Warship of Great Power

Chapter 983: 003 aircraft carrier construction started

 Everyone at the scene applauded.

I have been waiting for this nuclear-powered aircraft carrier for too long. Now, it has finally come to fruition and construction is about to begin!

The construction of this aircraft carrier will bring Dongfang's aircraft carriers to a world-class level. It will be as good as or even stronger than the most advanced aircraft carriers in the world. It can be said that once this aircraft carrier is completed, it will become the most advanced aircraft carrier in the world. Advanced aircraft carrier!

With nuclear power, a displacement of 100,000 tons, electromagnetic catapults, and electric propulsion, who dares to say that Dongfang’s aircraft carriers are not powerful?

  This is the beginning of a new era and an important sign of advancing towards a blue water navy!

"Okay, now that the meeting is over, we won't leave everyone to eat." Wu Shengli said, "Now I'll send you to the airport, and you can eat on your own plane."

This situation is special. If you stay to eat, you will definitely have to take off your mask. In order to reduce the risk, you should leave quickly.

Qin Tao stood up: "Okay, let's go. When the navy leaders go to our shipyard in the future, we won't let them eat."

 Everyone laughed.

Babbage was still excited. Even after the introduction for a long time, his throat was already dry, but he still kept talking: "Mr. Qin, after waiting for so many years, we finally waited for the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to start construction!"

“Yes, we have finally waited.” Qin Tao also said with emotion: “We can finally reach the world-class level in this field!”

“Yes, it is world-class and the strongest in the world! America’s aircraft carriers are not as advanced as ours!”

“Let’s go to the shipyard together. You designers should also join in and convert the drawings into aircraft carriers.”

“Oh, why do I feel so empty in my heart?” Babbage continued: “What will we do when this aircraft carrier comes out?”

People need to have ideals, pursuits, and goals. Once these are lost, people will lose their fighting spirit.

Since coming to the East, Babbage has set a goal: to design an aircraft carrier, build an aircraft carrier, and build the most advanced 100,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!

Now, this goal is about to be achieved, what’s next?

 He can still do it, and he hopes to have better projects.

Qin Tao rolled his eyes at him: "There is a lot that can be done. We must continue to study how to improve the combat effectiveness of aircraft carriers, the advantages and disadvantages of various aircraft carriers, further improve the current aircraft carriers, and even in the future, there will be an aircraft carrier fleet in the universe."

 Babich swallowed, the aircraft carrier fleet of the universe? To be honest, I really didn't think about it that much. Even if there was one, it would probably be Max's, not Babbage's.

However, there will definitely be things to do in the future.

 Under President Qin, there will always be projects!

 Everyone got in the car, went straight to the airport, and got on the plane. Then they ate some lunch boxes, and then the plane started to take off and fly to the south.

At almost the same time, Américo and his people also came to the East and were arranged to stay in a special hotel. However, life in the hotel would not be boring. Projectors and professional staff were prepared here. commentator.

“Hello, Mr. Américo, I am the construction engineer of the 075 aircraft carrier. Now let me explain to you the specific structure of this aircraft carrier. Let’s start with the suite designed for you.”

Behind the commentator on the screen, a cabin appeared. This was not an introduction to the design drawings, but a live broadcast from 075!

Americo nodded: "Is this room mine? How big is it? Is there a swimming pool in it?"

“I’m sorry, this is not a yacht, there is no swimming pool, but there is a special double bathtub for you.” The tour guide opened the door, walked through the large living room, and came to the bathroom.

Although the aircraft carrier is large, it also has many people. It can also be said that every inch of land is precious. However, it still leaves a lot of space for Americo, and Americo must be satisfied.

Americo looked at the double bathtub and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, very good!"

Americo is already fantasizing about being in this bathtub...

With these explanations, the time in the hotel was no longer boring. Seven days passed by in a flash, and finally, Americo could go out!

“Mr. Americo, thank you for your hard work.” Passing through the door of the hotel, Americo saw a familiar figure standing outside.

"Mr. Qin, why did you come to pick me up in person? How can you be so embarrassed?" Americo was a little embarrassed.

"I was supposed to go to the airport to greet you, but this is a special situation. Even if you go to the airport, you can't meet. Come on, I will take you to the launching ceremony now."

"Okay." When Américo said this, he suddenly thought of something: "Mr. Qin, my room has been decorated. Shouldn't those be for outfitting?"

"Yes, it's outfitting time." Qin Tao said: "This aircraft carrier was supposed to be launched. However, since you are here, in order to wait for your arrival, we delayed the outfitting work for a few days. There was some going on.”

The shipyard's dock is an important resource. One more day of delay will incur a lot of additional expenses. In order to wait for him, the Orientals actually kept the aircraft carrier in the dock for a few more days. How could Americo not be moved.

Qin Tao smiled: "Let's get in the car!"

The high-end Hongqi car drove towards the shipyard. When he saw the warship in the shipyard from a distance, Americo took a deep breath: "Is this warship ours?"

“That’s right, it’s yours. You must have seen it in the video, right?”

"Yes, I have seen it, but watching it in the video is different from watching it live." Américo said: "This warship is really great. With this warship, we can better Let’s protect our maritime rights and interests!”

“That’s right, let’s see which pirate has the guts to run wild on your drilling platform.”

Before the car stopped, Americo had already jumped out, taking three steps at a time and running towards the dock.

Qin Tao stopped him: "Mr. Américo, now is the right time. We will hold a launching ceremony first, and then drag it to the outfitting dock. You can take your time and watch."

Americo could only stop: "Okay."

 Due to the special circumstances, there were no reporters or many spectators. There were only twenty or thirty people standing in front of the dock, looking a little shabby.

However, Americo doesn’t mind it.

 He walked to the rostrum, stood in front of the microphone, and then took out the speech he had prepared in his pocket.

"Today, I am very happy." Americo said to the people below: "Our aircraft carrier is finally going to be launched, which means that our Guinean Navy will soon have a modern warship! Now, we named this warship Guinea Number!"

The naming of warships is also particular. For Guinea's rapidly expanding navy, their naming is very simple: the aircraft carrier is named after the country, and the escorting warships are named after the province. This is simple and clear. Clearly.

The launching ceremony is grand. After all, the warship must be named when it is launched. From now on, it will no longer be called 075, but directly called the Guinea.

“We have been waiting for this day for a long time.” Americo continued to talk for half an hour, and finally ended. After these rituals of smashing wine bottles and throwing ribbons, the dock began to fill with water.

The huge hull floated up, and then, driven by the tugboat, it headed towards the outfitting dock on the other side.

Americo smiled brightly and looked at the warship. He walked on the corridor and headed towards the outfitting dock. When he arrived at the outfitting dock, he could take a closer look at the warship!

He didn’t know that just after the warship left, the door of the dock was closed, water began to be drained, and at the same time, new slogans were hung up.

 Warmly celebrate the start of construction of the 003 aircraft carrier!

 A group of other people have been waiting here for a long time.

Due to special circumstances, the naval leaders from the capital did not come, but a large number of local naval leaders from Mingzhou came. They had been waiting for the launch of the 075. What Qin Tao said was in a hurry, but he did not rush to the launch time of the 075. , but to catch up with the start time of the 003 aircraft carrier.

 We can't miss noon at the latest. It would be unreasonable to start work in the afternoon. It's only ten o'clock, so it's not too late.

Qin Tao had to accompany Americo, so only Babbage and Makarov accompanied the naval leaders here.

Makarov was also very excited. After waiting for so long, the construction of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier finally started!

 Even some time ago, they couldn't wait any longer and planned to weld the segments directly on the side. When 075 was launched into the water, they would directly lift the welded segments over, thus shortening the time.

 However, the Navy has not yet made a decision. If it needs to be modified, the segments made in advance will not be used, so they do not dare to do it in advance, so they have waited until now. "Today, we are here to hold the groundbreaking ceremony of the 003 aircraft carrier. This aircraft carrier is of great significance in the history of our navy. 001 is from scratch, 002 is improvement and improvement, and by 003, we have finally reached the world's advanced level, even... Far ahead." The leader of the navy said: "This aircraft carrier represents our navy's ability to defend the rights and interests of the motherland and people, and protect our maritime transportation lines. It is our magic weapon to defeat the enemy in all possible wars!"

“Now, please let Leader Wu speak!”

 Although it was the navy leader who came, through the Internet, people from the capital were also watching, and Leader Wu had to say a few words.

 Everyone looked at the big screen nearby.

Leader Wu appeared, and he just said: "A strong motherland needs a strong navy, and a strong navy needs a strong aircraft carrier!"

 Many sharp-eyed people could clearly see that there was another person sitting next to Leader Wu, the old man who had dreamed of aircraft carriers for many years. In this way, he also attended the groundbreaking ceremony of the 003 aircraft carrier!

At this time, Mr. Liu, who was far away in the capital, looked at the big screen, his eyes full of hope.

  003 aircraft carrier is about to start construction, and the construction of the navy has entered a new period of historical development!

“Next, let Mr. Liu make an announcement!” Wu Shengli said again.

 Beside him, Mr. Liu was a little surprised for a moment, and then he used all his strength and spoke with great energy: "Now, I declare that the construction of the 003 aircraft carrier has officially started!"

 Start work!


The fireworks flew up into the sky one after another, and countless flowers bloomed in the sky. Many people raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

Americo had just gotten off the island and planned to go down to take a look. When he heard the sound of the fireworks, he immediately raised his head and looked to the sky.

 Blooming, green, yellow, colorful, even in the daytime, they look very interesting.

Americo asked in surprise: "What are you doing?"

“This is to celebrate the launch of your aircraft carrier.” Qin Tao said.

"Really? Qin, you are so polite. Doesn't this cost a lot of money?"

“It doesn’t matter how much money you have, I just want to have fun.”

“If our aircraft carrier sails back, it would be great if we could also launch it at the domestic military port.”

“Of course there is no problem. When this warship undergoes sea trials and is delivered to you, we will send you a batch of fireworks so that you can celebrate lively at home.”

 “Thank you, Mr. Qin!” Americo was very grateful.

Here, the plasma cutting machine starts cutting the steel plate again, and then enters the bending machine. The construction of the 003 aircraft carrier has officially begun!

 This is the beginning of a new era!

That night, another banquet was held in the Mingzhou Group Guesthouse. Qin Tao entertained the arriving Americo and his party. However, when everyone was drinking, they were all thinking about the 003 project. Qin Tao was so happy that he even drank. A few more drinks.

 The Orientals are happy, but the French are in mixed moods.

 Da Mao’s first tranche of funds has been received, so the construction of the Mistral-class amphibious assault ship built for Da Mao has officially begun.

Nicholas, a high-ranking official of the Mao Navy, visited the Brest Shipyard in person.

"Today, we are very happy to officially start the construction of our amphibious assault ship at the Brest Shipyard! It is of great significance to our Navy. Since 1991, we have never received a brand-new warship. , now we not only want to build a brand new warship, but also a heavy warship with a displacement of more than 20,000 tons. The construction of these two warships will greatly improve the ocean combat capability of our Dalai Navy!"

Nicholas gave a passionate speech, and the audience burst into warm applause.

 The first steel plate started to be cut. After it was cut, the experienced bending machine workers began to operate the bending machine. After bending back and forth more than ten times, the first steel plate was finally bent into the corresponding shape.

  At the end of the groundbreaking ceremony, everyone went to a hotel near the Brest Shipyard to attend the groundbreaking ceremony banquet.

Duquesne held the wine glass and said excitedly to Nicholas: "Your Excellency Nicholas, we are very happy that the warship built for you has finally started. The friendship between France and Mao has entered a new era! "

"Yes, we are also very happy. We hope that you will build us a qualified warship according to our contract." Nicholas said: "If the construction period is exceeded, you will have to pay compensation according to the contract."

"Your Excellency Nicholas, please rest assured that we will definitely complete the task in accordance with the contract, but..." After finishing speaking, Duquesne lowered his voice: "Your Excellency Nicholas, we see that your car is a bit old, so , we want to give you a Bugatti.”

Nicholas shook his head quickly: "I will not accept any gifts from you, and please be careful not to try to bribe any of our personnel, and don't forget the lesson learned last time."

Duquesne could only smile awkwardly. If he wanted to increase the price of Damao, he would have to convince the person in front of him, and then bribe him, but it was obvious that the person in front of him would not accept any bribe. This was an endless cycle. !

 There were so many people at the banquet, and there was no way to do anything substantial. It seemed that we had to wait for the opportunity.

At this moment, an assistant hurried over and whispered in Duquesne's ear.

DiCena's expression immediately changed.

 “Mr. Duquesne, what’s the matter?” Nicholas asked curiously.

"It's okay, it's okay." Duquesne shook his head and said, "I'm very sorry, I need to go to the bathroom."

A lot of people came to this banquet, and all the manufacturers involved in the construction and supporting of this warship sent people.

 This naturally includes Alstom.

The Northwest Wind class is also fully electric propulsion, and the drive motor has been selected by Alstom. The previous diesel generator set was from other units, but the generator of the 40-megawatt gas turbine also fell on them.

Entamack also came to join in the fun.

 Lukes raised his glass and exchanged some polite words with Ntamac.

 “Ntamac, how is your research going?”

“The progress is pretty good. We promise to produce matching alternators for you within the specified time.”

"Really? This is really great." Lucas finally put down a big stone in his heart: "How is this alternator designed?"

“The maximum input power is forty megawatts, the output frequency is 60 Hz, and the rotation speed is 3,600 rpm. It can be perfectly matched with the British MT30 gas turbine.”

“Really? That’s great. Wait, what did you say? 3,600 rpm? No, no, we need more than 5,000 rpm.”

“Are you kidding? You are not an amateur. Do the math yourself. How can you achieve a frequency output of 60 Hz at a speed of more than 5,000 rpm?”

Lucas's expression suddenly changed.

  He is a warship designer, so he naturally understands these alternating current generator data, but his mind must be confused and he has forgotten these things!

“Quickly, find Decena here immediately. We need to find a room to chat quickly!”

 Everyone is having a banquet now. We must not ruin the atmosphere. We can only talk about it quietly.

In this way, Duquesne was called away by an assistant and went to a small room next to the banquet hall. Listening to Lucas's gloomy face, he asked this question. The expression on Duquesne's face was uncertain.

“If we can’t match it, how do the Easterners solve it? What they provide is a twelve-phase generator!”

 “Orientals should have used frequency converters.”

 “Then we will also use this kind of thing.”

“We don’t have one. The East is already working on an ultra-high-voltage direct current transmission project, and they have this kind of equipment on hand, but our power grid is all about alternating current, and we don’t have this kind of thing.”

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