Warship of Great Power

Chapter 918: First sea supply

Chapter 918 The first sea supply

Qin Tao was very excited and boarded this early warning aircraft.

Compared with the large Air Police 2000, the internal space of this early warning aircraft is very tight. After entering, you can see that the right side of the aircraft is completely occupied by electronic equipment. There are three swivel chairs on the left side. At this time, the seats are all forward.

"During the take-off and landing phase, the seats are forward, which allows us to better withstand the overload of ejection and arresting. When working in the air, we turn the seats ninety degrees so that we can face the control console." Xiang Jing introduced it to Qin Tao.

"Well, this layout is the same as that of the A-50 early warning aircraft." Qin Tao said: "To withstand the overload during takeoff and landing, your physical fitness must be the same as that of the pilots."

Generally speaking, aircraft such as early warning aircraft are more similar to transport aircraft, and the pilot selection standards can be lowered. The radar officers behind them are even simpler, as long as they do not get airsick. However, it's different when you're on an aircraft carrier.

 After all, you have to withstand the impact of ejection and blocking. If your physical fitness is not good enough, you may faint under these huge overloads, so you must be physically strong.

Xiang Jing nodded: "Yes, our selection criteria are the same as those of pilots. We have even learned to fly. If there are special circumstances, we can also enter the cockpit."

Qin Tao's face was full of admiration: "Awesome, your carrier-based early warning aircraft squadron is also a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger."

"We are nothing. The R&D personnel of this aircraft are powerful enough. We are very satisfied with its performance and admire the unit that developed it even more, especially the new-generation Loongson processor equipped on it, which can calculate a large amount of data, allowing We build confidence in our work.”

The body of a ship-based early warning aircraft is much smaller than that of a land-based early warning aircraft, but it must also achieve the same use effect. Not only must it see far and far, but it must also be able to keep an eye on it. This naturally requires an advanced processing system. Domestic ones have Loongson processor perfectly solves these problems.

“By the way, are the other early warning aircraft ready to board the ship?” Qin Tao continued to ask.

 At least four early warning aircraft are needed to ensure continuous airborne early warning. In fact, if backup is considered, five are more appropriate. However, the aircraft carrier has limited space after all, and it is temporarily planned to carry four.

"Well, we are all ready. We are just waiting for the aircraft carrier sea trials to be completed and to officially join the navy. We will all board the ship, run in equipment and personnel, and have complete combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

Qin Tao nodded: "Now our naval aircraft carrier formation will be the same as American aircraft carriers."

 Two fighter jets, an early warning aircraft, and carrier-based helicopters should be enough.

“No, Mr. Qin, you have also missed one essential aircraft model.” Xiang Jing said: “In addition to the early warning aircraft, we also have electronic warfare aircraft. Only by matching the two models with each other can we achieve better combat effectiveness.”

Qin Tao was dumbfounded: "Yes, there should be electronic warfare aircraft. We discussed a few days ago, when will the J-15, which is specifically designed to meet the needs of electronic warfare, fly up?"

"This will take some time." Wang Wei also came in and said: "Currently, we are testing these three aircraft first. We will carry out light-load, medium-load and heavy-load ejection take-off and landing on our aircraft carrier. We also need to contact the land. We will cooperate with the Navy and wait until the testing of these projects is completed before considering putting electronic warfare aircraft on the ship."

 At the beginning, when Lao Maozi's Kuznetsov was undergoing sea trials, a large number of tests were conducted to determine the maximum take-off capability of their Su-27K.

Many comments say that due to the limitations of ski-jump take-off, a huge fighter aircraft like the Su-27K cannot take off with full fuel. This is of course wrong. This aircraft can take off with a maximum weight of 33 tons at the farthest point. The weight flew up from the aircraft carrier, but the take-off point occupied the landing area and the landing operation could not be carried out at the same time.

The domestically produced 001 aircraft carrier also has this problem, but this problem has been successfully solved on the 002. With the catapult, the J-15's fully loaded take-off is not a problem, and it can take off from the take-off point on the bow!

Although it has been tested on land, it still cannot simulate the real situation. On the aircraft carrier, a large number of related tests will be carried out next, which is also an important part of the aircraft carrier sea trial.

“Our maximum takeoff weight and maximum landing weight should be different, right?” Qin Tao thought of something.

"Yes, so after the heavy load ejection takes off, you need to fly a certain distance in the sky, and the fuel consumption is almost the same before coming down." Wang Wei said: "Of course, this is also a good practice for our aircraft carrier-based aircraft to fly for 500 kilometers. The patrol radius and the guidance of the early warning aircraft. There is also the subject of landing with bombs."

The maximum takeoff weight is determined by the aerodynamic characteristics, engine and catapult of the aircraft, while the maximum landing weight is determined by the landing gear. No matter how powerful the landing gear is, it cannot withstand the impact of a 33-ton carrier-based aircraft when it lands, even if it is a US-made aircraft carrier. When landing, some plug-ins must be thrown away to ensure a safe landing.

For domestic aircraft carrier-based aircraft, these subjects must also be tested. Although it has been tested on the 001 aircraft carrier, it must be done again on the 002 aircraft carrier. After all, the deck sizes of the two aircraft carriers are different, and the operation methods are also different. .

“How many can our J-15 carry under extreme conditions?” Qin Tao asked curiously.

"Our J-15 has an empty weight of 17.5 tons, and the maximum take-off weight is generally calculated as 32.5 tons." Wang Wei calculated: "In this way, it has a payload capacity of 15 tons. Among them, the weight of the pilot plus Ammunition racks, various lubricants, etc., minus one ton of weight, there are still 14 tons left. If we do not carry the auxiliary fuel tank, that is 9.3 tons of internal fuel, which leaves 5.7 tons. Ammunition loading capability.”

  For the maximum take-off weight of a fighter aircraft, it is a data that requires trade-offs and compromises.

The empty weight of the Su-33 is 18.4 tons. This empty weight refers to the weight after it comes out of the aircraft factory. All kinds of lubricants are not added. Lao Maozi likes to calculate it this way. The thrust-to-weight ratio of the engine is also calculated as dry weight, so that the data can Look better.

Domestic technology is more advanced. Just the radar on the nose can save half a ton of weight compared to Lao Maozi's Su-33. Coupled with the extensive use of composite materials in the fuselage, the weight reduction effect is even better. The empty weight of the J-11B All can be reduced to less than 16 tons. However, the carrier-based aircraft must be much heavier than the land-based ones due to the need to strengthen the landing gear, fold the wings, etc. Therefore, the empty weight data of 17.5 tons was finally obtained.

 The maximum take-off weight is 33 tons. This is also rounded. The real maximum take-off weight is 32.5 tons. In this case, a load capacity of 14 tons is obtained, which needs to be weighed and distributed.

The maximum external storage capacity of the J-15 is 6.5 tons. If all ammunition is loaded, there will be 7.5 tons of internal fuel carrying capacity left. In other words, the maximum external storage capacity and the maximum internal fuel capacity cannot be reached at the same time.

Even if a catapult is used, this data cannot be changed. If you want to hang more weapons, you have to reduce the internal fuel, but this is not a problem, because there is another solution.

“Our aerial refueling technology should be mature, right?” Qin Tao asked.

If a land-based fighter plane wants to take off with a full load of weapons, there will also be a problem of insufficient internal fuel. The solution is to refuel in the air after taking off. Land-based aerial tankers are all big guys modified from transport aircraft or passenger aircraft. They can go up to the sky at one time. It can carry dozens or even hundreds of tons of fuel.

But naval carrier-based aircraft do not have this advantage. Large aircraft cannot take off and land on the deck of the aircraft carrier. If you want to solve the aerial refueling of aircraft carrier-based aircraft, you can only use partner refueling.

A fighter plane carrying out a mission takes off with a full load of ammunition. A fighter plane is helping to refuel. It is fully loaded with fuel. After flying into the sky, the fighter plane loaded with fuel throws out an aerial refueling pipe and adds fuel to the belly of the fighter plane carrying out the mission. The operator has sufficient fuel to perform relevant tasks.

This method was also first invented by the U.S. Navy. They installed a D704 refueling tank on the belly of their A4 Skyhawk attack aircraft. They can "guest" a tanker when needed, eliminating the need to always call the land base. Tankers, and land-based tankers need a land base, which may not be sufficient. It is better to be self-sufficient.

However, not long after this partner refueling method, the U.S. Navy was not satisfied again and built a professional KA3B air-weight tanker. This aircraft has a maximum take-off weight of 37.2 tons. It was originally a professional carrier-based bomber. Due to its technology, They were quickly retired after falling behind, but in 1967, 85 of them were converted into tanker aircraft. These aircraft remained in service until 1991 and were retired after the war.

The U.S. Navy no longer has a professional tanker, and is on the road of refueling with its partners. It uses A6 attack aircraft to improve the tanker, which can refuel and bomb. One aircraft has multiple uses.

Of course, with the development of technology and entering the 21st century, Americans have begun to develop carrier-based unmanned aerial tankers, code-named Stingray, and continue to lead the mainstream of ship-based aerial tankers.

As for the country, there is no need to play so complicated for the time being. It can be solved by using partners to refuel. Anyway, the J-5 has an internal fuel load of more than nine tons, so it can definitely refuel partners.

"Yes, it is mature. We have conducted many tests." Wang Wei nodded: "There is no need to test here. However, if we want to test the catapult take-off of the carrier-based aircraft, we still have to conduct a sea supply test first. By the way, All kinds of loads we need are sent here.”

 The next project of the sea trial: sea supply!

For the giant aircraft carrier, the daily consumption is an astronomical figure. Thousands of people eat, drink and have **** on it. Moreover, for a conventionally powered aircraft carrier, it has to burn fuel. If it is in a state of war, almost Replenishment must be carried out every week. You cannot wait until half of the consumption is consumed before replenishing, otherwise you may be late for the trip.

 Now, the 002 aircraft carrier under test has been sailing at sea for ten days, and it is time for sea replenishment.

A huge comprehensive supply ship slowly moved over. Standing on the deck, Qin Tao looked at the ship and sighed: "The navy is always tight-lipped and reluctant to spend money to build new ones. Wait until The 002 aircraft carrier is in service, let’s see if they are in a hurry.”

At present, there are not many comprehensive supply ships in China, and their quality is not high. The largest of them is the Type 908 comprehensive supply ship in front of him. This ship was bought second-hand by Qin Tao from Lao Maozi and then refitted.

After the modification, this comprehensive supply ship has become a giant among maritime supply ships with a displacement of 37,000 tons. It can store about 23,000 tons of fuel, fresh water, food, ammunition and other materials. The 001 aircraft carrier has entered After the war, he almost became the full-time nanny of the 001 aircraft carrier.

In fact, as a comprehensive supply ship, it is not qualified. After all, it only has a maximum speed of 15.5 knots, and it has a single shaft and a single propeller. Once there is a problem with the main engine, it may collapse at any time. When replenishing the aircraft carrier, the aircraft carrier formation also has to slow down. If it is executing a mission, it may be delayed.

Next to him, Makarov sighed: "Yes, although this comprehensive supply ship was intended to provide supplies to the aircraft carrier formation during the Red Empire era, it was only of a transitional nature. It was modified from an oil tanker and its performance was not high. It’s okay to supply a 30,000- to 40,000-ton aircraft carrier, but if we supply an 80,000-ton aircraft carrier, its performance will be outdated. It should be equipped with a more advanced comprehensive supply ship.”

"After I go back, I urge the Navy to apply for funds quickly. With an aircraft carrier, it can't be done without a supply ship." Qin Tao said: "The Navy must equip the aircraft carrier with a comprehensive supply ship, and the full load displacement must be 50,000 tons. Only in this way can we It’s enough.”

 “Fifty thousand tons?” Makarov’s eyes widened.

At this time, the Type 908 comprehensive supply ship has approached the 002 aircraft carrier from the starboard side, and the two warships are running abreast and are ready to supply.

"Yes, our supply ships must be able to carry at least 15,000 tons of ship fuel, 5,000 tons of aviation kerosene, 3,000 tons of ammunition, and other supplies such as fresh water and dry goods." Qin Tao said: " In this way, a displacement of 40,000 to 50,000 tons is not enough.”


A shuttle was fired from the comprehensive supply ship, with a string behind it. After it was fired over here, it was picked up by the personnel here and placed in the corresponding position. The first fuel supply link has been connected.

This thin line pulled a thicker steel cable. The oil pipeline snaked like a python on the steel cable and reached the fuel injection port on the starboard side of the aircraft carrier. After the docking was completed, the fuel began to flow inside the pipe.

"Our aircraft carrier uses conventional power and requires a lot of fuel. When the next nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is built, the demand for fuel will be smaller. Can it use so much ship fuel?" Makarov was still a little confused. curious.

"Yes, aircraft carriers will evolve to nuclear power, but what about carrier-based aircraft? Carrier-based aircraft have to consume a lot of fuel, and there are other warships in the aircraft carrier formation." Qin Tao said: "A comprehensive supply ship like ours , can replenish the entire aircraft carrier formation. After the replenishment is completed, it can return, reload the supplies and go again. If it is thousands of nautical miles away, two or three comprehensive supply ships will be needed to constantly travel between the port and the battlefield. , those little guys are simply not enough to watch.”

 The battlefield is thousands of nautical miles away?

Makarov opened his mouth wide: "Hawaii?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "Of course not, how could we travel so far? It's enough to sail in the Western Pacific. In the future, we will have the interests of the southern canal, the further Indian Ocean, and even the coast of Africa to protect. You said , does this kind of large supply ship need to be enough?”

Makarov nodded: "That's right."

"Not only does it need to be bigger, but the speed also needs to keep up. Even if it cannot reach the high speed of an aircraft carrier of 30 knots, it must at least reach more than 25 knots." Qin Tao said: "Fortunately, our gas turbines are mature now. By then, , this kind of supply ship can be equipped with two 40-megawatt gas turbines, which can keep up with the speed of the aircraft carrier and will not waste time due to supply."

Makarov's eyes also widened: "Two forty-megawatt gas turbines? Mr. Qin, you are really extravagant."

 Look at the UK. They planned to build an aircraft carrier with four aircraft carriers. Later, they decided it was too expensive and reluctant to part with it, so they changed it to two aircraft carriers. What about Dongfang? Gas turbines are so luxurious that they can be used by supply ships?

"What's the luxury? The price of our two gas turbines is less than the price of one in the West. If you don't use the 40-megawatt one, you can use our UGT25000." Qin Tao said: "But these are used at high speeds and low speeds. If you still have to use a diesel engine, why don’t you just switch to diesel?”

 The power of the destroyer is used on the supply ship, which is a complete waste!

“Mr. Qin, our comprehensive power system has matured. Wouldn’t it be more convenient to use electric power?”

Qin Tao patted his head, yes, why did he forget it? There are two diesel engines for normal cruising, and a 40-megawatt gas turbine when acceleration is needed. The combined power of these is almost enough.

“That’s right, just use this system and sell it to the Navy when we get back! Our shipyard will be able to start construction within three months!”

At this time, the second supply link on the 908 supply ship has also been connected. Aviation kerosene flows along the pipeline into the belly of the 002 aircraft carrier. On the third gantry, the supply of dry goods begins, and large boxes are shipped one by one. Following the combined passages, he wandered towards the aircraft carrier.

When several thick square boxes were hoisted over, Qin Tao focused his eyes on them: "Those should be anti-ship missiles, right?"

The J-15 can carry a large number of weapons. As a carrier-based fighter, of course, anti-ship must be its top priority. At present, many advanced anti-ship missiles have been developed in China, but the air-launched ones should be the YJ-83. Category.

"Yes, it's an anti-ship missile." At this time, Wang Wei had already walked over. Hearing Qin Tao's question, he immediately introduced: "Currently, the main anti-ship missile used by our J-15 is the YJ-83. This kind of anti-ship missile The total weight of the ship missile is 0.85 tons, and we plan to mount four such anti-ship missiles during the heavy-load take-off test."

When the aircraft carrier comes out of the shipyard for sea trials, it will definitely not carry weapons and equipment. These need to be supplied by comprehensive supply ships. Four anti-ship missiles weigh more than three tons. Coupled with two anti-radiation missiles and several air-to-air missiles, the full load requirement can be achieved.

 (End of this chapter)

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