Warship of Great Power

Chapter 967: The Zalayev is resurrected with full health

 For the Mingzhou Group, there is no such thing as the New Year. Everyone has long been accustomed to a busy life. When they see a variety of weapons appearing in their hands, they will be particularly happy.

 The modification of the Kirov-class cruiser is also a masterpiece of the Mingzhou Group.

 As the sun gradually set in the west, the huge cruiser slowly drove back.

The hull of this warship is still the same as before, it is huge and bloated. The huge number of launch silos on it represent its powerful combat capabilities. The superstructure of the warship seems to have not changed much, only the top.

 The top seems to have been cut off directly.

The bridge is still the original bridge, but from the top of the bridge, all the upper masts have been cut off. Anyway, it has been burned to the point of being miserable. Now it is replaced with a brand new mast, which looks more modern.

The mast is not the original iron frame, but has a closed shape. The polyhedral shape has a stealth design and looks very fashionable. The top of the mast and the four-sided phased array radar make this outdated warship look even more fashionable.

 The four-sided phased array radar, what Lao Maozi was most looking forward to, finally appeared on their own warship! And, more importantly, this four-sided phased array radar can not only perform air search missions, but also guide ship-to-air missiles!

Whether it is their S-300 or Shijili, they can guide it and automatically select the type of ammunition according to the distance of the target. For Lao Maozi, this is a huge improvement!

"It's great. Today's sea trial once again proved the reliability of this radar system." Stanislav stepped off the warship and said to Du Changtian, the Dongfang engineer in charge of the electronic system next to him: "Wait until tomorrow for the live ammunition to be transported. , we can load live ammunition for testing, and as long as the live ammunition target shooting is successful, the modification of this warship will be over!"

 When their warships were delivered, they were all empty. Now that they have finished testing the electronic systems, it’s time to start working on them for real.

“However, I am very confident in your electronic system. This electronic system will definitely not cause any accidents and will definitely complete our mission successfully!”

As he spoke, he had already walked onto the pier. When he looked up casually, he was surprised: "Mr. Qin?"

 Mr. Qin unexpectedly appeared on the pier, accompanied by his wife Zhao Ling. He knew all of these people. At this time, he was stunned for a moment, and then he ran over enthusiastically and hugged Qin Tao.

“President Qin, thank you for improving this warship for us and making it full of life and vitality!”

Qin Tao smiled: "It should be."

Standing on the dock, you can have a better view of the warship.

 The front mast has become the style of 052B, with a four-sided phased array radar installed on it. The rear mast has become the style of 054, with a roof radar installed. Of course, it just looks like a roof. In fact, it is a domestic modification.

 In this way, all the electronic systems of the Kirov-class cruiser can be considered updated.

In terms of search distance, it may not be as good as the previous huge radar antenna, but in terms of performance, it has definitely been upgraded to a higher level, especially the comprehensive combat capabilities and multi-target combat capabilities, which have been upgraded to a higher level.

 Lao Maozi's excitement is normal.

"This is our first warship with a four-sided phased array radar. In the future, it will become the flagship of our Pacific Fleet. When we have an aircraft carrier, it will also become a professional air defense ship for the aircraft carrier. This warship can fully protect the aircraft carrier formation. safety!"

Stanislav was very happy and spoke highly of this warship, even if he had not yet conducted live-fire target shooting, he was sure of it.

“I just heard you say that there will be live ammunition shooting tomorrow?”

"Yes, the first and last test firing is conducted." Stanislav said: "After success, this warship will be sent back to serve. Mr. Qin, thank you for your non-stop work these days and nights. Thank you very much. We are very grateful to you for speeding up the modification!"

If this was placed in their country, it would definitely not be refitted within three to five years, but in the East, it was actually refitted in a few months.

  The mast was made by the relevant units and then hoisted directly, but a large amount of equipment was still installed on the bridge, and all the aging circuits of the entire warship were replaced. This was a big project.

Qin Tao smiled, if it weren't for the purpose of vacating the outfitting dock, we would have had to delay it for the first half to a year.

“Tomorrow I will take part in the sea target shooting test with you.” Qin Tao said.

 “Okay! We welcome you.”

“Du Gong, have all the equipment been installed in place?” Zhao Ling asked.

“Of course, it has a lot of functions.” Du Changtian replied.

The two of them only had a brief conversation, and they only said one thing: this warship can fire at any enemy in the future, but it will not pose any threat to the east. This is also an important goal that Qin Tao helped transform.

“Report, the missile has been delivered to the port!”

"Really? That's great. Load it, load it!"

The Kirov-class missiles are mainly placed in front of the bridge. There are dense covers on it for installing various weapons. Close to the bridge is the huge P-700 missile launcher. In front of this device is the wheel-type S -300F, this wheel device is just a cover. If you open the cover and look inside, it will be empty and there is nothing.

 Behind the cover, there is a long track, and there is a long car on the track. This car is used to load missiles.

 The huge missile was lifted from the vehicle on the shore and placed dangling on the rail car.

The S-300F missile system is placed directly inside the launch tube. The cylindrical launch tube has reinforcing ribs, just like bamboo joints, but very thick. This huge cylinder was slowly placed On the trolley, the trolley then comes to the opening of the square, raises it up, and slowly puts the cylinder down vertically.

In the missile bay below, there is another mystery: a red iron frame is stuck there. This iron frame is also a cylinder, thick and long, and the missile with the launcher can be placed inside it. Then, the iron frame is inside the warship. Moved to the bottom of the revolver launcher, pushed it up, and installed it in place.

The whole process is extremely cumbersome, and the loading efficiency is completely incomparable with Eastern's hot and cold co-mounted launchers. However, the S-300F is the world's first vertically launched area air defense missile after all. It can be said to have set a precedent. This kind of The device was still very high-end back then.

 One, two, three, it took more than an hour for the S-300F system to load three missiles, and then began to load the Shikili missiles.

 Although other launchers have not been improved, in order to remove the outdated short-range anti-aircraft missiles and replace them with Shikili missiles, some changes were made at the front and replaced with Lao Maozi's own 3S90M vertical launch system.

This vertical launch system is chocolate-shaped and looks more modern. At the same time, it is easier to hoist the missile.

 After struggling until midnight, everything was ready. Stanislav slept on the warship. When he woke up the next day, President Qin and others had already boarded the ship.

“Woo!” The Kirov-class blew its whistle and slowly left the port. The gas turbine at the tail roared, and the entire warship seemed to be trembling slightly. It left the estuary, came to the sea, sailed through the busy shipping lanes, and came to the sea further east.

  This warship has been rejuvenated with Dongfang’s power system. Now that it has been replaced with advanced electronic equipment, this warship is even more reborn.

"The search radar has been started and is working normally." The bridge was busy. After this period of training, Lao Maozi's sailors have become proficient in the operation console provided by Dongfang. The screen is larger, the display is clearer, and it is also equipped with The keyboard and mouse operate completely differently than before.

The flat-panel radar on the rear mast has rotated and is searching and scanning around. Everything is normal.

"The target ship is calling the Zarayev. Our ship is on your left and is ready to launch target missiles. Please be ready."

 “Already prepared, please fire the target projectile!”

“Roger, the target missile will be launched in three minutes!”

“The target ship was found fifty kilometers away!”

“The target has been separated from the target ship! It’s approaching us!”

“The target is thirty kilometers away and has been locked!”

 “Fire the Shikili missiles! Two salvos!”

 In front of the ship island, the chocolate-like lid opened, and a missile popped out with a bang.

Although it is a cold launch, because it uses gas, when the missile flies out, there is a flame underneath, but the flame is very small. As the Shikili missile flies into the sky, the missile disappears. The ejection speed is not very high, so the entire missile can be clearly seen.

 White warhead, green body, four long strips of fins on the sides, extending to the tail, and the four small tail fins are still white, which looks very unique.

The missile flew more than ten meters above the hull. Suddenly, a brilliant flame appeared from the tail, and thick white smoke spread quickly. Just when it was about to block everyone's sight, the second missile banged. With a sound, he also flew out.

 The Kirov-class cruiser is very huge, but it has not been equipped with medium-range anti-aircraft missiles before. It is either long-range or short-range, leaving a gap in firepower.

 This improvement can be regarded as an upgrade.

The top radar on the rear mast continues to rotate to provide parameters for the Shikili missile. At the same time, the target illumination radar starts and is firmly aimed at the target.

 On the radar screen, the two bright spots launched by our own side rushed towards the incoming bright spot, getting closer and closer.

 When the highlights overlapped, everyone became nervous, and the next second turned into excitement.

“The target disappeared, one missile intercepted the target, and the second missile will self-destruct at the end of the range! The test of the Schkili system was a complete success!”

 There was a round of applause on the bridge.

 It's like knowing the answer and then taking the exam. What's there to celebrate? Qin Tao looked at the people present and did not dare to say anything. He could only curse in his heart. This whole system is mature and has just been installed. It would be a shame if it missed.

“Blue Shark calls out to the Zarayev, which is about to reach the target sea area!” At this moment, another voice came from the radio.

“Roger!” Stanislav said: “Activate the four-sided phased array radar!”

 The four-sided radar was activated, and many people were busy on other workstations. A tense atmosphere filled the entire bridge.

“Target found, three hundred kilometers away, heading starboard!”

 This is not a test. This is clearly cheating. When the Eastern Navy tests, it never calls out. It doesn’t know which direction the missile is coming from. Everything is the same as in actual combat.

But now, Qin Tao was shocked when he heard the statement of three hundred kilometers. Domestic anti-aircraft ships have always used large shields. In the early days, it was four hundred kilometers, and later it was even five or six hundred kilometers. However, due to the band problem of this small shield, The distance is limited to about two hundred kilometers, but now an aircraft has been discovered three hundred kilometers away. It seems that these technologies are making progress.

 “Follow closely!”

Skili is not a challenge. It only requires the shipborne radar to provide initial data. After that, it depends entirely on the target illumination radar. The guidance of the S-300F missile relies entirely on the shipboard radar system. Moreover, this is the first time they have used a four-sided phased array radar to guide the S-300F missile. Although the data has been opened and the software has been coordinated, the actual combat capabilities are not clear.

“Two hundred kilometers away, the blue shark has already launched the target missile!”

On the radar screen, a bright spot separated from the original bright spot and quickly approached them!

 “Prepare to launch missiles, one!”

Skili's two salvos don't cost much, but the S-300F missiles are much more expensive, so they have to save money.

 If the interception fails, they should still have a chance to launch a second one.

  The cover of the revolver in front was opened, waiting for an opportunity at any time. At the same time, the target was also approaching rapidly.

 “One hundred and fifty kilometers!”

 “One hundred kilometers!”

"launch missile!"

The early 5V55K missiles were abandoned long ago because their range was too short. Now warships are loaded with 48N6E missiles with a range of 150 kilometers, and the maximum range is 150 kilometers. Considering various factors, the range is generally 100 kilometers. Intercepted within.


Under the front of the bridge, another missile was ejected by high-pressure gas. The moment this missile came out, it brought up a lot of fragments, which were fragments of the fragile launch cover sealed in front of the missile launch tube.

After the missile flew out, it was so huge that it almost occupied the retina of the big guy.

The missiles used by the S-300 are always very big, and the 48N6E in front of you is even bigger. Its length reaches 7.8 meters and its diameter is 50 centimeters. Compared with the missile just now, it is not only thick and long, but also It is still a polished rod bullet, the entire projectile body is smooth, only the tail has four tail fins.

 The huge missile left the deck and climbed upwards, getting slower and slower.

On the bridge, Stanislav frowned and looked in the direction of the missile, and then suddenly shouted: "Quick, full left rudder!"

Although the sailor didn't know why, he strictly followed the captain's order at this time. The steering wheel in his hand turned rapidly, and the huge ship began to turn.

The missile that rose to the highest level finally lost all kinetic energy, and then fell down, like a big stone.

 Missile failure, no ignition!

The West uses thermal launch. If the missile does not ignite, it will not be launched. However, it is obviously more dangerous to leave a missile that is ready to be fired at any time in the silo. You don’t know when it will explode. , the entire launcher exploded.

Now, although the missile launched by Leng did not ignite, it would not hit the warship, because although the launcher of the revolver is called a vertical launch, it actually has an outward tilt angle. When the missile is ejected by high-pressure gas, If there is no ignition, the missile will fall into the sea water aside, provided that the warship does not sway left and right and just catches the missile.

 Even so, it is still dangerous, so it is safer to use full left rudder.

 The huge hull drew an arc on the sea. At the same time, the 1.5-ton missile fell into the sea with a pop.

 It didn’t explode!

 Thank God!

"The target is fifty kilometers away!" The full rudder movement just now almost threw the radar soldier out. At this time, he was holding on to the handrail in front, still a little frightened. However, the target on the radar screen was getting closer and closer, and his breathing became rapid. stand up.

 “Launch the second missile!” Stanislav was not nervous. He had seen a lot of the scene just now.

  Bang! The second missile took off. In the eyes of everyone, a flame emerged from the tail of the missile. It was finally ignited successfully!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The chance of encountering two stink bombs at the same time was not high, and their luck would not be so bad.

Because the distance was already very close, as soon as the missile climbed into the sky after being launched, the gas rudder began to move, and the entire missile began to turn, leaving a curved trail of smoke at the tail, which slowly expanded in the air. It's spectacular.

“Enter TVM guidance mode!” the radar soldier reported loudly.

This missile target practice will test the reliability of the fire control system provided by Dongfang!

The previous tombstone radars have not been dismantled, but they are of no use. If this four-sided phased array can perfectly guide the Rif M missile, then there will be no need for tombstone radars. After all, that radar only has one side.

This long-range missile uses a specialized TVM guidance mode and has stronger multi-target engagement capabilities than the previous one.

In TVM mode, the fire control radar illuminates each target in turn. The antenna at the front end of the missile receives the radar signal and sends it to the rear. It compares it with the missile echo and target echo obtained by the radar, calculates the correction data of the missile, and then uses The command is transmitted to the missile until the missile hits the target.

This can take care of several targets at the same time, which is more advanced than semi-active radar. However, this method is already outdated by now, and active seekers will be more useful.

This kind of missile uses traditional inertial guidance or command guidance in the early stage. It will not activate the TVM guidance method until it flies within a certain distance of the target. The latter relies heavily on its own fire control system. Now it relies on the phased array radar provided by Dongfang to illuminate the target. Dongfang Is it possible to use the computer provided to solve the problem?

"ten kilometers!"

 “Five kilometers!”

"one kilometer!"

 A flame bloomed in the distant sky.

 “Successfully intercepted the target!”

 “Great, our cruiser is finally combat capable again!”

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