Warship of Great Power

Chapter 934: Todoroki N

Chapter 934: Boom Six N

“How did the foreign media publish it?” Qin Tao also became nervous.

This assistant took out a laptop and opened the screen. There was already a relevant web page inside, which was densely packed with English letters, and the title clearly read H-20.

 “Taozi, read it for us.” Mr. Lin said.

 Lao Lin is proficient in Russian and can talk freely with Lao Maozi, but he only understands Russian and still cannot understand English, so he needs someone else to translate.

At this time, after hearing what Mr. Lin said, Qin Tao translated it literally.

"In order to seize the commanding heights of the 21st century, Dongfang has carried out Project 20. This is not an independent project, but a huge systematic project, including the Zhi-Twenty in the field of helicopters and the Yun-Twenty in the transport aircraft. We There is reason to believe that in the field of fighter jets, there is also the J-20 project, and at the same time, in the field of bombers, there must be the H-20 project."

When he read this, Qin Tao felt a little relieved. It seemed that this was not specific information at all, but an article put together by various speculations. Moreover, in this era, this kind of article It is very influential. After all, the East is becoming stronger and stronger, and the theory of Eastern threat is very popular.

"Currently, the most advanced bombers in the East are the H-6J and H-6K. These bombers adopt a variable sweep wing design and can penetrate defenses at supersonic speeds at low altitudes. Compared with their old H-6, the performance is a step higher, and this new one The H-20 project will definitely be a step up from the original H-6J and H-6K. In view of Dongfang’s outstanding performance in stealth aircraft, we believe that Dongfang will definitely develop a stealth bomber with performance and B-2 is almost the same, now, let’s analyze the data of B2.”

Everyone is getting nervous. If there is a leak about the H-20, it must come from this place. It is a stealth bomber that competes with the B2!

The B2 bomber is the most advanced strategic bomber in the United States. It has a 21-meter-long fuselage, a 52.4-meter-wide wingspan, and a take-off weight of 170 tons. Considering Dongfang's lagging behind in engine and other technical fields, we have reason to believe that Dongfang's The size of the H-20 is definitely larger than this, and the take-off weight will also reach 200 tons. It is equipped with four engines modified from the H-6K and H-6J, giving it intercontinental bombing capabilities. Considering that Dongfang does not Without overseas bases and no aerial refueling, its range may reach 20,000 kilometers, which is more than enough for a round trip, and its bomb load may also reach 40 tons.

"These data are very similar to our H-20." Mr. Lin said: "It is likely that the secrets have been leaked."

"It may also be the speculation of foreigners. They just speculated very accurately." Qin Tao did not think so: "Westerners attach great importance to the development of our military industry, and of course they will use various ideas to speculate on our military industry projects. These are more like speculations and there is no solid evidence.”

“Even if it’s just a guess, isn’t it too accurate?”

"Based on our current technology, we can come to such a conclusion. There is nothing wrong with this, simply because there is only so much that can be speculated." Qin Tao said: "Mr. Lin, those intelligence personnel in the West, Newspaper reporters also want to make money. They can make a lot of money by concocting an article like this. In the past, when we brought back the White Swan, in order to fool the West, Zhang Zhong said that the program speculated on the stealth bomber plan. I guess , and now this report has revealed Zhang Zhongshuo’s program.”

Mr. Lin nodded: "Okay, as you said, this is to make money. However, this is also inseparable from our H289. This hidden project was uncovered by foreigners, which made it even more embarrassing. People are speechless.”

“So, we have to tell the truth and fake it to deceive foreigners.” Qin Tao said: “Since they have guessed our real plan, of course we must let them come into contact with a fake plan.”

 Fake plan? Everyone is interested.

"Say it!"

“Our White Swans have been training in the dark, which is quite difficult. Now it’s time to switch to training during the day.” Qin Tao said.

Wu Shengli cast a suspicious look.

White Swan?

At the beginning, Qin Tao not only got the Tu-22M, but also got back three White Swans through various methods. In order to show that Dongfang was not interested in White Swan, Dongfang came up with a project description of the stealth bomber, which made Westerners believe , Dongfang’s interest is in developing stealth bombers.

Now that stealth bombers have really started to be built, we have to explain to the outside world that we are not interested in stealth bombers, we are building conventional bombers!

"Our H-6 will continue to develop. With H-6K and H-6J, of course it is not over yet. We also need to have H-6L, H-6M, and H-6N. In order to confuse the enemy, we can directly use The code name of the H-6N, our bomber, is a deep modification. While continuing to use variable swept wings, we have changed our engine layout and become a new wing-root four-engine solution. As for Hetu- 160 is similar? It can only be said that the heroes have the same ideas. Since this solution is very good, why can't we use it." Qin Tao continued to introduce along his own train of thought.

"Stealth bombers are not needed in the future at all. What is the mission of strategic bombers now? They are to launch cruise missiles as a weapon for long-range strikes. Are we building stealth bombers just to fly over the enemy's heads and carry out carpet bombing? Then It just makes no sense! The development of our H-6 is to further increase the load capacity and further increase the range, so we have developed this H-6N."

“Isn’t this a bit ridiculous?” Mr. Lin asked cautiously.

"What nonsense? When we improved to H-6K and H-6J, did the outside world say anything?" Qin Tao said: "We can change the shape of a subsonic bomber into a supersonic bomber. Of course we You can upgrade the tactical bomber to a strategic bomber."

If you want to make a lie, it has been said before. The H-6K and the H-6J look like the shadow of the Tu-22M and have no connection with the Tu-16 at all. However, in Eastern propaganda, this kind of The bomber was improved from the H-6.

Since subsonic speed can be changed to supersonic speed, the conventional swept wing is changed to a variable swept wing, and the wing root engine is changed to a tail engine, the twin engines become four engines, the variable swept wing is integrated with the wing body, and tactics become strategy. What's wrong with this?

We don’t need anything to hit twenty, we only need to hit six, the alphabet hasn’t been used up yet!

"It is indeed inappropriate to always train in the dark. We should also show our big killer to the outside world." Mr. Lin nodded: "Now, in order to confuse the outside world and hide our real H-20 project, we should The white swan has been announced, which can also reduce our pressure. I will suggest it to my superiors."

"Well, there is no need to announce it with great fanfare. Just take advantage of the satellite flying overhead to expose it, shock the outside world first, and then slowly release more details. That will be enough." Qin Tao said: " It would be too shocking if it were announced directly to the outside world."

 Speaking of strategic bombers, the B2 definitely ranks first, but what about second? Tu-160, that is, the white swan deserves the title!

In 1985, the American B-1B bomber officially entered service. This bomber adopts a variable swept wing design. After aerial refueling, it has the capability of global bombing. It also has a huge bomb load of 60 tons, becoming the U.S. Air Force strategic force, with hundreds of aircraft equipped at its peak.

For Lao Maozi, of course he must have what the Americans have. Therefore, when the B-1B bomber was test-flying, the Tu-160 also began to develop. Moreover, the two bombers reached the same goal by different routes: the appearance of the two bombers was very similar: using The wing-body fusion design has two side strips extending from the nose to the wing root. Under the wing root, two engine nacelles are symmetrically installed near the fuselage, equipped with four turbofans with afterburners. The engine is flanked by variable sweep wings. The fuselage extends rearward and becomes taller to avoid the airflow of the engine. The tail is a cross-shaped tail.

They all want to use the same method to solve the bomber problem: combine the characteristics of the bomber's long range, long endurance and large weapons load with low-altitude, high-subsonic and high-altitude hypersonic penetration capabilities.

However, the Tu-160 is still very different from the B-1B, mainly because it is bigger! The engine used by this aircraft is NK-32, with a maximum thrust of 137 kilonewtons and a maximum afterburning thrust of 245 kilonewtons. The F101 engine equipped with the B1B has a maximum thrust of 78 kilonewtons and a maximum afterburning thrust of 133 kilonewtons, that is Said that the Tu-160 engine without afterburner is the same as the B1B with afterburner.

Different engines bring about different differences in the entire aircraft. The Tu-160 is 20% larger than the B1B. The maximum take-off weight reaches 275 tons, the maximum speed exceeds Mach 2, and the bomb load is 9 tons. Under normal circumstances, it has a non-refueling range of 16,000 kilometers.

Therefore, after the White Swan was developed, it quickly became Lao Maozi's magic weapon and their most proud strategic bomber type. Unfortunately, there were only a few of them. After that, the Red Empire collapsed, and most of the White Swans built were in Ermao. there.

Now, a white swan suddenly appears in the East. What will the West think?

Qin Tao came up with a bad idea, but it was also a good idea. After these three aircraft arrived in the East, they have become powerful strategic bombers. Unfortunately, they cannot be shown to the public. They have been flying at night for training. Now the time is ripe to announce them. It is also logical.

After finishing the meal, it was time for everyone to leave. On the return plane, Wu Shengli said: "Taozi, the suggestion you made is probably killing two birds with one stone, no, killing more than one bird with one stone, right?"

“Well, if you can help Nikolai, just help Nikolai once. After all, it is more advantageous for us if Nikolai sits in that position than if others sit in that position.”

“Yes, Nicholas is our good friend.” Wu Shengli nodded.

A few days later.

A reconnaissance satellite passed over Factory 172. Originally, this was just a routine matter. It flew over a few times every day to see if there were any newly manufactured bombers here, and then judged the annual output of Eastern bombers. This may have a big error, because If Dongfang wants to be concealed, it can drag the bombers out of the production line at night or when the satellites are not in the sky, and then quickly fly to the flying units.

 But today, the reconnaissance satellite had an unexpected harvest. When it pointed its lens downward, a big guy quickly caught its attention.

 The bomber below has a variable-sweep wing structure, but the wing box is integrated with the front nose! You can't see the huge giant air intake, nor can you see the two engine nozzles at the rear. The cross-shaped tail at the rear is very weird.

What's this?

 The picture was immediately transferred to the hands of intelligence analysis experts, and within a few minutes, they came to the conclusion: Tu-160, Tu-160 was actually being produced in Dongfang's factory!

"It's not enough for the East to have the Tu-22M. They actually want to produce the Tu-160. What exactly do they want to do? They have this kind of bomber that can fly to our west coast without aerial refueling!" When I got the photo At this time, Swift immediately threw away his cigar and cursed loudly: "Their navy is targeting big guys, and their air force is actually targeting big guys, and they are getting bigger and bigger!"

"At present, we are not sure that this is the Tu-160. After all, the Tu-160 production line in Ermao has long been destroyed, and not even a single Tu-160 can be produced. Da Mao has been trying to restart the Tu-160 production line. But whether it’s the engine or the final assembly, it was originally done by Ermao. Da Mao didn’t have the relevant technology at all, and it would take them a long time to master it, let alone Dongfang,” the assistant said. “Is it possible that the Easterners got the production drawings from Er Mao?”

"This is impossible." The assistant said: "Mao has always taken a very close look at this kind of strategic weapon. Mao will never allow a third country to possess this kind of bomber."

“Where did the Oriental Tu-160 come from?”

“Hey, is there a number on this fuselage? It seems to be H, 6, N.”

 “Hang 6 N?” Swift picked up the photo in her hand and looked at the number hard.

The number is spray-painted on the side of the aircraft. It is not easy to see clearly when looking from the top of the aircraft. However, since the number is spray-painted relatively large, it can still be guessed through the upper part.

"Is this another modification of the H-6?" Swift's eyes were gloomy: "Aren't the Orientals fooling people? They changed the Tu-16 to the Tu-22M, and now it's changed to the Tu-160 , where is the redesign of Hongliu?"

“But if the Easterners keep saying this, we have nothing to do.” The assistant said: “Since it can be improved from Tu-16 to Tu-22M, then why not improve from Tu-22M to Tu-160.”

 Swift was speechless.

“Well, Easterners are so awesome. Keep an eye on this aircraft to see when it will fly.”

“According to our technical staff’s analysis, it is likely that it will not fly.”


 “This should be a full-scale metal prototype.”

 “Are Orientals really doing research and development?”

Although we have reached the stage of computer design, many designers still make prototypes to be on the safe side. In the past, wooden prototypes were made, but now they are made of metal prototypes. Now that this metal prototype appears, it shows that Orientals really do it themselves. Those who came out did not steal their skills from Lao Maozi.

 At this time, everyone's mood was very complicated.

 “Yeah, the Orientals probably developed it themselves.”

“The Oriental people are so smart, step by step, they have slowly upgraded the H-6 to this level, which is really impressive.”

“Leak this photo to the press and let the press dig into it,” Swift said.

 At present, they cannot investigate much on their own. In contrast, the media has more means.

After this satellite photo was spread, many people became agitated. Many reporters and tourists quickly appeared near Factory 172. They were wandering outside, seemingly trying to find various news clues. Some people once again used their imagination to directly write about it. Report.

The H-6N is an advanced bomber improved by Dongfang on the basis of the H-6K and the H-6J. According to Dongfang’s model naming rules, we have reason to believe that they have experienced two failed models, namely the H-6L and H-6M. However, after these failed explorations, they finally found the right path, which is to develop the H-6 into a four-engine strategic bomber!

This bomber has the same appearance as the B-1B and Tu-160. It is not surprising. After all, the latter two are the most famous strategic bombers of this era. Dongfang uses variable sweep wings on the H-6K and H-6J. Technology, on this kind of Hongliu N, has finally developed to its extreme!

It is still a variable swept wing, but it uses wing-body fusion to make the entire aircraft more perfect. The engine is placed under the wing root and becomes a pod layout, so that four engines can be easily put down. Dongfang has been in The progress in bomber research and development is so fast that it is unbelievable!

 Although there are traces of plagiarism, it is already very impressive if it can be plagiarized!

 For an aircraft to fly into the sky, it must have an advanced engine. As for the aircraft in front of you, it is likely to use an engine developed by Dongfang!

The most mature high-thrust engine in the East is the turbofan 15. This engine is improved from the Da Mao R-79 engine. The maximum afterburning thrust exceeds 15 tons. This thrust is already stronger than the B-1B engine. , so this aircraft should use a modified version of this engine. The size of the entire body is between the B-1B and the Tu-160.

The various analyzes are so clear and logical that it makes people think that the person who wrote the article has had contact with the designer of the aircraft, which makes people's eyes light up. The whole report is written in a smooth and fluent manner, and it is not clear that it is a fictitious article.

However, these articles are not the right path after all.

  For real information, you still have to look for it from Zhang Zhongshuo’s program.

This episode of Zhang Zhongshuo's program aroused the interest of countless people, and the ratings reached a new high.

“Welcome everyone to watch our Zhang Zhong Talks. This program is called Zhang Zhong Talks about Bombers. The person who appears in our studio this time is Mr. Chen, the designer of our JH-7. Welcome everyone!”

 The camera switched to Mr. Chen, who had a smile on his face: "Dear viewers in front of the TV, I am very happy to see you. This time I am a guest on the Zhang Zhong Talks program, and I want to talk to you about bombers."

 “Mr. Chen, would you like to talk about your JH-7 first?”

"Of course. In the 1980s, our country seriously lacked long-range aviation power and was unable to protect our airspace in the South China Sea. Therefore, we launched the J-H-7 project and used two fuel-efficient turbofan nine engines to give our aviation the first Expand to a combat radius of thousands of kilometers at a time.”

 The shadow of the JH-7 appeared on the TV screen.

"This aircraft adopts a conventional layout, but it still has many advanced features, such as the first use of a tricycle landing gear, the first use of a high-wing monoplane, and the first use of a turbofan engine. Although I experienced a lot during the test flight It was dangerous, and some test pilots even spilled their blood in the sky, but this aircraft finally flew and became the first advanced fighter aircraft developed by ourselves to break away from the Soviet Union. There is a movie called Flying Leopard, which tells this history."

“Mr. Chen, how does our J-H-7 compare with other bombers? There are also some opinions that brother units can already produce J-16 and there is no need to produce J-H-7. What do you think?”

"First of all, the J-16 is a fighter-bomber. Because it adopts the Su-27's airframe layout, its combat performance is very good. It cannot be compared with the J-H-7. However, this does not mean that the J-H-7 is meaningless. It is the biggest The advantage is that it is cheap. The purchase price is less than one-third of the J-16. It can still perform various strike missions. Therefore, the navy and air force are very satisfied with it. Of course, compared with other bombers in the world, it is indeed It is lagging behind, but we can make its performance more and more advanced through continuous improvement, just like our H-6."

 Finally, it’s time to talk about Hongliu!

 Many people in front of the TV became excited.

 “How do we plan to improve our JH-7?”

“We are making stealth attempts to give this bomber stealth capabilities by modifying its appearance.”

“Then Hongliu will also develop in this direction?”

"I don't think so." Mr. Chen said: "Our JH-7 is a tactical bomber. This bomber is designed to fly over the enemy's heads and drop bombs. Although it also throws various weapons outside the defense zone, its basic mission is It is still retained, so it needs to have stealth capabilities, but our H-6 is a strategic bomber. This bomber cannot fly over the enemy's head. It must launch cruise missiles outside the defense zone, so there is no need to have stealth capabilities. This is completely a matter of sacrifice. .”

“Then what kind of performance do you think the redesigned H-6 should have?”

"Of course it's the range and bomb load. The range must be large. If you want to become a strategic bomber, you need a range of more than 10,000 kilometers. Flying all the way there, carrying more bombs at a time, is enough. The cost, if you can only launch one or two missiles after flying there, then what’s the point, you need at least twenty or thirty missiles.”

“Recently, there is a bomber that has appeared frequently on the Internet and in the media. Can you comment on this bomber?”

H-6N finally appeared on the screen, the satellite photo that was circulated.

 (End of this chapter)

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