Warship of Great Power

Chapter 894: dual aircraft carrier formation

"Damn it, no one is really helping us!" After getting the news, Sunil was very angry: "Why can't we get an ally like the East like Lao Ba across the street? Really help wholeheartedly. We are not trying to trick our allies."

"Now, how should we choose?" Alex asked: "If we want to modify this aircraft carrier, we must have a design drawing. If there is no design drawing..."

"Without the design drawings, we can't transform it?" Sunil looked at Alex aggressively: "Our Super Sun King uses a ski jump to take off, and our Blue Sky Guardian also uses a ski jump. Take off, we have accumulated rich experience in building ski jump decks, and our Chaori King was modified based on the original straight bow. How to modify that aircraft carrier, our current aircraft carrier will be the same Modify!”

 Alex frowned and refitted the Super Sun King according to the plan? The jump deck of that aircraft carrier has collapsed!

"Alex, don't disappoint me. Now, we have to let the West take a look. Without them, we can still complete the modification of the aircraft carrier. Our money will not be earned in vain for them. You understand. ?"

Facing Sunil's eyes that seemed to be capable of killing people, Alex had no other choice but to agree: "Yes, if we add one or two thousand tons of jump deck in the front, then we will expand the jump deck in the back. The flight deck area is improved, so that it can maintain balance. Moreover, our own steel company can already roll advanced steel materials such as the flight deck. We do not need to purchase anything from the outside world. We will definitely complete this aircraft carrier. Transformed!"

"That's right, if we weren't trying to get an advanced aircraft carrier as soon as possible, we wouldn't have to purchase French aircraft carriers at all. We would be building the most advanced aircraft carriers ourselves! We have decades of experience in operating aircraft carriers, and we are the most advanced aircraft carrier in Asia. Advanced navy! We can solve this small modification problem ourselves." Sunil was very relaxed: "Besides, you should also know that we didn't spend much money on this aircraft carrier. We bought it for more than one million. The French planned to kill us on the drawings. Now, we must not let their conspiracy succeed! We have to do it ourselves! Even if we mess up, we can't waste much money. If we give the French 800 Wan, if we screw up in the end, we will suffer a big loss, we must not be fooled!"

On board the aircraft carrier Super Sun King, Ah San learned a huge lesson. They also learned from each experience and made the same mistake again. As long as they were not fooled the first time and did not pay more, there would be no chance of it happening again in the future. They had the confidence to increase the money for the second time. After all, the purchase price of this aircraft carrier was very cheap. Even if it was damaged, it would not cost much, which saved them from being in trouble.

Alex nodded: "Yes, we promise to complete the task and not mess it up."

“Report, the aircraft carrier is about to arrive!” At this moment, an adjutant came in to report.

“Great!” Sunil nodded: “Let’s go to the Mumbai naval port together to welcome the arrival of this aircraft carrier. This means the arrival of a great era!”

Alex was a little curious: "Your Excellency Sunil, shouldn't our aircraft carrier go directly to the Cochin Shipyard for modification? What's the point of setting off to the military port now?"

"Of course it makes sense. We want it to form a dual aircraft carrier formation with the aircraft carrier INS Virat. We want to tell the world that the era of dual aircraft carriers in our navy has come again!" Sunil said: "Our aircraft carrier INS Virat will Driving out of the port, together with this purchased aircraft carrier, we will form a dual-carrier formation, and we will take clear photos from the air, and we will tell the world!"

 “Yes!” The assistant hurriedly left.

Sunil’s eyes were full of hope.

 Dual aircraft carriers. How many countries in the world have dual aircraft carriers? Apart from the United States, only the United Kingdom is left! Even France now only has one aircraft carrier left. The strength of our Asan Navy has jumped to the third level in the world!

Ah San has been working hard to build a strong navy. In 1957, the tenth anniversary of Ah San’s independence, the third brother was in a very good mood: I have been independent for ten years, and I have to let the world see my strength. So with a wave of his hand, he spent 15 million pounds to buy back the dignity-class aircraft carrier Hercules from the British, thus becoming the first country in Asia to have an aircraft carrier and named it Vikland. By 1986 At that time, it bought the newly retired British aircraft carrier "Sports God" and named it "Virat", thus forming a dual-carrier formation.

But not long after, the Vikram was decommissioned because it was too old. Ah San was left with a single aircraft carrier. He always felt empty in his heart. He had been busy over the years and bought an aircraft carrier from Lao Maozi. A Kiev-class aircraft carrier was transformed into the 40,000-ton Super Sun King. Who would have thought that this aircraft carrier was a pit? Not only did the boiler explode, but even the flight deck collapsed. Now it is thrown to the side of the dock and has become a scar for them. .

They worked hard and decided to start construction on their own. The Blue Sky Guardian was launched some time ago, which made them very excited. Although it was launched to free up the dock and not for outfitting, it was enough to make them excited for a while.

However, those can't sail after all. Now, the Foch aircraft carrier purchased from France is back. Everything on this aircraft carrier is in good condition, even the catapult is normal. At this time, of course they have to show off. !

"I will board the aircraft carrier Virat, and then take a helicopter to the aircraft carrier Foch. On the aircraft carrier Foch, I will announce that this aircraft carrier has officially joined our navy, and I will give it a new name!" Suni You are in high spirits.

The aircraft carrier Foch braved the wind and waves and sailed on the sea. During its service career, it had almost no experience of coming to the East. After coming to the East this time, it is likely that it will never sail in the Mediterranean again. For it, , this is a one-way voyage, but it is still lucky that it does not need to be dismantled and can still dominate for decades more.

Although the displacement is only more than 30,000 tons, it is an aircraft carrier with a straight deck after all, and it looks very beautiful. Its angled deck seems to have a somewhat large angle with the central axis, but this is okay. In short, it The arrival of Asan's navy can quickly increase the strength of Asan's navy, which is enough.

 Besides, there is nothing to dislike about an aircraft carrier bought for scrap metal.

On the ship island, Asan naval officer Shekar looked at the sea in the distance with excited eyes: "Our fleet is here to greet us! Have you seen it?"

Some not very obvious hull outlines appeared there, and gradually they became clearer. One could see an aircraft carrier with a jump deck, and there were several escorting warships around it, especially two Delhi-class destroyers, 6,700 tons. It has a large displacement, a dazzling array of antennas, and two quadruple anti-ship missiles on each side, making it look majestic.

 “That’s right, it’s our fleet, that’s great!” People around him also shouted.

“Attention, people on the deck get to work quickly. Mr. Sunil is coming by helicopter from the Virat!” Shekhar said excitedly: “He is coming to inspect our warship!”

"What? Why didn't he tell me earlier?" The adjutant's expression changed.

Looking down from the ship island, you can see countless piles of garbage on the deck, including the bottles they drink from, some waste paper, and some spiraling yellow hills. Although there are toilets on the warship, there are many People are used to urinating everywhere and don't even look for tests. Between the two hills, there is a gas stove. There is a chef making flying cakes. The round flying cakes are in his hands. It spun and flew out, and then fell next to the pile of yellow hills. The chef shook his head, picked it up, and put it into a pile of prepared flying pancakes...

Although there is a dedicated kitchen on this aircraft carrier, Asan's chef still likes to cook on the deck, which gives it a unique feel.

"Order them to clean the deck of the warship within five minutes! Immediately, immediately!" Shekar roared angrily.

Sunil was in a good mood. He looked at the aircraft carrier returning from the distance on the island of Virat and the black smoke coming out of the carrier's chimney. He felt satisfied for a while. This aircraft carrier was not There will be problems, as long as the jump deck is modified, it will be able to serve!

“Almost, is the helicopter ready?”

“Get ready, there are two photographers on the helicopter, one will follow you to shoot on the aircraft carrier, and the other will shoot the scene in the sky when our aircraft carriers meet and then form a formation.”

Sunil nodded: "Okay, let's set off!"

A Sea King helicopter took off from the deck of the aircraft carrier and flew towards the aircraft carrier Foch on the opposite side. Looking down in the sky, you can clearly see the layout of the angled deck and the clear marking lines on the deck. The state of the aircraft carrier is the best they have ever seen.

"If this aircraft carrier still operates the original carrier-based aircraft, it should be able to be used directly." Sunil said approvingly: "However, we need to make it have stronger combat effectiveness and be more advanced than the Eastern aircraft carrier. !”

"That's right, the American Super Hornet will come over soon for us to test." The adjutant on the side said: "This is the most advanced heavy fighter, and its performance is much more powerful than the Eastern Su-33."

Eastern's carrier-based aircraft should be the J-15, which has little to do with the Su-33, but in Asan's eyes, those aircraft are just imitations of the Su-33.

“What are those people doing on the deck?” As he got closer, Sunil could see the deck more clearly. He saw a row of people slowly moving forward there.

"It should be cleaning the deck. This is a routine inspection, but they don't wear colored vests."

Sunil nodded.

When he saw the Sea King helicopter flying over, Shekhar, who had already arrived on the deck, was a little worried. The deck had not been cleared yet, but he hoped that the helicopter pilot could choose the right place.

 The helicopter must land near the ship island, there is no need to go to the bow or stern of the ship.

Sure enough, the Sea King helicopter landed steadily in the cleaned landing area in front of them, landing accurately within the circle, which reflected the excellence of the pilot. After Sunil and a large group of officers came down, the helicopter took off again and began to take pictures of the final scene. Precious picture.

“Report, fortunately, we have returned with the aircraft carrier Foch!” Shekhar stepped forward and saluted Sunil.

"Welcome back. Now, on behalf of the motherland and the navy, I rename this aircraft carrier Vikramaditya! I hope this aircraft carrier can become the most powerful aircraft carrier in our navy and fulfill the needs of the navy!"

 (Vikramaditya is actually the transliteration of Super Sun King, but I really don’t know what to name it, so let’s just call it this. The Blue Sky Guardian will be renamed Vikrant in the future.)


"I hope this aircraft carrier..." Sunil wanted to say something else, but suddenly he smelled a scent: "Your food is good, are you making flying pancakes?"

Shekhar looked embarrassed: "We didn't know you were coming, so..."

"It doesn't matter. You are coming back on the vast sea. Of course you have to eat along the way. Where is this flying cake?"

Shekar could only point to the inside of the ship island, where they had just moved the gas stove.

“Okay, let me go over and take a look.” Sunil walked in enthusiastically, and then saw the confused chef and a pile of baked pancakes next to him.

Sunil picked up one and looked at the things on it: "This one has been smeared with curry sauce? Not bad, not bad, let me have a taste."

The chef wanted to stop him, but it was too late. Sunil took a bite, and then he felt something was wrong with the taste: "What kind of curry sauce is this? You are so pitiful, floating all the way on the sea, this curry sauce has gone bad. But we are about to enter the harbor next, and you can go to the shore to have a big meal."

 Sunil spit out the flying pancake as he spoke, turned to look at the photographer aside, and showed a smile.

The photographer knew that the part about vomiting needed to be cut out, and only the approachable scene of the great Lord Sunil was shown: the scene of eating flying pancakes and then finishing them.

Shekhar quickly handed over a bottle of water. Sunil drank a few sips and rinsed it off. For some reason, he still felt a strange taste in his mouth and felt like vomiting. He endured it and went to the ship island.

"The French dismantled some equipment, but kept some for us." Shekhar introduced the layout of the island to Sunil: "When we go back, we can install the equipment prepared for the domestic aircraft carrier island. Just come up here and buy some more.”

“Well, I just don’t know if we have space to install our four-sided phased array radar.” Sunil said: “The Easterners have a four-sided phased array radar on their aircraft carrier, and we must have it on our aircraft carrier as well.”


"Woo, woo!" At this moment, the aircraft carrier Virat sailing in the distance sounded its whistle, and the whistle was also sounded immediately here as a tribute. After that, the Virat began to turn, and the renamed Vikramaditya formed an aircraft carrier formation.

From the helicopter in the sky, the photographer captured the spectacular scene.

 The two aircraft carriers raced side by side, forming a beautiful dual-carrier formation. On the left and right sides of the two aircraft carriers were two powerful Delhi-class destroyers, and there were several Type 12 frigates in the front and rear. The entire aircraft carrier formation was majestic.

"Our Asan Navy has the strongest dual-carrier formation in Asia, and we are capable of responding to any crisis!" Sunil was confident: "Whether it is the Indian Ocean or the Pacific, or any potential opponent, we have deterrence!"

This picture was spread all over the world along with the radio waves of TV stations. For a time, the media all over the world were exclaiming.

 Ah San’s navy has become more powerful!

 The number one naval power in Asia!

 Asan Navy ranks among the top three in the world!

 East, gray building.

Wu Shengli held the newspaper in his hand and looked at Qin Tao with complicated eyes: "Taozi, you pushed for this, right? Ah San has now become a dual-carrier formation, and their self-confidence has reached its peak. They are number one in Asia." , our navy’s aircraft carrier, when will it be put into service as soon as possible, and we can also organize a dual aircraft carrier for fun?”

Qin Tao shook his head: "It's early. Why rush? We're still outfitting. The sea trials haven't even started yet."

“Then what you did was unethical and you couldn’t give the navy an explanation?”

"What do you have to say?" Qin Tao teased Qin Xue while chatting with his father-in-law: "The French asked them for eight million US dollars in design fees, but they did not agree and decided to modify the bow to fly to the deck themselves. Dad , do you think they can do it on their own?"

"This shouldn't be difficult, right?" Wu Shengli pondered for a moment: "The Blue Sky Guardian they built themselves already has a jump deck, and it uses their own deck steel. They should be able to complete the bow deck themselves. Transformation.”

"Then what? The bow of the ship will be jumped onto the deck and welded on, which will probably increase the weight by one or two thousand tons."

Wu Shengli's eyes lit up: "Then the aircraft carrier was lower in the front and higher in the back? No, such a simple problem, the technicians at Ah San can also think of it, right? It will definitely be solved."

 “Of course, they must solve it, but how do they solve it?”

Wu Shengli thought for a moment: "The best way is to weld one to two thousand tons of steel plates at the back, preferably the flight deck. This should also increase the deck area and the number of parked aircraft."

"Then what?"

"Then they should have discovered that after such modifications, the aircraft carrier is too heavy, shakes too much, and is at risk of sinking in strong winds and waves. So their aircraft carrier can only go to sea when the weather is calm?" Wu Shengli finally understood. , this aircraft carrier will also become useless. It cannot go to sea when there are storms, so what kind of combat effectiveness does it have?

Qin Tao smiled: "Although the French navy also has the need to sail around the world, and although they also have territorial waters in the Atlantic, their navy pays more attention to the interests of the Mediterranean. Their fleet often operates in the Mediterranean, and the aircraft carrier Foch is also used to the Mediterranean. The wind and waves are calm, but it is already outdated now. It has been refitted and it will definitely not be able to adapt to the rough waves of the Indian Ocean. We can just watch the excitement from the sidelines."

Wu Shengli nodded: "In this way, we don't need to be too anxious. However, the Americans recently sold them the Super Hornet carrier-based aircraft. The performance of this carrier-based aircraft is not low. I heard that it will go to Asan soon. Tested there.”

"Really? This is really good news." Qin Tao said: "They'd better place an order from the United States and purchase dozens of them."

Wu Shengli frowned: "Is this still good news? They use the Sea Harrier, which is useless. They use the MiG-29K, which has backward avionics and no deterrence. But if they use the Super Hornet, it is really Our threat.”

"Don't worry, they can't use it. They purchased dozens of them and then found out they couldn't use them. That's what they call good-looking."


“Because the lift is not big enough.”

This hole has been dug for Ah San a long time ago, but Ah San still doesn’t know it.

Ah San independently built the Blue Sky Guardian, but this aircraft carrier was designed by Lao Maozi. Although it was changed to a side elevator, its width is only 30 feet, or 9.12 meters. This size is specially designed for the MiG-29K To be exact, this aircraft is 7.92 meters long with the wings folded and is 17.3 meters long.

The length is okay, at worst you can stick out the nose or tail of the plane, but the width is not enough and it will definitely get stuck when you go up, or even break both ends of the wings.

 Nor other planes.

 The Yankee Super Hornet is 18.31 meters long. It is 9.32 meters long with the wings folded, so it cannot be used at all! On the other hand, the Rafale fighter jets actively promoted by the French have wings that cannot be folded and a wingspan of 10.97 meters.

 So, after the Blue Sky Guardian was built, Ah San enthusiastically put the purchased Super Hornet on it, and then he was surprised to find that his elevator was not big enough and could not be operated at all!

Although the deck can also accommodate aircraft, the deck cannot be maintained. The aircraft cannot be disassembled and repaired in the open air. If the deck shakes, the parts will fall into the sea. Maintenance can only be done in the hangar, not out of the hangar. Then The ____ does not work.

 Expand the lift?

 The hull has been built and the sizes of various openings have been determined. It is not easy to re-cut them to larger sizes. If there is some stress effect, it is possible for the hull to break.

Isn’t the elevator of the French aircraft carrier Foch not big enough?

"The length of the Foch lift is 16 meters and the width is 10.97 meters. Don't even think about using it with the Rafale, otherwise they will have the same score when docked. The Super Hornet needs to be used with caution. There are about eight meters left at both ends. Ten centimeters." Qin Tao said: "However, the deck area of ​​the Foch aircraft carrier is not large enough. The weight of the Super Hornet is more than 20 tons. By the time it stops, it is estimated that it has almost reached the front end of the angled deck."

When the French Charles de Gaulle operated the E-2C, they would find that they were too close to the angled deck when landing, so they had to lengthen the angled deck to ensure safety, and it also needed to be easy to maneuver.

 Where is the Foch?

The deck area is not as large as that of the Charles de Gaulle, so it will be even more difficult to operate. Even if you can hook the arresting cable and land, the maneuvers on the deck will be extremely difficult. Ah San bought the fighter jet at a high price, but found it useless in the end. It's interesting to think about that scene.

 Actually, if it is just an ordinary Bumblebee, it is 8.38 meters after folding, which is actually enough size for a lift. But the problem is that Asan doesn’t like it. There is a Super Hornet, why do you need an ordinary Bumblebee?

Spent billions on procurement, but in the end it could not be put on a ship and could only be used on land. Only Asan in the world could do this.

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