Warship of Great Power

Chapter 961: Hydrogen project

 Water hydrogen technology? After hearing this, Qin Tao immediately laughed: "Dad, do you still remember the water turned into oil in the 1980s?"

 Scammers appear every year, but this year there are especially many!

In fact, in the 1960s, someone in a certain Corps once used this technology. They mixed water and gasoline, and then added soapy water and the like to try to make the water burn. Facts have proved that except for bad engines, Other than that, it makes no sense.

However, some people will always believe that in the 1980s, an ordinary bus driver in the northern ice city claimed with great fanfare that he had found a water-based fuel that could turn water into oil. Moreover, starting in 1984, he also Show it around: Take a wine bottle filled with water, pour in a few drops of water-based fuel, and ignite the water into a roaring fire.

This performance is also very simple, but it is just a trick, replacing the water bottle with the prepared gasoline bottle. It is the same as the magic pot performed by a certain magic master in the later generations on the Spring Festival Gala: the assistant fills the prepared oil with various kinds of water. Just a drink jug.

This bus driver relied on his wife as his assistant, cheated and deceived people again and again. The business got bigger and bigger, and more and more people were deceived, until it reached Qin Tao's ears. In 1991, , Qin Tao exposed the scam in public in Huating and threw the bus driver into prison. He has not yet come out.

At that time, Qin Tao took action just because this guy reached out to the army and tried to deceive the army. How could he, his father-in-law, not learn his lesson?

It hasn’t been a few years, and water has turned into oil and has been upgraded, turning into water and turning into hydrogen. How can anyone still fall for this scam?

"Liar? Look, there are illustrations here. This authoritative person raised his thumbs up to praise, and he said it is very good." Wu Shengli said: "I saw that what it said above is clear and reasonable."

On the right side of the newspaper is an illustration of a light truck with various special devices on the back. A simple middle-aged man gave a thumbs up and made a pose. On the left is the title: Water Hydrogen Engine Off the assembly line in *yang, the market leader praised it!

 “What is the right thing to do?” Qin Tao asked.

"They found a special catalyst. Under the action of this catalyst, water can be decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen. These can be burned without a fuel cell. They can be directly put into the engine to provide power. The generated products are still Water is very environmentally friendly. Adding water to a car can run 500 kilometers, and testing has already begun."

"Only five hundred kilometers?" Qin Tao smiled: "Their product is water. Water can be collected and used again. Without considering the loss, water turns into hydrogen, hydrogen turns into water, water, water, hydrogen and hydrogen are endless. As long as there is one With just a tank of water, this crappy car can drive on the highway forever without any mileage anxiety, completely breaking through the first law of thermodynamics and creating the first perpetual motion machine in human history!”

“Should we add that kind of catalyst?” Wu Shengli asked.

This father-in-law actually believes it? Qin Tao glanced at his wife who was clearing the dinner table: "Xiao Ling, please explain to father why it is unbelievable that this kind of water can turn into hydrogen."

"Catalysts cannot change the nature of chemical reactions." Zhao Ling said: "Catalysts just shorten the time of chemical reactions and speed up the efficiency. Chemical reactions still have their original needs. Water is indeed composed of hydrogen and oxygen, but "Hydrogen and oxygen are not independent. They exist in the form of covalent bonds. If you want to separate hydrogen and oxygen, you need to destroy this covalent bond."

As Zhao Ling spoke, she drew a structural diagram of a water molecule on the newspaper with a pen and made a cross on the chemical bond.

"The covalent bond energy of hydrogen and oxygen in water is about 500 kilojoules per mole, which means that 1,000 kilojoules of energy need to be input into 1 mole of water to convert the water from molecules into hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms. "

Looking at Wu Shengli's confused look, Zhao Ling continued: "The molecular weight of water is 18, and one kilogram of water has about 55 moles. In other words, if you want to turn one kilogram of water molecules into hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms , which requires 55,000 kilojoules of energy. Let’s compare it with gasoline. One kilogram of gasoline is completely burned and the energy released is 44,000 kilojoules. In other words, to separate one kilogram of water, we need to consume 1.25 kilograms of water. Gasoline, the catalyst, can only speed up the reaction, but cannot provide the energy."

"His grandma is indeed a liar. So many people have been deceived. They are illiterate. They are really illiterate!"

"Dad, this is not over yet. What I just said is to take apart the water molecules. Next, we have to recombine the hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms into hydrogen molecules and oxygen molecules. These also require energy. Hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms The first ionization energy of atoms is between 1300 kilojoules per mole and 1400 kilojoules per mole..."

Wu Shengli was a little confused: "Okay, I understand. In short, if you want to turn one kilogram of water into hydrogen, you will have to consume at least several kilograms of gasoline, right?"

“Well, if you calculate everything, it should be about six times.”

 “Then how did they do this car?”

"It goes without saying that there must be a small fuel tank inside. Adding water is just a fool's errand. When it's really driven, it's still an ordinary oil-burning car." Qin Tao said.

 “Why didn’t that person notice?”

"Of course I was deceived." Qin Tao said: "After all, many people are engaged in liberal arts and do not understand these things. Moreover, this guy who deceives people will definitely use various patent arguments to refuse others to turn on their engines. look."

“These days, there are more and more scammers. The county also said it would invest tens of millions in this project to develop domestic new energy vehicles.” Wu Shengli said.

“Well, since you have encountered it, let’s get involved. The latest episode of Zhang Zhongshuo’s program can expose the trick of this hydro-hydrogen car to prevent others from being fooled.”

 In Qin Tao's eyes, this is just a trivial matter.

 Zhang Zhong said that the program has not had much inspiration recently, so it was just a good time to bring out this project to promote science and popularize science among the people across the country.

 Zhang Zhong acted very quickly. After answering Qin Tao's call, he immediately got busy. On the night of the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, the new issue of Zhang Zhong's program started to talk about this topic.

"Hello viewers, our program this time is called Zhang Zhong talks about hydrogen energy. As you know, we are a military program, but hydrogen energy is not only used in cars, but also in the military. Made in Germany The AIP submarine uses a hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell, which is almost the same as the hydrogen energy vehicle currently developed by a certain country, and is even more technologically advanced. Hydrogen energy vehicles use gaseous hydrogen, while submarines use liquid hydrogen."

"Hydrogen energy has many advantages, including environmental protection and high energy. However, the production of hydrogen is a big problem, which is also a big problem that restricts the use of hydrogen energy vehicles. It is not recognized by people to build hydrogen refueling stations in downtown areas. . But a few days ago, we saw new news. Hydrogen technology has been developed somewhere in our country, which can turn water into hydrogen. If this technology can be successful, it will definitely be the fifth greatest invention in the world!"

"If this hydrogen production device is very complex, it can also be placed in a hydrogen refueling station. The hydrogen refueling station does not need to store hydrogen and uses the principle of water hydrogen to produce hydrogen on site. That will greatly promote the development of hydrogen energy. Then, Is this technology feasible? To this end, we invited Teacher Tang, a famous expert from Capital University, to explain to us the technology of producing hydrogen with water. Hello, Teacher Tang!"

The camera turned to the other side, and Mr. Tang, who was gray-haired and energetic, appeared in the camera with a smile on his face: "Dear viewers, I am very happy to be a guest on Zhang Zhongshuo's show. This hydro-hydrogen car I have never seen it, and the principle of water-hydrogen technology has not been published, so I can only use the existing knowledge to explain what needs to be done to turn water into hydrogen."

Teacher Tang’s next popular science content is almost the same as what Zhao Ling said, and the energy required is also calculated more accurately.

“We use electrolysis of water to produce hydrogen, which is to provide water with this energy. As for other solutions, I don’t know. No matter what catalyst is used, it cannot violate basic scientific laws.”

After Teacher Tang’s introduction, the camera turned to Zhang Zhong: “Thank you Teacher Tang for giving us the popular science. I suddenly thought of the vigorous water-to-oil change in previous years, which was finally proved to be a scam. We hope that the audience will understand this water-hydrogen car. Keep your eyes open, recognize the facts, and don’t be deceived by some charlatans.”

"Damn, that's too much. They actually came to tear us down!" * Yang, in a certain room, the fat young man roared angrily: "We have no enmity with them, why are they causing trouble for us? This matter You can never let things go so easily!"

 Didi, didi, didi! At this moment, the mobile phone on his belt rang. He picked it up and heard a voice: "Fat young man, tell me honestly, is this project of yours real or is it just a lie? Don’t let me become a national joke!”

"Don't worry, of course it's true. These are all slanders from Zhang Zhong's show. Behind them is Mr. Qin of Mingzhou Group. Mr. Qin has an electric vehicle project. They are afraid that our hydrogen energy vehicles will surpass theirs, so Just come here to throw dirty water on us!"


"Really, in addition to throwing dirty water on us, they also tried to use this method to force us to disclose our patents. This is the result of our research for decades. We will never hand over the results in vain. We will Protest, we want to claim compensation from Mingzhou Group!" The fat young man said categorically: "Now, our project needs funds, please ask the county to continue to allocate funds to us! We also need to prepare to build the world's first hydro-hydrogen automobile factory. Once the project is completed, our county will have the brightest future!”

 “Are you sure?”

 “I can guarantee it with my life!”

Putting down the phone, the fat young man rolled his eyes, and then said: "We want to collect black materials about the Mingzhou Group, whether it is private life or work, dig out all kinds of negative materials for me! Humph, since you are here If you cause trouble for us, we won’t be polite!”

"Fat Boss, is this okay? The Mingzhou Group is a huge behemoth!" said a skinny subordinate: "They can crush us to death with just a move of their fingers." "You are stupid, of course we can We can’t expose ourselves. We can spread various rumors on the Internet. We can keep writing reports to relevant superior departments in the name of Chaoyang people. By the way, what did you say? Mingzhou Group is a behemoth? Yes, we We have to find a way from this aspect, as long as we provoke it, someone will definitely come forward."


"It seems like you haven't read a book at first glance. The Mingzhou Group is so huge that it has surpassed many of our government departments. Who will have the final say in this country in the future? There will definitely be people worried about the power of the Mingzhou Group. Besides, Mingzhou Group is a piece of fat meat. If Mingzhou Group collapses, think about how many people will pounce on it and bite the meat from Mingzhou Group! The fattened pigs and sheep should almost be killed. ”

The face of the fat young man shone with light. Yes, they were young, but as long as they found the right way, they would still have the possibility of success.

 Destroying people's wealth and killing their parents, the fat young man must do something.

“That’s not what we can do, Mr. Fatty, the most we can do is find some gossip about Zhang Zhong, throw some dirty water on him, and attack the Mingzhou Group, we...”

"Do you think I am willing? The county is going to grant us a loan of 20 million yuan. As long as the money is in place, we can go abroad to eat well and drink hot food. Do we need to stay in this shabby place?" said the fat young man: "Do you want to go abroad?"

 “Think, think!”

 “Then get to work!”

 The seventh day of the Lunar New Year, the last day of annual leave.

Qin Tao looked at Zhao Ling who was packing her things: "Actually, we can stay here for a while longer."

"We have many and heavy tasks this year. Whether it is a new warship project, a shipyard project, or other infrastructure projects, they are all very important. We must not delay time. We must get into work as soon as possible. Especially the warship project, so you have to go back to Mingzhou and supervise it personally there."

“Without me, Mingzhou Group will continue to work normally. I am here waiting for them to bid.”

 “No, you can’t be so idle all the time.”

"Oh, it's not possible to use your own wife as a secretary. The secretary is riding on you. Other people's secretaries are just secretaries who have something to do. It's okay..." Qin Tao stopped here and did not continue. , after all, it doesn’t sound good to say what follows.

“Mr. Qin!” At this moment, Xu Zhengyang walked in: “We discovered some unexpected situations and need to report them to you.”

"what's the situation?"

“Someone is throwing dirty water on our Mingzhou Group on a large scale on the Internet!”

“This kind of thing can be left to the goose factory to handle.”

Goose Factory is an Internet company, and it is developing more projects now. Needless to say, website search engines and the like, even the computer operating system was developed by them. If you want to investigate who is throwing dirty water on Mingzhou Group, then there is no way. Not a piece of cake.

“This matter was reported by Goose Factory. The caliber of the whole slander is similar and the scope is very wide. Goose Factory asks us how to deal with it.”

 Simple, that is, delete posts as many as you post, but this will not fundamentally solve the problem.

 The report came from the goose factory? Qin Tao looked at Xu Zhengyang: "Have you found the organizer behind it?"

"We found out that the organizers used ICQ to gather a group of people on the Internet and send a post for 50 cents. In order to make money, these people tried their best to attack us and even developed offline. So far, this organization has a four-tier structure. , there are thousands of people involved, and the one with the highest tip of this pyramid is nicknamed the fifth greatest invention in the world on the Internet.”

 “Did the people with hydro-hydrogen cars do it?”

“At present, we have not searched further and have just locked them on the Internet. However, the flow of those funds is already clear, and it is flowing out from the Yangtze River.”

"What did that fat young man think?" Qin Tao said: "He is just an ant, but he actually wants to stretch out his legs and trip up the elephant of our Mingzhou Group?"

"Mr. Qin, what are your orders? We can make arrangements so that they all disappear in the car accident."

This is the purpose of coming to ask Qin Tao for instructions. Should we take action? These guys actually dare to come here to cause trouble for us, and we don't even know how to die.

Qin Tao shook his head: "This is not a foreign country. After all, they are still our compatriots. We can't do this kind of thing."

“Humph, they don’t regard themselves as descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties. These people plan to get money from fraud and then go overseas to live happily.”

"Overseas?" Qin Tao's eyes lit up: "Do they like gambling? There is no need to go overseas, just go to Ma Port, and have fun on the blocked ship."

 “I understand.” Xu Zhengyang nodded.

 He ​​thought about Qin Tao's many solutions: using legal means to send those who spread rumors to jail, using secret means to make them disappear completely, or using open and honest means to completely expose the tricks of these liars.

He just didn't expect that Qin Tao actually pointed out such a way. Although Vitalia was no longer interested in the Green Venture Company and completely handed over the company to her subordinates, the Green Venture Company was still running the original business. The business is getting bigger and bigger.

  It’s best to let Vitalia’s hands do the wet work, but don’t make your own hands dirty.

Zhao Ling frowned on the side and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Qin Tao glanced at his wife: "Xiao Ling, what did you think of?"

“Now, our group’s development scale is getting bigger and bigger, and the group’s financial resources are getting stronger and stronger. There will always be people who covet our industry.” Zhao Ling said.

"Well, it is indeed the case. Some people may say that if we continue to develop, we will be like the consortium of the South Kimchi Country, which can cover the sky with one hand. However, rumors are always rumors, and our Mingzhou Group will use our actual actions to prove everything. of."

Action? Zhao Ling continued to frown: "Brother Tao, what do you want to do?"

“When we go to Qiongzhou for vacation, are you always angry because you can’t hold too much sand in your hands on National Day?”

"Yeah." Zhao Ling responded: "At that time, you taught me that on National Day, you just let go of the sand that you can't hold?"

PS: I was scolded by Shui Wen. I’m very sorry. I briefly read that chapter and found that the number of words was less than 200, which should be the number of words given. The Hero of East China promises that this will not happen in the future. In fact, he just wants to introduce the hydrology expert. Sorry sorry.

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