Warship of Great Power

Chapter 921: savior


The J-15's tires hit the deck heavily, and the entire aircraft body trembled. The wings on both sides swayed twice, as if they were about to break at any time. However, after trembling a few times, they recovered. Balanced.

The J-15 continued to rush forward and hooked the blocking cable. The resistance of the blocking cable had been adjusted to the maximum. Delano in the cockpit felt as if he had hit a wall and his body was pulled by the seat belt. , the overload made him want to die.

 He couldn't help but sigh: "Very good!"

The J-15 continued to rush forward, stretching the blocking cable longer and longer, and finally stopped dozens of meters away from the take-off end of the angled deck.

"Generally speaking, if you can land on a simulated deck on land, there will be no problem on an aircraft carrier. Since our aircraft carrier can reach 30 knots and has relative speed, this test should be easier and leave some room for improvement. Quantity." Wang Wei introduced.

“Is it really okay for our fighter plane to land like this? When I just looked at the wing, I thought it could be broken.” Qin Tao was still very emotional.

“No problem, after all, the heavy-duty items are hung on the inside of the wing or in the air inlet, while the light items are hung on the outside of the wing,” Wang Wei introduced.

The J-15 is very tall, so it is very difficult to hang bombs or refuel. But at the same time, the height also brings another benefit: more hanging points!

The J-15 has twelve hardpoints, including four under the belly: two between the air intakes and two at the mouth of the air intakes. These are directly connected to the fuselage and can fully mount heavy equipment. The hanging points on the inside of the wing are also very strong and stable. After all, this aircraft has a wing-body fusion design and the wing roots are very thick.

 So, just like that, the J-15 broke the shortcoming of the low ammunition carrying capacity of heavy-duty aircraft, and now successfully landed on the 002 aircraft carrier with five tons of ammunition!

"On the 001 aircraft carrier, we have tested the landing method of mounting two Eagle Strike 83s and two in and two close, without any problems. This method not only meets the attack power of the attack, but also meets the needs of landing on the ship. However, It still cannot bring out the true combat effectiveness of the J-15. Now, our 002 aircraft carrier can carry four YJ-83s and four-in-two close-in landings. The attack power of this mount mode is even stronger." Zhang Zhen also lamented: "It would be great if our 001 aircraft carrier was also modified according to this plan!"

The attack power of an aircraft carrier depends on the carrier-based aircraft, and the attack power of the carrier-based aircraft depends on its take-off and landing capabilities. The heavy-load take-off of the 001 aircraft carrier can only take off from a far point, and the release speed is too slow, although it is not like some media It takes one and a half hours to launch 24 fighters, but it will take at least half an hour. If it is replaced by an electromagnetic catapult, the efficiency will be much higher.

"Renovation?" Qin Tao frowned: "If you only add a catapult to the angled deck, it will be a big project. If you flatten the leap deck, the amount of work will be even greater. With this kind of In terms of money and time, wouldn’t it be good for us to continue building nuclear-powered aircraft carriers?”

So everyone gave up the topic.

Delano came up excitedly: "Did you see it? Landing on the ship with a weight of 28 tons, no problem! Tomorrow we will also test landing with a weight of 30 tons!"

The weapon can no longer be mounted. Although there are still two empty pylons, it will still be dangerous to mount it again. It weighs 30 tons, so just add two more tons of fuel.

“We will only test the thirty-ton weight once to prove that it can be dropped, and then we will try to avoid this weight loss.” Zhang Zhen said.

“I know, during training anyway, you wouldn’t add so much fuel to the fighter planes. Our fighters almost never take off with full fuel.” Delano said.

The internal fuel of the Su-27 series aircraft is too high. Generally, when performing missions, they cannot use so much fuel, so they often only add a part of the fuel to meet the needs. On the aircraft carrier, this is even more true.

At this time, a group of maintenance personnel were busy on the deck. They pushed the J-5 to the elevator, and then began to descend slowly. Under the golden sunset, the J-5 entered the hangar with golden light.

“Our elevator is designed to be large enough. When there is only one aircraft, there is no need to fold the wings.” Wang Wei introduced Qin Tao: “This will greatly facilitate our operation.”

This 80,000-ton aircraft carrier has only two elevators, which are arranged at the front and rear of the ship island. It seems to have insufficient transportation capacity, but in fact, the elevators are very wide and can be used by two J-5s with folding wings. This is much wider than Asan's aircraft carrier elevator.

There is only one now, so there is no problem in unfolding the wings, which saves the trouble of operating back and forth.

 After several takeoffs and landings, the J-5 now needs to enter the hangar, perform maintenance, and even conduct metal flaw detection to check whether there are any cracks after the aircraft landed in a 28-ton state.

"This aircraft carrier also has many verification elements. If our navy finds it inconvenient to have only two elevators on the starboard side during operation, we can also design a third elevator on the rear port side like the American aircraft carrier." Qin Tao said.

This is also inherited from the 001 aircraft carrier. The 001 aircraft carrier only has two elevators on the right side. There is no problem during use. This aircraft carrier continues to be designed like this. The elevators have to be opened in the hull, which will reduce the strength. , during wartime, if a missile flew in from the elevator and plunged into the hangar inside and exploded, the consequences would be terrible.

"Yes, we need to have all the fighters in place before we can explore to see what kind of layout is more suitable." Wang Wei nodded.

 Delano completed today’s mission, hummed a little tune, and came to the pilot’s restaurant proudly.

Except during celebrations, when everyone eats together, in normal times, everyone eats separately. The pilot restaurant is a place specifically for pilots to eat, with the highest standards. However, there are very few pilots on warships now, so pilots The restaurant seemed a little empty.

 However, the buffet still has a lot of variety, but each item is very small.

Delano took the dinner plate and picked from the buffet. When he was about to pick up the last crab with a tong, another tong suddenly appeared next to him and put the crab into another dinner plate.

Delano raised his head and saw a familiar face.

“Xiang Jing, how can you steal my food?”

“Robbing? You’re not right, why did I steal it? Your name is written on this crab?”

 “This is what I liked first.”

  "Look with your eyes, does it belong to you? Then I have seen all these foods, don't eat any of them."

Delano could only stare at Xiang Jing with his eyes, but Xiang Jing had already left with the dinner plate in hand, satisfied.

Delano muttered: "Only women and villains are difficult to raise, and the ancients did not bully them!"

Xiang Jing was a little surprised that this guy could actually speak classical Chinese. This showed that the other person's writing skills were already very high, and this person was still very powerful.

Delano sat opposite Xiang Jing angrily, holding a dinner plate.

Xiang Jing put on disposable gloves and began to peel the crab. She put the peeled crab meat into her mouth. Although she did not make any chewing sounds, her expression clearly said that this crab is so delicious!

The chefs were looking at each other from a distance, and were hesitating whether to continue cooking one for Delano. Suddenly, Delano snatched the crab from the other party's plate, turned around and ran away!

“Hey! Give it back to me! You grabbed something from my plate, how could you do this!” Xiang Jing stood up and chased after me.

Two figures started running in the restaurant. The chefs frowned and looked at the crab shells that were constantly thrown from Delano's hands in front. The two ran around in a circle, and Delano returned to his original seat. , his mouth was full, and the crab in his hand had disappeared.

Delano sat on the chair very proudly, making a purring sound while chewing, as if to show off.

Xiang Jing heard the vague words in the other party's mouth.

"The crab has entered my mouth. If you want it, I will spit it out for you. However, our army has regulations and food cannot be wasted. If I spit it out, I will have to eat it into your mouth. You Do you want to eat? Do you want to eat?"

Xiang Jing rolled her eyes at him. In fact, she didn't want to eat crabs at first. She was already full. She just saw Delano appearing and wanted to bully him. But now she didn't expect that Delano would hold her back again. At this time, Delano's cheeks were bulging and his eyes were big. He wanted to show off to her. She was speechless, rolled her eyes at Delano, and turned away.

There was nothing on the dinner plate, so there was no point for her to be here. If Delano succeeded this time, she would wait until next time. Who would have thought that as soon as she took two steps out, she heard a bang behind her? A sound.

What weird thing is Delano doing again? Xiang Jing originally planned to continue walking forward, but she heard the chefs on the side exclaimed: "No, the mad dog choked!"

Everyone on the aircraft carrier knew Delano's nickname. Mad Dog originally only barked behind his back, but now he was anxious and yelled it out on the spot.

 “Call the medic quickly!”

If someone chokes to death in their restaurant, then they are responsible. Although the chefs are good at cooking, they have very little knowledge about first aid, and they can only stare blankly at this time.

Xiang Jing turned around and saw Delano who was already lying on the ground. He was covering his throat with both hands. His whole body began to twitch and his face turned purple from holding back.

Hmph, have you received retribution for robbing other people’s things? Although Xiang Jing was thinking this, her steps were hurried. She walked up to Delano in three steps and then quickly patted Delano on the back.

It had no effect, the food was still stuck in Delano's throat, and Delano was about to roll his eyes and faint.

Hence, Xiang Jing no longer hesitated, clenched her small hands into fists, and hit Delano **** the stomach.

 Bang, bang, bang!

Three punches in a row, all diagonally upward. After three punches, Delano was so beaten that he vomited out the stuff.

The chefs on the side breathed a sigh of relief. Delano finally recovered. It was too late to call the military doctor just now! It would be a great sin if a flying genius like Delano choked to death in their cafeteria.

However, it is strange to say that the way to deal with a choked person is to beat him up or hit him in the softest part of the abdomen?

Delano took a few breaths before slowly getting up.

"Delano, I just used the Heimlich maneuver to bring you back from death. Should you thank me as your savior?"

Xiang Jing was just joking.

Unexpectedly, Delano actually spoke: "Yes, thank you, Iowayou..."

Xiang Jing walked out with long legs: "Forget it, we are not special forces, and this is not on the battlefield. From now on, as long as you don't steal my food."

This episode quickly spread throughout the ship, and almost everyone had a premonition. It seemed that Delano was going to have some sparks with Xiang Jing.

Qin Tao was also complacent: "I saw something interesting as soon as I saw it. By the way, can we move them into the same room in the future?"

"Of course not. Even couples have to live in their own rooms on the warship. This is the rule." Zhang Zhen said: "Our warship is a fighting machine, not a place for them to be romantic. If you want to be romantic, just go there On land, there are so many bachelors watching, even if they make some intimate gestures, it is against the rules."

 “Okay, follow the rules of the army.”

 The next day, the weather was fine and it was good weather for flying again.

The deck was extremely busy. The three planes were each at a take-off point, making preparations nervously.

 At the No. 1 ejection position is the early warning aircraft carrying a large plate. Its size is extremely large, and it is also the most eye-catching.

At this time, the propellers on both sides were already spinning. Although there was no jet of air, the flame shields were still erected in accordance with the rules. It looked like it was waiting to spread its wings and fly at any time.

On the No. 2 ejection position was a gray-painted J-32. Wang Wei sat in the cockpit, his heart racing.

Even the commander of an aviation division must maintain a certain number of flying hours. For an aircraft carrier flying wing commander, that means a certain number of flying hours for aircraft carrier-based aircraft.

After waiting for a few days, Wang Wei finally took a turn to fly. Although he had practiced many times in the wasteland village, this was the first time he had used a real sword and a real gun. He felt that his heartbeat was a little fast.

 The two planes are side by side, so it is easy to see each other, and the one on ejection position three is farther away.

Delano was alone, sitting on the J-15 fighter plane. His fighter plane had added a few tons of extra fuel, and the missiles had not been removed, so this time it had a maximum take-off weight of 32.5 tons, which was considered an important test.

 Hmph, the tests on both sides are a piece of cake. Only the test of my aircraft is the most critical! Delano was very dissatisfied.

“Attention, the maximum dispatch capability test starts in the order of ejector No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3, with an interval of five seconds!”

As the sound from the ship island rang out, two yellow vests squatted down next to the No. 1 catapult, with their right arms pointing straight ahead. Air Police 600 turned on full power and accelerated rapidly along the catapult, getting faster and faster. Quickly, it left the deck in three seconds and flew forward.

The J-32 had just ejected over there, and the No. 2 catapult here had also completed all preparations. With a whoosh, the J-32 was also ejected. This aircraft relied on jet power, so its speed was naturally faster, less than three seconds. In seconds, he left the deck and climbed upwards.

 Seeing both planes ejecting, Delano muttered: "Comeon, baby!"


There was a huge pushing feeling on my back, swish, swish, swish!

The pushing sensation on his back came and went, and this feeling made him want to die. He liked this feeling the most, enjoying it painfully and happily until the fighter plane took off.

The 32.5-ton fighter left the deck easily. Delano turned on the afterburner and began to climb.

 On the ship island, many people watched all this with excitement. This is the power of the catapult aircraft carrier! In less than half a minute, three fighter planes took to the sky! Previous ski-jump take-off aircraft carriers would never have had such a high take-off efficiency!

“Our aircraft carrier seems to have been drained of space.” Zhang Zhen sighed with emotion.

"Yes, after the ejection is completed, you need three minutes to store energy." Makarov said: "However, these three minutes are also just for the deck staff to drag the next wave of aircraft to be released. , settled in, it’s almost time.”

Electromagnetic catapults do not use steam, but consume electricity. To eject an aircraft in two to three seconds requires the release of four to five hundred megajoules of energy, with a peak power of hundreds of megawatts. Such a huge amount of energy cannot be directly provided by the engine, otherwise the entire All other parts of the ship that require power will have their power supply interrupted, so it can only be stored in the device in advance.

There are flywheel energy storage and supercapacitors on the aircraft carrier. After the electric energy is stored first, it is exploded all at once. It takes time to recharge.

Normally it takes 45 seconds to charge the energy storage device of one catapult. Including conversion and other times, it has to be calculated as one minute. Three catapults will take three minutes.

 Zhang Zhen said that the deck was drained, and Makarov understood that the catapult energy was drained, but the meanings are similar.

“In the future, when fighter planes take off and land, there will be more energy sources.” Qin Tao said.

While everyone was talking, three fighter planes formed a formation in the sky.

The J-32 flew to the left of the Air Police 600, and the J-15 flew to the right of the Air Police 600, becoming two escorts. Delano was not in a hurry to go back. After all, he had to burn two and a half tons of fuel before he could fly The total weight was reduced to thirty tons.

Delano looked at Air Police 600. There was a person inside, asking him...

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the earphones: "Haipan is calling, four hundred kilometers away, a high-speed moving target was found on the sea, with an altitude of 30 and a speed of 700, and it is approaching us!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Delano quickly put his hand on the afterburner switch. The two tail engines surged, pushing his J-5 to accelerate.

  Whoosh! The J-15 broke away from the formation and flew over.

Wang Wei was stunned: "Wild Dog, you still have anti-ship missiles!"

 “It’s okay, just scare them.” Delano’s answer was easy.

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