Warship of Great Power

Chapter 884: Globally leading technology

Chapter 884 Globally Leading Technology

 The power system and cost determine the displacement, and the displacement will determine the number of weapons and equipment. Having said all of this, it seems that the prototype of the 055 is already ready: small aspect ratio, four gas turbines, all-electric propulsion, and front and rear vertical hair.

 Next, it seems that only some details are left.

"For our four-sided phased array, I think we can just use the 052D. It uses liquid cooling, has more advanced performance, stronger power, and good endurance. We will add a meter-wave radar at the tail." Wu Shengli said. .

 In his eyes, it seems that all he needs to do is transplant the ones from 052D. After all, they are already mature.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Dad, if that's the case, then our 055 is just a simple enlarged version of the 052. For this 10,000-ton warship, this is a waste."

waste? Is it a waste to spend more than a hundred vertical hair units?

 Everyone is a little confused.

"Take our 052D as an example. It requires a lot of radar equipment, not only electronic systems such as the 4-sided 346A active phased array radar and the 517B air warning radar, but also the 366 over-the-horizon sea search radar. , 1290 navigation radar, 344 fire control radar, etc., as well as various data antennas, our bridge is full of various radar equipment, and it doesn’t look simple at all.”

Everyone opened their eyes and looked at Qin Tao. It was obvious that Mr. Qin was planning to experiment with new technology on this warship. What would it be?

Some of them have already guessed it, but they haven't said it out loud. They are waiting for Qin Tao's introduction.

"When we were working on 052 in the past, we had a lot of headaches about electromagnetic compatibility. We had to peel off cocoons and find problems, and spent a lot of time and energy. But now, we have entered the 21st century, and we have a new Our warships must not continue to use these independent electronic devices. The radar, electronic warfare and communication systems distributed throughout our warships can only complete their own functions. The information integration is not good, the weight and volume are large, and the radar reflection area Big, and there are electromagnetic compatibility problems at any time." Qin Tao looked at everyone: "To solve these problems, we must use specialized ship-based integrated radio frequency technology."

“Is it the same as DDG1000?” someone asked. Sure enough, that’s what Mr. Qin planned to say.

Qin Tao shook his head: "No, it is more advanced than DDG1000. Although this kind of warship claims to have comprehensive radio frequency technology, in fact it only uses dual-band radar. We need to integrate all the antennas into an integrated design and fully integrate them!"

The DDG1000 is particularly advanced. There is almost no protruding radar on the bridge, but it is just hiding the radar inside and not completely integrating it. Its main detection system is a dual-band radar system: X-band SPY-3 Multifunctional radar and S-band SPY-4 search radar.

The former is characterized by excellent low-altitude search performance, especially the ability to detect hypersonic and sea-skimming anti-ship missiles. At the same time, the X-band can also be used as a band for target illumination radar, so it can guide "improved sea-going missiles". Sparrow", "Standard"-2/3 missiles, etc.

The latter is a conventional search radar, playing the role of the original Aegis radar. Of course, these are active phased array systems, which are much better than the passive phased array of Aegis.

In the final analysis, it is just a dual-band radar, and it is all leftovers from our play. Yes, the 346 radar used on our Aegis battleship is originally dual-band. In addition to the large-area S-band radar responsible for searching, In addition, there is also a small area of ​​C-band responsible for irradiation.

“Mr. Qin, do you mean that all our work that requires electronic equipment in a certain band will be handed over to an antenna?” A leader said with difficulty. He couldn't believe this inference. Isn't that too awesome?

"Yes, that's what it means." Qin Tao said: "The idea of ​​this comprehensive radio frequency system is to replace the current large number of antennas with several distributed multi-functional antennas. Simply put, it is an integrated public antenna. We need Adopting a modular open reconfigurable radio frequency sensor system architecture and researching new algorithms to complete function control and resource management, this allows the antenna to simultaneously realize multiple radio frequency functions such as radar, electronic warfare and communications, navigation, and identification, completing Resource Sharing."

 “Can you tell me more specifically?”

 Although the concept has been explained in a very simple way, most people still don’t understand it.

"The key is the bridge. Our integrated bridge requires antennas with four different bands, namely S, With these four different radar antennas, we can complete the electromagnetic radiation needs of all electronic devices."

  Qin Tao began to introduce it to everyone.

"First of all, our main S-band active phased array radar is still arranged in the previous position. The four-sided antenna covers 360 degrees of airspace. It can grasp the conditions of the entire airspace and detect, track, and identify long-range targets. Guiding missile attacks is the core of our warships. At the same time, because this radar is installed in a low position, we also need to integrate the X-band phased array radar at a high position on the main mast."

  Previous shield ships were always criticized for being installed too low and having insufficient early warning capabilities for targets flying at ultra-low altitudes! Europe is even trying to make a fool of itself, have you seen it? Our radar is high! We can better detect ultra-low-altitude targets. So what if you can detect ultra-low-altitude targets at 500 kilometers? You still can't detect ultra-low-altitude targets!

 Okay, now let’s change it. Let’s use two sets. We can take care of both high and low altitudes. Let’s see what else you say. If you have the ability, you can also use two sets.

 Europeans must be incompetent because they are poor. So, just watch Dongfang’s 055!

"Currently, our Hongqi-9 no longer needs target illumination, but our medium-range air defense missiles still need it. Therefore, this X-band radar can undertake low-altitude and ultra-low-altitude target search tasks, and provide our medium-range air defense missiles when needed. The missile provides target illumination tasks, and at the same time, the X-band is also the navigation radar band, and our radar system must also undertake the task of warship navigation."

 Everyone nodded and expressed their support for Qin Tao's introduction.

"Next is the C-band. Although our Hongqi-9 does not need target illumination, it may also need command transmission. This requires a C-band radar to achieve, but our C-band radar not only serves Hongqi-9, it also a more important role.”

 “What does it do?”


  Everyone was shocked when they heard Qin Tao's words.

In the past, ballistic missiles were considered to be weapons that could not be intercepted. They could only enhance their ballistic missile strength and form a dynamic balance. But now, with the development of technology, a certain country has begun the research and development of anti-missile. When they have a single Once you have absolute security, you will be unscrupulous.

 And our side has no choice but to take countermeasures.

On the one hand, it is orbit-changing technology, which improves the attack capabilities of ballistic missiles and renders the opponent's anti-missile weapons ineffective. The other is to have the same interception capabilities. In comparison, the latter is more difficult, but there is no choice.

 The country has started the research and development of anti-missile projects, starting with short-range missiles and later gradually acquiring the interception capability of intercontinental ballistic missiles.

 Compared with land-based ones, sea-based ones have greater advantages, because land-based ones can only intercept ballistic missiles when they are falling, while sea-based ones can intercept ballistic missiles in the middle or even the ascent stage, which is more effective.

If a country also wants to have sea-based interception equipment, it will definitely need advanced warships. This kind of 055 of our own needs to be taken into consideration when developing it!

"Can this C-band be anti-missile?" Someone was curious: "When we were choosing between C-band and S-band, we used the latter because the latter has a longer search distance. If we want to anti-missile, isn't the distance still high?" Is it a lot further?"

The original C-band radar could only achieve a search distance of two hundred kilometers, while the S-band could reach three to four hundred kilometers. Now with the development of technology, it can be expanded to 500 kilometers, which proves the success of the original choice.

What now?

 If it is anti-missile, the distance will have to be increased.

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, we chose the S-band Sea Star radar because of the distance. However, this is the search distance, not the tracking distance. You should know the difference between search and tracking, right?"

When searching, the electromagnetic waves radiated by the T/R component are dispersed, which is equivalent to a light bulb, illuminating the light source to the entire room, while tracking is equivalent to focusing. If the light bulb is installed on the searchlight, a beam of light will fly into the sky. The illumination distance Much further.

“In other words, we still use the S-band to search, and when the target is found, we use the C-band radar antenna to illuminate the target?”

 “That’s right!”

The main radar used on the 055 is still the 346A, but it must be a modified version with a longer detection range. When the target is detected, the C-band radar is used to illuminate the target. Although the area of ​​​​this radar is not large, it can cover all radars. The waves are brought together to fully meet the needs.

“But why do we need to switch the radar?”

"Accuracy." Qin Tao said: "Our S-band radar can only track, but cannot accurately locate and guide missile attacks. Only C-band radar takes into account both accuracy and distance requirements. It is the best choice. Our radar will become An important part of our CNMD, responsible for guiding the final attack."

Everyone nodded.

"Although our anti-missile system has not yet been developed, our warships must make such preparations and install this radar." Wu Shengli nodded: "What you just said, is there a fourth radar? "

"That's right, you just said that you would stick a meter-wave radar antenna in the back. This arrangement is too backward. Our meter-wave radar can also be inherited on the front and assume the role of searching for stealth aircraft. Just like before, the meter-wave radar The S-band radar detects the target and then sends it to our S-band for precise positioning."

The advantage of meter-wave radar is that it can detect stealth aircraft, but the disadvantage is that the error is too large, so it needs to work together, either by forming a network with other warships to form a meter-wave radar array, or by mobilizing the S-band after roughly observing the target location. Radar radiates a large amount of electromagnetic waves, and the reflected echo is larger, so that the specific location can be detected.

 But, can meter-wave radar also have a phased array? In everyone's impression, meter-wave radar antennas are all racks, some are like Yagi antennas, and some are like fly swatters, but I have never seen a phased array style meter-wave radar.

 Everyone is still skeptical about this.

“Mr. Qin, can this meter-wave radar also have a phased array?”

“Of course, don’t doubt the creativity of our military research and development.” Qin Tao said.

“Mr. Qin, this is a glorious and arduous task.”

"Yes, such a glorious and arduous task must of course be handed over to the 14th Institute." Qin Tao said: "I believe they will definitely complete the comprehensive radio frequency technology. Our brand-new 055 warship will also become the world's first Warships equipped with advanced comprehensive radio frequency technology are far ahead of other warships, allowing foreigners to see our strength. Of course, our Mingzhou Group will also cooperate. We are responsible for designing the style of the integrated mast, and they are responsible for To install the radar equipment on it, we first build a model on land."

“This is not easy! Will it delay our 055 development time?” Wu Shengli asked.

"Then it depends on the navy's choice. Of course it will be very fast to transplant the current 052's electronic equipment, but if this is the case, can it still be called a cross-era warship? It needs to be simply enlarged. Or do we want to take the performance to a higher level? When this technology is mature, we can also apply this technology on the islands of our 003 aircraft carrier in the future. It will be much simpler by then."

Qin Tao was afraid that these people would not have the courage, so he simply threw out the 003 aircraft carrier. This was a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and the construction style had to be changed. The design work must be done by the Mingzhou Group. If the navy has no courage now, there will be no advanced aircraft carriers in the future. Aircraft carrier!

“Okay, we need to develop this advanced technology for our 003, but I don’t know how much it will cost.”

"Money is not a problem. Our technology is becoming more and more mature, and the cost of these radar arrays will be getting lower and lower." Qin Tao said: "I also heard that our technology has been marketed, and there are specialized The unit develops and produces this kind of components, and the price of all our radar arrays is cheaper than the British Sampson radar."

The advantage of low cost is once again shown. What we are best at is making high-end Western products at a bargain price!

"Okay, then let's hand over this technology to the 14th Institute for research and development. I hope they won't disappoint us. Now the general parameters of this warship have been determined." Wu Shengli said: "Next, what is your Mingzhou Group? Isn’t it time to give out the design drawings?”



“We haven’t finished talking yet. There are still some equipment that need to be installed on this kind of warship. Since the comprehensive radio frequency system has to be developed, we might as well wait for other projects. This kind of warship is a cross-generational one.”

“You don’t mean the electromagnetic gun, do you?” Wu Shengli frowned. No one knows when that thing will mature!

The electromagnetic gun sounds high-end, has a long range, is powerful, and can even hit satellites. However, it is difficult to develop this brand-new weapon, even more than the electromagnetic catapult. If we wait for the electromagnetic gun to be put on the ship, we still don’t know. How many years will it take, and the Navy's ideal progress is to have this kind of warship **** after 002 enters service?

Qin Tao shook his head: "It's not an electromagnetic gun."

"what is that?"

"Red Flag Ten." Qin Tao said: "Currently, our close defense weapons still have firepower gaps, which need to be filled by Red Flag Ten."

The long-range red flag is nine, the medium-range red flag is sixteen, how close can it be? If you get closer, you have to rely on 730 guns! If the vertically launched Hongqi Sixteen is out of reach, we can only wait until it flies closer and then use the 730 to intercept it!

 This firepower gap in the middle is exactly the attack range of Red Flag Seven, but Red Flag Seven has fallen behind and needs to be replaced with a new short-range missile. This is Red Flag Ten.

Vertical launch gives the missile the ability to attack in all directions, but at the same time, vertical launch also delays the missile for a lot of time. To deal with close-range targets, it must first fly into the sky and then dive down, and some responses are not timely.

 Hence, short-range missiles still need to be launched at an angle.

The tilt-launched Hongqi-7 was once the main anti-aircraft missile of the Navy. This missile has many shortcomings, especially the lack of multi-target attack capabilities. In the increasingly complex maritime environment, the Hongqi-7 is already very old.

 Hongqi 10 was developed under this circumstance. It is a weapon system that competes with Hailam.

The West is more likely to face a saturation strike, and they are also researching tirelessly. In addition to the Aegis system, there is also the Phalanx. They still feel that it is not enough. In the late 1980s, the United States and Germany worked together to tinker with it. The Ram air defense missile was officially equipped in 1993. In more than 180 interception experiments, the success rate exceeded 95%.

Its range is only nine kilometers, which does not need to be too far, but its firepower density is high. The launcher has 24 tubes, which further increases its anti-saturation strike capability.

After that, the Americans continued their efforts and came up with Block1, Block2, etc., especially the infrared focal plane guidance method, which was ignored after launch and had stronger anti-strike ability. They even poked the Phalanx and used the Phalanx's fire control radar. and other equipment, without the help of the warship's own fire control system at all.

 Similar systems are also needed in China! The research and development of Hongqi X has begun, but Qin Tao doesn't know when it will be successfully developed. He just knows that the 055 destroyer needs this kind of advanced short-range protection weapon to further enhance its survivability on the battlefield. After all, it It is much more expensive than 052.

“The research and development of Hongqi 10 is progressing well, and it should be able to catch up with our 055.” A leader said.

Qin Tao nodded: "Then when this warship is designed, it will carry the Red Flag Ten. It is most suitable to place it above the helicopter hangar at the stern. It is responsible for guarding the rear hemisphere. It is in the front, behind the hanging hair, and under the bridge. Putting a 1130mm naval gun is safer."


"Yes, an upgraded version of the 730." Qin Tao continued to introduce: "The close-in defense cannon has been upgraded from 7 to 11 tubes. This should allow the rate of fire to exceed 10,000 rounds per minute. Even if it is this simple close-in defense cannon, we We must also be number one in the world.”

Currently, the world's mainstream close-defense weapons include the American Phalanx, with a rate of fire of 4,500 rounds per minute, and the Dutch goalkeeper system, with a rate of fire of 4,200 rounds per minute. As for the 10,000-round close-defense artillery, there is only Lao Maozi's AK630M2, but , the plan used by Lao Maozi is relatively simple: merge the two doors together, and the rate of fire will be doubled.

"This seems not easy. It is not difficult for us to upgrade seven tubes to eleven tubes. However, our current firing rate of seven tubes is about 4,200 rounds per minute. If we increase it to 11 tubes, it will increase to 5,000 rounds per minute at most. Minutes, if it goes any faster, the ammunition supply system won’t be able to keep up.”

The domestically produced 730 has three rates of fire, the highest of which can reach the same level as the West. It also has a medium rate of fire of 2,200 rounds per minute and a low rate of fire of 1,200 rounds per minute. Now increasing the number of barrels can indeed increase the rate of fire, but it is limited. Because there is a basic problem that needs to be solved: ammunition supply.

The 730 uses an external energy source, so you don’t have to worry about it not rotating fast enough. You just need to adjust the external motor speed. However, the ammunition supply cannot keep up, and it still cannot achieve a high rate of fire.

“We use two-way alternating ammunition supply.” Qin Tao said: “One-side ammunition supply is five thousand rounds per minute, and two-way ammunition supply can be 10,000 rounds.”

“The two-way alternating ammunition supply is technically very difficult. It requires very high processing precision. If the technology is not up to standard, it will easily get jammed. Mr. Qin, are you sure we can do it?” The big guy was still skeptical.

"Of course, we don't have to worry about high processing accuracy. We have advanced processing technology. As long as we dare to think, we can achieve it. Everyone, if you want to intercept low-altitude sea-skimming anti-ship missiles, the higher the rate of fire, the better. There is no end. Now There are only 11 tubes, but in the future, we may be able to produce 22 tubes."

"How much does it cost to shoot a shuttle? The navy can't afford it." Wu Shengli said: "Let's reserve the 1130 guns first, and assign tasks to the relevant units. I hope they can complete the research and development as soon as possible and not drag down our 055."

After arranging this matter, Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao: "Taozi, put a red flag ten on the back and an 1130 on the front. Is the firepower of this close-in defense artillery a little insufficient? Do you want to add two more?"

“Yes, it’s going to be big anyway, so we still have the funds for two more close-in defense weapons.”

Qin Tao shook his head: "The close-defense weapon is only the last line of defense. I hope it will never be used, because using it means that our other interception methods are ineffective. If four of these weapons are deployed, it means that we are too indifferent to our own anti-aircraft missiles." Trusted.”

A 10,000-ton destroyer can put more anti-aircraft missiles, dig more launch pits, and improve the living conditions of the crew, etc. However, there is no need to deploy too many close-in defense guns. They will not be used at all. No amount of time is of any use.

“Is that enough?” Wu Shengli asked.

"Yes." Qin Tao nodded: "Our warships are designed based on these parameters. The design drawings will be produced within about a month and handed over to the Navy for evaluation. By the way, the Navy must also notify relevant units to bid together. Only in this way can we Fair enough."

“Tendering? Yes, it is indeed time to tender, but I don’t know if anyone will bid.”

 (End of this chapter)

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