Warship of Great Power

Chapter 957: The goal of sending people to heaven and to the west has been achieved

“Yes, you are ruthless, cruel and unreasonable!”

  "Then you are not heartless! Not cruel! Not unreasonable!"

  “Where am I ruthless! Where am I cruel! Where am I unreasonable!”

  "Where are you not ruthless! Where are you not cruel! Where are you not unreasonable!"

“No matter how ruthless, cruel or unreasonable I am, I will never be more ruthless, cruel or unreasonable than you!”

"I will be more ruthless than you! Cruel than you! More unreasonable than you! You are the most ruthless, cruel and unreasonable person I have ever seen!"

“Huh, I’m definitely not as ruthless as you, not as cruel as you, and not as unreasonable as you!”

“Okay, since you say I’m ruthless, cruel and unreasonable, I’ll show you my ruthlessness, my cruelty and my unreasonableness!”

“Look, I said you weren’t ruthless, cruel, or unreasonable, but now you’ve fully revealed your ruthless, cruel, and unreasonable side!”

A recently popular TV series was playing on the TV, with a ratings of over 50%. Almost everyone in the streets and alleys across the country were singing sensational songs about thanking God, thanking earth, and thanking fate for allowing us to meet. At this time, the two The male and female protagonists are having the most classic dialogue there. At this moment, click, suddenly, the screen switched!

 I don’t know how many people started cursing instantly.

 “What’s going on? Who changed the channel?”

 “Call back quickly and give me back my little swallow!”

“It’s not about changing the channel, it’s about broadcasting the TV program.”

On the TV, the programs on all channels were paused, and a new program was inserted. Inside was a dignified and elegant news host in a suit. She had a normal smile on her face and her tone was slightly excited. .

"Dear viewers in front of the TV, we are now broadcasting an urgent news. At 9:35 this evening, my country's Qiongzhou Wenchang Satellite Launch Center successfully launched a Starship MK1 rocket, and the Dragon spacecraft mounted on it made its first Send two of our country’s astronauts into space!”

The audience who were angry just now because of the interruption of the classic TV program suddenly opened their eyes wide. What, our astronauts went up?

They looked at the TV screen, watched the launch scene on the screen, watched the rocket ignited and took off, and they were all a little incredible: "Can we also send people to the sky?"

 “Great, great!” someone cheered, **** these TV dramas, how can this news bring as much shock to the audience as it does!

 “Dad, what are you doing?”

“Take out our Chinese New Year firecrackers and set them off outside!”

The crackling sound of firecrackers sounded, and soon, firecrackers began to be set off all over the country.

 This is a great moment worth celebrating!

"Today, our motherland has finally realized its 5,000-year dream of flying into the sky, and our astronauts can finally fly into the universe and catch the stars!" On the TV, the news host was still talking about the script with great emotion, and he was also feeling deep in his heart. Very emotional.

Whether it is the Shenzhou spacecraft or the Dragon spacecraft, as long as it is a spacecraft from Dongfang, it will also carry two members of the astronaut team!

The screen on the TV switched, and the two astronauts were already active inside the spacecraft. Watching them floating in space, countless people were filled with emotion, "Go up, our astronauts are going up!"

 On this day, the whole country celebrates.

 Wenchang Launch Center, restaurant.

"Come, let's raise a toast together to the success of the astronauts' flight to heaven!" Mr. Cao raised the wine glass in his hand. Among the people present, he currently has the highest status. He looked at the wine glass he raised. , everyone also raised their wine glasses.


 Everyone drank it in one gulp, feeling extremely excited. The five-thousand-year dream of flying into the sky has finally come true!

“Mr. Qin, when will your starship land on the moon?”

“Yes, let’s see if there is Chang’e on the moon.”

“According to Starship Company’s plan, within five years,” Qin Tao said.

The people present instantly became excited. In five years, will we go to the moon in five years?

Mr. Qi was very embarrassed there. It seemed that our national team was going to continue to fall behind, one step behind, one step behind.

"Okay, according to our three-step plan for the domestic manned space project, the goal of our national team is to build a long-term manned space station. We don't have a moon landing plan yet. We can just leave this plan to your private enterprises. You If we want to land on the moon, we will definitely be able to compete with NASA. They have never been there since they came back from the moon decades ago." Mr. Cao was very excited.

“Mr. Cao, if the space station is handed over to Mingzhou Group for construction, their progress will definitely be faster than ours.” Mr. Qi said helplessly.

"No, our goal is to land on Mars, the sea of ​​​​stars. We have no intention of going around in circles near the earth." Qin Tao immediately rejected this statement: "However, if our domestic aerospace wants to develop rapidly, then we can ask Help, if we want to launch a space station, we need a high-thrust rocket. Our starship MK1 can send a load of 60 tons into low-Earth orbit at one time. If our space station is planned to weigh less than 180 tons, it will be launched It takes three times to take shape.”

 Speaking of the space station, everyone was filled with emotion again.

“Now, agencies led by NASA are building the International Space Station. They have contacted many countries, but they have excluded us in the East. We have finally understood that we cannot rely on others, but ourselves.”

“Yes, they have set up blockades and obstacles for us in all aspects, just to curb our development. However, we cannot block it. We will break through whatever blocks us.”

“If they don’t hold us back, we will do it ourselves. The space station we build is better than theirs!”

 The old astronauts were all excited.

"Unfortunately, we have not yet made breakthroughs in technologies such as space rendezvous and docking. It will take some time to build our own space station." Mr. Qi said with some emotion: "However, with the Starship Company, our next aerospace technology development will also be You have to take big steps forward!”

"Mr. Qi, how do you plan to cooperate?" Qin Tao asked. He looked around again. Max did not come to the celebration party. He must have many things to be busy with, especially the recovery of the rocket. Those are all for him. baby.

"Our Shenzhou 5 plans to carry astronauts to space, and then we will launch the mission of exit and rendezvous and docking. Our Shenzhou 6 or Shenzhou 7 should be almost ready. By then, can your Dragon spacecraft be launched simultaneously? We are in space Conduct docking experiments."

"Of course it's no problem." Qin Tao nodded immediately. Qin Tao could decide this without Max's nodding. The national team and the private team would meet and shake hands in space. This is of great significance.

The Dragon spacecraft must have a docking hatch, and the space docking technology must be verified. After all, it will also be needed for the moon landing. Now docking with the national team can also reduce the launch cost of the Dragon spacecraft. Otherwise, two Dragon spacecrafts will be needed together. It's better to go to heaven. It's better to launch one each and save half the cost.

The next extravehicular activities must be developed by the national team. The Starship Company has not yet sewn in-vehicle space suits, let alone extra-vehicular ones.

With these technological breakthroughs, our own moon landing operations will be much faster.

“Come, let’s drink to a bright future, our goal is the stars and the sea!” Mr. Cao raised his glass again.

 After finishing the second glass of wine, Mr. Cao looked at Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, don't you want to say a few words?"

“Okay, let me say a few words.” Qin Tao stood up: “Our aerospace development in the East has two goals.”

 Two goals? Everyone listened attentively, wondering what Qin Tao was going to say.

"Sending people to heaven and sending people to the west. Now, we have achieved both goals! Let us cheer for the realization of these two goals!" Mr. Cao's eyes were complicated, and Mr. Qin really knew how to speak! He looked at Wu Shengli again, your son-in-law is really not an ordinary person.

The first goal is to send people to the west. This is also the primary goal of Dongfeng Aerospace Development. Dongfeng-1 to Dongfeng-5 are all aimed at this goal. Later, Dongfeng-5 became the Long March 2 and began to enter the space. There are stars and seas, but the task of sending people to heaven has been delayed again and again, until now, it has finally been realized.

“That’s right, let’s drink to the realization of these two goals!” Mr. Cao also raised his glass.

After three glasses of wine, everyone's face was flushed. Mr. Qi looked around: "Where's Max? Why didn't he come? Where's Wan Zhenfu? He didn't come either?"

Only then did everyone realize that the people drinking here were all spectators. Even the people from the launch base had completed their missions, but the technicians from the Starship Company did not come.

"They are still busy. After finishing this celebration banquet, I am going to the grassland." Qin Tao said: "After all, we not only want to send people to heaven, we also have to bring them back. A few days ago, I I told Zhao Dong and Deng Ming that I would wait to pick them up in the grassland."

"Mr. Qin, I'll go with you." Mr. Qi said, "Let's also see the grand landing method of Dragon Spaceship."

“Yes, in addition to parachute and gliding landing, your Dragon spacecraft has created a third way of landing. We have to go and see it!”

 “Our technology is still too conservative.”

 Everyone is full of praise for the Dragon spacecraft.

“Mr. Qin, ESA sent a congratulatory message!” Xu Zhengyang walked in and said.

Although it is night here, it is still daytime over there in Europe, so institutions there quickly sent congratulatory messages.

"Back then, we were also squeezed out by the Europeans. Now, they finally want to help us. If they want to go to heaven in the future, renting seats on our Dragon spacecraft is the most cost-effective option." Qin Tao said, "Next, it's time to get older. Did Maozi send a congratulatory message?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhao Ling picked up her phone and looked at the message: "Da Mao Aerospace Administration sent us a congratulatory message to celebrate our joining the manned space club!"

Mr. Cao was surprised: "Their congratulatory messages are on your mobile phone?"

“Well, they know my phone number, so they sent me a text message first. The official congratulatory message must go through the process, and it will definitely have to be tomorrow. After all, they are already off work.”

Moscow is further east than Western Europe, so their time is earlier. It is already eleven o'clock in the evening. There is a six-hour difference between Moscow and the East. It is exactly six o'clock in the afternoon, after get off work time, and it is afternoon tea time on the European side. .

“In the future, will we be able to cooperate with Damaoduo in the aerospace field?” Mr. Cao said.

"It's too bad. After all, they still pride themselves on being the first echelon." Qin Tao said: "Da Mao's aerospace technology is more advanced than that of the Americans, so their congratulations are congratulations. They will still be with the Americans in the future, but They are also bedfellows, and they will not end well in the future. It is most appropriate for us to always take the path of self-reliance."

 They built the International Space Station together, and then what? There is constant acrimony, American astronauts destroy the cabin, Lao Maozi's Soyuz only picks up his own astronauts, etc. After all, they have irreconcilable conflicts. Of course, there is no need to say it now, Qin Tao does not need to be the prophecy emperor.

“It’s a pity about the Buran, Mr. Qin, do you want to copy that space shuttle?”

“The American space shuttle is about to be retired. We have never thought about having a space shuttle. Our starship is very good.”

These are two different technical routes. The spacecraft was the first to mature, but it has many shortcomings, such as the small number of people it can carry, the landing location is not fixed, and it cannot be reused. Therefore, the Americans built the space shuttle. When Maozi was concentrating on the space station, he was also working on the space shuttle. If the Red Empire did not collapse, Lao Maozi's space shuttle would definitely mature.

In comparison, Lao Maozi's space shuttle is launched by rockets. The American space shuttle relies on its own engine and external fuel tank. Obviously Lao Maozi's is more mature. However, Qin Tao still has no intention of using Lao Maozi's space shuttle. Maozi's space shuttle plan.

The space shuttle can only be used in the atmosphere. The target of the Starship Company is the stars and the sea. There is no air on the moon, but there is air on Mars. The density is different from that on the earth, and the lift of the wings is also different. They may not be mixed, even if It works. There are no runways on Mars.

 The spacecraft solution is more reliable.

“It seems that NASA will not send a congratulatory message.” Someone else said: “After all, they have too many conflicts with Starship Company.”

 Across the ocean, NASA.

 It was 11 o'clock in the morning, and the northern hemisphere was at the most suitable temperature. However, the atmosphere in the NASA conference room was as cold as an ice cellar.

"The 9-meter-diameter parabolic antenna on Merritt Island Station has tracked the spacecraft." The newly appointed Rudes said with a serious face: "Starship Company successfully launched the Dragon spacecraft, which also carried two astronauts. , they completed the manned spaceflight project in a short period of time, look at us!"

There are also a large number of aerospace observation stations in the United States, mainly the Bermuda Station and the Merritt Island Station. The Bermuda Station is mainly used to ensure the ascent stage of spacecraft launched from Cape Kennedy to the northeast. Merritt Island Station is used to protect the ascent phase of spacecraft launched from Cape Kennedy to the southeast, and is also used to protect the reentry phase of spacecraft landing at Cape Kennedy.

Most spacecraft in the United States are launched to the southeast, so the Merritt Island station is used more frequently. There are two 9-meter-diameter parabolic antennas on this island for observing spacecraft. Today, they successfully captured the Dragon spacecraft according to the data released by Oriental.

Orientals are not kidding, Starship Company is so powerful!

 In comparison, NASA has become a complete clown! Their space shuttle will be retired soon, and their new generation of manned spacecraft research is slow. What should they do when they are exhausted? Do you want to rent a starship company's spaceship to take off?

“We need Congress to increase funding and take advantage of this opportunity to allocate more funds to us to complete the research and development of a new generation of manned spacecraft.”

"More appropriations? Now, both the Air Force and Navy are asking for increased budgets, and our domestic fiscal deficit has further increased." Ruders said: "How can those big men in Congress give us appropriations? What a beautiful dream, that is absolutely It’s impossible, we can only find a way with the existing funds.”

“That is simply unrealistic. We will definitely be surpassed by the East! They have now launched manned spaceflight, and their next target must be the moon!”

 “The moon?” Rudes’s face turned even darker: “The moon belongs to us, they can’t even get their hands on it!”

 “Do they have that ability?”

“Why are they interested in the moon?”

Facing everyone's attention, the technician said: "Because their goal is to land on Mars, they will definitely find a place to train in advance before landing on Mars. You said, there is nothing more suitable for them to practice in a brand new place than the moon. Planet survival skills?”

“Landing on Mars? Isn’t that just a fantasy of Starship Company? How could they possibly do that?”

"No, it seems to be a fantasy in our eyes, but it is not necessarily true for Starship Company. I know Max. This person has a fanatical love for Mars. He will definitely promote this project until he finally realizes his dream of landing on Mars. They will definitely use the moon to conduct experiments, and it is estimated that within five years, they will be able to land on the moon."

 Within five years? The expression on everyone’s face is even more ugly. Within five years, NASA will not even be able to produce a new generation of manned spacecraft, but Starship Company can put its foot on the moon!

"We want to return to the moon, we also want to return to the moon!" Lueders murmured: "I will continue to go to Congress to ask for funds. If they don't give us funding, our moon will be defiled by others. Got it!"

 In the eyes of these people, they are the only ones who have been to the moon, so the moon is also their property, and they will not tolerate other people desecrating the moon.

“Did we forget something? Should we send them a congratulatory message?”

"Of course not. Starship Company is just a private space agency and is not equal to us. There is no need for us to lower our status and send them a congratulatory message."

 “ESA, island countries, all have big hair.”

 “They are them, we are us, and we will never congratulate our opponents!”

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