Warship of Great Power

Chapter 954: Many people want to go to heaven

Chapter 954 Many people want to go to heaven

"When you come down, the group will give you a big red envelope." Qin Tao can only change his approach. He can't always say bad things, he has to say some good things.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Zhao Dong smiled: "Mr. Qin, there is no need for the red envelope. This time, Deng Ming and I will be recorded in the history of Oriental Aerospace, and everyone will remember our names. , what else are we not satisfied with.”

In myths and legends, there are beautiful legends such as Chang'e flying to the moon and so on in the East. Immortals also live in the sky. Later, with the efforts of tens of thousands of households sitting in the sky with cannons, no one in the East has been able to fly out for thousands of years. Atmosphere, now, Zhao Dong and Deng Ming are going to realize this great flying dream, how can they not be excited.

In previous eras, honor was very important, and it could bring great inner satisfaction to people in difficult conditions. Later, with economic development, everything turned to money, and honor was not so important. Money is the most important. A certificate of honor is not as good as giving money.

This is also the era, but there are also scoring situations, and things like flying into the sky, honor is the most important, because this honor can be recorded in history forever and be known to people all over the country and the world.

 Honors are enough, they don’t need any material rewards.

“Honors are honors, and rewards are rewards.” Qin Tao said: “When you come down, each of you will receive one million, and our technicians who have been working continuously for this mission for days will also be rewarded.”

 This matter needs to be publicized to the outside world. How much money did you get for risking your life when you went to heaven for the first time? What? Only a certificate of honor? Then Mingzhou Group is too stingy, right?

Qin Tao couldn't afford to lose that person. As the boss of a large group with an annual profit of tens of billions of dollars, how could he let people gossip? One million would make him feel a little shabby. If it was more, these people would definitely not agree. .

“Mr. Qin, if you give us two million, can we donate the money?”

“Of course, where are you going to donate it to? Forget it if it’s the Red Cross.”

"We want to donate to the place where we train ourselves. Our astronaut training center has always been short of money, and everyone is reluctant to waste the country's funds. The two million is just drizzle for pilot training, but it can be regarded as our Thank you for your kindness. The selection of the second batch of astronauts is about to begin, and training will cost a lot of money."


Max has been standing nearby without saying a word. Qin Tao rewarded these personnel, which was almost the same as giving him a reward. He was very happy. Mr. Qin affirmed their work!

"Mr. Qin, do you have anything else to tell me?" Zhao Dong was obviously very relaxed about this mission: "If not, Deng Ming and I are going to exercise, so I won't disturb you."

“It’s okay. Let’s have dinner together at noon.”


Qin Tao continued to raise his head, looking up at the huge rocket, looking at the Dragon spacecraft on the top of the rocket, the two-stage design, and the side wall engine on the top of the pointed cone. Everything was so real, but it also made him feel a little unreal. These are Really?

“Mr. Qin, reporters have been asking to interview us recently. Do you want to go see the reporters?”

"This... let's hold a press conference after the launch is successful."

Max smiled and did not continue the topic. Mr. Qin still had doubts and was afraid that the project would fail. If he said a lot of encouraging words to reporters before the launch, it would be a slap in the face if something went wrong during the launch.

However, the aerospace industry has always been high-risk, and even NASA cannot guarantee that every flight will be successful.

“Mr. Qin, if this plan succeeds, we will launch the first unmanned spacecraft into lunar orbit within two years.” Max talked about future plans.

 Why use Starship MK1? This kind of rocket has a full near-earth payload of 60 tons, and it seems to be overkill for transporting a Dragon spacecraft of more than ten tons. However, if a lunar mission is to be carried out, it is necessary. The carrying capacity of Starship MK1 should be able to directly launch the Dragon spacecraft into a lunar orbit without the need for constant orbit changes.

Max has still not forgotten his idea: to land on Mars, and if he wants to land on Mars, he must start by landing on the moon.

 When others walk, they are steady and steady, one step at a time. When Max walks, he is flying! Qin Tao was helpless: "Max, are you sure? Also, our current spacecraft has the ability to land on the moon?"

 There is a difference between a spacecraft that lands on the moon and a spacecraft that flies around the surface of the earth.

In history, the only Apollo program that carried out a manned lunar landing used a special lunar module. This lunar module was divided into upper and lower parts. The rocket engine below was ignited, flew with the lunar module, and landed on the lunar surface. When it takes off again, the lower part is equivalent to the launch platform, supporting the lunar module engine above to ignite and leave the lunar surface.

 The Dragon spacecraft is not of this structure.

 The Dragon spacecraft has eight buffer engines. These engines are used to assist the landing of the Dragon spacecraft. Since no parachutes are used, the Dragon spacecraft can land on the lunar surface.

 However, if it lands, it is estimated that the fuel of these engines will be almost consumed. If it wants to ascend again, it is estimated that there will not be enough fuel to carry out, which means that the landing is only one-sided.

Of course, this Dragon spacecraft does not have outriggers, but this is not the most important. If there are no outriggers, you can use the flat belly of the Dragon spacecraft to land, but the ascent is the key.

"Of course we have the ability to land on the moon, but we don't have the ability to take off from the lunar surface, so what we want to do is unmanned landing on the moon." Max said: "We are just using the Dragon spacecraft to study the feasibility of landing on the moon, and to study the feasibility of landing on the moon. As long as we have sufficient technical reserves, our next manned moon landing will be easier."

Oriental spaceflight is about running in small steps, one step at a time. Here, Max is just sitting on a rocket and soaring. Before the first manned spaceflight has even started, they have already thought of manned landing on the moon.

"As long as this verification is successful, we can develop a special manned lunar landing module." Marks said: "Considering the carrying capacity of our rocket, we plan to use two rockets, one to transport the Dragon spacecraft and one to transport the crew. The lunar module is all launched into lunar orbit and then docked on it.”

 This method is very similar to the manned moon landing later carried out by the East.

The Apollo moon landing involved launching a Super Saturn V rocket. The lunar orbit carrying capacity of this rocket reached an incredible 45 tons. In other words, it could transport the entire Apollo lunar landing spacecraft to the lunar orbit.

Rockets from other countries do not have this capability, so they have to use two rockets to dock in the lunar orbit to form a whole, then climb from the return capsule into the lunar landing spacecraft, land on the moon, and then climb back into the return capsule after returning.

The carrying capacity of Starship MK1 is already quite strong, but it is impossible to transport the entire set up. It can only be divided into two parts. As for developing a new rocket? Max can't take care of this for the time being.

Hearing his plan, Qin Tao nodded: "I don't understand these technologies, you can just do it yourself. I wish you success!"

Max nodded: "Within two years, an unmanned spacecraft will be launched, and within five years, humans will land on the moon, and humans will return to the moon. After our Dragon spacecraft returns successfully, we will announce the news to the world. At that time, we can still sell As long as you sell a ticket to land on the moon, the entire cost of the moon landing will be recovered."

 You can also make money by engaging in aerospace!

 Qin Tao nodded: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, what else came to his mind: "It is said that all the Americans' drawings of the Apollo moon landing have been lost? Because the Americans did not have the drawings, they were unable to land on the moon?"

"Of course this is a conspiracy theory and rumor, just like how some people have always said that the Apollo moon landing was a hoax." Max shook his head: "Although those guys at NASA are very dirty, they are not going to lose such confidential things. Those drawings are preserved on microfilm at the Marshall Space Flight Center."

 “Only microfilm?”

"Of course not. There are also original drawings and materials stored in the federal archives department in Georgia. These drawings occupy a huge confidential warehouse, and there are strict security measures to ensure that there will be no fire. Those outside will only spread rumors. "

“So that’s the case, then why don’t the Americans recreate Saturn V?”

The Saturn V is the largest rocket in human history, with a near-earth carrying capacity of more than 100 tons. Only the Energy rocket before the collapse of the Red Empire has a carrying capacity of 100 tons. It is even said to have a carrying capacity of more than 200 tons. However, , this kind of rocket only launched Polar once and Buran once, and never appeared again.

These super rockets have not appeared, so that Starship MK1 has become the rocket with the strongest carrying capacity now, which makes people extremely sad.

"Those are technologies from the 1960s and are completely outdated." Max said: "The Saturn V rocket does not have recycling technology. It is wasted all in one launch. That is quite expensive. With NASA's current financial resources, it does not have the ability to re-launch it." To build this kind of rocket, all the old craftsmen are no longer there, and it is not easy to master the production technology again." Qin Tao nodded: "In other words, when we announce the moon landing plan, we can stimulate NASA."

Max’s eyes lit up: “That’s right, let’s humiliate NASA.”

Max was tricked by NASA in the beginning. Max was usually busy with work and did not bother to confront NASA head-on. However, it was very satisfying to belittle NASA when he was most proud.

After walking around the launch site, it was already noon. Qin Tao, led by Max, came to the restaurant of the launch center.

When the Wenchang Launch Site was constructed, it was intended to be a launch base for manned spaceflight, so the facilities here are complete, including a restaurant specially prepared for astronauts.

Qin Tao and the astronauts ate together, of course in this restaurant. The two of them only had to pay an extra meal fee.

However, when they were sitting together eating, Qin Tao suddenly realized that the meal didn't seem to taste good.

  There was a dinner plate in front of each of them, but there were no colorful delicacies on the plate, only small individually wrapped bags with shiny outsides, just like individually wrapped biscuits.

“Mr. Qin, it’s a rare opportunity for you to come and taste our space food.” Zhao Dong said: “We have a total of eight kinds of food here. Which one do you want to try first?”

“Before you went to heaven, did you always eat these things?” Qin Tao was curious.

"Yes. We must develop a habit. Eating on the ground is the same as eating in space. Our standard for eating these things is not to miss a single particle." Zhao Dong said: "Let me give you an example. "

 After speaking, Zhao Dong grabbed one of the small bags, slowly tore the opening open, then pointed the opening at his mouth, and squeezed all the contents into his mouth.

Early spaceflight food was all liquid food, packed in toothpaste tubes. If the astronauts wanted to eat, they would squeeze it into their mouths. It had no taste at all and could just fill their stomachs.

With the development of technology, space food can finally be solid and placed in small packaging bags, one bite at a time. Qin Tao watched Zhao Dong put the food into his mouth easily and tried it himself.

He picked up a packaging bag with the words Fish-flavored Shredded Pork Rice on it. There were words on the outside, so there was no need to guess the blind box. He carefully tore open the packaging bag, then pointed the opening at his mouth, squeezed hard, and sucked. , who would have thought that some rice grains would fly directly to the throat, and it would be very uncomfortable to stick there.

 Ahem! Qin Tao immediately started coughing.

"Mr. Qin, you must be careful when eating these things. If you cough on the spacecraft and all the rice grains are sprayed, big trouble will happen." Max advised from the side.

As Max spoke, he picked up the same small package, put the contents into his mouth, and chewed slowly. It seemed that Max had eaten it before!

Qin Tao looked over and looked at the Chinese characters on the package: moon cake.

No wonder he didn't choke. It turned out that he was eating mooncakes. Just put this thing in your mouth, close your mouth tightly, and chew slowly.

Qin Tao rummaged around and found a piece of moon cake, and put the moon cake into his mouth.

"Actually, we also like to eat mooncakes." Another astronaut Deng Ming said: "Our mooncakes will not fall off, so when eating, we can put them in the air and let them fly to our mouths. Come here."

Now it is just simulating eating, which is still different from actually eating in space. People can only simulate weightlessness in airplanes or diving, but they cannot fully experience real long-term weightlessness.

“Yes, in space, we can experience this wonderful feeling.” Zhao Dong was also very excited.

 The two of them said this, and the remaining four people looked envious.

“We really want to go up there,” Pan Chun said.

"What's the rush? After this launch is successful, the second launch will be launched in the second launch window three months later, and you will all be able to go up by then." Max said: "Compared with your companions, you You should be very lucky.”

"Yes, we went back a few days ago because we had to coordinate space suits. Others looked at us with envy." Deng Ming said, "We are all the same astronauts, and they are still patient. Wait, while we’re already flying!”

“By the way, Mr. Qin, they said they would like to come here to observe the launch, is that okay?”

"Of course it's no problem." Qin Tao said, "They can come if they want. We welcome them."

While speaking, Xu Zhengyang on the side said: "Mr. Qin, Mr. Qi and the others just sent a message saying that they want to come and observe."

 Lao Qi?

Qin Tao looked at Max with some surprise. You are the ones directly connected. Mr. Qi and the others want to come to observe, shouldn't they contact you? Could it be that you didn't agree, so Mr. Qi and the others bypassed you and asked me for help directly?

Looking at Qin Tao's eyes, Max quickly shook his head: "Mr. Qin, we did not refuse them to come and observe. We are just afraid that they will become mentally unbalanced after they come..."

Why are you feeling unbalanced, yet you still politely declined! Qin Tao smiled and said: "It's okay, we have to stimulate them and let them start quickly. Invite them to come over and watch our launch together."

Qin Tao has spoken, and of course Max cannot object.

So, the matter was finalized.

 Qin Tao watched Max continue to eat spaceflight food, and suddenly thought of something: "Max, you don't want to go to heaven too, do you?"

"Well, I will have to go up there when I need it in the future. Those of us who are engaged in aerospace have never been up there in our lives. It's so shameful. All other employees of our Starship Company who have made outstanding contributions will have opportunities in the future. , Although you guys don’t need professional training like astronauts, you still need to adapt to the needs of spaceflight. Let’s practice eating spaceflight food if we have nothing to do, so as to avoid trouble when we go up in the future.”

 “I also have a chance?”


Xu Zhengyang didn't speak at the side, but he muttered in his heart, Mr. Qin, if you want to go to heaven, that is not something you can decide. You have to ask your superiors if they agree? I can be sure that the superior leaders are not even willing to let you go out of the country, so how can they let you go to heaven?

Qin Tao can only live it up for a while.

 After eating a few mooncakes, Qin Tao finally became proficient, and then moved on to rice and stir-fried vegetables again.

Orientals have their own recipes. They like to eat rice and stir-fried vegetables. Only by eating these can they have an appetite. Only with an appetite can they have the physical strength and energy to complete their work.

 At present, it is still packaged in small bags. In the future, there will be large packages like take-out lunch boxes, and then eating will be the same as eating normally.

This meal was very special, and Qin Tao enjoyed it very much.

After eating, Qin Tao went to look at the launch command hall. At this time, it was already busy inside, and preparations for the launch were in progress.

“Mr. Qin, this is the person in charge of the launch center, Director He.” Looking at the person walking towards him, Max immediately introduced him to Qin Tao: “Our cooperation is very pleasant.”

Qin Tao also looked at the old aerospace veteran who was over fifty but still energetic, He Bin in a white coat, the father of Qiongzhou Wenchang Aerospace!

 (End of this chapter)

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