Warship of Great Power

Chapter 927: Type 901 supply ship

Qin Tao looked at the leader helplessly: "How about we get a twenty-ton one, the price is the same as the two-ton one?"

 “Okay, okay, our navy is not too big.”

“Well, wait until tonight, we will build this ship and hand it over to the navy.”

 “Evening? When?”

“While dreaming,” Qin Tao said, “I want to build a big ship but I am afraid of spending money. Is this possible?”

"Okay, no more joking, let's have a formal meeting. Currently, the largest one we have is the Type 908 comprehensive supply ship. So if we want to develop a larger comprehensive supply ship next, we still have to refer to this warship. Taozi, you first Let me introduce to you the parameters of this comprehensive supply ship."

"Okay, this comprehensive supply ship is 188.9 meters long, 25.33 meters wide, with a draft of 10.41 meters. It has a full load displacement of 37,000 tons. It is equipped with a 10,600-horsepower diesel engine, a single shaft and a single propeller, and a speed of about 15.5 knot, with a maximum range of 12,000 nautical miles, and can transport a total of 23,000 tons of dry cargo and liquid cargo. This warship has 4 oil and water supply stations and 2 dry cargo supply stations, and has the ability to simultaneously carry out port, starboard, and longitudinal , replenishment capabilities in four vertical directions. The left and right sides can replenish dry cargo and liquid cargo, while the longitudinal side can only replenish liquid cargo, and the vertical side can only replenish dry cargo. The overall performance is the strongest among our existing comprehensive supply ships. .”

“Then the new comprehensive supply ship we want to build must follow this method, right?”

"Yes. We plan to build three gantry supply stations on it, just like the current Type 908. However, we will also set up an additional special supply station on the port side. This supply station will only supply aviation fuel to the starboard side of the aircraft carrier. "

 “The starboard side of the aircraft carrier?”

“That’s right, supplying aircraft carriers is usually on the starboard side, and the aviation fuel supply port is also left on the right side.”

 Why is Mao not on the left?

 Because there is an angled deck on the left!

Although the deck on the right side of the aircraft carrier also has sway, it is basically level with the central axis of the hull. However, the deck on the left side tilts to the left because of the angled deck. The deck is irregular and has greater sway. Therefore, aircraft carrier supplies are generally on the right side, and rarely on the left.

Furthermore, there is a ship island on the right side. The helmsman inside can clearly see the supply ship at any time. If the wind and waves are strong and there is a risk of collision, he can use the steering wheel to separate the ships at any time, which is not possible with the supply ship on the left side.

Furthermore, aircraft carriers also need more aviation fuel. These aviation fuels need a special pipeline for dedicated use, so as to avoid mixing oil pipelines to transport diesel, heavy oil, and aviation kerosene at one time, which may cause the aviation kerosene to be contaminated.

"As for the supply capacity, we can look at the main supply-class supply ship of the US military. This supply ship can carry more than 7,000 tons of marine fuel, 9,000 tons of aviation fuel, 200 tons of lubricants, 1,829 tons of ammunition, 406 tons of refrigerated food, 90 tons of Fresh water, and 9,000 cubic meters of space to load marine fuel or aviation fuel depending on the situation. It can perfectly meet the supply needs of the US aircraft carrier formation. The supply capacity of our supply ship is similar to it." Qin Tao continued: "According to According to our needs, our supply ship is 241 meters long, 32 meters wide, and has a full load displacement of 48,000 tons. It plans to carry 15,000 tons of ship fuel, 5,000 tons of carrier-based aviation kerosene, 500 tons of fresh water, and 3,000 tons of dry cargo ammunition."

(The information is all from Baidu. I feel there are some problems in it. The American supply ships supply too little fresh water. Is it because their aircraft carriers can produce enough fresh water themselves? Moreover, these add up to only more than 20,000 tons, which is the same as our 908 The models are similar. I feel that our 901 has such a large displacement that it must carry at least more than 30,000 tons of supplies.)

"For an aircraft carrier formation, it generally needs to be resupplied once a week or so. Our comprehensive supply ship must be able to keep up with the speed of the aircraft carrier, and there must be enough time to go to and from the base to reload fuel, so the speed cannot be too slow. The American supply class uses four LM2500 gas turbines, allowing it to reach a speed of 25 knots, and we also plan to equip this supply ship with gas turbines."

"No." Someone finally spoke: "A logistics supply ship should also be equipped with a gas turbine. This is too extravagant."

“Yes, our navy has limited funds, and we still need to raise funds to build the next aircraft carrier. How can this be done when such a comprehensive supply ship actually needs a gas turbine?”

 Everyone is unanimously opposed.

For a 50,000-ton warship, the power system must be strong enough. The US military uses four LM2500s, and our own side must use at least two UGT40000s. The price of this gas turbine is indeed not cheap. At least it's expensive enough for the Navy.

“Not only will the cost of construction increase, but the cost of future use will also be high. Gas turbines burn more oil than diesel engines.” Wu Shengli also spoke.

"Yes, but do we have such a powerful diesel engine on hand? To drive a 50,000-ton ship, we need to reach a speed of 25 knots." Qin Tao said: "In addition to the gas turbine, it is a boiler. How about we install two boiler?"

Not to mention, someone actually nodded.

“The boiler is good. The boiler burns heavy oil and is cheap.”

“That’s right, the next aircraft carrier will be nuclear-powered, and our boilers will be useless. Without orders, I’m afraid the technology will be lost, and it will be used by the boilers.”

“Well, when the aircraft carrier formation needs to be dispatched urgently, our comprehensive supply ship cannot be anxious. It must slowly burn the boiler and wait for the boiler to heat up before using it.” Qin Tao sarcastically said: “There is no rush anyway.”

 The guys stopped talking.

“This boiler is indeed outdated.” Wu Shengli said: “However, the gas turbine is still a bit luxurious.”

As a result, Qin Tao removed all the integrated power systems and electric propulsion in the plan. Now the navy's idea is very clear: save money!

"Then use diesel-fuel alternating power." Qin Tao said: "In normal times, use the diesel engine. When needed, turn on the gas turbine. Speed ​​must be fast and save money. Although it will cost more to purchase, But this must be paid. It’s the 21st century, and the Navy is still using old-fashioned boiler power. Aren’t we afraid of people laughing at us? Ah San must despise us every day.”

Actually, everyone is not afraid of Ah San’s contempt, but considering the current situation, it is indeed not suitable to continue to be a boiler.

“Okay, let’s alternate firewood and fuel. Although this ship is a warship, it is a logistics ship, and the weapon system on it can be simplified.”

These are all to save money.

Qin Tao was also helpless. If he hadn't ridiculed a few words, these people might really choose boilers to save money. However, when it comes to boilers, everyone has a headache.

“In the future, when we build nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and use steam turbines for large warships, will our boiler power also disappear like Damao’s? If our aircraft carrier boilers need to be replaced in the future, won’t we have no replacements?”

An aircraft carrier will serve for more than thirty years. During these years, too many things can happen. This worry is not unreasonable. What if there is no replacement boiler when a mid-term overhaul is needed in the future?

"This is not a problem. As long as our technical data are still there and our skilled workers are still there, we can produce boilers again at any time." Qin Tao said, "Besides, although our boiler factory no longer produces naval boilers, it can still produce them." We are producing other boilers. Damao has no boiler production capacity because their factory closed down and all the skilled workers ran away. It’s not just because they stopped producing.”

 The big guys nodded.

After all, there are only a small number of boilers used by aircraft carriers. If domestic boiler factories only relied on producing this kind of boilers, they would not be able to open the boilers long ago. In fact, they mainly produce coal-fired boilers. In the future, when environmental protection requirements are updated, they will also produce various types of boilers. Gas boilers, in short, the boiler business will still last for many years. The boiler factory will not close down, the skilled workers will not leave, the technical data is still there, and the boilers can be produced at any time.

“We still need to purchase a few boilers for backup.” Wu Shengli said: “Anyway, we don’t have much money for boilers. We should put them in the warehouse and keep them so that they can be used at any time when they need to be replaced in the future.”

Qin Tao was also speechless: "Dad, does the Navy have money or no money? We proposed to build a gas turbine, but the Navy kept asking questions. Now it actually wants to store boilers for the aircraft carrier in advance? Aren't you afraid that it will become a scrap by then? "


“Yes, in the future, our nuclear power system will become more and more mature. Maybe during the mid-term improvement of the aircraft carrier, we can directly cut it open and stuff the nuclear reactor inside?”

"That will happen in the future. Now we still have to ensure absolute safety." Wu Shengli was very careful.

If the aircraft carrier runs out of boilers in the future, that will be a big problem.

Qin Tao had no choice but to let his father-in-law do it.

"Let's move on to the weapon system. According to the Navy's considerations, everything is based on the principle of saving money. We only need to equip this warship with two radars for the time being, one is the air-to-sea search radar on the main mast, and the other is The fire control radar of the naval gun, by the way, also needs to be installed with a satellite communication and data link antenna." Qin Tao continued: "As for the weapon system, it can be installed with our 730 naval gun or the old 630 naval gun. Yes, in order to save money, they can also be dismantled from previously eliminated warships."

Someone actually nodded!

"However, I think that in order to deal with future threats, we still need to reserve a launch position for anti-aircraft missiles on this warship. If there is a situation in the future, short-range missiles can be installed at any time, so that we can have a certain degree of self-protection at sea. ability."

If a war really breaks out, who cares whether it is a civilian target or a military target, whether it is a first-line combat warship or a second-line supply ship? Everything is aimed at winning. You can refer to World War II. The German wolves were raging everywhere in the Atlantic Ocean just to win. Cut off Britain's maritime supply lines. At that time, they attacked whatever they saw, including merchant ships.

Everyone nodded, as long as we don’t spend money now, that’s fine.

"After all the basic parameters have been determined, we will be able to produce the design drawing, which will be submitted to the Navy for review in about three months." Qin Tao said, "The next step is for the Navy to raise funds as soon as possible and wait until the aircraft carrier When the formation is well integrated, we cannot be unable to fulfill the sacred mission entrusted to us by the motherland because of the lack of aircraft carrier nannies."

 Carrier wet nurse?

This title is quite appropriate, Mr. Qin really knows how to name it.

"Yes, although our navy is short of money, we have to bite the bullet, tighten our belts, and build our aircraft carrier nanny!" Wu Shengli nodded in agreement: "As for the model, this is the number one supply ship. Let’s call it Type 901.”

The navy's supply ships have confusing names, and their hull numbers are also confusing. They can be called whatever they want.

"Well, then my goal has been achieved." Qin Tao said, "Next, I will go back."

“Go back? Your kid just came to the capital and hasn’t returned home yet. Are you leaving now?”

“Dad, what I said is to go home. Go back and see Xiaoxue.”

Wu Shengli nodded: "That's pretty much it, what next?"

“Then we have to take a look at the Peace Dove 3 of our Mingzhou Group.” Qin Tao said: “I encountered during the sea trial of this aircraft carrier that I, the person in charge, do not know the progress of this project.”

“Peace Dove III? Caspian Sea Monster?”

"Yes, this thing has developed so far that it is almost the same as the Caspian Sea Monster." Qin Tao said: "It has a take-off weight of 500 tons and a payload of 200 tons. It can carry four main battle tanks or a thousand soldiers, and it can also Sail at a speed of 800 kilometers per hour."

 Suddenly, everyone’s eyes widened.

Have ground-effect aircraft also matured?

The original ground-effect aircraft only had a take-off weight of tens of tons, transported a few passengers, and became a tourist project on sea islands. Unexpectedly, it has now developed into a behemoth of 500 tons?

 What kind of existence is this!

“I just don’t know how seakeeping it is. If it can’t face strong winds and waves, it won’t work.”

“It’s okay if you can’t face strong winds and waves. As long as you can move back and forth between the straits, it’s much faster to transport people and equipment from here than our landing ships!”

"Yes, the wind and waves in the strait are not big, so it should be able to fly. It can transport four main battle tanks at a time, which is very powerful. If there are ten, then forty tanks can be transported. I I can guarantee that forty 99 tanks will be able to move sideways over there."

 Everyone had a heated discussion.

"Everyone, the last time we met, it was near the sea area where the aircraft carrier was trialled. The wind and waves there were quite big. Although I don't know the actual performance of this ground-effect aircraft yet, the seakeeping ability is definitely much higher than before. ." Qin Tao said: "You are too cowardly to let this kind of peace dove fly only in the strait. I think it is possible even to fly to Hawaii."

 The big guy was shocked again. Can he fly so far?

“Mr. Qin, what kind of equipment do you think should be installed on this kind of aircraft and what tasks would it be better to undertake?” The big guy also became serious.

"It depends on what we need. Ground effect aircraft can undertake many tasks." Qin Tao said: "In addition to transporting supplies, it can also conduct reconnaissance, patrol, mine laying, demining, support, etc. It is both It is an ideal tool for assault landings, an ultra-low-altitude combat platform, and a mobile hospital for maritime rescue, especially for rescue, where its advantages of fast speed and large carrying capacity can be fully utilized."

 You can do anything, it depends on what the navy needs.

 Everyone also started thinking seriously.

“If our YJ-12 or even YJ-21 is installed on it, the attack power can be further enhanced.”

Although the Peace Dove 2 purchased by Laoba can carry anti-ship missiles, its take-off weight is only two hundred tons, so it can only carry ordinary anti-ship missiles. Heavy anti-ship missiles often weigh several tons and require various accessories. , the entire device can weigh hundreds or even hundreds of tons, and only a machine of the size of Peace Dove 3 can bear it.

"Now, Americans are becoming more and more mature, and we cannot lag behind. We need to have our own anti-missile system. Peace Dove 3 can rely on its advantages of fast speed and large bomb load. Equipped with our anti-missile system, appear in the Pacific and assume the task of mid-course anti-missile!"

Qin Tao frowned a little. Anti-missile equipment cannot be completed with hundreds of tons of equipment. It needs several thousand tons. This requires Peace Dove 4 or even Peace Dove 5.

But now everyone is just thinking about it, so I’ll leave it to everyone to think about it.

 Thinking about it for a while, the time passed. Qin Tao, Wu Shengli and others had dinner in the cafeteria together before going home.

“Taozi, what are you going to do with this ground effect aircraft?” The two chatted as they walked.

"We? Of course we want to rescue at sea." Qin Tao said: "The advanced equipment invented by our Mingzhou Group must of course serve all mankind."

Wu Shengli smiled, this reason is really noble enough, yes, his son-in-law has always had such a good mind.


 Qin Tao opened the door, and there was a rush of warmth in the room. Qin Xue was in her grandma's arms. After seeing Qin Tao, she was stunned for a moment, and then stretched out her hands: "Dad, give me a hug."

Qin Tao took off his air-conditioned coat and warmed up a bit, then reached out and held Qin Xue in his arms. Qin Xue's little mouth immediately kissed Qin Tao's cheek.

   Boo,   !

“Sure enough, it’s better to have a daughter. This little cotton-padded jacket is so heart-warming.” Qin Tao remembered that when his son was a child, he would pull his cheeks and play with Transformers after he held him in his arms. Looking at his daughter’s performance now, how could he not be filled with emotion.

  "You two play together, and I'll prepare a meal for you."

“Mom, no need, we have eaten in the cafeteria.” Qin Tao said.

“Dad, let’s have a meal with Xiaoxue, have a meal with her.” Qin Xue begged again.

 “Okay, I’ll eat with you.”

The cold wind is howling outside, but the room is as warm as spring.

 Qin Tao enjoys the rare life at home and the happiness of family. He does so much military industry to help develop the navy. The soldiers train even harder. Why? Isn’t it to protect these peaces? Protect the stable lives of ordinary people?

Qin Tao is a military industry expert and the boss of Mingzhou Group. He is also the husband of his wife and the father of his child.

 “Where is Xiaoling?”

"Still over in Mingzhou, Lao Maozi's warship left and came back after an accident. She was busy coordinating there and will come back when she is done."

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