Warship of Great Power

Chapter 985: Aircraft carrier fidgets

The morning sun shines over the South Asian subcontinent and shines on the huge dockyard of the Cochin Shipyard.

 There is a huge warship here.

The bow of the ship is the jump deck, and the left side is the angled deck. It looks full of modernity. There is a huge island-shaped building on the right side of the ship. The building is square and gradually gets larger upwards, forming an inverted trapezoidal cross-sectional layout. The ship island There is also a quadrilateral structure on the top of the front, with three holes on all sides. It seems that it is for the placement of special phased array radar.

But, look at the rear of this structure. The tall mast just blocks all the view from behind, so the last phased array radar antenna is arranged at the rear of the entire building.

There is no chimney in the center of the ship island. The right side is tilted outward. Four circular tube-shaped openings are arranged here. This is the chimney of the aircraft carrier.

The ship island is very large, and Lao Maozi designed it in this style. There is an elevator at the front and rear of the ship island. The area of ​​the elevator is not large, and it can make up for some gaps.

At this time, all the scaffolding above has been removed, the hull has been painted with navy gray, and the skeletal dragon part is dark. Such an aircraft carrier looks like it has begun to take shape.

A podium was set up in the open space of the shipyard, and Sunil, who was full of excitement, was delivering a speech there.

“Today, we are very happy, we have ushered in the launch day of the Blue Sky Guardian!”

This sounds a little funny, because Sunil said this once here a few years ago. At that time, the Blue Sky Guardian was still a semi-finished product and was launched into the water for the first time. There was no beveled deck and the deck at the tail was not repaired. Qi looked very weird, but just like that, he was announced to be launched into the water by the Asan Navy in a high-profile manner.

A lot of things happened at that time, and even the dock was not strong enough. Although the locks had been opened, silt accumulated outside, making it impossible for the warship to get out.

This time, of course Asan will learn his lesson and have already cleaned up the dock door. Moreover, this time it is in a complete state!

 After so many years of preparation, their aircraft carrier is finally going to be launched! Compared with last time, after they go into the water this time, they will not come back again. It will be a complete launch!

Cameras are also filming, recording the entire launching process. Everything in the dock, from the bow to the stern of the ship, is clearly illuminated.

“Our Asan shipbuilding industry is the most powerful. When we launch this time, we will use self-propulsion to leave the dock, because our aircraft carrier is in the dock and has already installed all the power systems!”

If it is a normal launching method, in order to avoid the impact of water flow and damaging the propeller, you will usually choose to install the propeller after launching. However, it does not matter in the dock. The water flow comes in slowly. After entering, it will be almost the same as normal sailing. If the power system is complete , of course it can sail normally after being launched into the water.

Since there was something wrong with the last launch, Ah San and the others have been holding back their anger. They must do a better job this time and let people know about the progress of Ah San's shipbuilding industry!

Although the construction of the Dongfang 003 aircraft carrier was not announced to the outside world, the first part of the aircraft carrier that was quickly built in the dock has attracted the attention of the intelligence agencies of many countries. It is obvious that it is an aircraft carrier with a huge displacement, even larger than the previous 002 aircraft carrier. Even bigger!

This kind of aircraft carrier cannot be exported and can only be used for own use. Ah San also knows that Dongfang is building an aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 80,000 tons, and they, this 40,000-ton aircraft carrier has just been launched, and they are already lagging behind. There must be some innovation.

Of course they don’t know that Dongfang’s aircraft carriers also had all these installed when they were launched, and even carried out a lot of outfitting work, but they were in better condition than Asan’s aircraft carriers when they were launched.

 However, even if Ah San knew it, he would ignore it. In short, their aircraft carrier can start moving after being launched into the water. This is a new miracle.

“Now, let me introduce to you our aircraft carrier main engine. This aircraft carrier uses four LM2500 gas turbines as power. It is the first aircraft carrier in the world to use gas turbines!”

This is even more nonsense. The Mingzhou Group built gas turbines for the big dog owners and the Guinea Navy, but Sunil obviously ignored these and pretended that he saw nothing but his own aircraft carrier.

"The British aircraft carrier also plans to use gas turbines, but it is slower than ours. Therefore, our aircraft carrier is the most powerful aircraft carrier of this era! Those aircraft carriers that burn boilers are outdated. An aircraft carrier must use a gas turbine to be considered an advanced aircraft carrier. Even a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier cannot match the acceleration of a gas turbine aircraft carrier!”

When thinking of this, Sunil suddenly had an idea and added: "After it is launched into the water, our aircraft carrier will drive around on the water to show everyone our best gas turbine power!"

  When hearing him say this, the other technicians present frowned.

what are you saying? Forget about launching into the water with the engine running, you actually want to let this aircraft carrier race around on the sea? Are you out of your mind?

It has not been outfitted yet and it is empty inside. Should the helmsman stand there and use a wrench to tighten the nut of the steering gear to start it? What if something goes wrong?

 But now that Sunil said it in front of so many people, it must be done, and they couldn't help cursing in their hearts.

“We use four LM2500 gas turbines with a total power of more than 100,000 horsepower, which is larger than the Queen-class aircraft carrier with a displacement of 60,000 tons. Therefore, the speed of our aircraft carrier can reach more than 28 knots!”

Sweat suddenly appeared on the forehead of the person in charge below. Brother, please stop talking nonsense. If you keep talking, we will have to sail at full speed on the sea? This kind of experiment will be carried out after the sea trial is completed for a period of time after the outfitting is completed.

  Do you think too highly of our Cochin Shipyard?

Although he was anxious, he couldn't go up to dissuade him. He could only stamp his feet below.

 Fortunately, Sunil did not continue to talk nonsense, but changed the topic.

"Our Stan Aviation has purchased the production license for this gas turbine, and we can produce this gas turbine here in the future." Sunil continued: "In the future, our naval power, from frigates to aircraft carriers, will be We will exclusively use the world’s most advanced LM2500 gas turbine!”

There was another burst of applause, but many people were muttering, Stan Airlines? Do we dare to use the products produced by this company?

 Finally, the speech is over.

“Now, I declare that the launching ceremony has officially begun!”

Even though he had smashed the wine bottle last time, Ah San was not stingy with such a bottle of wine. For an aircraft carrier, he was willing to smash three or five bottles, so he held the wine bottle smashing ceremony again.

At this time, light blue smoke was rising from the chimney of the aircraft carrier, and the roar of the engine sounded. The aircraft carrier had started its engine!

  Bang! The wine bottle hit the bow of the ship, foam flying.

 “Fill in water and open the gate!”

 The turbulent sea water poured in, and the huge ship body shook and floated easily.


 The power turbine rotated, and the power was combined. Water spray appeared at the rear of the aircraft carrier, and the huge hull slowly retreated.

"Have you seen it? Our aircraft carrier left the dock under its own power. This is a new miracle in the history of world shipbuilding. Our Asan shipbuilding industry is the strongest in the world!" Needless to say, Britain and France, Sunil even The United States has been ignored. At this time, they themselves are the strongest.

There were bursts of applause.

The roar of the engine rang in the sky, and a helicopter took off, carrying the photographer to the sea area where the aircraft carrier went to sea. Sunil said that the aircraft carrier would have to make a circle on the sea before it was outfitted. At the pier, of course they had to follow and film a section.

On the unglazed ship island, several technicians frowned. Do they really want to do this?

“The helicopters have taken off, we have no choice.” A technician said: “Now, first adjust the retreat to the forward state.”

“Roger that.” came the response from the engine room: “Get ready to adjust the propeller.”

 Different main engines have different reversing methods. If it is a medium-speed or low-speed diesel engine, it directly drives the propeller and the diesel engine reverses to achieve reversing.

As for gas turbines, some gas turbines have special reversing turbines. Just modify the gas turbine. Some have adjustable pitch propellers. Just change the propeller pitch to match the speed. Adjust to the opposite direction to achieve reversing. .

 It is now in the reverse state, and the propeller is in the opposite direction. As long as it is adjusted to the normal direction, the forward goal can be achieved.

Asan's goal was lofty. When building this aircraft carrier, he blindly pursued domestic products and requested domestically produced propellers. However, he found that he could not build it himself, so he urgently ordered it from Wartsila. Fortunately, he made it in time.

Only Wärtsilä can produce variable-pitch propellers for this type of aircraft carrier. This saves the gearbox. If there is no advanced propeller, then the reverse gear can only be added to the gearbox, which is a big project.

The gas turbine rotates quickly and cannot directly drive the propeller, which requires a gearbox. At the same time, although the aircraft carrier Asan uses four LM2500s, it only has two propellers, so every two engines need to be paralleled. This is also Parallel gear is required.

These are complicated enough, and if you add a reverse gear, it will be even more complicated.

 The huge aircraft carrier stopped, then transitioned to forward status.

The sea outside the shipyard has been cleared, and there is not a single ship in sight. The technicians began to speed up with an anxious mood.

 Speed ​​up!

  The propeller at the tail began to rotate again, stirring the sea water and rolling up white foam. The huge hull began to move forward, getting faster and faster.

“Have you all seen it? Our aircraft carrier can be launched after being launched into the water. It has combat capabilities, and our carrier-based aircraft can take off and land on it at any time!”

Sunil plans to continue bragging. They have purchased an advanced Rafale fighter jet. When this fighter jet enters service, it will definitely have the best combat capabilities. This is a fourth-generation aircraft and can fly at supersonic speeds!

 But at this moment, someone shouted: "The aircraft carrier's condition seems wrong!"

 “Yeah, why is it shaking up and down?”

 “Look at that wake, it’s just like a fish bone!”

 See more clearly in the sky.

The speed of the aircraft carrier was not very fast. As soon as it reached about ten knots, the bow of the ship began to shake up and down, as if it encountered a huge wave.

It would be okay if it was just shaking up and down, but the key point is that the hull is still shaking left and right, and the waves at the tail can prove all this: in the normal wake, there are still some waves protruding, forming a fishbone-like shape. This aircraft carrier is actually swinging!

This shows what?

Sunil’s face darkened.


"Hello everyone, welcome to this episode of Zhang Zhongshuo's show. Due to special circumstances, we did not invite guests to the scene. We invited Pan Laolai from our 703 Institute to be our guest through the Internet. He has already He has been a guest on our show more than once, so everyone must be familiar with it.”

The camera switched to Mr. Pan sitting in the study and waving to the camera: "Hello everyone, I am Mr. Pan. I am very happy to meet you all again."

"Recently, Asan's aircraft carrier was launched. They installed a power system this time, so they showed it off when it was launched. However, it was precisely because of the show that we saw the problems of this aircraft carrier. It When it only reached a speed of ten knots, it started to shake left and right and up and down. Some people said that this was because there was no bulbous bow. Mr. Pan, can you analyze it for us?"

"Okay, host." The camera continued to switch to Mr. Pan, who began to explain.

"The bulbous bow is a great invention for ships. With it, ships can reduce resistance, increase speed, and reduce fuel consumption. The greater the speed, the more obvious the effect, so we can see that some particularly slow cargo ships may not A bulbous bow, but as long as the speed can reach more than 15 knots, it must have a bulbous bow. Ah San claims that his aircraft carrier can reach 28 knots, but does not have a bulbous bow. This is very rare. If we don’t have one, If you guess wrong, they probably can’t make it.”

 “Can’t make it?”

"Yes, just like the DSI bulge inlet, all aviation designers know that with this bulge, the boundary layer isolation plate and adjustment device can be replaced, saving weight, but now this device is applied to We are the only ones on the plane, so why don’t other countries use it? Of course, it’s because they don’t know how to deal with it and process it. If its shape is slightly changed, the whole effect will be completely different.”

“I understand, this bulbous bow also requires high-precision processing. Asan does not have the processing technology, so it cannot be processed. Is that so?”

"Yes, the bulbous bow of the warship is more complicated, and a slight change in appearance may have a counterproductive effect. With Asan's processing power, it is unlikely that it can be made up to standard, so they simply removed the bulbous bow. "

 “So, is this bulbous bow the cause of its oscillation?”

 “That’s not necessarily the case.”

 “Not necessarily?”

"Yes, we can look at other aircraft carriers. The United States did not adopt a bulbous bow design before the Forrest-class aircraft carrier. For example, the Essex-class aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 33,000 tons did not have this bulbous bow. Bow, even if it sails to 30 knots, there will be no trouble."

It was World War II, and the Americans had no choice but to produce this thing in time. They produced 24 Essex-class aircraft carriers in one go. The process must be simplified, but even if the process is simplified, there will definitely not be any flaws. question.

 “What’s the problem?”

"Let's discuss it separately. When a ship is sailing, there will be regular ship swings such as pitch, roll, and bow. The problem of bow is generally caused by the front being light and the back being heavy, so when sailing Constantly rising and falling, this problem can be solved by increasing the weight of the bow. However, roll and pitch are more fatal. Now these problems exist. The most likely reason is that Asan's aircraft carrier lacks reliable net stability during the design stage. Strength testing, or the actual manufacturing process may have exceeded the original design of the aircraft carrier. Although Ah San said on the surface that he designed the aircraft carrier himself, it was actually designed by Da Mao. Ordinarily, Da Mao would not have such a problem. of."

 It’s not a design problem, it’s a manufacturing problem, because Asan’s manufacturing is not up to standard!

 “Can it be improved?”

"Rolling should be relatively easy to solve. For example, the French Charles de Gaulle has a small displacement. In order to reduce the left and right rolling, a special anti-rolling device is used. Asan probably imported a set of the same type from France, but it is difficult to pitch. After all, the hull is too huge. If you want a professional device to reduce the pitch, it means that the damping moment must be very large, and it must be able to affect half of the hull."

“That means that the shortcomings of the Asan Navy’s aircraft carrier cannot be solved?”

"Yes, it is difficult to solve. Regardless of rolling or pitching, it will bring major hidden dangers to the take-off and landing of carrier-based aircraft. The carrier-based aircraft pilots of the Asan Navy will have a narrow escape every time they land in the future. In fact, even if Even the bow shaking is not easy to solve. After all, we know that the aircraft carrier needs to add blocking devices at the tail. These devices will also greatly increase the weight behind the aircraft carrier. In other words, after the aircraft carrier is outfitted, the shaking will be even more severe. .”

 In front of the TV, someone cursed.

“Damn it, this loyalty program has been smearing our Asan shipbuilding industry, but we are not that bad!” Sunil clenched his fists.

"Yes, we can guarantee that there will be absolutely no problems with our own construction work." The person in charge of the shipyard said quickly.

 Since there is no problem with construction, it is a problem with design!

“Contact Damao immediately, we will ask them to give us an explanation!” Sunil said.

  Such a problem occurred on the aircraft carrier. Ah San himself does not take the blame. It must be a design problem. No reliable net stability test was carried out during the design!

Da Mao’s design bureau has long since declined. I originally thought they could produce qualified drawings, but I didn’t expect so many problems to arise!


 It’s good to have the Internet. Soon, the designers of the Northern Design Bureau appeared on the computer screen.

"Mr. Mising, there is a problem with your design drawings!" Sunil said with a gloomy face: "The Blue Sky Guardian we built according to your drawings encountered major problems in the first sea trial. You must You have to give us an explanation!"

Mising also had a displeased look on his face: "Your first sea trial? What are the conditions for the sea trial? You idiots who don't follow scientific rules!"

These words confused everyone.

"What's wrong?"

"First outfitting, then sea trials, this is the normal procedure. Now, there is still a lot of equipment on the warship that has not been installed. Can you drive an empty hull without it shaking? You drive an empty vehicle and a fully loaded one. When a car is driving on the highway, will the former sway? Will the latter sway?" Misin said: "You idiots, you didn't even see the problem in Zhang Zhong said the program, they deliberately missed the biggest The reason is that the sea trial was carried out without outfitting, the ship’s weight was insufficient, and the weight distribution was wrong!”

 Everyone suddenly realized.

 That’s right, if we conduct sea trials before we are outfitted, the warship is just an empty shell, and of course it will shake. When the outfit is completed and various equipment is installed, of course it will stabilize!

 Why didn’t we think of this reason? How stupid.

 “I’m sorry, Mr. Mising, we were reckless.”

“There will definitely be no problems with our design, we can guarantee it with our reputation!”

 The video contact ended and Misin let out a long breath.

“Mr. Mising, what if it’s really our problem?” the assistant asked: “After all, we really didn’t do that kind of test.”

"Ah San won't be able to complete the outfitting if he doesn't have three to five years. The sea trial will be done only after completion. I will have retired by then. But you don't have to worry. You can also tell Ah San that it is also creating problems." Mi Xin said: "Ah San used their own steel, which caused vibrations in the ship's hull. What does this have to do with our design! If they want to solve the problem, they can pay us to provide technical support."

 The assistant nodded and put down a big stone in his heart.

 That's right, this is how you should treat Ah San.

“It turns out that the reason is that we don’t have outfitting.” Sunil said: “As long as the aircraft carrier is outfitted and then undergoes sea trials, this problem will not occur.”

"Really? Then we can rest assured."

 “Report, good news!”


“The first batch of three Rafale M fighter jets will be delivered soon!”

“Really? That’s great. Don’t you think the order will be queued for a long time?”

“Yes, the order has been queued for a long time, and the French Air Force has not received the goods yet. What we have now was originally produced for the French Air Force.”

 There are many models of Rafale. The original model A is a technical prototype and first flew in 1986. Type B and Type C are the two-seat and single-seat models of the Air Force respectively. They were only ready for delivery in 2004. The Navy's Type M is a single-seat and double-seat model that entered service in 2002.

After the French Navy got a few of them, it gave the order to Ah San and let Ah San equip them first to avoid Ah San regretting it.

Now, the first batch of three Rafale fighter jets are about to be delivered to Asan. For Asan, this is another good opportunity to increase its national defense strength!

“Great, when will I receive it? We are going to have a lively reception ceremony!”

PS: The pain in my lower back is severe, I can’t sit still, my grades are not outstanding, but my lumbar intervertebral disc is herniated. . . I can only do one chapter in the last few days, sorry.

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