Warship of Great Power

Chapter 898: The strength of the infrastructure maniac: the development of Coco Island

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and did not talk about this topic again. After all, there are many things that do not need to be explained clearly, and it should be best if everything is left unsaid.

"The Coco Islands have negotiated a 30-year lease. Currently our infrastructure team is heading to Big Coco Island. We plan to build all the ports on the island within half a month so that the island can be used at any time. It will dock various ships, including warships, and then expand to land to build runways."

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, the faster, the better. Is the construction of the port within half a month temporary?"

In Qin Tao's eyes, half a month is still too short. The facilities built in such a short time should be temporary, such as the Marine Corps landing on the beach and the engineers building temporary docks. It is a frame built directly from steel pipes.

“Of course not. We have scanned Coco Island from the sky, made a special three-dimensional model, and then manufactured a batch of prefabricated parts for direct assembly.”

If you want to speed up construction, you have to use prefabricated parts. For example, when building a building, cast-in-place floor slabs are definitely not as fast as prefabricated floor slabs. However, the seismic resistance of prefabricated floor slabs is not high, so they were eventually eliminated. When Lao Maozi was in World War II At the end of the day, prefabricated buildings were built in large quantities. This was not just the floor slabs, but the entire room was built in the factory. It was just lifted and installed directly on the construction site.

Now, if the Mingzhou Group wants to completely control Coco Island and prevent others from causing trouble, it must be fast. If it wants to increase the speed of construction, it can only use prefabricated parts.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well, the sooner the better. Others may not have discovered it yet. By the time they discover it, the dust will have settled."

Although there are countless reconnaissance satellites in the sky, flying over every corner of the earth every day, not every place will enter the eyes of ground analysts, and not every place will be taken seriously. Otherwise, ground analysts will worn out.

 It was not until the development of artificial intelligence that it became possible to analyze all the places that the reconnaissance satellites pass by. Artificial intelligence first determines and then leaves it to humans if there are any abnormalities.

 Certainly not yet at that level.

 The Coco Islands are composed of a total of 17 islands. Not to mention the small islands, the most important ones are Big Coco Island and Little Coco Island. The total area of ​​the entire Coco Islands is 21.56 square kilometers, of which Big Coco Island has 14.33 square kilometers. It is a long north-south island with a longest length of about 12.11 kilometers and a widest point of only 2 kilometers. Geography Location is very important.

 Preliminary development projects were carried out on Big Coco Island.

Of course, Kong Laoer personally led the team to build this place. They came from Siam and were the closest, but these prefabricated parts were poured from China. After they were poured, they were placed directly on ZPMC's ships. , not only can be transported, but can also be hoisted on site.

At this time, Kong Laoer was busy working with his men. Watching Zhenhua Heavy Industry's work boat lifting prefabricated parts, they were filled with emotions.

They have built many docks and know how complicated the process is. Not to mention piling, just on-site pouring can give people a headache. After all, their construction must be carried out from the water, and they need to use special steel structures to The building area is isolated from the water. This is called a steel hoop enclosure support system. Support this and drain the water inside so that it is empty. Then lay the bottom formwork, tie the steel bars, and install the side formwork inside. , pouring concrete, because their working surface is underwater, they have to worry about filling water at any time, it is best to start the work when the tide is low. After all these are completed, the side formwork and steel hoop enclosure will be removed and the project will be completed.

What now? Today's buildings are so simple that they are almost like building blocks!

 “We are playing with Lego.” Kong Laoer said with emotion.

They adopted a modular assembly method to divide the wharf into standardized components and non-standardized components. These structural parts are mass-produced in the factory. In this way, the wharf is equivalent to being completed in a land factory and only needs to be assembled on site to form it. pier.

 The speed is much faster.

"That's right, what we are tinkering with now are large Lego toys." said an engineer on board Zhenhua Heavy Industry's ship: "Moreover, according to our lifting capacity, the bigger the better in the design of these components, the entire terminal was initially At the time of design, the number of prefabricated parts was more than a thousand. After several improvements, the number of prefabricated parts currently equipped is only 195, which greatly facilitates on-site operations. Originally, it would take you at least half a year to build such a terminal. ? We can assemble it in half a month now."

Kong Laoer nodded: "It takes us half a year to use a large number of workers and use multiple working surfaces to carry out construction at the same time. Now, we use this method to greatly speed up the construction efficiency. When it comes to infrastructure construction, we still have to look to Dongfang of."

 In this aspect, Kong Laoer is still very proud.

Time passed quickly. Half a month later, the entire Coco Island Pier was built. However, the outside world still found nothing. No one knew that Coco Island was different from the past.

 After the wharf is built, the transportation of various materials will be much more convenient. Countless construction machinery can be driven through this port and head towards the island. The port is located in the eastern center of Big Coco Island. From here to the west, a road of about 500 meters will be opened to the location where the airport is built in the middle of Big Coco Island.

Zhenhua Heavy Industry's crane boats can no longer help with direct lifting and installation. Next, they can only rely on land machinery. However, these land machinery are no less impressive. The large cranes with two rows of seventeen or eight wheels were quickly put into operation. Coming up, a bridge transport truck chassis with thirty or forty wheels quickly came up and transported the land structure prefabricated parts sent by Zhenhua Heavy Industry to the airport.

The airport runway and terminal building are all prefabricated. After another half a month, the airport was built. The entire construction process lasted for one month. The first phase of the infrastructure project was successfully completed. The next step is to Second phase of construction.

 East, Huating Airport.

“Mr. Qin, you have been in danger frequently in the past few months, and your superiors are very worried about your inspection trip to Coco Island.” Xu Zhengyang said worriedly.

"That's not me in danger, it's just a coincidence." Qin Tao said: "In Damao's place, he has been proven to be a real drunkard, and there is no conspirator behind it. As for Qiu Daxin being sniped, what happened You know it in your heart. Now, the outside world has not paid attention to Coco Island. Can't I go over and take a look? I am the CEO of Mingzhou Group, the CEO of a multinational group, how can I always stay in the country. "

“But, from the Port of Singapore Corporation...”

“There is always a wrongdoer and a debtor. They are looking for Qiu Daxin to seek revenge. It has nothing to do with us.”

As he spoke, Qin Tao's Hongqi car had already driven to the side of a business jet.

With the development of Mingzhou Group, Qin Tao needs to go out frequently, and it is inconvenient to always take civil aviation. In addition, Mingzhou Group’s original transportation company’s business has developed, so it purchased a batch of MA60, which is the most popular in China. The regional passenger and cargo aircraft developed on the basis of Yun-7, in particular, uses many mature foreign components, such as Canadian engines, Boeing's in-cab avionics system, etc.

 Originally, it was planned to open up the international market, but it still did not obtain a Western airworthiness certificate, so it could only fly domestically. However, it also sold a lot in places that did not require European and American airworthiness certificates, such as Africa.

Mingzhou Group Transportation Company also bought a batch of them. They usually carry out express transportation in the country. If Qin Tao needs them, they can be turned into his special plane at any time.

This time I went to Coco Island. It was a bit wasteful to take a big plane. This kind of plane with a maximum range of more than 2,400 kilometers is just right.

After Qin Tao finished speaking, he got on the plane. Xu Zhengyang frowned, but he had no choice but to follow.

The cross-section diameter of this kind of aircraft is not large, and even the inner edge cannot allow tall people to stand up calmly. However, various living facilities have been placed inside, such as leather sofas, desks, and even a bed, which can be completely comfortable on it. Spend your time in the sky contentedly.

After Qin Tao got in, he lay down directly on the bed, slept in the sky, and then arrived. However, after waiting for half an hour, the plane did not move.

So, Qin Tao picked up the phone.

"Mr. Qin, they should be coordinating the route, don't worry." Xu Zhengyang said quickly.

"Coordinate routes? If our Mingzhou Group wants to go out, the civil aviation industry must not rush to make way for us? This is clearly making things difficult for our Mingzhou Group! Humph, they think our Mingzhou Group is a shipbuilder, and there is nothing we can do to them? Offend them? I’m so stupid, I’ll set up an airline and sell low-price tickets every day, and squeeze them all out!”

 “Listen, what a loud tone!” At this moment, a voice sounded outside.

Qin Tao turned his head and looked outside. The face of his father-in-law appeared first, then his wife, and then several leaders. Without waiting for Qin Tao's consent, these guys came up one after another. Seeing that there were not many seats on the plane, , so they rushed to the bed where Qin Tao was lying.

This mattress is so comfortable!

“Hey, what are you doing?” Qin Tao frowned.

"What are you doing? Don't you have a name for the big guy?" Wu Shengli rolled his eyes at Qin Tao: "Do you need to say what we are here for? Of course we are going to Coco Island to see it together. In the future, Coco Island will be exposed, why don't we go there again? It’s convenient, take advantage of this opportunity to broaden your horizons.”

Qin Tao was speechless for a while: "Don't you want me to go for safety reasons? Why do you want to go now?"

“Yeah, since I can’t defeat you, I might as well join you. Okay, everyone is up, right? You can fly now.”

 The engines on both sides roared.

Although it is equipped with Pratt & Whitney's PW-127J turboprop engine, the noise is still a bit loud. It makes sense that the MA-60 is called the tractor among airplanes. However, for those who are used to flying military aircraft, It's already very comfortable here.

 Everyone on the plane was filled with emotion.

“The Mingzhou Group is like a trench, and there are special planes for entry and exit.”

“Yes, I purchased twenty MA60s at one time. Your company is really rich.”

“It has been replaced with a Canadian engine, which is much quieter than our previous turboprop 6.”

“The replacement engine is not reliable.” Qin Tao said: “It may be out of stock at any time. Can’t our domestic institutions develop a suitable engine?”

Hearing Qin Tao's words, everyone stopped talking and looked at him with strange eyes.

Zhao Ling reminded from the side: "Mr. Qin, doesn't our Mingzhou Group have Tianjiao Airlines?"

Qin Tao understood instantly: "You mean, Tianjiao Aviation is going to build an advanced low-power turboprop engine? It seems like we should think about it after we get back."

The Yunqi originally used a turboprop 5 engine with more than 3,000 horsepower. It was later improved to the MA60, which used a Pratt & Whitney engine with more than 3,000 kilowatts. The latter has advanced performance and long service life, but it is foreign after all. It may be affected at any time. If you want not to be controlled by others, you have to build an advanced turboprop engine yourself. The power cannot be too high, otherwise it will be a waste.

 Tiffany Aviation is no longer just an aircraft engine manufacturer. It also has strong research and development capabilities. It is time to continue to contribute to the motherland’s aviation industry.

“Mingzhou Group is strong. Without Mingzhou Group, our domestic technological development will go back a long way.”

“Okay, everyone, let’s not talk about this topic. Let’s continue talking about what you are going to do there.”

“Look at the port, choose a suitable place, and leave it for our warships to dock, so that when we cruise in the Gulf of Aden in the future, we will have more resting places.” Wu Shengli said.

They are here to occupy a place. Qin Tao rolled his eyes at his father-in-law. You didn’t spend a penny, but you want to occupy a place as a military port?

As if knowing that this was inappropriate, Wu Shengli continued: "Of course, we will also pay rent. Moreover, when our warships dock, it will also drive consumption at the port."

 Qin Tao rolled his eyes again: "Is there anything else?"

"There are others, too." Leader Li said: "We want to choose a suitable place on Coco Island to install our aerospace measurement and control radar as an overseas base for our aerospace measurement and control network."

 Aerospace measurement and control!

Any country that wants to develop aerospace power must engage in measurement and control. Dongfang did not have overseas bases before and used aerospace measurement and control ships. Every time a satellite is launched, the aerospace measurement and control ship needs to move to the corresponding place to undertake the task, especially for some For satellites that need to change their orbit, commands must be sent through the monitoring and control ship.

The only country in the world that doesn't need it is the Kimchi Country. They just launch, and other people will naturally help solve the measurement and control problems. They don't know how many radars are pointed at their satellites, and they are worried.

Recently, the East has begun to engage in manned spaceflight, which requires more precise measurement and control. Each launch requires three measurement and control ships, one in each ocean, so that it can cover the whole world.

After all, measurement and control at sea is not as suitable as on the ground. If the wind and waves are too big and the ship cannot carry out measurement and control operations, it will cause a big problem.

We didn’t have this capability before. After all, we didn’t have overseas bases. But it’s different now. Now that Coco Island is in our hands, what else can we say?

"Of course." Qin Tao nodded immediately: "We originally had this idea. Installing an aerospace measurement and control radar on it can not only serve the domestic aerospace industry, but also serve our starship company. We can cooperate and build it together. "

Leader Li nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, this is great! Let's go over and complete the site selection this time, and then start construction immediately!"

 “Well, but I have one more request.”

"any request?"

"In addition to accurately measuring the orbit of the spacecraft, this radar must also have the ability to detect aircraft in the atmosphere." Qin Tao said: "After all, our spacecraft has to enter the atmosphere when it returns. Moreover, the detection range is longer. The further away, the better. If it can reach the level of Pave Claw radar, even better.”

 As soon as he said these words, everyone present was stunned.

Paving Claw?

Everyone is very familiar with the parameters of this radar. The "Pave Claw" radar code-named AN/FPS-115 is a long-range early warning radar. It is installed in a 32-meter-high multi-story building and has a detection range of ballistic missiles up to 5,000 meters. Kilometers or more, each radar array has two thousand units, which is an important part of the Yankee TMD.

A radar of this level has also been developed in China, named 7010. It is a strategic national defense project and was installed in the mountains to the west of the capital and embedded into the mountains. The scale is similar to that of the Red Bank Base.

However, the 7010 radar has been abandoned, and no radar of this level has been developed in the future. Now, Qin Tao actually puts forward such high requirements?

"Mr. Qin, we currently do not have the ability to deploy this level of radar. After all, we have to develop it from scratch. Moreover, this kind of radar is a huge flat-panel array. It is very conspicuous after installation and can easily cause misunderstandings. Our aerospace measurement and control radar It's installed in a big ball and is not very sensitive. You..."

Qin Tao smiled and shook his head: "Well, I am too anxious. At present, it is indeed not suitable to use that kind of radar. Let's install our aerospace measurement and control radar first, and deploy a mobile radar vehicle at the same time. As for that kind of radar, wait We’ll talk about it later.”

Wu Shengli frowned: "Are you saying that the range of Asan's Agni missiles will become farther and farther and will seriously affect us? A land-based early warning radar can be deployed here for remote monitoring?"

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, their aerospace technology is also gradually developing. It seems that we have to find a way, just like their aircraft carrier, to dig a few holes for them. However, this kind of thing cannot be rushed, it must be slow Take your time."

People on the plane were chatting, and the plane kept flying southwest. A few hours later, the plane had flown over Siam, and Coco Island was in the distance.

This archipelago looks very beautiful, with lush trees on it, a primitive scene. Qin Tao is full of confidence. He will definitely develop this place in the future and it will become a tourist attraction. What else can the other party choose? prick?

“There are many hills on this island. Just install our aerospace measurement and control radar on the top of the mountain.” Leader Li had already found a suitable location in the sky.

“It’s just that it’s not easy to install on the top of a mountain. How can such a large radar be transported there?”

"This is no problem, we have Mi-26." Qin Tao said: "If necessary, just fly the Mi-26 over."

Helicopters are the best choice for construction on mountain tops. In fact, helicopters can be used for wind turbines, power transmission frames, etc. However, the flight cost of the Mi-26 is too expensive. Ordinary construction is not worth such a big fanfare. Flying is more expensive than driving through the mountains, so of course you have to choose the latter.

 Nowadays, it is very important to develop aerospace measurement and control radar, and we can definitely fly the Mi-26 over.

“The Mi-26 can’t fly that far, right?” Leader Li was still a little worried: “Does it have to be shipped over?”

“Well, it would be more wasteful to fly over directly. You can remove the rotor and put it into a transport plane. Anyway, the runway here has been repaired, so it can be transported over by air.”

 Transport aircraft or helicopter? This is not a fantasy. When the Black Hawk was purchased, in order to reduce the flight hours of the Black Hawk, the country specially modified the Y-8 to be responsible for transporting the Black Hawk to the plateau. It can save a lot of money than flying directly there.

  The hatch under the MA60's wing engine is opened, and the landing gear protrudes from the inside.

This is also a copy of the structure of the An-24. The landing gear is arranged under the engine. In this way, the wheel spacing of the main landing gear is very large, which is convenient for taking off and landing on earthen runways. This kind of aircraft was originally prepared for frontline field airports, and the wheel spacing is too large. If it is small, it will easily flip over, but at the same time, because the landing gear has to bear the impact force when landing, the inner part of the wing must be strengthened, resulting in an overweight wing. This is also a bad thing.

At the airport, a large number of people were already waiting. When the plane stopped, they immediately greeted it.

“President Qin, welcome to Coco Island.” Zhang Donghai walked up, full of excitement.

When the Shuangsha Island Fishing Resort was developed, Lin Liang led the fishermen there and became the first batch of villagers. Zhang Donghai was one of them. They participated in the development of the entire resort and later became the deputy village chief.

Although Coco Island has many missions, it still claims to be engaged in tourism development, so Zhang Donghai came over and became the person in charge here.

Next to him was a burly middle-aged man. He looked like a soldier in every gesture, but he was not wearing a military uniform. He followed Zhang Donghai and extended his hand to greet him: "Welcome all leaders. Please Don’t worry, there won’t be any problems with the security here.”

Kong Lao'er lined up behind them. When he was doing construction in Siam some time ago, Kong Lao'er often met Mr. Qin, so he didn't have any grievances now. After the two people in front of him greeted him, he came up. Looking at Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, our first phase of construction has been successfully completed, and the second phase of construction is proceeding in an orderly manner."

“Well, we saw it in the sky. The airport and dock are well constructed.” Qin Tao said, “By the way, is the power supply still enough?”

“Well, it’s enough. After the dock is built, the nuclear power bank will be installed. Our entire island has sufficient power. The air conditioners in the work sheds where everyone lives are turned off during the day.”

 Nuclear power treasure?

Everyone looked over with surprised eyes, looking at a container not far away. That thing turned out to be a tall nuclear power plant!

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