Warship of Great Power

Chapter 906: Vana develops the land, we develop the ocean

Chapter 906 Vana develops the land, we develop the ocean

Generally speaking, the capital of a country should be established in the center of the country, which is the safest. Of course, some countries will also establish it in coastal areas to facilitate transportation. However, the east side of Mozambique’s territory is all close to the sea, but It is very interesting to set up the capital in the southernmost part.

Speaking of this, we have to mention history. When the Portuguese occupied Mozambique, they just wanted to open up a new shipping route. The Strait of Mozambique is located in the southernmost part of Mozambique, and Maputo is located in the southernmost part of the Strait of Mozambique. It has a superior geographical location. Therefore, the Portuguese established a colonial stronghold in Maputo, and later built a railway to the Rainbow Country. In this way, the Port of Maputo developed rapidly, and later became the largest city in Mozambique, and thus became the capital.

Maputo is located at the end of the strait, and is divided into two parts by the strait: Maputo City on the north shore and Catembe area in the south.

Among them, the north bank of Maputo City has developed rapidly and has now become a central urban area with a population of more than one million. It has a port, various terminals, transfer vehicles and cargo storage places. Here, various resources from Mozambique can be exported, and various resources from Mozambique can be exported. Transshipment of transit materials from other countries, especially the Rainbow Country, etc.

With the continuous development of the north coast, the city's space is becoming less and less. Therefore, they want to develop to the Catembe area in the south. However, because of the backward transportation here, it has not been able to develop. The total economic volume only occupies the entire capital. 0.1% of the country can be said to be extremely underdeveloped.

 The people of Mozambique very much hope to build a bridge across the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, which will shorten the cross-strait travel time, facilitate travel, and promote the economic development of the south.

However, relying on their own strength, it is simply impossible to build such a bridge, so they can only turn to Dongfang. After all, Dongfang has now transformed into an infrastructure madman and has strong construction strength. Take the recent situation as an example. , to dig a canal within half a year and have navigation capabilities, only the East can do it, other countries simply do not have this capability.

When Mr. Qin came to the Rainbow Kingdom, they were interested. Mr. Qin came to help them negotiate with a group of bandits. They were full of gratitude and expectations for Mr. Qin. Therefore, after the project was negotiated, they finally brought Qin to the country. The president was invited to the capital.

When Qin Tao came to Maputo, a convoy came up to him. They were composed of sixteen motorcycles. These motorcycles were all Jialing 125. The riders on them were wearing standard motorcycle uniforms and looked majestic. At the same time, there was also an extended Hongqi sedan. Qin Tao and others got out of the pickup truck and got into the extended sedan, which felt like a shotgun exchange for a gun.

"Mr. Qin, welcome to Maputo." Sitting in the car was Enriquez, the person in charge of Maputo: "You are tired from the journey. We will take you to the Polana Serena Hotel to rest first."

The Polana Serena Hotel is a famous five-star hotel in Maputo and a century-old hotel. The main body is a four-story room with the colonial architectural style of the year. The white exterior walls are clean and fluttering above. There were several flags, and the bright red flag was also flapping in the wind. It should be the latest one to be hung.

 The car stopped directly at the door of the hotel, in the long corridor. After getting out of the car, Enriquez took Qin Tao and others to the guest room.

"Mr. Qin, I know you like peace and quiet, so I have arranged for you a presidential suite here, where you can enjoy the independent beach and sea view." Enriquez introduced the itinerary while leading Qin Tao away. .

Xu Zhengyang, who was following Qin Tao, frowned. When he arrived at the suite, he first went in and took a look, and then denied it.

"Mr. Qin, this place is too open and accidents are prone to accidents. It is not suitable for your living. We need to change to an inconspicuous room." Xu Zhengyang made a suggestion.

 Qin Tao glanced at Zhao Ling beside him. At this time, he had to listen to his wife.

Zhao Ling nodded: "Then let's change it. We often look at the sun and the beach, and we don't feel much about these anymore."

It was Enriquez's turn to frown. He had originally planned to wait until Qin Tao settled in and start explaining how prosperous this place was and how backward the other side was. He hoped to build a bridge. What was the result? Mr. Qin's bodyguard actually dislikes this place being too open?

However, Mr. Qin's safety is important, and he can only listen to Mr. Qin. Xu Zhengyang checked it out and then chose the villa area next to the hotel. All the villas in the front, back and left were rented, with people living in the middle and security guards in the others. Dozens of security guards from the Glory Years Security Company were distributed in every corner, surrounding the place tightly.

 As for the beach? Can't see it at all.

Having rearranged his accommodation, Enriquez was a little helpless. How should he introduce it now?

“Mr. Qin, please rest here first. Many people will come to visit you tomorrow.” Enriquez could only pin his hopes on the next day.

“Oh, you can have a banquet at my place tonight.” Qin Tao looked at the spacious hall on the first floor of the villa and said, “I also like to meet friends from Mo State.”


That night, a large group of people came cheering, including government officials and celebrities. Of course, they were all dark-skinned.

Among them, the one with the highest position was Diaz. After greetings, he raised his glass and said, "Everyone, let us raise a glass together to greet Mr. Qin who has come from afar. Mr. Qin originally came to the Rainbow Kingdom. I heard that we have people here. I came over immediately when I was in trouble. Mr. Qin is our good friend! Cheers to our good friends!"

After finishing a glass of wine, Enriquez couldn't bear it any longer: "Mr. Qin, your infrastructure company is very famous. It built a canal in a short period of time. If you build a bridge across the river, wouldn't it be great too?" quick?"

“That was back then, just like the river here in your capital, if you built a bridge, half a year would be enough. Do you want to hire our infrastructure company?”

 Half a year is enough! These people were very excited, but when they heard Qin Tao say hiring, they frowned again.

“Mr. Qin, how much will it cost to build this bridge?”

"It depends on what standards you need. If it is a two-way four-lane urban trunk road, the cost of one kilometer is about 200 million US dollars. I have calculated that, including the approach bridge, the bridge will need about five kilometers. That’s a billion dollars.”

 One billion dollars! Everyone present was speechless. You must know that Mozambique’s GDP last year was only 4 billion US dollars. It is impossible for them to spend a quarter of their money to build bridges. , after all, they have many places to spend money.

“Mr. Qin, if we use a large number of our local workers, will the cost be reduced?” Enriquez asked.

"If you use your workers, we should be able to reduce the investment by 200 million US dollars, but the time will quickly lengthen, from half a year to five years. We can only guarantee that it will be open to traffic within five years."

It is inevitable to use local workers for the project. After all, Qin Tao knows the working attitude of local workers.

Those locals have no choice but to come to work on construction sites. As soon as they get money, they will disappear without a trace. It is absolutely impossible to come back before the money is spent.

Forget these ordinary construction workers, people in key positions also have this careless attitude. The most unbelievable thing is the train driver, who actually doesn’t take the overall situation into consideration. A certain driver was driving a train and found that he was passing by. Right in front of your own house, then stop the train and go home directly! Fortunately, the train behind found it in time and did not hit it, but the railway was blocked for several days before it was cleared! It caused huge economic losses. As for the train driver who came home to visit, he still didn't take it seriously and was very confident: I'm already at the door of my house, why don't I go home to see my mother-in-law?

Although the work attitude makes people speechless, the cost of local workers is definitely very low, and it is very simple to deal with accidents. If a worker is injured in China, it will cost a lot of money, and the boss will have to pay compensation and the like. It's a headache, but here, if a worker is injured, just curse the worker and send him away.

Of course Mingzhou Group will not be so ruthless and will still bandage and treat him, but there will definitely be no subsequent compensation or anything like that.

"Okay, five years, five years, we can save 200 million." Enriquez nodded immediately, but then frowned: "But, where will the remaining 800 million come from?"

 For them, this is absolutely an astronomical figure.

Diaz said: "Mr. Qin, can you help us think of a solution?"

"Okay, since our friends have this need, then we must help." Qin Tao said: "Have you heard of our package policy of weak country and strong army?"

Everyone nodded.

“I’ve heard about it, but the plan is to use minerals and so on to exchange warships. We don’t have this plan yet,” Henriquez said.

"Well, you don't need to exchange warships. You can exchange minerals for the bridge. Our Mingzhou Group's financial department can first lend you a loan to complete the construction of the bridge. Then, we will mine mineral resources on your land. How about using it to pay off debts?"

"However, the mineral resources on our land have been repeatedly explored, and no more valuable minerals have been found." Dias frowned.

"Yes, the Vana Group is also exploring on our land, and I don't know if it can be found." Felipe sent Qin Tao back and also attended the banquet. He also expressed his concerns. If the guy can't be found, he won't continue to cause trouble, right?

"Then let's separate. The Vana Group is looking for minerals on your land, and we are looking for resources in your territorial waters." Qin Tao said: "Maybe we are lucky and can find some good things. However, if we find If so, then you have to sign a mining right for at least thirty years.”

"Of course, Mr. Qin, you can get permanent mining rights if you want." Dias nodded immediately: "You are our friend, we believe in you."

“Okay, let’s drink to our future cooperation!” Qin Tao raised his glass, his eyes bright, he had already seen the future of Mingzhou Group.

I have never paid attention to business in Africa before, but now I am finally making a big move to Africa. There are a lot of minerals here, which are urgently needed by the motherland. Moreover, the relationship here is very friendly with the East. If I work hard here, I will undoubtedly be able to Get the most bang for your buck.

Apart from anything else, Qin Tao knew that Mozambique has a large amount of natural gas reserves, especially the Rovuma Basin in the north, which is the most important oil and gas basin in Mozambique. After its discovery in 2013, it has been successively discovered The recoverable natural gas reserves exceed 100 trillion cubic feet, ranking 13th in the world. Relying on these resources, Mozambique has become the second largest natural gas reserve country in Africa, and is even known as the next Qatar.

However, it is not easy to develop natural gas in Mozambique. After all, 51% of the area of ​​the Rovuma Basin is offshore, and the main oil and gas fields are in deep water layers, at a depth of two thousand meters underwater. If you want to extract natural gas It’s not easy to mine.

In later generations, it was Dongfang that provided specialized mining equipment that successfully completed the tasks of mining and first ship transportation. Qin Tao also participated in the design and development of this kind of ship, so now, as long as the relevant agreement is signed with Mo State, , and then go back to build natural gas ships. After returning, we can exploit them on a large scale.

At this time, these people in Mozambique didn’t think it was a big deal. After all, except for a small amount of oil, they had never seen other energy sources here. They didn’t even know that there were a lot of abundant natural gas resources in their own seas.

As countries around the world increasingly tighten their environmental protection requirements, the demand for natural gas will increase. Mingzhou Group can occupy a large number of natural gas fields and will of course have a greater say in the future.

"Thank you for your support. Then we will sign the agreement as soon as possible. When the agreement is signed, we will explore the coastal resources while building a bridge for you." Qin Tao said, looking at Zhao Ling: "Help me The contract was drawn up and we signed it on the spot while these people were here."

People in these countries are procrastinating in doing things. Even if they agree well now, they may not be able to find someone tomorrow. It will be difficult to sign the contract within ten days and a half. After hearing Qin Tao's arrangement, Zhao Ling immediately put down her wine glass, went to the desk on the other side, opened her notebook, and started drafting a contract.

The original package project plan for a weak country and a strong army was used, except that the warships were replaced by bridges. Zhao Ling spent more than ten minutes to change the entire contract.

The people from Moguo looked at the contracts printed out one by one with surprise in their eyes. Isn’t this too fast? We are here for the dinner today. We don’t want to sign any contract. Even if Mingzhou Group wants to help repair the bridge, there is no need to worry. After all, there have been hundreds of years without a bridge. We don’t care about this year and a half. .

 However, Mr. Qin is so enthusiastic, and they cannot refute Mr. Qin's face. Moreover, it was they who proposed building the bridge. If they don't sign the agreement now, then Mr. Qin will leave, and they may not have this opportunity in the future.

Just when everyone was frowning, Qin Tao smiled: "Of course, if you think this is too hasty, you can also take our contract back first and study it carefully. After all, this is our first time to cooperate. It’s normal not to trust us.”

The first half of the sentence was okay, but when he heard the second half, Enriquez felt his eyelids start to beat violently. Mr. Qin’s meaning was very simple. If you don’t sign now, you don’t believe them!

"Of course we believe Mr. Qin. I am signing this document on behalf of our Maputo City! As for the terms, I didn't read it. Anyway, Mr. Qin will never treat us badly."

It was Díaz’s turn to be helpless. Enríquez was in charge of Maputo. Of course he could sign. He didn’t need to worry about offshore mining and the like, but Díaz had to consider these things! He had to think about this kind of thing, after all, he didn't have the final say alone.

"By the way, I almost forgot. When I came from China this time, I brought some new gadgets. I treated them as gifts and gave one to each of you." Qin Tao said and winked at Xu Zhengyang. .

So, Xu Zhengyang brought a box in, opened it, and took out the boxes one by one.

 The box is rectangular, about the same size as bread, and beautifully packaged.

Diaz was the first to get the box. Just as he was about to open it, Qin Tao reminded him: "Everyone, please be careful. The things inside are very precious, and you are afraid of falling."

 Precious, afraid of falling? Could it be some kind of gem?

Dias placed the box on the table and opened it carefully. Then, he saw a black tablet-like thing inside. It looked like a small manuscript, but it was definitely not paper. It looked like a metal. It's like the texture of glass.

 “What is this?” Dias asked.

"Mobile phone." Qin Tao said: "This is the first mobile phone made with the Kirin chip developed by our domestic Loongson Company. The biggest feature of this mobile phone is its comprehensive touch screen. Now, you can pick it up and press Press the button on the right to turn it on."

If you are a customer from other countries, you can certainly give away gems and gold, but there is no shortage in Mo. They produce diamonds and gold domestically. These people in front of you must have these things in their homes. Therefore, it is better to give them high technology.

The cost of these things is not high, but the selling price is very expensive, and they are still unavailable. If you give them to these people as meeting gifts, they are guaranteed to make these bumpkin's look beautiful.

Diaz carefully took out the phone. It was heavy and very good. He fumbled around and finally found the button Qin Tao mentioned. He pressed it, but there was no response. He pressed it again, but there was still no response.

“Press and hold the power button and release it after a few seconds.”

Diaz pressed it with his big hand, and a few seconds later, something surprising happened to him: the glass on the surface actually lit up! A graphic appears above.

What kind of graphic is this?

He didn't recognize it, so he could only look at Qin Tao for help. Qin Tao glanced at it and said: "Da Mi Li, this is our domestic high-end mobile phone brand, Da Mi mobile phone."

“Mi phone? Not bad, really good!”

 The rice pattern disappeared, and the phone finally started up successfully. Some icons appeared on the screen with text underneath, but it was a pity that Diaz couldn't understand it.

"After you get it, you can click on the third icon below. The symbol of this gear is settings, and then select the language switch inside, switch to Portuguese, and you will be able to understand it. Of course, if you understand our Chinese, then directly It’s also okay to use Chinese.”

“I know Chinese, I already understand it!” said an official: “This phone is really good, and it can also take pictures. I’ll give it a try.”

 Click, click!

 Looking at the photos inside, the official was very excited.

 Suddenly, a voice sounded, a thirty-two-chord sound playing a popular song from the country of Mo. Hearing the voice inside, someone suddenly started dancing.

This mobile phone can actually be used as a recorder?

“What’s in here? Why are they blocks? Hey, these blocks can be opened, and there are numbers inside. Wait, why are they all coming out? What’s the black one? A bomb?”

“Everyone, this phone has many functions. It can not only make calls and send text messages, but also chat using the ICQ software on it. It can also play games, play music, take photos, etc. I hope you like it.”

“Yes, there are too many functions. Such a mobile phone must be very expensive, right?”

“We won’t talk about the price, but for now, everyone just needs to know that this is the first batch of 3G mobile phones on the African continent.” Qin Tao said: “You are the first batch of users.”

“Really? Thank you Mr. Qin!”

 “This is high technology!”

"Mr. Qin, we are good friends. There is nothing we can't believe in your agreement. Let's sign it now!" Diaz finally stopped hesitating and took the gift from Mingzhou Group. He could also Refuse? Besides, this project was something they desperately needed.

 “Why can’t this phone make calls?” After a person heard about it, he immediately tried to make a call.

"Oh, this is because you don't have an advanced 3G base station yet, so there is no way to use the above 3G mobile phone card for the time being. You can use the existing 2G mobile phone card, but because the network speed is too slow, it does not support the video function, photo Transmissions will also be slow.”

“3G base station?”

“Yes, it is a network that supports this kind of mobile phone. If you need it, I can contact our domestic communication operators for you.”

"With such a good mobile phone, how can we not support it? We want to build this more advanced network!" Enriquez decided immediately: "Mr. Qin, please invite us your communication operator !By the way, does it cost money to build this network?”

"Of course it will cost money." Qin Tao said: "However, we are friends, and we may have other solutions. For example, you can exempt this operator from taxes for thirty years, and you can also designate it as the only operator. If so, they should spend their own money to build your network."

“Okay, that’s it!” Enriquez nodded: “Invite them over, so that we can use this kind of mobile phone in the future!”

 Many operators build base stations for free, and they can completely earn back through future customer package fees. This is like a spider, as long as it weaves a web, it can lie on it and wait to make money.

 Qin Tao’s gift of a mobile phone killed two birds with one stone. He brought over domestic operators and operated them exclusively. He will definitely make a lot of money in the future.

 (End of this chapter)

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