Warship of Great Power

Chapter 912: 002 aircraft carrier sea trial

Chapter 912 002 Aircraft Carrier Sea Trial

For an ordinary warship, the groundbreaking ceremony, launching ceremony, and service ceremony are all important. The service ceremony must be held in the navy, but before the service ceremony, there will definitely be a special delivery ceremony.

 As for the sea trial?

 General sea trials do not require any ceremony, and the same is true for the 002 aircraft carrier.

 The night before, the aircraft carrier quietly dismantled the work shed on the deck. Just as it was dawning the next day, a large number of people had already arrived at the dock.

 How many people are needed for the sea trial?

 The answer is thousands!

There are many items that need to be carried out in the sea trial. If you print out those spreadsheets, they will be thicker than Cihai. So many items need to be tested one by one. If there is a problem with any item, it needs to be solved on site, and it may even be possible. Need to go to the shipyard to solve it.

This process requires the close cooperation of technical personnel. More than 400 technical personnel from the shipyard were dispatched, all of whom are the technical backbone of each system built. At the same time, there are also more than 600 naval soldiers who need to Mastering the operation of the aircraft carrier during the sea trial is essentially equivalent to training them, allowing them to contact the aircraft carrier in advance and master the full set of operations. After delivery, there will be no shipyard technicians to teach them step by step. .

 Normally there should be no ceremony at this time, but when the sleepy Qin Tao came to the outfitting dock, he still saw a large number of people. The father-in-law was standing in the most conspicuous place, talking to Zhang Zhen.

“Yes, I promise to complete the task!” When Qin Tao walked over, Zhang Zhen replied loudly and then saluted. It seemed that he had just finished his instructions.

“Dad, is it necessary to mobilize so many troops?” Qin Tao was speechless: “This is just a sea trial, and it’s not the first time.”

"However, this is the first time for our domestically produced aircraft carrier to undergo sea trials." Wu Shengli said: "Everyone is looking forward to the good news about the sea trials, and our navy is even more looking forward to this aircraft carrier being put into service as soon as possible. Can I not Are you coming? Mr. Liu originally planned to come, but because he was not in good health, he did not come. But when it comes time to serve, Mr. Liu will definitely participate. "

"Well, dad, we can definitely use video connection to let Mr. Liu see the grand occasion of our sea trial." Qin Tao also became excited when Wu Shengli mentioned Mr. Liu. Mr. Liu has been paying attention to naval construction all his life. The old man is still concerned about the 002 aircraft carrier!

“Well, we can have a video connection here at the dock, but not at sea. Our precious satellite communication bandwidth has to be used to transmit more important information.” Wu Shengli said.

“Yes, this is really a troublesome thing. In the future, after our Starlink is developed, we will be able to provide low-cost and high-quality Internet access services.”

The Starlink plan was announced to the outside world, and then was boycotted by NASA. Later, an agreement was reached, but later, it fell out with NASA. Instead of letting others launch a large amount of space junk to occupy precious orbital resources, It's better to use it yourself.

After hearing Qin Tao's words, Wu Shengli nodded: "This requires more efforts from your starship company. Okay, the time is almost up. You can go up too. This sea trial is of great importance. With you going up in person, our navy will feel at ease." .”

 The navy is confident about me? Qin Tao felt a little guilty. In recent years, he had not focused on his work. He would often run around doing business, digging holes for others, and making strategic layouts. This technique was actually unfamiliar to him.

However, he must go up to participate in the sea trial. After all, he cannot go abroad and can only stay here. The sea trial is more interesting than on land. Moreover, he still has the memory of his previous life, which may be able to help. .

With this thought, Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, then I will go up and ask the navy to believe in the strength of our Mingzhou Group. For us, this is just a normal sea trial."

More than just one aircraft carrier has been tested, and this one is no big deal. People like Makarov and Babbage will also step on the aircraft carrier and participate in the sea trials together. There will definitely be no accidents.

 Qin Tao walked up.

Others also walked up, and the technicians were in their places. However, after the navy soldiers went up, they did not disperse immediately. They gathered on the deck of the aircraft carrier and lined up neatly.

More than six hundred people stood on the deck solemnly and solemnly.

Now, the Type 07 military uniform has not yet appeared. The Type 97 military uniform is only distributed to a small number of troops. Most soldiers still wear the conventional Type 87 military uniform. This kind of sailor uniform for ordinary navy soldiers still maintains a strong Soviet style. The top It has always been a pullover style with a V-neck, but it is white in summer and blue in winter, and the pants are always blue.

Now everyone is wearing all-blue autumn and winter clothes, with striped sea soul shirts underneath. Only the sailor hat is still white. The large shield-shaped hat badge looks heroic, and the streamers behind it are dancing in the wind.


Everyone raised their right hands in unison.

  Everyone on the outfitting dock also raised their right hands and gave a standard military salute.

 “Woo, woo!” The whistle sounded, and faint green smoke rose from the chimney, which was much larger than the previous few days.

Although we set out early in the morning, the boiler must not be ignited at that time. Although it went out again after testing the power system in the past few days, leaving only the diesel generator, at midnight, the hard-working engineering soldiers lit all the boilers. , after several hours of burning, the steam pressure has come up today and it is ready to go at any time.

Of course, you cannot leave the port under your own power.

The tugboat that had been prepared for a long time moved up. Its small body was not conspicuous under the huge aircraft carrier, but it could slowly push the aircraft carrier's hull away from the dock, half a meter, one meter, two meters...

As the ship left the dock, it slowly turned around, with its bow facing the east, where a red sun was slowly rising. The golden sunlight filled the entire earth, and the water was also dyed with a layer of gold.

On the ship island, Zhang Zhen was a little excited: "Everyone, pay attention, four cars, move forward one!" (I searched for these words for a long time, but I didn't find that it said four cars. However, a few propellers equals several cars. This It’s no problem.)

The engine soldiers got busy, turning on the various pipe switches, and the surging water sprayed towards the steam generator of the boiler. The moment it touched those fins, the liquid water turned into high-temperature and high-pressure steam, and then followed the pipes, entered the steam turbine, and pushed the steam turbine. It rotates, then passes through the condenser, condenses into water and then enters the steam generator again, and the cycle repeats.

The steam turbine rotated happily, driving the huge propeller at the tail to rotate. Amidst the sound of rushing water, the 80,000-ton 002 aircraft carrier started to move under its own power for the first time!

It accelerated slowly, like an old man taking a leisurely walk. Seeing this, the people on the shore applauded again.

 On the aircraft carrier, everyone is in their respective positions and conducting various inspections.

“The driveshaft seal is good!”

“The propeller rotates normally and there is no additional vibration.”

This is just a simple step forward. There are many items to check. A certain country's aircraft carrier turned off the propeller after sailing out, and some found that the propeller axis was not calibrated, resulting in excessive vibration, etc. These were all mistakes during the construction process.

The huge aircraft carrier slowly sailed towards the seaport. After walking for about half an hour, all inspection items were finally completed. Zhang Zhen issued the second order: "Attention, advance two!"

  The propeller speed increased and the speed of the ship began to increase. Facing the strong sea wind and looking at the endless sea, everyone's hearts were surging. They were looking forward to moving forward five!

A nanny ship moved up and followed the side of the aircraft carrier. This nanny ship transported a large number of parts. Once an accident occurred, repairs needed to be started immediately. And in front of the aircraft carrier's route, a 054 frigate appeared. Monitor the surrounding situation vigilantly and respond to any unexpected occurrences at any time.

The Navy attaches great importance to this sea trial.

 Qin Tao was in a good mood. When he accelerated to forward three, he finally couldn't stay on the island any longer: "I'll go down below and have a look. You'll let me know when you can test it at full speed and full rudder."

This kind of smooth sailing is very safe on the deck. It is even possible to hold a football match on the deck. The only exception is when the rudder is at full speed. In that case, the deck will quickly tilt to the outside. If caught off guard, It's really possible to be thrown into the sea.

Xu Zhengyang followed Qin Tao to the deck. Facing the strong sea breeze, Qin Tao stood beside the catapult track with great interest, looking at the shiny track.

The outside is ordinary gray-black deck paint, but when it reaches the catapult, it turns into shiny stainless steel. On both sides of the slit of the catapult, there are one-meter-wide stainless steel protective covers with large rivets on them. Industrial beauty, the slit in the center of the two guards is very narrow, and there is no sealing strip.

"If it's a steam catapult, it must be sealed with fillers or zippers. That's because there is a piston underneath. It must be sealed to effectively utilize the energy of the steam and prevent leakage. And inside the small gap of the electromagnetic catapult, there is a For an ordinary trapezoidal shuttle runway, the electromagnetic ejection device below is completely separated from this runway." Ma Ming also followed Qin Tao. When he saw Qin Tao looking at the small gap, he immediately introduced: "In At the Wasteland Village base, our slit is kept open all year round and has never malfunctioned. We just need to blow it with high-pressure air every once in a while."

Qin Tao nodded: "In terms of maintainability, our electromagnetic catapult is far higher than the steam catapult. This catapult is the greatest invention of this era!"

Qin Tao looked at the ejection traction slider again. That thing was very small and exposed on the deck. It could drag a drone of one or two tons, or a carrier-based aircraft of dozens of tons from an aircraft carrier. When taking off, its adaptability is very strong, and ordinary steam catapults are simply incomparable.

"After the navigation test of the hull is completed, the carrier-based aircraft test will begin." Delano also walked out and looked at the catapult: "It is said that the first ejection will be a drone, but As long as the first ejection is successful, the carrier-based aircraft can be ejected. I have already reported that I will be the first to land on this aircraft carrier and the first to take off from this aircraft carrier. No Anyone dares to rob me."

Indeed, no one can compete with Delano for what he wants to do, because he is the instructor of all carrier-based aircraft pilots in the East, and even the instructor's instructor. In this era, seniority is also important, who If he dares to **** it, he can call the other party a piece of shit.

“Which one landed first, the J-15 or the J-32?” Qin Tao asked curiously.

"J-32, after all, this kind of aircraft is a medium-sized aircraft. During the test, we should proceed slowly in order from light to heavy. After the J-32 test is completed, the J-15 will be tested. After the J-15 test is completed, It’s Air Police 600.”

Qin Tao's eyes lit up: "Air Police 600 is coming too?"

"Of course, this early warning aircraft has completed all tests in the wasteland village, and the radar and other systems have also been tested. We all agree that the takeoff and landing characteristics of the Air Police 600 are the best because the engine of this aircraft is too Awesome, the power far exceeds that of the E-2C early warning aircraft. This aircraft carrier will be equipped with an Air Police 600 squadron equipped with four Air Police 600 aircraft. Its combat effectiveness will far exceed that of any previous aircraft carrier, even I think it is more powerful than the Kitty Hawk in combat effectiveness. After all, the Kitty Hawk does not have an electromagnetic catapult, so its dispatch efficiency cannot be compared with it."

 The thing that is most unforgettable for Easterners is the Kitty Hawk. This aircraft carrier has brought too many bad memories to everyone. Now, our country will finally have an aircraft carrier of the same type!

With the addition of the Air Police 600, Dongfang’s aircraft carrier fleet has finally made up for the last flaw, and has since become a powerful maritime steel Great Wall.

“Are there any other carrier-based aircraft?”

Delano thought for a while: "Currently, relevant units are developing the J-15 electronic warfare aircraft, which is still under testing. However, in the future, it will definitely be on board our warships and will be included in the establishment of our carrier-based air wing. , there is an electronic warfare squadron.”

The role of electronic warfare is very important, and has long been verified by war after war. In addition to stealth aircraft, ordinary aircraft require the cooperation of electronic warfare aircraft when attacking. This can interfere with the opponent's radar and increase security for one's own side. coefficient.

Take the U.S. Navy as an example. In its early days, it used electronic warfare aircraft that were improved on the A-7. The two-person cabin was expanded into a four-person cabin. Except for one pilot, the others were all electronic warfare operators. Each time When large formations attack, they will all be accompanied by flying aircraft on the left and right to carry out electromagnetic suppression.

 Later, with the retirement of the A-7, the U.S. Navy improved the Super Hornet and turned it into the EA-18G "Growler" electronic jammer, which will continue to serve for decades.

 What about domestically?

For a long time, there were no professional electronic warfare aircraft in China. Electronic warfare aircraft modified from transport aircraft bodies as platforms could not meet the needs of carriers at all. The navy could only develop a helicopter in the form of a helicopter with the equipment it carries. It is light in weight, has short air time, and cannot cooperate with naval fixed-wing aircraft. It is useless.

Therefore, after the J-15 was put on the ship, they were thinking about developing corresponding electronic jammers. Even if the J-32 was chosen by the navy, it did not affect the development of the J-15 electronic jammer. After all, electronic jamming The aircraft needs an external pod, which is the weakness of the stealth aircraft.

At this time, after hearing about this electronic warfare aircraft, Qin Tao became interested: "What does this aircraft look like? Is it fully improved? Is there a bulge on the vertical tail?"

The improved electronic warfare aircraft in the United States have a bulge on the vertical tail, where a special electronic warfare antenna is installed, which looks very powerful. As for domestic electronic warfare aircraft, that is not necessarily the case.

"I don't know, there shouldn't be any. This kind of electronic warfare aircraft should use more powerful electronic jamming pods on the wing tips. At the same time, it will also mount three sets of large electronic jamming pods under the wings and belly. , using these as the main force, but I don’t know if they will provide their own generators like the U.S. Navy does.”

 The electronic pod requires a strong power supply, and the aircraft's own power supply capacity may not be enough. What should I do in this case? The U.S. Navy uses the simplest and crudest method: adding a fan blade to the front end of the pod. During flight, the airflow will blow the blade and then drive the generator inside, thus providing power to the entire pod. The advantage of this method is that it has its own power, does not need to be provided by the carrier aircraft, and is simple to modify. However, this will definitely increase the flight resistance. It is equivalent to engine jets, pushing the fighter forward and pushing the blades to rotate. This efficiency is definitely much lower than direct power generation.

 What method is used in China is currently unknown, after all, he has never seen it.

“If there were only electronic jamming pods, then this kind of jammer would be meaningless.” Qin Tao said.

Delano's eyes suddenly lit up: "Mr. Qin, do you have any other ideas?"

"Active phased array radar is also a very good means of electronic countermeasures. Therefore, this kind of electronic warfare aircraft should replace the original flat-panel gap radar with an active phased array radar. Even if the price rises a little, it is still acceptable. "Yes." Qin Tao expressed his thoughts.

Active phased array radar is very powerful. It can scan zones and focus radar waves to the same point. If the radiation power is strong enough, it can even burn through the opponent's electronic equipment. This is naturally a means of electronic countermeasures.

The price of this kind of radar is definitely still relatively high now, but for electronic warfare aircraft, it cannot be measured by price at all, it depends on the actual performance.

Delano nodded: "Yes, this kind of radar is relatively advanced and can be equipped. Based on the size of the J-5's nose, it should be able to have a detection range of three to four hundred kilometers."

The Tomcat is about the same size as the J-5. When using the AWG-9 radar, it has a maximum detection range of 320 kilometers. Although it is only used to detect large targets such as bombers, it is enough. .

 Now, with the use of more advanced active phased array radar, the detection distance will definitely be longer!

“Yes, we just need a radar with such a long detection range, and then coupled with long-range air-to-air missiles, think about what a wonderful scene it will be.”

Delano's eyes lit up: "You mean, deal with early warning aircraft?"

The AWACS is a multiplier of air combat power, and it is also the target that the air forces of various countries strive to deal with. If you can take the lead in destroying the enemy's AWACS in an air battle, you can make the enemy aircraft deaf and blind. However, how to deal with it is difficult, after all. Early warning opportunities are far away from the battlefield. In safe areas, early warning aircraft also have a search distance of hundreds of kilometers and can detect approaching fighters in advance.

What Lao Maozi used was to use the MiG-31's high-altitude and high-speed capabilities to approach the early warning aircraft. After the Yankees eliminated the Tomcat fighter jets, their fighters no longer had the ability to attack aircraft at an altitude of more than 20,000 meters. , the MiG-31 can fly to an altitude of 28,000 meters, use the speed of Mach 2.8 to get close to the American early warning aircraft, and then launch an attack.

 This is definitely hard to fight.

However, the East does not have this kind of aircraft and does not have this kind of strike capability, so it must be replaced.

The arrival of the J-15 electronic warfare aircraft carrying powerful electronic interference will greatly reduce the detection distance of the E-2 early warning aircraft, for example from 400 kilometers to 200 kilometers. In this way, the J-15 can get close to the target within 200 kilometers, and then use Carrying long-range air-to-air missiles to attack the early warning aircraft will definitely catch the opponent off guard.

 This is a completely new way!

Thinking of this kind of scene, Delano felt his blood surge: "Mr. Qin, when you say this, I have an urge to personally pilot this electronic warfare aircraft and kill the opponent's early warning aircraft in an air battle. , this is equivalent to taking the enemy's general's head among thousands of armies, just like the overlord of Western Chu. Mr. Qin, I have always wanted to have an oriental name. I always had no inspiration before, but now I have it. How about just calling it Xiang De?"

Many people who come to the East will give themselves an Eastern name, which makes it easier to draw a line with their past selves and start a new life, but people like Delano do not. The name of Delano Wild Dog has long been spread. Now, everyone calls him Mad Dog Instructor with respect, and after discussing behind his back how crazy Mad Dog Instructor is, Delano has never thought of giving himself an Eastern name, or he has thought about it, but he has not thought about it well.

This time it was different, he finally thought of a name for himself.

 “Xiang De? People will make fun of your name.”


 “What a beautiful thought.”

When choosing a name, you must think of all the homophones, otherwise the child will be nicknamed by some naughty guys from childhood to adulthood. "Xiang De" is not good-sounding. If you add a beautiful word, the meaning will change.

However, who would have thought that Delano wouldn't mind.

"Yes, I just think about beauty." Delano said: "No matter what I think about, it is beautiful!"

The cultures of the East and the West are different. The East is reserved and reserved, while the West is overt. Just like when Easterners greet each other’s female relatives and have inappropriate relations with other men, it is very embarrassing in the East, but in the West, that means This woman is very attractive!

Since Delano likes it, Qin Tao won't say anything.

The wind on the deck is getting stronger and stronger.

PS: Thank you for your great support! Thank you for subscribing, tipping, and voting! Will update tomorrow. I have been working on the new book for a long time, and then it was greatly rejected by the editor. It has to be re-conceived, and it will probably take some time to come out.



 (End of this chapter)

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