Warship of Great Power

Chapter 887: General Mikoyan who committed suicide

Chapter 887: General Mikoyan committed suicide

"The biggest advantage of ducted blades is to protect the rotor. When flying and fighting at ultra-low altitudes, this kind of ducted blades can better protect the blades by relying on external devices, and at the same time it can increase the percentage of Several thrust outputs.”

This is just like a submarine. It uses a pump spray and wraps it around the outside. The thrust can be increased because this duct has a gathering effect.

 When ordinary helicopters are flying, they must always pay attention to the situation ahead. If the propeller hits something, the aircraft may be destroyed and people will be killed. The ducted helicopter makes it easier to protect yourself.

 Actually, the ducted type also has some problems, such as the impact of airflow, etc., but this is not something Qin Tao considers. He just wants to popularize these things.

“Yes, this plan can also be considered.” Ivan nodded again: “But we don’t have technology reserves. If you have them, we really have to obtain technology from you.”

“This is something we need to consider later. Now we can just develop the tilting propeller solution.”

The atmosphere of the meal was harmonious. After finishing the meal, Qin Tao waved to Xu Zhengyang. Xu Zhengyang opened his briefcase and took out a stack of envelopes.

“Everyone, these are some small thoughts from our Mingzhou Group.”

Jishenko was the first to take it, and when he opened it, his face was full of smiles. There were ten one-hundred-dollar bills inside!

 “Mr. Qin, you are so polite!”

Others also opened it one after another. Although they only had eight cards inside, eight hundred US dollars was still a huge amount of money for them.

 After getting the money, everyone’s face was filled with smiles. Even Ivan was no longer entangled and was looking forward to the next trip to the East.

 The matter was successfully completed!

After sending these people away, Nikolai said with a smile on his face: "Qin, you are still the best. Before Qin came, they said they were unwilling to go to the East. They said all day long that this is their technology and cannot be leaked."

"No matter how good the technology is, it must be developed. With their capabilities, they simply cannot complete the research and development. If it weren't for our cooperation, this tilt-rotor aircraft would never have been developed, and the Mili Design Bureau would never have developed it." It will continue to decline, just like the Mikoyan Design Bureau."

Nicholas nodded: "Yes, there are always some people who hold on to so-called technical secrets. This concept should have changed long ago. Especially our domestic companies, the mergers between them are also full of hostility, Mikoyan Design The bureau is no longer able to operate. The superiors have always planned for Sukhoi to merge with the Mikoyan Design Bureau, but the Mikoyan Design Bureau resisted."

 Speaking of these, Nikolai is no longer able to complain. Mikoyan Design Bureau cannot even pay wages, but Sukhoi Design Bureau is doing well. In this way, Mikoyan Design Bureau does not want to merge.

Mikoyan's background brought him aura, especially in the jet age. In comparison, the Sukhoi Design Bureau was unknown. However, after the collapse of the Red Empire, the Sukhoi Design Bureau relied on the Su-27 to achieve great success. However, the Mikoyan Design Bureau was discredited due to the failure of the MiG-29 and was in a difficult situation. After they could not compete with the Yak Design Bureau in the training aircraft project, they were completely marginalized.

 So there are many legends about the merger of the Sukhoi Design Bureau and the Mikoyan Design Bureau.

As early as 2006, when Damao Aviation Manufacturing Group was established, there was talk that the Mikoyan Design Bureau was merged. Later in 2009, Damao announced again that the president of Sukhoi Company was also the president of Mikoyan Company. This was also considered There are signs of mergers, and it is believed that the once glorious Mikoyan Design Bureau is no longer glorious. MiG's voice no longer exists in the world and keeps appearing.

 However, in 2019, there was a new statement: In the field of sixth-generation aircraft, Mikoyan Design Bureau may be about to usher in a turnaround! They have all been merged, and there are no MiGs left in the world. Where is the fight for a turnaround? This news shows that the two parties are still independent. Although they are both in the same Damao Aviation Manufacturing Group, looking at the list, the presidents of both parties are still independent.

On the one hand, the Mikoyan Design Bureau does not want to be merged, and on the other hand, the Sukhoi Design Bureau does not want to be merged. Neither side has the will, and only the government is forcing it.

Qin Tao nodded: "For proud aircraft designers, they would rather the design bureau disappear than be merged. However, there is still hope for the Mikoyan Design Bureau."

 “What hope?”

"Jointly research and develop with Ah San." Qin Tao said: "As long as we can find Ah San to provide funds, we can let them live a prosperous life and regain their past glory. If Ah San can't do it, Parthia can do it too. .”

Nicholas nodded: "Qin, you have a good idea. Let's go to the Mikoyan Design Bureau together."

Qin Tao was a little surprised: "Isn't it a little too late?"

“You should know that those who work in technology are night owls, and they probably haven’t slept at this time.”

 “They still have projects?” Qin Tao was very surprised.

“There is no project, so they can’t sleep even more.” Nicholas said.

Qin Tao smiled: "Okay, let's go over and have a look."

Mikoyan Design Bureau is located in the core area of ​​Moscow. Qin Tao has been here more than once. He remembers that he seemed to have the idea of ​​​​real estate here. If this place is bulldozed and built to build luxury houses, he will definitely make a lot of money.

However, these technical people will certainly not agree. After all, they have left many memories here, and they will never see this place disappear.

Nicholas showed his identity at the door, and the other party immediately let him go. The car drove to the bottom of the office building. You can see that some rooms above are still lit, especially on the third floor, which is the chief engineer's office.

  "Did you see that? I knew they weren't asleep yet. Let's go up and have a chat."

“I remember the last time I came here, the chief commander was Belyakov. Is he still the same now?” Qin Tao asked.

“No, he has retired, and the current commander-in-chief is his former assistant, Alexei Smetanikov.”

In the office, the lights were dim. In order to save electricity bills, Smetanikov replaced the 100-watt light bulb above his head with a 15-watt light bulb. This kind of light is yellowish and has a different artistic conception.

He held a rag in his left hand and a shiny black pistol in his right hand. He wiped it repeatedly, over and over again. He raised his head and looked at everything in the room.

The furnishings were the same as when he first came to the design bureau decades ago. The two ordinary sofas had worn off their leather. The coffee table in the middle of the sofa had a few holes in the covering. The thermos bottle on it was also decades old. Yes, these have been used by generations of chief engineers.

 He ​​still remembered that when he had just reported, in this office, the first chief engineer Artyom Mikoyan had encouraged him as a newcomer, but now, they had no choice but to do so.

He looked at the wall, where there were portraits of several people: Mikoyan, Grevich, Belyakov... These people are all excellent chief engineers, leading the Mikoyan Design Bureau to glory. Now Woolen cloth?

 He is ashamed of these people.

There was a red telephone on the desk. At this time, the concierge was calling to inform him that a guest had arrived. However, the line of the telephone had been unplugged. At this last moment, Smetanikov He didn't want anyone to influence him.

He slowly raised the pistol and pointed it at his head. But he felt that this was not good enough, so he opened his mouth and stuffed the muzzle of the gun into his mouth.

  Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, Chief Engineers, I'm sorry, I don't have the ability to lead the design bureau to glory, this is what I can do.


At this moment, the door was pushed open.

Two people stood at the door, looking at him with surprised eyes.

“General Smetanikov, what are you doing?” Nikolai said: “The thing in your hand is not bread. You can’t eat that.”

Smetanikov turned his head in surprise and looked at the door. Besides Nikolai, there was another figure.

 “Mr. Qin?”

"Ahem, we had dinner and had nothing to do, so we walked around. We passed by here and planned to visit an old friend." Qin Tao said: "General Smetanikov, would you like to take that first?" Put your things down?"

Smetanikov put down his gun and forced a smile on his face: "Welcome, welcome both of you, Mr. Qin, it was you who recommended us to sell the MiG-29K to Asan, which made our Mikoyan Design Bureau go through several years. Years of comfortable life, we always remember your contribution. You are the benefactor of our Mikoyan Design Bureau."

This guy is indeed a sentimental person. How can such a person be a good chief engineer? Qin Tao sighed in his heart, he came here by chance today, but he didn't expect that the time was just right and he met this guy who wanted to commit suicide. Suicide is a sign of weakness. If you commit suicide here, you might as well go to the big boss and force him to give you funds.

However, this matter still cannot be said openly, so as to save this guy from shame.

“No, I’m just going with the flow.” Qin Tao said, “Now, you can continue to cooperate with Ah San.”

“Continue? Asan no longer plans to continue purchasing MiG-29K carrier-based aircraft. In the export market, we have never been able to compete with the Su-27. So far, we have not had an order for another aircraft.”

“But you have research and development capabilities.” Qin Tao said: “Your MiG 1.44 is still the strongest fighter of this era.”

"So what, we can't perfect it on our own. Without regular service, we can't export and make money." Smetanikov had a wry smile on his face.

“Then you should find a big funder to provide you with research and development funds.”

 Big money owner?

Smetanikov’s face was full of expectation: “Mr. Qin, please tell me, who will provide us with research and development funds?”

"Of course it's Ah San." Qin Tao said: "You and Ah San have a good relationship. Last time, you exported a large number of MiG 29K to Ah San. Of course, you can also bring Ah San into the team this time to develop the MiG 1.44. "

“Ah San is not satisfied with the performance of our batch of MiG-29Ks. Now, the French are cooperating with them to promote Rafale fighter jets as carrier-based aircraft. How could Ah San come to develop it with us?”

"How is it impossible? The MiG-29K is only a third-generation aircraft. Your MiG-1.44 is a proper fourth-generation aircraft. It is one generation behind, and it is also a heavy-duty aircraft." Qin Tao said: "Ah San has been trying They have achieved new achievements in the aviation field, and their self-developed LCA is a proof of this. Now, you are recruiting Ah San to join you, and Ah San can only dream of it."

“Impossible, Sukhoi Design Bureau approached Asan, but Asan rejected it.”

“That’s because the Sukhoi Design Bureau is not sincere. If you promise that Asan will share your technology as long as he invests, let’s see if Asan will refuse.”

Smetanikov immediately shook his head: "Share the technology with them? Absolutely not. This is the most advanced technology of our Mikoyan Design Bureau."

"If you don't share, how can Ah San come to join the team? In addition, you have to give Ah San more benefits, such as promising that Ah San can produce independently in their factory in the future, and they even have the power to sell third country.”

 “No, no, this is absolutely impossible, we can’t give them access to a full set of technologies and even produce them independently!”

Nikolai watched the excitement and saw how Qin Tao persuaded the other party. Although this Smetanikov was weak and wanted to commit suicide when he was desperate, he was also very determined. How could he give in on issues of principle?

"You make this promise first, and whether you have to fulfill it later is another matter." Qin Tao said: "At least we have to get Ah San's funds first."

"Mr. Qin, you mean to lie to them? How can this be done? How can we deceive Asan?"

"How can this be called cheating?" Qin Tao was a little helpless: "First invite Ah San to participate in research and development, and everyone will jointly contribute money and technology, for example, each of them will contribute 6 billion U.S. dollars. After Ah San's funds arrive, You found that Ah San has no skills. At this time, you can only take the lead and reduce the subsystems that Ah San is responsible for. Is this normal? When the research and development was completed, you found that the overspending was serious and asked Ah San to continue to increase funding. Ah San refused. If you are willing, then you have no choice but to take back the promised benefits. This is entirely because of Asan’s problem and has nothing to do with your Mikoyan Design Bureau.”

“Mr. Qin, Asan has suffered losses more than once, will they be fooled?” Nicholas couldn’t help but ask.

On the aircraft carrier Super Sun King, Ah San was deceived severely. Ah San should have grown a brain. Can Ah San continue to be deceived now?

"An aircraft carrier is an aircraft carrier, and a fighter plane is a fighter plane. In the field of fighter planes, Ah San has a big shortcoming. They have long been envious of us when they see that we in the East have modern stealth aircraft. Now the Mikoyan Design Bureau has reached out and pulled As soon as Ah San got there, Ah San couldn't help but follow him." Qin Tao said: "If your Mikoyan Design Bureau doesn't take action quickly, then maybe the Sukhoi Design Bureau will come up with a similar plan. It will give Ah San more benefits."

  When talking about Sukhoi Design Bureau, the expression on Tishenko’s face immediately became solemn.

 Can Sukhoi Design Bureau be allowed to take the lead?

Of course not!

“Okay, then we will try to find Asan, but our MiG 1.44 project is still not a stealth aircraft. We once expected plasma stealth technology, but now there are no relevant supporting units for us to develop it.”

"This is simple, you just need to modify the appearance. You know our J-31A, right? Our fighter aircraft achieves improved stealth capabilities through appearance modification. The same is true for your MiG 1.44. This This is also the technology that Ah San needs to pay to help you develop. If everything is ready, what else does Ah San need to invest in? Just let them spend the money to purchase it."

 Jishenko nodded.

 Simply modify the appearance and then improve the stealth performance. This is the simplest solution. You cannot make major changes, otherwise the cost will skyrocket.

“You are using a ventral air intake. This solution cannot use an S-shaped inlet to cover the engine. However, you can also simply modify the shape and use a DSI inlet to cover the blades. The effect is also good.”

 DSI air intake? Ji Shenke said with a grimace: "Mr. Qin, we don't have this kind of technology."

The DSI air inlet is a bulging air inlet. A bulging bag is used to replace the original inlet boundary layer partition and adjustment plate to simplify the weight. Even though it is just a bulging bag, the requirements are very high. The appearance is slightly changed, and the aerodynamics Efficiency will change drastically.

 Only the United States and the East have it in the world, and no other country dares to play this way.

The same goes for Damao. If he could have done it in the era of the Red Empire, he might have been able to figure it out. But now his R&D strength is weak and he simply doesn’t have this capability.

"This is simple. You give me the relevant data and I will help you complete the matching. The processing requires advanced CNC technology. If you can't do it, I can help." Qin Tao said: "Anyway, Ah San is paying for it."

 Mr. Qin came to help, there must be a purpose. It would be ridiculous if such a big person still believed in pure friendship. Now, Qin Tao made his request: to also help with the development and get a share of the pie.

Ji Shenke thought briefly and then nodded: "Okay. Mr. Qin, thank you for your help. You once again saved our Mikoyan Design Bureau from danger."

Qin Tao came over twice and helped twice. Ji Shenke was very grateful.

Qin Tao smiled: "Mikoyan Design Bureau is the most proud design bureau in the Red Empire. We are not willing to see Mikoyan Design Bureau disappear. This is not only your loss, but also the loss of the whole world. In addition to looking for Asan In addition to solving the funding problem, you can also go to Parthia to solve it."

Parthian Kingdom?

 Ji Shenke’s eyes became complicated.

Parthian country already has a self-developed stealth aircraft, and during the test flight, a hairy man appeared next to the aircraft. Because he looked like Mikoyan's designer, the Mikoyan Design Bureau was targeted.

 Now, what does Mr. Qin mean when he mentions this?

“They don’t seem to need our technology, right?” Jishenko asked, don’t think of us as fools.

“Of course they do. They are only developing medium-sized fighters. They still need heavy-duty fighters. Since the Tomcat fighter era, they have been accustomed to operating heavy-duty fighters. They are not satisfied with the existing medium-sized fighters.”

“However, if we cooperate with them, our reputation will be damaged.”

"Compared with reputation and interests, which one is more important?" Qin Tao said: "We have an idiom in the East, and the people in the warehouse know the etiquette. It is impossible for a person who has not enough to eat to pay attention to etiquette, justice and shame. For you, now The most important thing is to get money and survive, and, believe me, having a good relationship with the Parthian Kingdom will also be of great benefit to your future strategy."

  It was already early in the morning when I left Mikoyan Design Bureau. The streets of Moscow were sparsely populated. Occasionally, I could see people on the roadside, looking drunk, not just men, but even women.

“Qin, we are going to your place soon, don’t you plan to stay at my house?” Nicholas asked.

Qin Tao smiled and shook his head: "No, it's not good if our relationship is too close. After all, there are many people watching."

Nicholas nodded, and just as he was about to call Zaitsev, who was driving in front, to stop, he saw a woman holding a wine bottle, wandering over and preparing to cross the road.

Zaitsev put his foot on the brake pedal, trying to slow down and let the drunk woman pass, but then he felt something was wrong. There seemed to be some other drunkards around. They seemed unconscious, but in fact they were A situation of siege formed.

At this moment, without hesitation, he switched his foot from the brake pedal to the accelerator pedal again, and the Mercedes-Benz immediately roared.

 At the same time, he pressed the horn twice.


The woman over there seemed to be frightened and looked over. Suddenly, she was no longer in the drunken state just now, and her body moved aside quickly!

 Everything happened so fast!

Xu Zhengyang, who was riding in the car with him, had already taken out the guy from his waist, ready to deal with any eventuality. However, the car sped quickly and left the street here, and nothing unusual happened again.

"The man just now probably wanted to stop us on purpose, but his motive is unclear. He might just want to rob us on the road, or he might have an ulterior motive." Zaitsev said.

Nikolai's face was gloomy: "Huh, the security in Moscow is too bad. Tomorrow I will go to the relevant departments to criticize them. What do they do for food?"

 Qin Tao sighed helplessly.

"What's wrong? Qin?" Nicholas was a little curious: "Don't worry, I will protect you in Moscow."

"Oh, this is just a small matter, but if the country knows about it, they will definitely protect me. Even if I want to come here in the future, I will have to go through repeated approvals. If those people come for me, forget it. I’m afraid it’s coming for you, or it’s just an ordinary robbery.”

 This is what Qin Tao is worried about.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Xu Zhengyang picked up his mobile phone: "I received an order from my superiors to change my residence."

"Qin, let's go to my house." Nicholas invited again: "Anyway, everyone knows about our relationship."

 “Okay, let’s go.” Qin Tao said with a bitter face.

“Qin, is the help you received at Mikoyan Design Bureau today really just to help them?” Nicholas had more time to spend with Qin Tao, so he continued chatting.

 Of course not!

On the one hand, it is to dig a hole for Asan and make Asan spend another sum of money. On the other hand, it is to prevent Damao from developing the stealth machine. If Asan cooperates with Mikoyan, then the Sukhoi Design Bureau will have no foreign aid. Su- The research and development of 57 will have to slow down.

 After all, with the current situation of Damao, it is definitely not possible to support two projects at the same time.

However, you can’t say these words to Nicholas.

“Of course not, our main purpose is to trick Ah San.” Qin Tao answered directly.

 (End of this chapter)

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