue humanoid body flashed, and its face was extremely blurry, but it actually made Ye Jue feel somewhat familiar.

Are you...

The dragon girl also felt the change in the blue human form at this moment.

She actually felt inexplicably familiar.

Chen Ya?

After Ye Jue's eyes evolved again, he saw that with the azure human shape as the center, there were hundreds of spatial coordinate points running through her behind, transmitting energy. This was a terrifying way of transmitting power. He had never Not seen.

That's why this blue human figure suddenly appeared.

The price paid is absolutely huge.

This feeling is like being in a higher plane and making contact with a lower plane.

He is the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven...he is destroying the deep!!

Sure enough, it was Chen Ya's voice, but it became extremely blurry at the end.


At the last moment, it exploded directly. Countless God particles roared and flew away in the misery. However, they were grabbed by Ye Jue's big hand and suppressed them one after another, turning into a ball of light.


Ye Jue used the power of the ancient gods to wrap several thick divine marks around it, like iron chains, and suppressed it into the cave sky with a rattling sound.

Now, his earth seed has been shattered and turned into the new soul of the world tree, Xiaomumu.

But this does not mean that he has no heart. On the contrary, the entire suffering is his heart, symbiotic and resonant.

The messenger from the Red Dust Heaven has descended into deep space?

Ye Jue was shocked, this was shocking news.

Does the messenger want to annihilate him from a high-level realm first?

The news delivered by Chen Ya should be more than that!



With a flick of his finger, Ye Jue flew these God Particles that might contain intelligence to the earth, threw them underground, and then asked Long Nu to study them.

After the research is completed, he is recovering the God Particle, and he still needs to rely on this particle to reveal the secrets of his time travel.


Holding the book of freedom in his hand, he broke the rules, erased the divine chain of order, and allowed freedom to be his will in the miserable world, surpassing the past.


Ye Yi and the Lord of the Black Domain, who were hiding deep in the space fault, both made a sound of praise.

This means that the dilemma has been mastered by Ye Jue, and he succeeded first.

And they still have to wait, wait for the messenger from Hongchentian to arrive, and then take advantage of the chaos to take over the world of destruction.

Now, just accumulate strength and wait for that moment.

But seeing Ye Jue's achievements like this, one can't help but admire him.


The Book of Freedom broke away from Ye Jue's hand, flew into the starry sky, and exploded with great violence. The light was like a dragon, a snake, a bird, and a whale. It carried fierce power and was extremely domineering. The moment it rushed out, countless people The runes and marks reacted to each other and vibrated at the same time.

From now on this book is the order.

Freedom is to human beings, light is to the eyes, air is to the lungs...

The past World Tree has died, and a new World Tree has been born. Its name is the Tree of Freedom, and the Tree of Freedom must use the blood of the tyrant as nourishment in order to transform. Use the tyrant and his blood to sacrifice freedom... …”

Ye Jue's voice filled the misery and vibrated.

Okay, okay, you are indeed the human being I am optimistic about. The birth of the Tree of Freedom is consistent with our goal.

The Lord of the Black Domain said excitedly.

That's right, the tree of freedom must transform and be completely free, and the blood of the tyrant must be sacrificed. We have allies.

Ye nodded.

With Yun Shanshan's strength alone, he was still slightly inferior to Ji Zizai, who surpassed the low-level ancient gods.

However, with Ye Jue's help, there would be no problem.

You seem to have made a mistake.

Ye Jue looked at them, shook his head, and said: This tyrant refers to the Starry Sky Emperor, not the acting Emperor Ji Zizai. He is not worthy. He expects me to help you attack the realm of destruction. You need to show some sincerity, right?


Ye Yi laughed and said: The only sincerity that the Lord of the Black Domain and I can show is that we have signed the scroll of destiny, isn't it?

If you help us, you are helping yourself.

The Lord of the Black Domain also said.

That's right. I'll help you take down the Realm of Destruction. Leave the Tree of Chaos to me.

Ye Jue's face was expressionless.

Tree of Chaos? That's no problem. We want to open up a new world and we don't need this great god.

Ye Yi said immediately.

That's right.

The Lord of the Black Domain nodded.

Of course, this is just a small episode.

The new order brought by the Book of Freedom is completely different from the past.

This is a great liberation.

Mind, hands, feet, space, time...

This allows every life to be fully free and almost able to do whatever it wants without being restrained.

This is the case for everyone, taking off their shackles and being free in their 'own' world.

What did the Book of Freedom bring them?

The body becomes a magical little world of freedom.

This is a small world of absolute personal freedom.

However, you cannot interfere with the other party's small world, because the other party is also free.

simply put…

People who possess free particles no longer become servants of order.

Unrestricted freedom, their bodies completely liberated.

I didn't expect that the free particles I created would be amplified by him like this. You see, the entire plight is already filled with the spirit of freedom. Will is free. When people realize their will, they also realize themselves. This kind of self-realization It is the greatest satisfaction for individuals. This is the new order of hardship, a great change...

The Lord of the Black Domain murmured.

Yes, with such a change, there is no doubt that even the weakest life will be able to resist the destruction of the Red Dust Sky. According to the past, when the Red Dust Sky comes, all other lives will be destroyed except for the ancient gods. But... Such a world , gives me hope.

Ye nodded and looked at his hands.

There are also free particles in the palm of my hand. Because I signed the scroll of destiny, I also share this power.

He also felt that his shackles had been removed, and he was free and not afraid of the mortal world.

It's not over yet.

The Lord of the Black Domain continued.

I saw.


The big starry sky roared again.

One after another, winding spiritual veins appeared again, and there were many holy marks, fairy marks, and divine marks that shone in the starry sky.


Countless times passed from it.

In an instant, ten million spiritual beasts appeared in the starry sky.

The bodies of these spiritual beasts all carry the aura of freedom. After absorbing these Dao marks, their entire bodies actually changed.

That's Freedom Armor!

Presenting a pure white color, the vast, eternal, and eternal atmosphere vibrates.

Scenes like this are happening all over the starry sky.

This is all because the purity of the spiritual veins is too high. It is unknown how much life power Ye Jue has absorbed, allowing such a creature to be born in the entire miserable state.

When a living being is born, it means that the pool of reincarnation in the sea of ​​trees is filled.

The colorful pool ripples, condensing reincarnation.

Needless to say, the memories left in it are beginning to be reborn.

That is!

Some people looked at the scene in front of them excitedly.

On the earth, after some free particles rolled around, human beings appeared one after another.

They stared at their hands and touched their faces in astonishment.

How could it be possible? Wasn't I killed by Imperial soldiers in the interstellar war?

Me too, but I'm resurrected. Is this rebirth?

What a powerful aura. I feel the pinnacle of mythology. Is this existence resurrecting us?

These people were extremely shocked.

The free particles turned into huge air currents, which not only rolled around the earth, but even spread in all directions, throughout the entire misery.

Buzz! !

Life is born again, and creatures begin to boil!

It was almost an earth-shaking rebirth, and every inch of him breathed almost like the breath of freedom.

Moreover, the resurrected people have obtained new particle bodies, which are directly above the true immortal level, and their life levels have advanced by leaps and bounds.

As long as Ye Jue and Ku Jie are still alive, they are qualified to cultivate into ancient gods and have unimpeded access.

But they have no foundation, they only rely on absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth, and slowly grow for who knows how many epochs.

That's... that's Aosheng?

The humans of the future generations of the earth suddenly screamed.

They respect Aosheng very much.

As the pinnacle of cultivation in the Great Starry Sky, his achievements were illustrious and he dominated the interstellar war with the empire, leaving an impression of invincibility in the minds of countless people.

It's a pity that he was captured in the end, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

But being resurrected now means that he was really dead before.

This is.

The glory of the proud saint shines on the earth like the sun and the moon.

As soon as he appeared, he was immediately at the Immortal Lord level, only one step away from becoming an Immortal Emperor.

Ye Jue, it's you, you succeeded!

At this time, Nu Jialuo also jumped from the other side of the distant universe, her eyes full of joy.

She was captured by the empire before and tortured to a terrible state. In the end, her head was beheaded and she died.

But at this moment, she understood everything in an instant.

It was Ye Jue's return that brought new vitality, change and power to World Tree.

Her state now is a hundred times higher than that of back then? Even a thousand times!

Without relying on the power of Shura Wolf Star's original wings, he can jump in the void and reach the distant earth world in an instant.

Otherwise, it would take a long time to reach it using a space-time wormhole.

Xiao Mumu, don't use too much force.

Jin Yulan flew over and reminded Xiao Mumu not to work too hard in the sea of ​​trees.

Now it is the soul of this tree of freedom that controls the entire huge pool of reincarnation. The number of memory imprints left in the pool is incomparably large!

These people are from all the tribes in the great starry sky, and their leaders have also begun to resurrect, and they were all secondary saints originally.

After being resurrected, he looked confused, and his life level jumped to the immortal level!

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