Warship of Great Power

Chapter 889: Canal officially opened

Chapter 889 The canal is officially opened

“Of course it’s easy to get blocked.” Qin Tao said: “Although the Malacca Strait is relatively wide, its traffic volume is also large. The number of ships passing through the Malacca Strait every year is three times that of the Suez Canal and five times that of the Panama Canal.”

“Mr. Qin, at its narrowest point, its width is dozens of times that of other canals.” Lakour still didn’t believe it. Although Mr. Qin is authoritative, he and Mr. Qin are already good friends, so of course you have to ask if you don't understand.

"Yes, the width is dozens of times, but the depth is not. In many places in the Strait of Malacca, the depth is only 25 meters. As long as there is a sunken ship, it will block the channel, especially if you don't know where the sunken ship is. At that time, do you think those freighters would take risks and try their luck?"

 LaCour's eyes lit up.

"Furthermore, because the water flow there is gentle, it is easy to cause sedimentation. You can look at the maps in recent years and see if you can find that many shoals and even sandbars have been added to the Strait of Malacca. When large ships pass through, It’s easy to run aground, and if a few bulk carriers accidentally leak their cargo on the waterway, it will probably form a hill, right?”

Some things require the Zhang Zhong Talk program, and some things do not. In order to avoid making enemies, Qin Tao still has no intention of letting the Zhang Zhong Talk program report these things, so as not to cause trouble for himself. However, Siam does not have this worry, and must Publicize this matter and let the other side take action. If you dare to block our canal, we will not be polite and block the Strait of Malacca.

Moreover, the Kra Canal in Siam is man-made, and they have the right to decide who comes and who does not come. However, the Strait of Malacca is natural and any ship can enter it. They have no way of guarding against it. If this really happens, This kind of thing is an accident. The insurance company will compensate. Of course, it will only compensate the ship. The insurance company will definitely not compensate for the losses of a certain country caused by the interruption of the strait.

At this time, after hearing these suggestions from Qin Tao, Lakour also opened his mind: "We can also leak an oil tanker, and the spread of crude oil will be enough to cover the shipping route of the Strait of Malacca, and other ships will not dare to come over. "

 Leaking a tanker? This will lead to serious environmental pollution and ecological disaster. Qin Tao frowned and said nothing more. This suggestion was not made by him. What Rakul wanted to do had nothing to do with him.

"In addition to these, there are pirates." Qin Tao continued his thoughts: "Everyone knows Somali pirates. In fact, there are many pirates in Malacca. At their peak, they accounted for one-third of the world's piracy incidents. .”

The Strait of Malacca is relatively narrow, and there are many ships passing through it, so the ships are very dense, and there are many small islands along the way. Under the influence of these factors, the Strait of Malacca has become the most suitable sea area for pirates to survive. There have been many pirates in history, but now, although Not very famous, but as long as someone is pushing behind it, Malacca pirates will develop.

By then, coastal countries will also be in trouble. No matter what, pirates are rampant and they will have no income. No matter what, then the navies of other countries will have reason to cruise in these waters and protect their fleets. As for themselves? The navies of several countries along the way simply cannot afford to fight against the numerous pirates.

Lakul nodded: "Qin, your method is really good. With these methods, we can easily restrain them and prevent them from acting rashly!"

The problem of pirates is not a problem for the Kingdom of Siam. Although there are a large number of islands on both sides of the Kra Isthmus, they are so close to the Kingdom of Siam and cannot hide pirates at all. Besides, the Kingdom of Siam relies on tourism to develop, and many islands are occupied. Once developed, there is no need to be a pirate at all. It is much more comfortable to just lie down on the island and make money than to be a pirate.

Even if there are pirates, Siam is not afraid. They have a powerful naval fleet. In addition to the 10,000-ton aircraft carrier, they will also order 075. Wherever there are pirates, they will be destroyed.

The Strait of Malacca is under the jurisdiction of several countries. Due to joint management, it has resulted in a "don't care zone", which is somewhat similar to the Golden Triangle.

LaCour admires these methods proposed by Qin Tao very much. Mr. Qin is Mr. Qin, he can come up with such a good method!

During the conversation, the convoy drove from the airport to the canal area. When entering here, you can find that the defense is tight. Not only has the canal been dug, but special barriers have also been erected fifty meters away on both sides of the canal. Ordinary people Want to be close to the canal? no way!

 Soldiers with live ammunition patrolled back and forth to prevent various accidents. There were only a few retractable bridges spanning both sides of the canal to meet the needs of north-south transportation.

 Qin Tao looked outside through the observation hole and was very satisfied with the project here.

Ranong, this is the starting point of the canal excavation and the place where the ceremony was held. A large group of people were already waiting here. When Qin Tao and others came, Qiu Taxin's helicopter also arrived, and both parties arrived almost at the same time.

"President Qin, you are welcome to attend the opening ceremony of our canal." Qiu Daxin said to Qin Tao excitedly: "Before the half-year deadline was up, the canal was completely excavated, and the surrounding protection work was also done. , It’s really rare! We would like to express our gratitude to the Mingzhou Group’s infrastructure engineering team. At the same time, at the ceremony, we will also issue an additional reward, which is not a large amount, just to show our appreciation.”

 “Thank you.”

“They still need to stay here and build us ports, railways, refineries, etc. on both sides. We look forward to the completion of these facilities, and our country of Siam will continue to develop into an industrial country.”

“Of course.” Qin Tao nodded.

 The canal project is just the beginning, and other projects will follow. As a result, Siam will develop, and its relationship with the East will be closer, and the maritime transportation routes in the East will be safer.

Although land oil pipelines have been opened and railways are under construction, the cost of land transportation is very high after all. It can be said that land transportation is to ensure that it can continue to be used after a breakup, while sea transportation is a method that is widely used under normal circumstances. .

Kong Laoer had been waiting nearby for a long time. Now that he saw Qin Tao coming to chat with the big shot, he was too embarrassed to go there. It wasn't until they came over that Kong Laoer excitedly shook hands with Qin Tao: "Mr. Qin, we We have lived up to your expectations and completed the canal excavation earlier than originally planned!”

“Well, everyone has worked hard. Next, we must continue to carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and tiredness, continue to work hard here, continue to build infrastructure, and let the whole world see our Eastern speed.”


Qin Tao looked around and suddenly spotted several vehicles carrying thick pipes in the distance, with excitement on his face: "The anti-ship missiles have also been deployed?"

Below is an 8*8 wheeled chassis, which is about the same size as a Scud missile launcher. Behind the double-row cab, there is a special compartment, which contains the missile operating equipment room. Behind it, there are three A huge cylinder.

Yes, there are only three. Because the C602 anti-ship missile is too big, its diameter has increased to 0.54 meters. With other accessories, the launch tube needs to be about one meter in diameter. At the same time, the length of the missile is also 6.8 meters. , the launch tube would need to be more than seven meters.

Such a huge missile is now standing at the mouth of the canal. I don't know if it is for posing or if it will stay for a long time in the future. Its triple launch tube has also been tilted at 30 degrees under the action of hydraulic legs. It looks like Majestic.

"Yes, this is the equipment we received from your first anti-ship missile battalion. We deployed it on both sides of the canal. The targets in the sea area three hundred kilometers ahead are all within our strike range, especially To the west, if there are still people who dare to shout that they want to come over for exercises, then we will also announce the holding of maritime anti-ship exercises." Lakour said proudly: "Mr. Qin, this anti-ship missile is too domineering. We will need to use it in the future. It is equipped on our warships!"

With a range of 300 kilometers and a warhead of 400 kilograms, the performance of this large missile is quite advanced and is enough to deter many opponents. A defective aircraft carrier like Ah San can be severely damaged by one missile and can be sunk by two missiles!

At this time, after hearing what Lakul said, Qin Tao nodded: "Of course, your Siamese navy will also develop stronger in the future and better control this sea area."

It would be good to find an opponent for Ah San, so that Ah San will not have to compete with Lao Ba. In the future, Ah San will also encounter strong challenges in the east. An aircraft carrier formation like Ah San will simply not be able to survive in front of the C602.

"However, anti-ship missile forces are not enough. This is the target that you need to protect in the future. I think you also need to have strong air defense forces." Qin Tao said: "Professional long-range air defense missiles should be deployed here. If you If necessary, we can export the Hongqi-9 missile system to protect your safety."

LaCour's eyes lit up: "Really? That's really great!"

Dongfang’s Hongqi-9 missile is a professional regional air defense missile and the main air defense weapon of the Dongfang Navy. With the protection of this kind of air defense missile, this place will be safer.

Domestic HQ-9 has developed to HQ-9A, and the more advanced HQ-9B is expected to come out in the future. Navy warships will of course choose to carry the latest missiles. As for the outdated HQ-9 prototype missiles, of course they can be exported to earn foreign exchange to clear inventory. .

 They are already full of confidence in Dongfang, and they don’t need to bid or anything, they can just purchase directly.

Qiu Daxin also nodded: "Yes, we need to purchase the most advanced weapons from the East to further deepen our relationship with the East."

A few people were walking while talking, and before they knew it, they had reached the booth where the canal navigation ceremony was held.

“Mr. Qin, do you want to come up and tell us a few words?”

Qin Tao looked around and frowned: "I think it would be better to install four sides of tempered bulletproof glass around the podium."

"Mr. Qin, is this not necessary? We have already put the entire area within a kilometer under martial law." Rakul was somewhat disapproving.

“Then do you know the longest sniping distance of a high-precision sniper rifle on the battlefield?” Qin Tao asked.

The other person shook his head.

"Currently, it is already two thousand meters away. In the future, it may be able to be raised to three thousand meters away. However, we cannot search in the mountains one thousand meters away."

 Next to Ranong is Myanmar. People here can stand guard and search for all targets, but it is impossible to cross the border.

"Two thousand meters? How is this possible?" Rakul opened his eyes in surprise.

Qin Tao smiled: "How is it impossible? If you haven't experienced high-precision sniper rifle shooting, you will think it is a fantasy. Once you experience it, you will know that you are a frog in the well."

 This point is most felt by Eastern soldiers.

During the war years, many sharpshooters were born in the country. The rifles at that time could kill an enemy five hundred meters away with one shot. It was not simple. It was a miracle of bolt-action rifles. Later, after the rise of automatic rifles, the range of It shrank to within three hundred meters.

  There was no professional sniper rifle in China for a long time. Later, I seized Lao Maozi’s SVD on the battlefield and copied the sniper rifle. I felt that the accuracy was already very good.

However, when participating in foreign competitions with domestically produced 88 snipers, all the carefully selected fighters were eliminated. Only then did everyone realize that it was not that their skills were not good, but that the rifles in their hands were too high on the hips. Western sniper rifles The accuracy is so high that it’s unbelievable!

The 88 sniper, which can only use machine gun ammunition, is not considered a sniper rifle at all in the eyes of others. It can only be called a precision shooter rifle at most. Lao Maozi's SVD is also positioned in this way. It just extends the fire range of the infantry squad. There is no setting for accurately sniping enemies from a long distance.

The American Barrett has repeatedly set a record of killing enemies from a distance of two thousand meters on the battlefield. Of course, this is not the best. The TAC50 has set a record of killing enemies from a distance of more than three thousand meters. Although some people do not agree with it and feel that There is moisture in this. But sniping from two thousand meters away is appropriate.

 Now you are fine being surrounded by a group of bodyguards, but when you talk there later, you may be in danger.

“Well, during the safety period, we should install tempered glass protection, but it’s too late to find it now, right?”

"We have it in the dormitory at the construction site." Kong Laoer said immediately: "We can install it in half an hour."

 “Okay, then wait for half an hour!”

 Everyone looked with some surprise as the people from the East removed the glass from the shower room on their construction site and moved it over to install it. Some people began to shake their heads: Can such a piece of glass still stop bullets?

 At most, it is just a comfort to the heart. However, since Mr. Qin said so, let’s follow Mr. Qin’s advice for the time being and give him face.

 Most people still don’t agree with it in their hearts.

There are more than a dozen shower rooms, which not only protect the platform for speaking, but also protect the passages, all the way to the bottom of the platform. The workers quickly installed it and quickly scraped the glass clean. The glass was not visible at all under the camera. , to facilitate subsequent recording.

 The sun gradually rose above the head, and under the sunshine, the canal opening ceremony finally began.

Qiu Daxing walked towards the podium enthusiastically, and some reporters began to appear on the scene. In front of the podium, a camera was also pointed there.

“Dear viewers and guests, today is an important day. After hard work, we have finally completed the construction of the Kra Canal. This canal is of great significance to shipping around the world. Its navigation can save global shipping several billions of dollars. A thousand-meter route can save costs for transportation companies, bring cheaper goods to users, and reduce carbon emissions. This is a huge contribution that Siam has made to the world economy and the world environment!"

“This is just the beginning. Next, we will develop port transportation business and petrochemical projects. Our current pillar industry in Siam is tourism, but in the future, we will develop into an industrialized power!”

 There was a round of applause.

Countless bodyguards were watching what was going on around them, while soldiers further away were guarding vigilantly. They knew that at this time today, any accident could happen.

Suddenly, a guarding soldier felt some pain in his eardrums. He turned his head in surprise and looked at the hillside behind him, but before he could recover, the terrible bullets were flying past him with the impact of the airflow. Pass.


He didn't hear the gunshot because the speed of the bullet was much faster than the speed of sound. At this time, he opened his mouth and wanted to shout something, but before the words could come out, a bullet had already flown to the rostrum. superior.

At this moment, as if he had a premonition of something, Qiu Daxin's pupils suddenly dilated, and he saw a spinning bullet shooting towards him. At this moment, he seemed to be frightened, and he could not move his body at all. , and there was no time to react. After all, this happened in an instant.


 The bullet hit the glass in front of him, and a pattern with the bullet as the center appeared on the glass, which looked very beautiful.

Qiu Daxin's brain was still in a state of death when a figure ran over and grabbed him: "Run!"

Only then did Qiu Daxin react. He looked up and his face was full of gratitude: Mr. Qin, Mr. Qin actually risked his life to save him!

 Other bodyguards are not as responsive as Mr. Qin!

 He followed Qin Tao and continued running along the glass passage.


There was another crisp sound, and another bullet hit the glass. Weirdly, the glass actually blocked it again!

As the glass blossoms, the patterns begin to change, pop, pop, blooming one after another, but it is meaningless.

It cannot penetrate the glass, so it cannot harm the people behind it. The key to sniping is one word: quick. If you miss a hit, you need to evacuate, because there will be no chance next time.

Countless soldiers have reacted, and the officers guarding nearby have also reacted. They looked at the direction where the bullets came from and shouted loudly: "Fire back!"

Qiu Daxin was even more furious: "Where are the tanks? Aim the tank guns there quickly!"

 The profession of sniper sounds very impressive and kills people invisible. In fact, it is a very difficult profession. Not only do you have to lurk for a long time, you have to find an escape route in advance, but you also have to face enemy counterattacks at any time.

  No matter how powerful a sniper rifle is, what’s more powerful than a cannon? Generally, the weapons used to deal with snipers are cannons, so snipers often self-deprecatingly add two words in front of them: cannon fodder sniper.

 The target is located two thousand meters away. The weapons in the hands of ordinary soldiers do not have that far range, but the tank gun can definitely shoot directly with ease!

At this time, Qin Tao had dragged Qiu Daxin to the bodyguards, and then continued to run towards the armored vehicle. When Qin Tao took Qiu Daxin into the armored vehicle, he let out a long breath, and then heard To the sound of tanks moving.

"Don't fire, you have already crossed the line. If you fire, it will affect our canal." Qin Tao said.

Qiu Daxin’s eyes were extremely sharp: “Damn, that means our canal will be shrouded in this kind of shadow at any time in the future?”

"Of course not." Qin Tao shook his head: "Just say hello to the other side, or send special forces over to clean it up. However, the impact of shelling is too bad, so it's still not possible."

Qiu Daxin nodded: "Who did it this time?"

Qin Tao shook his head: "How do you know? Even if you catch that **** guy, you may not know who did it. However, similar things may not happen in the future. After all, the other party's target is you."

Qiu Daxin is the most staunch supporter of the canal project. As long as he is killed, the project will be seriously affected. Even if the canal is opened, there will be no peace.

Qiu Daxin almost sacrificed his own blood for the canal, but now he was naturally gnashing his teeth with hatred: "Humph, it must be those guys behind the scenes, but they will never stop our canal project! Now that the canal has been opened, next , it’s time for navigation!”

Although the ceremony is not over yet and the subsequent ribbon-cutting has not been carried out, the opening is the opening, and it is time to open for business next.

On the sea outside Ranong, a fleet of ships had been waiting for a long time. At this time, after receiving the news, the fleet slowly sailed towards the canal.

There is no height difference here, and there is no need for ship locks. It is just not wide enough for two-way navigation. It is still very spacious for ships to pass alone.

 The first ship was a 100,000-ton oil tanker. It entered the canal with a big belly. On the bridge, the pilot was working seriously, but the crew was looking around, full of freshness about everything.

When they saw the anti-ship missiles placed at the mouth of the canal, they all felt very fresh, but when they saw the podium over there, they became curious again: What's with those patterned glasses?

Soon, a piece of news reached their ears.

“There was a sniper assassination at the opening ceremony, but the glass managed to stop the bullets!”

 “This is impossible, how can glass stop bullets?”

“That’s right, it’s blocked. The quality of glass produced in the East is top-notch!”

●This incident had a great impact, but what no one expected was that the glass produced by Dongfang became famous.

This is not specialized bulletproof glass, it is just ordinary laminated tempered glass. This glass blocked the bullets of the sniper rifle. This is simply unbelievable!

 (End of this chapter)

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