Warship of Great Power

Chapter 963: Positioning of 10,000-ton large drive

Chapter 963 The positioning of the 10,000-ton drive

This year, the Navy will usher in an era of great development. After the New Year, the Navy's first new project will usher in the bidding process. This project is a 10,000-ton large-scale drive.

At the door of Huanglou, Qin Tao saw Sun Xuewen and others with smiles on their faces.

"President Qin, we are here again." Sun Xuewen said with a smile: "Last time in the destroyer competition, we were just running with each other and only built one ship. Now, we are still running with you. Without our green leaves, we can also set off I won’t give you the red flowers of your Mingzhou Group.”

"Mr. Sun, please don't say that. We also hope that more partners can win the bid." Qin Tao said: "This is more beneficial to the development of our navy and prevents our Mingzhou Group from being the only one."

 “Let’s go in and talk.”

The conference room was full of people. Qin Tao and Sun Xuewen were walking and talking, and then they came and sat down next to Yang Dawei, across the aisle from Sun Xuewen and the others.

A bright banner hung on the rostrum, with large characters written on it: 10,000-ton large-scale drive tender.

Soon after Qin Tao and the others sat down, all the leaders also sat down one by one with smiles on their faces.

"Everyone, as our navy continues to grow and develop, and as our aircraft carriers undergo sea trials, our navy needs more **** warships. Larger warships are already a trend. Even the British Type 45 destroyer has a larger displacement than the original The Type 42 is twice as big, so we also have to build a 10,000-ton large drive. Now, we have all the technologies available. Therefore, the Navy has officially decided to launch the 10,000-ton large drive project. Today, we are going to select a The right solution will come.”

"Our navy will build aircraft carriers next. Within five years, there will be three aircraft carrier formations. If a formation is equipped with two 10,000-ton cruise ships, six ships will be needed. In many cases, 10,000-ton cruise ships will be used as It is the flagship of a certain maritime formation, so we need at least eight, or even more. Today's bidding is related to who will get these eight 10,000-ton cruise ships." Wu Shengli looked down: "Now, let's chat. Stop talking and get to the point, which unit will introduce it first?”

Sun Xuewen stood up: "Let's do it, and the finale will be at the back."

 Bincheng Shipyard used to be the main force of the Navy in manufacturing warships. Now it can also divide the construction tasks of several 054A ships, but it is obviously not enough. They also hope to have more construction projects, especially this 10,000-ton large-scale drive.

 Worst case scenario, just like last time, they can continue to show their status in the navy even if they get a construction order for one ship.

 They were also fully prepared, and Sun Xuewen even came to introduce it personally.

Just as he walked up, his assistant was already helping with the slide show. A few seconds later, when he stood at the speaking position, the shadow of a giant ship also appeared on the projection screen.

 Looking at this warship, everyone was stunned. This seems to be an enlarged version of 052B?

Bincheng Shipyard once came to bid and used a solution of four small shields on the front and a large rotating shield on the back. This was due to cost factors. After all, the rotating shield was too expensive. However, now, relevant units have put phased array radars into use. It has become a cabbage price. If they continue to do this, it will seem a bit redundant. Our navy is not short of money!

"We will tell you the most essential parts of our design." Sun Xuewen said: "We try to shorten the time as much as possible and leave more time for our brother units. You should have seen that the most unique part of our warship is the rotating phased array at the back. Radar. This is a low-orbit satellite monitoring radar developed by our relevant domestic units, code-named SLC-18. The purpose of this radar is to monitor satellites in space."

If you want to get a bid, you must have a few brushes. Qin Tao also opened his eyes wide. This radar seems to be used by his own aerospace survey ship. This old Sun is really interesting.

However, the vision of other leaders of the Navy is more complicated. This is not only monitoring satellites, but also monitoring ballistic missiles. I am afraid that monitoring ballistic missiles is the main role!

“After using this radar, our search distance can reach 2,000 kilometers, and the search altitude can reach 600 kilometers.” Sun Xuewen continued.

 Two thousand kilometers?

 The naval leaders present all opened their eyes.

In fact, they have known about Mingzhou Group's plan for a long time. After all, Qin Tao has reported it several times and proposed many advanced concepts, such as the integrated radio frequency mast. However, the main force is still the four-sided S-band phased array radar with a larger area. It is large and uses liquid cooling technology, so the longest search distance can reach 500 kilometers.

As for meter-wave radar, although it needs to be integrated, it is estimated that it will be difficult to achieve with current technology.

Unexpectedly, Bincheng Shipyard took an unusual approach and actually used this method to achieve it: poke a long-range early warning radar antenna on the hangar at the back to achieve a search target of two thousand kilometers! (The data boasted on the Internet is 4,500 kilometers. The Hero of East China dare not write it. After all, the Pave Claw radar embedded in the building only has this search range. How could it be moved to a warship and shrunk to 2,000 kilometers? It is probably considered a satellite. .)

From two thousand kilometers away, use this long-range early warning radar to search, get close to five hundred kilometers, activate the phased array radar on the warship, and get closer again, use C-band radar to illuminate, and launch anti-satellite interceptors at the same time, so that you can Take down targets in outer space, whether they are satellites or long-range ballistic missiles!

 All the leaders above were excited.

 “Why does this radar only have one side?”

"Yes, if you want to achieve such a long search range, the size of the radar required is too large. The width of our radar is 25 meters and the height is 20 meters. This single-sided radar is already very large. If we put If it is surrounded by four sides, the displacement of the warship must be enlarged to 20,000 to 30,000 tons. Moreover, this kind of long-range search does not require high radar refresh, and the rotation method can also meet the needs. In times of war, even as long as it faces the enemy's home direction, it can That’s it.”

Everyone nodded.

"Our entire warship is built around this radar. With this radar, our warship can assume a more important role and need to install more interceptors, so we have set up A 148-unit universal vertical launcher, of which 106 launch units have a depth of 9 meters, which can load a large number of missiles. According to our plan, half of the pits, that is, 53 pits, are used to load missiles. For interceptor missiles that hit outer space, the remaining pits are filled with our YJ-18, YJ-21, Long Sword-10 and other long-range attack weapons. Of course, we can also mix and install Hongqi-9 and so on, so that our warships It will have strong anti-missile capabilities. Now the US Navy is already engaged in TMD, and we cannot lag behind. We must have our own weapons system."

On the stage, all the leaders nodded.

Yang Dawei frowned below, what's going on? The concept of Bincheng Shipyard is very advanced. Is our warship too conservative? Will this bid be successful?

"Let me introduce the basic parameters to you again. The length of our warship is 201 meters, the width is 24 meters, the standard displacement is 13,000 tons, and the full load displacement is 17,000 tons. In order to drive this warship, we plan to It is equipped with two UGT40000 gas turbines. This kind of power is somewhat excessive. Normally, only one needs to be operated to meet the needs. In this way, the two can be operated alternately, which can also extend the life of the power system. We plan to use a ship-wide integrated power system, so that Better distribution of electricity. After all, there are too many electrical equipment on our warships, which are all big consumers of electricity. Moreover, we also plan to install advanced electromagnetic guns on it in the future, which will further increase the power requirements. We need to make adequate arrangements now. Reserve it to avoid being blinded later.”

 Even the electromagnetic gun is ready!

Yang Dawei is worried about this, we are afraid we are going to lose this time, since Mingzhou Group debuted, we have not lost once! As long as Mingzhou Group takes action, the project will definitely be taken back. Is it going to lose this time?

Sun Xuewen's introduction was not long. In about half an hour, he finished introducing the entire warship design. Then he looked at the rostrum and said, "Dear leaders, we have finished the introduction. The rest of the time will be left to our brother units."

“Wait a minute, tell us again, what is your anti-missile process like?” The leader on the stage became interested. "First use our long-range radar to find the target..." Sun Xuewen introduced again.

Everyone listened attentively. After listening, they asked other questions. In this way, an hour passed.

“Okay, let’s ask Mingzhou Group to describe their plan.”

"Hello, leaders." Yang Dawei stepped onto the stage, a little nervous for the first time: "The 10,000-ton drive we designed is 183 meters long, 22 meters wide, has a full load displacement of 12,000 tons, and has 112 vertical launch units. …”

Qin Tao stood up: "Let me introduce you."

Yang Dawei felt guilty for the first time and was so timid for the first time, so Qin Tao could only take over.

"The design of one of our warships depends on the mission it undertakes. The mission of our 10,000-ton cruiser is similar to the Ticonderoga-class cruiser in the US aircraft carrier formation." Qin Tao walked towards the rostrum. Let’s introduce it.

"In the mouths of our domestic military fans, the flagship of the U.S. aircraft carrier formation is not an aircraft carrier, but a cruiser, because the Ticonderoga-class cruiser plays a special role in the formation: the formation air defense command ship, also known as AW, generally a There are two Ticonderoga-class cruisers in the aircraft carrier formation, and they serve as backup for each other. They usually take turns for twelve hours each," Qin Tao introduced.

Yang Dawei slowly understood that President Qin's words were comparing the project of Bincheng Shipyard. Who can win depends on the needs of the navy.

 The goal of Bincheng Shipyard is to build this 10,000-ton large-scale drive into an anti-missile vanguard, while our own side is to build the 10,000-ton large-scale drive into a formation air defense command ship!

"We are now continuously expanding the number of our 052 air defense ships. This air defense ship will become the backbone of the aircraft carrier formation. However, if every air defense ship in our aircraft carrier formation fights independently, it will obviously not work." Qin Tao said: "Our air defense ships and even our aircraft carriers have four-sided phased array radars. If all these radars are turned on, we will be drowned in the signals of these radars. Generally speaking, in In formation operations, we usually only turn on the radar of one or two warships for air defense. In the past, we relied on 052. In the future, we will rely on our 055. In peacetime, our 055 turns on the radar to search for targets and collects the surrounding air conditions through the data link. Pass it to all warships, and when necessary, assign each warship to carry out target strikes, forming a tight network with all the air defense forces of the entire formation."

 The leader on the stage became serious.

"Considering that our aircraft carrier is very valuable and cannot appear in any sea area at any time, when the aircraft carrier cannot be dispatched, our 10,000-ton large drive will become the flagship of the surface battle group, and even for a long time in the future, this kind of The method will become the mainstream. For example, in the future, if our naval formations want to sail in the Western Pacific or even the Eastern Pacific, we will use a 10,000-ton large-scale drive as the flagship of the formation, paired with several 052s to jointly complete combat missions. At this time, our 055 serves as the flagship of the formation and is also the core network node of the entire formation. It forms a three-dimensional maritime combat cluster with the air and underwater combat forces of other destroyers in the formation for coordination and organization, so as to achieve counterattack Rationalization and maximization of warship, air defense, anti-submarine and other combat effectiveness.”

These words made the leaders above pay more attention. At present, the navy is moving from offshore defense to blue water navy. The navy will inevitably move to the ocean. However, if it is too conspicuous to bring the entire aircraft carrier formation, at this time, 055 will bring a few 052s. It's more appropriate to show off your muscles.

 So, 055 should be used as the flagship of the maritime formation! It is more important than anti-missile!

 “Can you give me an example?”

"Of course, for example, when implementing air defense, our 10,000-ton large-scale drive can coordinate and command various ships to establish long-range, medium-range and short-range air defense circles. At the same time, it can also coordinate shore-based and ship-based air defense through data links. While carrying aviation forces to conduct air defense operations, it is also necessary to coordinate the electromagnetic spectrum of warships within the entire formation to prevent everyone’s electronic equipment from interfering with each other, and even possible accidental strikes, etc.”

 “Can we do this?”

"Of course it can. The 10,000-ton large drive we plan will be equipped with a maritime combat group command information system, which is a large formation command and control system, with the strongest coordination functions, and these functions are through our navy's dedicated data link system, Integrated data link systems and broadband high-speed data transmission systems can provide anti-interference, high-speed, large-capacity, high-security digital, voice, data communication and positioning functions. Not only conventional communication methods, but also satellites Communications, underwater communication systems, etc., our 10,000-ton large-scale propeller must realize the integration of command and control, and the generalization, integration, comprehensive control and sharing of hardware and software throughout the ship."

Yang Dawei's eyes slowly shone with light. After hearing about the Bincheng Shipyard project, he thought that his project was going to be ruined. After all, they relied on anti-missile to achieve a trick that was popular all over the world. Navy leaders were interested.

Although our own side also has anti-missile capabilities, it is not that professional.

 Now, President Qin explained from another perspective that the future of our warship has gradually become clearer. Our 10,000-ton large-scale propeller is what the navy needs most urgently!

"In terms of power, we plan to use a combination of one UGT40000 and two UGT25000. The entire ship will use electric propulsion. This combination scheme can provide more choices for warships and also help reduce fuel consumption. During normal cruising, It is enough to open one UGT25000. When you need to increase power, you can open a second host of the same model, or you can use one UGT40000 and open them all when you need to sail at full speed or in combat."

 Anyway, the power is distributed by the integrated power system of the whole ship. You can distribute it how you want. At low speeds, the fuel consumption of UGT25000 is definitely lower than that of UGT40000. This was also one of the original alternatives.

"Can your Mingzhou Group's plan be anti-missile? Can it detect ballistic missiles flying from a long distance?" the navy leader asked.

"We also plan to install meter-wave radar antennas around the bridge, which can detect long-range ballistic missiles and can be integrated into our existing combat systems. However, we believe that detecting ballistic missiles cannot only rely on itself. This should be the work of a system." Qin Tao said: "For example, the United States uses a large number of DSP satellites to detect ballistic missiles. It uses highly sensitive infrared detectors to detect missiles when they are just launched, so that they can be more effective. "

 Modern warfare is a systematic confrontation, definitely not one or two advanced weapons. Moreover, satellites in space will play a big role.

During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union deployed a large number of early warning satellites. As long as the enemy's missiles were launched, they could detect them and respond immediately.

"Early warning satellite? This kind of satellite also has flaws. The false alarm rate is too high. It can detect not only the tail flames of ballistic missiles, but also fires and the like. Sometimes when a meteor flies by, it will be misjudged. "

"Then we need to upgrade." Qin Tao said: "Filter out those large-scale, low-heat, short-term infrared signals. At the same time, you can also add ionization detectors to further verify when the ballistic missile enters the ionosphere. In this way It will be more effective. As long as the satellite detects it, it can be transmitted to the formation through the data link, and then the formation will take precautions. The US Navy's TMD system can still complete the task without using thousands of kilometers of additional radar."

Below, a smile appeared on Sun Xuewen's face. Mr. Qin was so awesome that he successfully reversed the situation. What's next? How will the Navy choose?

Qin Tao finished his introduction: "Everyone, our design plan for the 10,000-ton large drive has been finalized. I would like to ask the leaders to decide on the specific choice."

 The problem is led by the Navy!

At this time, Wu Shengli could not just slap his hands and say that he would support the Mingzhou Group. He looked at the people around him and said, "Everyone, please tell me."

 (End of this chapter)

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