Warship of Great Power

Chapter 937: What can we do with hydrogen energy and our fancy electric cars?

Any development of Da Mao's industry is of course Qin Tao's deception. Da Mao will not be able to develop like that at all. Not to mention cars, even if it is a motorcycle, all the parts have to be imported from the East and assembled there.

Qin Tao wants to occupy Damao's market as soon as possible. If he invests and builds a factory in Damao, it will naturally give Dongfang's automobile industry a more stable sales market. State-owned enterprises don't have to count on it. They have to look at private enterprises. Among these private enterprises, suitable Da Mao Environment's is Changqiang Automobile, after all, the others are engaged in sedans.

 If they can make money together, Nikola will definitely support it fully. Mingzhou Group will also have a stake in it and enjoy its achievements. However, he did not expect that he would receive unexpected news.

The West will no longer engage in electric vehicles?

 “Is the West going to take the hydrogen energy route?”

"That's right." The dealer continued: "The West claims that electric cars are not environmentally friendly. They still need to use electricity, which still needs to burn oil. Moreover, electric cars also need to use batteries. The production of batteries is more polluting. They think , hydrogen energy is the most suitable route."

 Qin Tao's face became serious.

He knows the future development trend, so he promotes the development of electric vehicles, which can generate a lot of profits and seize the commanding heights of technology. However, he has forgotten one thing: after all, the West is one. If we are forced to use Eastern technology patents, we might as well give the money to the island country.

This time the islanders took advantage!

In Qin Tao's original time and space, no one went with the island country. That was because electric vehicle companies like Tesla had already appeared in the United States. They had their own technology. In this case, the Americans would definitely not let it go. Island countries make money, after all, the technology patents for hydrogen energy are in the hands of island people. Europe had to listen to the Americans, so the whole world abandoned the islanders and let them play with hydrogen energy. Most other countries supported electric vehicles.

 But it’s different now.

The technical patents for hydrogen energy are still in the hands of the island countries, but the technical patents for electric vehicles are all in the East. In this case, Westerners see that it is better to give the patent fees to the East than to the island countries. After all, they It's one.

 So, we actually switched to the hydrogen energy route.

 Qin Tao has been busy building warships and has never paid attention to cars. Electric cars were just a temporary idea. The purpose was to make money. Now, the way to make money is blocked?

"Mr. Qin, this is indeed a problem, but even if we only supply the domestic market, the supply exceeds demand." Zhao Ling said: "So, we did not report this matter to you."

 Now in front of outsiders, Zhao Ling still plays the role of secretary very obediently.

“No, we must sell our electric cars all over the world.” Qin Tao said, “This is of great importance.”

This is of course closely related, after all, there are those ridiculous carbon emission standards! When to achieve carbon neutrality, car exhaust is a very important part. If electric vehicles are included, it will be easier to meet the standard. If others do not use electric vehicles, of course they will boycott electric vehicles.

This is most obvious in Singapore, where electric vehicles are not welcome. When calculating emissions, they calculate them according to the pollution caused by power generation. The result is higher emissions than ordinary fuel vehicles, and then a high pollution tax is levied based on this emissions. .

At this moment, Nikolai had already driven back with the Seve. After getting off the car, he was very satisfied: "Qin, this car is good, much better than our big domestic cars! Even if there is a car accident, it can protect Safety for good people.”

 Car accident?

 A smile appeared on Qin Tao's face.

 The capital of the island country, a quiet street.

It's quiet just because it's daytime. Most of the people working on this street are sleeping and don't come out until night. Various signboards are hung on the houses on both sides of the street, with young women wearing bold clothes on them, and Various accessories, some holding handcuffs and whips, had S and M written on them.

 A skull sign hangs in it, which looks particularly abrupt. There is the number 13 behind the skull. While people in other houses are sleeping, the people in this house are still working.

A short, slightly obese old man sat in front of a table. His hair and beard were all white, and he wore gold-rimmed glasses. A helpless light was projected from behind the glasses. He looked at the drawing paper in front of him, his once nimble right hand. At this moment, the paintbrush he held was suspended above the paper, unable to move.


The brush was suddenly broken by his right hand, and he threw the broken brush on the table: "Damn it, I can't think of any plot. There is no plot in my mind. The world has been too peaceful recently! I can't even think of any plot to draw. , will our Skull 13 be discontinued?”

Yes, this is the birthplace of the manga Skull 13, and the person in front of you is Saito Takao, the main artist.

  When talking about comics, many people can think of One Piece and Detective Conan, but Skull 13 is actually much better than them! It has been serialized since 1968 and has never stopped. By 2021, it has been serialized in more than two hundred volumes, which is more than the previous two comics combined.

 At the beginning, Kazuo Koike served as the screenwriter and Takao Saito did the drawing. Later, only Takao Saito and his assistants were left.

Saito Takao not only has to draw, but also conceive plots. Fortunately, they have never been short of ideas. This is because their comics are dramas. Each volume has nothing to do with the previous one. The main line is weakened and is mainly unit drama. One Piece's method of foreshadowing in the front and filling holes in the back can only develop all the way up, while in Skull 13 and Detective Conan, there is almost no main line.

The plots of Skull 13 all come from realistic themes, such as the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the Gulf War, Yugoslavia, etc. As long as there are major events happening in the world, they can be transplanted into the parallel world in the book, and it will feel very immersive.

 But after entering the new millennium, nothing big happened, and they began to have headaches.

  Saito Takao can be said to be one of the founders of Japanese drama. He painted very quickly, without the need for drawings, and the lines were drawn in one stroke, with only occasional corrections. When the time comes, use the cigarette butts to burn the correction fluid while smoking.

But now, there is nothing in his mind, and he has been unable to start the painting.

Jingle Bell!

At this moment, the phone rang, and he picked up the phone angrily: "Hello? What's the matter?"

"I have a plot idea." The other party came up without any greetings and just started talking about the idea.

 “What’s the idea?”

"Recently, FCHV-4 fuel cell vehicles modified with Highlander have appeared, using high-pressure hydrogen storage tanks and four 25 MPa high-pressure gas tanks. The volume of each gas tank is 34 liters. You can simply Calculate, each gas tank is equivalent to 15 kilograms of TNT, and four gas tanks are enough to blow up a building. Your protagonist can be a sniper and use a sniper rifle to blow up the hydrogen storage tank of a fuel cell car. The scene is certain It’s going to be pretty spectacular.”

 Blow up a building? Saito Takao instantly became excited: "Really? That's great! Thank you for the plot ideas, please..."

Hunting! The phone has been hung up!

  Saito Takao originally wanted to ask the other person's name so that he could pay the other person. His Skull 13 sells well all over the world, and each issue can be sold for a lot of money. He doesn't care about giving some money to the person who provided the plot.

 However, the other party did not accept it. He must be an enthusiastic reader! For the sake of readers, you have to draw well!

So, Saito Takao briefly conceived it in his mind, and then drew it on the drawing paper.

Highlander is a common car model in island countries. Four gas tanks are painted on the chassis of the car and painted yellow. This is the most conspicuous.

 He finished these paintings quickly and was very satisfied. The plot was so exciting!

Two days later, the new issue of Skull 13 was released and sold out quickly. In this issue, the protagonist transformed into a sniper and blew up the gas tank of the hydrogen fuel cell with one shot, directly blowing up a building next to it. The scene was so spectacular that everyone who saw it was hooked.    Awesome, really awesome!

 This comic issue also fell into Qin Tao's hands.

Nikolai has already returned with the car and took the special plane directly. The car was also packed into the special plane. Nikolai is full of good expectations for the future. He can not only develop DaMao industry but also make money for himself. This plan is great!

Seeing Qin Tao flipping through the comics, Zhao Ling couldn't help but said: "I'm very curious. These plots are obviously to smear fuel cell vehicles. Couldn't this cartoonist have thought of this? How could he draw this plot? Come down?"

"What does fuel cell vehicles have to do with him?" Qin Tao said: "He is a cartoonist. What he has to consider is how to attract attention in cartoons. If he doesn't draw these plots, there will be nothing to watch. If Skull 13 goes bankrupt, Toyota will Give him a penny back?"

Zhao Ling nodded.

“Well, next time he encounters a situation where there is no plot, let him draw a scene of a nuclear power plant explosion.” Qin Tao thought of something and continued: “Forget it now, this is enough for now.”

“Mr. Qin, Zhang Zhong is here.”

 “Well, invite him in.”

 Zhang Zhong walked in excitedly: "Mr. Qin, do you have any new material?"

"Yes, your program this time is called Zhang Zhong talks about hydrogen energy. From hydrogen production to storage to automobiles, he explains how this road is blocked." Qin Tao said: "For example, the production, the source of hydrogen It means electrolyzing water, electrolyzing water to produce hydrogen and oxygen, and now using the hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity. Isn’t this just farting and taking off your pants?”

"Mr. Qin, you are talking about hydrogen production in the laboratory and industrial large-scale hydrogen production. There are three main types of gray hydrogen, blue hydrogen and green hydrogen." Zhang Zhong was a little embarrassed: "Gray hydrogen is the most common among them. Producing hydrogen from fossil fuels oil, natural gas and coal is cheaper but has higher carbon emissions."

 Large carbon emissions? Qin Tao didn't understand anything else, but he really understood this, and nodded immediately: "Yes, let's promote it from this perspective. Huh, we say that our electric cars are not environmentally friendly, but hydrogen energy is environmentally friendly? Their carbon The emissions are still huge!”

 Hydrogen energy and electric vehicles are actually the same if we only look at emissions. However, hydrogen is not as easy to refine as petroleum. Preparation of hydrogen is a problem. Although electricity is easy to generate, batteries pollute a lot, so these cannot actually be called environmentally friendly. In fact, there is no such thing as environmental protection or not, there is only competition for various interests.

Since we have already taken the route of electric vehicles, of course we have to point out all the disadvantages of hydrogen energy. As for why we don’t use hydrogen energy, of course it’s because electric vehicles can see the future. As for hydrogen energy, who knows.

Hydrogen is too easy to leak and explode. You can look at rockets. Rockets using liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen engines are quite dangerous, while liquid oxygen and kerosene are much safer. If you put it on a car, it is a walking bomb. A hydrogen refueling station is even more dangerous, definitely more dangerous than a liquefied gas station.

"Mr. Qin, I understand what you mean. Although I just said that electrolyzed water is not farting and taking off your pants, this hydrogen energy is indeed farting and taking off your pants." Zhang Zhong continued: "Hydrogen energy vehicles are not directly driven by hydrogen. They still need to be driven by hydrogen. Sending hydrogen gas into a fuel cell, converting it into electrical energy, and then driving it through a motor is nothing more than farting and taking off your pants. Don’t worry, our program will definitely refute hydrogen energy as worthless.”

Qin Tao nodded: "Zhang Zhong said that the program is very important. It should be used to popularize science to the world and tell them what the correct route is."

 Zhang Zhong nodded: "But Mr. Qin, they will also criticize our electric cars. After all, the batteries of electric cars can easily catch fire."

Although there has been no battery fire incident yet, it is only because the current market share is still relatively small. In the future, when the market share increases, the extremely small probability will attract attention.

“Well, of course it’s because our current electric vehicle technology is in its infancy. When it reaches the advanced stage in the future, we won’t have this problem.”

 “Advanced stage?”

“Currently, we have implemented wireless charging technology in the laboratory, which can successfully power a 60-watt light bulb two meters away.” Qin Tao said: “Do you know what this means?”

Wireless charging technology was also conceived by the famous electric power expert Nikola Tesla. In 1890, he conducted wireless power transmission experiments, but his idea was more ambitious: using the earth as an inner conductor, As an outer conductor, the ionosphere establishes an 8 Hz low-frequency resonance between the earth and the ionosphere through electromagnetic oscillation, allowing electromagnetic waves to propagate on the earth's surface while providing energy.

This grand idea has not been realized because there is not that much investment, and this thing is like a world of great harmony, providing free power to the whole world, but it is completely feasible in theory.

Over the years, various technologies have continued to develop. Wireless power transmission has received attention mainly to power various small electronic components. However, if the technology continues to develop, it will also be possible to power electric vehicles.

 At that day, what technological changes will there be?

"Is it convenient to charge electric vehicles? No, this doesn't make sense. Could it be..." Zhang Zhong suddenly reacted: "Mr. Qin, do you envision laying this kind of wireless charging device on the highway, and then directly providing power to electric vehicles? ?At that time, our electric cars will not need to install batteries, or only a small battery will be enough!"

 Qin Tao nodded.

The future world is described in the novel "The Three-Body Problem": Due to the realization of controllable nuclear fusion, electric energy can be obtained in a simple way, so there is no need to worry about wasting electric energy. This does not require the laying of wireless power transmission devices on the highway to support the direct transmission of automobiles. Turn on, and even the entire city has inexhaustible electricity everywhere.

 Without the battery, electric cars can travel easily. How can hydrogen energy be compared with electric cars?

Zhang Zhong said excitedly: "Mr. Qin, I know, our program will be very exciting. We will depict a beautiful world in the future and let everyone know that the hydrogen energy route is garbage, and our electric vehicle route is The most correct!"

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, our electric route is correct. We firmly believe in this. You can invite our relevant experts, except Ma Ming."

Ma Ming alone can carry an aircraft carrier. Such a person must not be exposed to the public. To avoid accidents, other experts will not matter.

 Island country, Toyota Motor Corporation.

Different companies have different cultures. When you mention the Great Wall, everyone will think of changing shells. When you mention Toyota, everyone will think of science and engineering men. Toyota doesn't do anything else, it just studies technology, and if it has a certain direction, it will never Look back. Especially in the research and development of hydrogen energy, they have always insisted that their route is correct. Even if the whole world doesn't play with them, they will still go to the dark side.

In fact, they are not the first to use hydrogen energy. As early as 1966, General Motors launched a fuel cell van called the Electrovan. When it comes to this route, they are the first. Just like electric vehicles, they are also the first. They did it first, but unfortunately they didn't follow through.

After the oil crisis broke out, BMW also installed ultra-low-temperature liquid hydrogen tanks on the 5 Series. In 1994, Mercedes-Benz launched the NECAR research vehicle with electric drive and fuel cell stacks. Even Dongfang can join in the fun. In the 1990s, the Dalian Institute of Chemistry of the Eastern Academy of Sciences also studied Dongfang's first fuel cell van.

However, these are just research. To catch up with the trend and truly advance fuel cell vehicle technology to commercial use, it is only Toyota. Therefore, when it comes to hydrogen energy and fuel cells, it is Toyota.

In the 1980s, they began to consider what energy source would be used to drive cars once oil resources were exhausted. They studied the technical route and then determined the fuel cell vehicle route, also known as FCHV. In 1992, it Research and development began, and now it has evolved to the fourth generation, FCHV-4. The power of the fuel cell has reached 90 kilowatts, and four high-pressure metal gas tanks can allow it to travel 250 kilometers. It is now ready for commercial operation. Unexpectedly, Something unexpected happened.

 When he got the comic, Akira's expression changed instantly.

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