Warship of Great Power

Chapter 940: Scooters for the elderly are also electric vehicles

 Several Asans were eating fruit leisurely in the reception room while waiting for the person in charge of Golden Sun Company.

Asan's geographical location is in the tropics, so most of the people in their country have darker skin, but there are a few exceptions. The people in the reception room at this time have very white skin, their appearance is closer to that of Europeans, and they even have a smaller figure. tall. They all belong to the upper castes in Asan.

Gilroy, the leader, is a member of the Kshatriya caste, with a kind of arrogance on his face. As the vice president of Tata Motors, this time he came to cooperate with the Orientals. It looked like he was giving face to the Orientals.

 “Someone is coming!” one of the men said.

Gilroy threw the half-eaten fruit into the trash can, then sat down and looked at the people who came in.

 The person who came here seems to be very young? Doesn't Golden Sun Company take itself too seriously? We came here with sincerity, but the other party actually sent a young man to deal with us?

"Thank you for your hard work coming all the way." Qin Tao said with a smile on his face: "I am Mr. Qin of Mingzhou Group."

 Mingzhou Group, Mr. Qin? Gilroy reacted, stood up quickly, and reached out his hand enthusiastically: "Mr. Qin, I didn't expect you to come to see us. We are really flattered. We come to cooperate with sincerity this time."

If it were someone else, they might be able to continue to put on a arrogant posture, but Mr. Qin is different. He is the boss of a huge multinational group. Mingzhou Group can compete with Tata Group, and their Tata Group Automobile is just a company under the Tata Group, so Mr. Qin's status is much higher than them. They can't be ignorant when he comes to receive them in person.

These people were arrogant in front and respectful in the back, which made the people who stayed here to receive these Asan feel happy. Look, Mr. Qin is so powerful. As soon as Mr. Qin came, these people no longer had the initial arrogance!

"Mr. Qin, our Tata Motors is a world-famous automobile manufacturer." After shaking hands, Gilroy began to boast: "Our Tata Motors was founded in 1945 and occupies 60% of the Asan market share. We cooperated with Daimler-Benz in 1954 and were able to design products for the occasion in 1969. We at Tata Motors are the largest automobile company in Asia. Now, we hope to help the electric vehicles under the Mingzhou Group to achieve glory."

"Help is unnecessary. We never take advantage of others." Qin Tao said: "No matter how long your car company has been, it doesn't mean anything to us, because electric cars are a new thing. They are completely different from traditional cars. In fact, It will prove everything I said. In the future, traditional and established car companies will slowly decline, while new electric vehicles will develop and grow."

The other party is trying to rely on its old skills and sell off its old skills. Look at how long our history is at Tata Motors. You can’t compare with it. We are condescending to cooperate with you. No, we are here to help you.

 Qin Tao said something back, "It's all nonsense, old antiques should go into museums. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves in front die on the beach!"

A hint of dissatisfaction flashed across Gilroy's face. If someone else said this about their established car company, he would be angry, but since it was Mr. Qin who was opposite him, he could only grit his teeth and admit it.

"Mr. Qin, you have declared that you are willing to export your key technologies for electric vehicles. We also want to develop electric vehicles, so we hope to use your technology to develop our cars." Gilroy said.

Qin Tao shook his head: "When did we say we would export key technologies for electric vehicles?"

"Isn't it true? You have publicly declared it to the outside world. We heard your declaration, so we came here!"

"You may have misunderstood. We are saying that we can help other traditional car companies transform to electric vehicles. What we export is not technology, but complete supporting solutions." Qin Tao said: "What we provide is to convert fuel A complete set of equipment for improving a car into an electric car, not technology. We have never said we would export technology. If you have the idea of ​​​​stealing our technology, then you can leave."

Gilroy blushed: "Of course not, we Ah San have our own skills!"

"Really? It's good if you have the technology." Qin Tao said: "Then there is no need to get supporting equipment from us. You can just develop it yourself. We wish you success and hope that you can develop more advanced electric vehicles than us. Together, we Developing a completely new field of electric vehicles.”

Qin Tao had just sat down and stood up after saying this.

 So, Gilroy became anxious: "Mr. Qin, please stay, we are here to seek cooperation!"

“Don’t you want to develop it yourself? Now you want to cooperate again? Of course we can export related equipment and help you install it on your own cars. What kind of equipment do you want?”

Ma Ming followed Qin Tao and acted like an ordinary assistant without saying a word. He was very excited to hear Qin Tao playing with these foreigners. Mr. Qin is so good! Tata Motors is nothing, but it still dares to come here to show off its power? See, Mr. Qin has reduced you to nothing!

Now, you have to cooperate obediently, right?

"What kind of equipment is not important, the key is that it is cheap. The parts for these electric vehicles that you provide us cannot exceed two thousand US dollars, no, one thousand US dollars." Gilroy said: "You are the global leader in electric vehicles. People, you should be able to do this, right?"

Ma Ming frowned.

According to the current exchange rate, one thousand US dollars is more than 8,000 yuan. With this money, do you still want the three-power system of an electric car? Are you kidding me? You can't buy a single motor, let alone an expensive battery system. Even if you use it for yourself now, you have to add a zero at the end. If you want to export it, you have to add two zeros, so that you can make money.

 You want to modify an electric car for $1,000? Isn't this a daydream?

"If you can't do it, it's false propaganda." Gilroy continued: "On the surface, you are claiming to jointly develop electric vehicles, but in fact you are unwilling to cooperate with major international automobile manufacturers. You are duplicitous! "

This guy seems to be here to cause trouble, to kick the gym, and he doesn't want to cooperate at all!

Xu Zhengyang's eyes showed a fierce light. Is this guy impatient? Believe it or not, I will set fire to your Tata Motors and burn this world-renowned car company to ashes?

“You don’t care about performance, as long as it’s cheap?” Qin Tao asked.

 “That’s right, that’s it!” said Gilroy.

"We do have such a supporting system." Qin Tao said: "It's just that your car must also reduce the weight, so that this electric car can have actual use value. Just in time, this can also reduce the selling price of your car , what’s the price of your cheapest car now?”

“$8,500,” Gilroy said. “This is the cheapest car in the world right now.”

Tata Motors focuses on the Asan market, and of course the first requirement is cheapness. Their cars appeared relatively late, and currently they only have small cars like the Indica. Although they are small, they are very popular. Since the price is only US$8,500, they are launched on the market. After that, 110,000 orders were received in a short period of time.

Hearing the other party boasting, Qin Tao shook his head. This is not the cheapest. Our domestic QQ only sells for 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. Your Tata Motors is still far behind. However, we don't compare with low prices, we have to compare with performance. Price without performance is not enough.

“Mr. Qin, you don’t believe it?”

"No, I think this kind of car is still too expensive. If you use the three-electric system we provide, it only costs one thousand dollars. You can build a shell yourself and spend another thousand dollars. In this way, you can build it for two thousand dollars. Comes in one car, this is the cheapest car in the world.”

 Two thousand dollar car?

Gilroy was very interested, but he spread his hands helplessly: "This is impossible. We have tried various ways to control costs, but we have only made it $8,500, a $1,000 shell? We can't do it."

"Is there anything that can't be done?" Qin Tao said: "First of all, in terms of the size of the car, this kind of car only needs to be able to seat four people. It is two meters long and one meter three to four meters wide. It is enough. , the wheels can also use the smallest tires, even motorcycles. The driver only needs to have a steering wheel, gear lever, switch and brake, and everything else can be omitted, such as steering wheel assist, brake assist, air conditioning and tape recorder. Everything can be removed. The interior must have a plastic shell, the glass can be hand-cranked or push-pull, wipers and the like can be removed, and the reflectors can also be removed. Save everything that needs to be saved, and just do it. You can’t afford a thousand dollars for such a shell?”

Ma Ming and others were dumbfounded. Could this be a car? Isn’t this too shabby?

However, Gilroy's eyes widened: "Yes, Mr. Qin, if you say that, it is really possible to achieve it with a thousand dollars. This kind of car will set a new record!"

That’s for sure. Two thousand dollars is equivalent to sixteen thousand. In the East, you can buy a good old-age scooter at this price. Asan’s labor cost is even lower. Of course, they can also make this kind of old-age scooter. Here comes the scooter.

Ma Ming became more and more confused as he listened. Does such a broken car need a high-end electric system? It can be driven by a motorcycle engine!

“Mr. Qin, this car is very small, how do we install the electric system?” Gilroy began to seriously consider the technical issues and raised some questions.

"Four batteries can be inserted under the back seat, and the motor is directly integrated into the rear axle. As long as you build the rear axle, we can match the corresponding motor. Don't worry, the whole system is absolutely reliable. When making electric vehicles, We are professional." Qin Tao paused when he said this: "However, the products we export will have anti-tamper marks on them. As long as they are disassembled, it will affect our warranty."

Ah San must have wanted this technology so that he could imitate it himself after returning home. He had to make this clear in advance.

"Of course." Gilroy answered simply. There is no problem with this anti-tampering. At worst, we don't need a warranty. As long as we copy it, we won't need to purchase it from the East in the future.

"Also, if you order, the starting price is at least 10,000 pieces. We provide you with supporting packages, and the main income we earn is hard work fees." Qin Tao said: "If the quantity is too small, then there is no need for us to prepare for your order. Specially developed. If the quantity is less than 10,000 pieces, then special supporting design fees will have to be charged."

"no problem."

The key is that they are cheap. A set costs US$1,000, and 10,000 pieces only costs US$10 million. Tata Motors can still afford this amount of money.

 They, Tata Motors, must transform. Only through transformation can they have a future! This is the consensus within their Tata Motors. After years of development, Tata Motors has continued to create brilliance. However, in the 1990s, Tata Motors went astray. In order to increase production, they unrealistically expanded investment on a large scale and blindly launched new products. Coupled with the large-scale invasion of large international companies, Asan's entire industry has been in a downturn, and Tata Motors has entered the most difficult period. In the past 2001, their losses were as high as 5 billion rupees! This is a terrible number.

At this time, they saw the hope of electric vehicles. They regarded this project as an important way for their company to turn around losses and increase profits, and it had to be at a low price!

 Get the technology from the East at a low price, then copy it yourself, and finally become the world's largest electric car company, trampling on those Mercedes-Benz and BMW!

They predicted that the Easterners might set up various obstacles, so they prepared various responses in advance. If they return empty-handed this time, they will reduce the Golden Sun Company to nothing!

 But now, the Orientals are so generous that they actually gave them a new idea and continued to lower the price of cars!

Judging from the living standards in Asan, even a car costing US$8,500 is destined to be a toy that only a few people can afford. It is impossible for ordinary people to afford it. If it is reduced to US$2,000, it can be bought. There will be a lot of people starting, and they can continue to expand the market size and make more money.

They were responsible for designing a small vehicle, and Oriental was responsible for providing the electric system. The project was settled. Of course, Gilroy would not leave any deposit. He just talked about the bright future of working together and went back. get ready.

After seeing these people off, Ma Ming had doubts on his face: "Mr. Qin, you just said a few batteries, not hundreds or thousands of batteries. Don't you plan to use lithium batteries?"

“Of course not.” Qin Tao said: “If it were a lithium battery, the battery pack alone would cost several thousand dollars. How can they afford it?”

 “Then what should we use?”

“Lead-acid batteries.” Qin Tao said, “Almost four.”

Ma Ming was even more surprised: "Lead-acid batteries are heavy and have low energy density, so they are not suitable as a power source for electric vehicles at all."

 Putting lead plates into a sulfuric acid solution can make a conventional battery. This battery is strong and durable and has a large discharge capacity at low temperatures. Therefore, it has been used to this day and is still the most commonly used starting battery in cars.

Even if it is an electric car, when the main battery pack is turned off, there must be a small battery to provide additional power to the entire car, such as unlocking the vehicle.

 It’s just that lead and sulfuric acid are both dense materials, and the weight of these materials can also be imagined. When cars were first invented, there was a power system called lead-acid battery, but soon this battery system was replaced by the internal combustion engine.

 Now, you actually want to go back?

"But it's cheap." Qin Tao said: "Four lead-acid batteries cost about one hundred dollars, the motor is one hundred dollars, and the controller is one hundred dollars. With such an electric vehicle system, we can still earn seven hundred dollars. "

“Mr. Qin, a $100 motor is expensive. The motors we currently use in electric vehicles cost several thousand dollars.” Ma Ming didn’t understand cost control, but he also knew that it couldn’t be done at this price.

"Can it be the same?" Qin Tao said: "The motor used in our electric car requires hundreds of horsepower. The motor used in Asan's electric car has more than a dozen horsepower. Moreover, the simpler the structure, the better good."

Ma Ming frowned: "Mr. Qin, the simple structure is a DC motor, but this kind of motor has brushes, so it will be worn during operation. After a few years of use, it needs to be repaired, otherwise the motor will be broken. Yes. We use brushless motors in electric vehicles."

A DC motor requires a commutator, which is achieved by contacting the brush with a copper ring. It will wear out over time. When Golden Sun Company was developing electric vehicles, of course it could not use such a simple thing, so it changed to a brushless motor. The rotor only Responsible for rotation, electric energy is driven through the external coil, but this method also means that the conversion of electric energy is complicated: after all, the external coil needs to use alternating current. The core electronic control system in electric vehicles is through the Hall The component converts the battery's DC power into AC power.

 This electronic control system is also very critical. Some elderly scooters also use AC motors, but they use a simple square wave, so they vibrate loudly and make a lot of noise. Electric vehicles use pure sine waves, and the electronic control system is also very complex.

“In a few years, let’s talk about it in a few years, we will use this simplest DC motor.” Qin Tao said: “Can it be made for one hundred dollars?”

Ma Ming nodded: "No problem. In this way, the controller can be greatly simplified. Fifty dollars is enough."

Two hundred and fifty dollars is enough, and there is still a profit of seven hundred and fifty dollars!

 Just, is it okay to trick Ah San like this? After all, Ma Ming spends less time with Qin Tao. I don’t know that Qin Tao’s favorite thing is to cheat Asan.

"By the way, the casings of the motor and controller must be made larger. Some large heat sinks can be placed to show that these things of ours are made of real materials. The inside of the controller can be designed. As soon as it is opened, the components inside will burn out.”

“This can be achieved by attaching a capacitor. As long as the cover is opened, the capacitor will discharge and break down the chip inside.” Ma Ming said.

Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, that's it!"

“Mr. Qin, will this damage the reputation of our Golden Sun Company?” Ma Ming was worried.

"How could it be? Our company is thinking about our customers. This is the supporting solution for a thousand dollars. Don't even think about kinetic energy recovery or autonomous driving, as long as it can be driven by batteries." Qin Tao said: "And, our This solution is also suitable for Asan’s side. At Asan’s level, a scooter is suitable for the elderly.”

 “Scooter for the elderly?”

“Oh, I just said casually, okay, let’s just arrange this matter like this.” Qin Tao said: “It shouldn’t interfere with your research and development progress, right?”

“Of course not. We can piece it together using existing technology. This does not have any technical content.”

It is simply impossible to want cheap and high-end things. You get what you pay for, and that is an eternal truth.

This matter was decided by Qin Tao. Half a year later, Asan's brand new NANO sedan was launched. It uses pure electric power, is green and pollution-free, and the price is only 3,000 US dollars. It immediately caused a sensation around the world, and countless people opened their eyes. , looking at this shit-yellow car: it only has a shell and four seats, and no comfort equipment, not even a reflector! It is extremely surprising, can this kind of car be put on the road?

Of course it can, and the speed-up is huge! However, as long as it exceeds 40 kilometers per hour, it will be a snail's pace to increase the speed, but for Ah San, it is enough!

As for the lack of battery life, you can completely refill the battery at your own expense, up to eight yuan, and it can still run for 200 kilometers.

After settling the matter, Qin Tao returned to the room and looked at Nicholas who was drinking tea there: "I'm sorry, my friend, for keeping you waiting here for so long."

"It doesn't matter, our project has almost been discussed. I just talked with Zhao about the detailed design and we are very satisfied. Next, I will hand over the 1144 cruiser to you for modification. I look forward to you giving us a brand new cruiser!"

Several twists and turns, several changes, and now we are finally about to see the 25,000-ton giant ship further improved until it is finally commissioned! Nicholas was very excited. Although Qin Tao was not here just now, he had a chat with Zhao Ling, the idea engineer, and was quite satisfied.

"Well, we will complete the modification as quickly as possible. When the modification is completed, we can also have a joint military exercise together." Qin Tao said: "The data link system we installed above can communicate with each other."

Nicholas nodded, and then thought of something: "Qin, the car we brought back last time had very good test results in our country. Next, should we talk about cooperation?"

 “Of course, I can call their person in charge to come over.”

 “Can we go to their factory and have a look? I want to see the production line.”

“Okay, let’s go now.” Qin Tao looked up at Zhao Ling: “Call them!”

Changqiang Automobile Factory is located in Zhili. The straight-line distance from the capital is only about 100 kilometers. There is also a highway and it can be reached in an hour.

For Changqiang Automobile Factory, they never thought that one day, the CEO of Mingzhou Group, which is famous in the country and even in the world, would bring Lao Maozi over to discuss the matter of opening a factory with Da Maozi.

When the Mingzhou Group called, the entire factory was alarmed. They cleaned the entire factory area, and workers were also issued new work clothes urgently. They washed their faces when they needed to wash their faces, shaved when they needed to, and waited until Mr. Qin’s car started. When I came in, the entire factory area was completely new.

At this time, Lao Wei was just a middle-aged man, exuding vitality. When he saw the car stopped, he immediately ran up and opened the door diligently: "Mr. Qin, welcome to our automobile factory!"

 Lao Wei often felt complacent when he started his own business in his youth, but when compared with Mr. Qin, it was a world of difference. Mr. Qin was more than ten years younger than him, but his group was much larger than his.

“This is Nikola, I want to come and have a look at the production line.” Qin Tao introduced the foreigner.

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