Warship of Great Power

Chapter 879: heroic female pilot

She has a ponytail, an oval face, and fair skin. She looks like an actress, but the flying helmet in her hand is not a decoration. Looking at her, Qin Tao is in a daze for a while. Our country has A girl flies, still so beautiful?

   "Report, pilot Zhao Liang."

   "Pilot Xu Can."

   "I was ordered to come to perform the test flight mission."

  Both of them saluted Ma Sheng, indicating that they were the pilots of Army Aviation, and Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao with a smile on the side: "Taozi, is it good-looking?"

   "So handsome." Qin Tao replied.

   After answering, I realized that what I said seemed inappropriate. Isn't it inappropriate to praise other girls in front of my father-in-law?

However, Wu Shengli didn't seem to be unhappy, he continued to nod: "Yes, in our army, there are many girls who don't give way to men. There are female soldiers in our navy, and there are even female marines. In the Army Aviation and Air Force, there are also women pilots."

Hearing Wu Shengli's words, Xu Can saluted him: "Report, we lesbians are no worse than gays. We can do what gays can do. This first flight is at my strong request." I am only allowed to fly with **** men, and I will show it with my actions that we lesbians can also complete the most dangerous and difficult missions! We can do everything!"

Qin Tao nodded: "Dad, I suddenly felt that we should also include female astronauts in the selection of our astronauts. Where there are lesbians, it will greatly improve the work efficiency of our gays. Matching men and women , work is not tiring."

Xu Can looked at Qin Tao with bright eyes, looked at Qin Tao's still young face, and looked at him talking and laughing with other leaders, and suddenly thought of something: "You are Mr. Qin? Mr. Qin of Mingzhou Group ?”

   "Well, it's me." Qin Tao nodded: "You know me?"

   "Of course, our 20-year-old research and development team sighs almost every day. If it weren't for Mr. Qin, this aircraft would not appear until at least ten years later. You are the biggest help for our domestic military research and development."

  Xu Can said.

  “No wonder I sneeze every day, it turns out they are talking behind my back.”

  Puff, Xu Can smiled, the smile is so bright.

Originally, the maiden flight ceremony should be more grand, but with Qin Tao's involvement, the atmosphere became a bit special. Ma Sheng said from the side: "Mr. Qin, we are about to prepare for the maiden flight. What do you have to say to the pilot?" say?"

   Shut up after a few words of encouragement! This was Ma Sheng's idea, but Qin Tao was not polite.

   "Of course, do you have any spare helmets? Give me one."

   "What for you?" Xu Can was curious.

   "I also want to go up and experience the feeling of our straight 20 takeoff."

Wu Shengli on the side immediately shook his head: "Nonsense, I brought you here to participate in the first flight ceremony, and I didn't let you fly. This girl also said just now that you are the help of our domestic military industry. How can you do dangerous things?" matter?"

   "Well, Dad, you taught me the right thing." Qin Tao replied.

  Xu Can looked at the father-in-law and son-in-law curiously, not knowing what President Qin wanted to express.

   "Why don't you take an extra helmet, Dad, you will go up with me too?" Qin Tao continued to ask.

  Wu Shengli nodded unexpectedly: "It's not too bad."

   Ma Sheng on the side was speechless, Lao Wu, what is your principle?

   "Okay, I'll get it." Xu Can actually took it seriously, turned his head and walked back.

   "Come back, don't listen to their nonsense." Ma Sheng said: "Test flight today, just the two of you, now..."

   "Uncle Ma, how about getting you a helmet too?"

"In the future, when we pass the flight test and enter service, we have plenty of opportunities. What are we going to do now?" Ma Sheng gave Qin Tao a blank look, but then he thought of something: "However, it's okay for me to go up, after all, I've been flying for so many years... "

etc! Ma Sheng shook his head, almost being led into a ditch by Qin Tao!

   "Mr. Qin, do you have any questions? Let's forget about it. We are going to make our first flight." Ma Sheng continued.

   "Okay, I have one last question." Qin Tao said: "I can understand that fighter pilots wear helmets. After all, they have to eject and take off at any time. Why do helicopter pilots wear helmets?"

  Most helicopter pilots wear earphones. On the one hand, it can isolate the roar of the engine overhead, and on the other hand, it can also facilitate calls. After all, there is a microphone protruding from the side of the earphones.

  In addition to armed helicopter pilots, ordinary helicopter pilots seem to really not need to wear helmets. After all, even if an accident occurs, the helicopter cannot eject and can only fall abruptly.

  Ma Sheng rolled his eyes, and then looked at Xu Can: "Xiao Xu, you can answer this question from President Qin."

   "Yeah." Xu Can looked at Qin Tao with a bright smile on his face: "We have to check around the plane before takeoff, and this helmet prevents us from bumping into each other during the inspection."

   Ma Sheng glared at Xu Can, this girl has become naughty with Mr. Qin.

  Xu Can ignored his gaze and continued, "Mr. Qin, do you understand?"

   "I understand, you are teasing me."

   "Really? Then tell me, what is the use of this helmet I'm wearing?"

   "I see that there is an interface on this, it should be connected to the night vision device?"

   "That's right. Although we fly a transport plane, we can fly not only during the day, but also at night. Night vision goggles are required, so we also wear helmets at ordinary times, so that we can adapt more."

In the beginning, the first generation of helicopter pilot helmets were not much different from fighter pilot helmets, which consisted of an outer hard protective layer and an inner soft liner, a sandwich between the two, and communication equipment attached to the inside of the helmet, etc. device composition.

It’s just that the helicopter’s flying altitude is low, and there will be no increase problem, so there is no oxygen mask on the helmet, so the mouth microphone can be used directly, and the throat microphone or oxygen mask microphone of the fighter jet is not needed. Moreover, the helicopter Flying helmets are generally dark green, which is different from the white gray of the Air Force.

  However, with the development of technology, helmets have also begun to add accessories.

  The most important thing is of course the night vision device. If you want to fly at night, you need a pair of sharp eyes. If you don't have the eyes of an owl, then use technology to achieve it. Night vision devices are rapidly becoming common, and of course helicopter pilots have to use them.

  Of course, this is just a simple change. With the further development of technology, more components have been added to the helmet of the helicopter.

   "In the future, our technology will be more advanced. The goggles can be turned into a monitor to display various data during the flight." Qin Tao said.

   "Can the goggles be turned into a display? It's the same as the head-up display of a fighter plane?" Xu Can's eyes widened.

   "Well, it's more advanced than HUD." Qin Tao nodded.

   "If we really have this kind of equipment, it will really be a blessing for our pilots." Xu Can nodded: "At that time, all our pilots will be grateful to Mr. Qin."

   "Okay, let's start the pre-flight inspection now." Ma Sheng said, if he didn't interrupt, I'm afraid the two would continue talking endlessly.

  Qin Tao stood by and watched the two pilots go around the plane to check. This is a routine check before flight. Although so many technicians have checked it, the pilot has to do it again.

  Xu Can seriously walked around the plane with a pretty figure.

  Looking at Qin Tao's eyes, Wu Shengli was puzzled: "Taozi, are you really interested in her?"

"How come, Dad, what are you thinking?" Qin Tao rolled his eyes at the father-in-law: "Zhengyang has been with me for so many years, have you ever seen me messing around? I just love Xu Can, a young helicopter pilot. There is only a kind of approval, just like a brother to a sister, an elder to a junior. I admire her very much, but this kind of appreciation has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women. I believe that when our straight 20 is displayed to the public in the future, if When Xu Can comes to be the commentator of this plane, he will definitely gain the appreciation of the whole people, just like how I feel now."

  Wu Shengli smiled: "I'm sorry you don't dare."

  After the inspection, Xu Can and Zhao Liang boarded the plane, and the expressions on their faces turned serious when they disappeared just now.

  "001 call, the aircraft has completed self-inspection, everything is normal, request to start the engine."

   "Can start."

   There was a whistling sound, the two engines started successfully one by one, and the rotor on the top also started to rotate. The wind blew the ground and everyone's faces.

   "Everyone back up to a safe distance!" Deng Hui shouted.

   This is a test flight after all, no one expects accidents, but you must be prepared to deal with all unexpected situations.

   It would be bad enough if the plane fell down, but if a few more crashes below, it would be a vicious accident.

  The crowd dispersed and arrived at a safe place, looking at the plane and the two calm pilots in the cabin from a distance.

  "Engine normal, request to take off."

   "Can take off!"

  Following the order, Zhao Liang pulled the total torque gently, the pitch of the top rotor increased, and the whistling sound of the propeller became sharper. The helicopter shook slightly on the ground, and then rose up from the ground.

   Fly up!

  At this moment, countless people applauded. For this straight 20, I don’t know how many military workers have silently dedicated decades.

  At this moment, watching the helicopter take off, many people saw scenes of the development of the helicopter industry in the motherland.

  In the early days, there was only the most common straight-five, which was a copy of the Mi-4 helicopter. It used the simplest piston engine, with slow speed, small load, and backward performance. Production was finally discontinued in 1979, and 545 helicopters were produced.

  The straight six was the first helicopter developed by myself, but it was discontinued in 1980, and it was not finalized for service because of serious quality defects.

After that, the country opened up and cooperated with foreign countries to develop the 13-ton Z-8 and the 4-ton Z-9. These helicopters are foreign technologies, which have improved the level of helicopters in the motherland, but the localization rate is not high, and many parts are Outsourcing is required.

   In this way, until now, Zhi 20 has finally become the first self-developed ten-ton helicopter, and its performance has reached the world-class level!

   "Hovering is normal, ready to transfer to level flight." The voice came again from the radio.

   "Yes, pay attention to the flight attitude."

  Following the command, Zhao Liang slowly pushed the operating lever, the nose began to tilt forward, and the rotor on the top led the fuselage to move forward slowly. During the first test flight, the takeoff and level flight tests were completed.

   "The flight status is normal, now request to turn." A clear female voice came from the radio.

  Xu Can took over the operation, and the straight 20 with the flat nose began to turn around, circled the airport, and then returned to the original take-off point again.

   "Straight twenty requests to land!"

   "Yes, please be safe."

  Zhitwenty descended slowly, little by little, very steadily. In terms of operating the aircraft, women rely on their own delicate thoughts and gentle movements, which on the contrary have advantages over men.

  Ten meters, five meters, three meters, one meter...Finally, the 20-inch wheel touched the ground steadily, and the first flight was successfully completed!

   Listening to the whistling gradually ending, Qin Tao looked around: "There is no flower presenting session?"

  Generally speaking, at the end of such a grand first flight, there will be two young pioneers holding flowers to greet the test pilots, and even the test pilots will come off the plane wiping their tears. This was the case with the J-10 test flight.

  Now, this first flight of 20 is too hasty, right?

  Ma Sheng patted his head: "No, I forgot."


  Qin Tao looked around again, and saw that the grass near the parking lot at the airport was full of small yellow flowers, so he waved to Xu Zhengyang: "Zhengyang, let's go!"

  Zhao Liang and Xu Can got off the plane, stood in front of the nose, with their heads held high.

   "Report, we have completed the first flight of the Straight 20. The performance of the aircraft is excellent, and the driving experience is even better than that of the Black Hawk!"

   "Yes, congratulations on your successful first flight, adding a new model to our Army Aviation!"

"On behalf of the Navy, I also thank you for your contributions to Zhitwenty." Wu Shengli also said, looking at Zhao Liang's face, then at Xu Can: "Especially you, women don't give way to men, I Call on the pilots of our navy to learn from you."

   "These are all what I should do. I also feel very honored to be able to fly straight to 20 for the first time." Xu Can said, and suddenly, he smelled the fragrance of flowers.

  She raised her head and saw Qin Tao and Xu Zhengyang walking quickly with yellow flowers in their hands.

  A sweet smile appeared on her face.

  “These flowers are not as gorgeous as peonies, nor as romantic as roses, but they are full of a kind of simple beauty, just like our young brave pilots. On behalf of private enterprise users, I would like to express my most sincere respect to you.”

   "Thank you." Xu Can took the flowers.

  Xu Zhengyang also handed flowers to Zhao Liang.

  The two stood at attention again and saluted.

   "Come on, this first flight is a complete success, we have to take a group photo in front of the plane." Qin Tao looked at the crowd: "Where's the photographer?"

  More than 20 people stood in front of the helicopter, Wu Shengli and Ma Sheng were in the center, followed by Deng Hui, Qin Tao and others. Two pilots stood beside them, looking heroic.


  A precious photo was taken and became a commemoration of the 20th first flight.

   "Can I go up now?" Qin Tao said looking at the helicopter.

   "Of course." Ma Sheng nodded.

   "President Qin, let me introduce you." Xu Can volunteered.

  Qin Tao got into the cockpit first, and saw that there were four LCD screens on the two sides, and there were several simple mechanical instruments in the center.

"This helicopter uses advanced 1553B data bus technology and a dual-redundancy digital fly-by-wire operating system. The display system also uses a glass cockpit solution." Xu Can introduced: "There are also a large number of mechanical buttons between the two pilots. , These are backups, most of the operations can be performed on the LCD screen, the old pilots may not be used to it, but for our new pilots, these operations are very convenient."

"Helicopters often fly at the height of a tree. In the past, it all depended on the quick response of the pilot, but our aircraft has a laser anti-collision radar installed under the nose, coupled with a digital telex system. Once the situation is discovered, the pilot will If there is no timely response, the aircraft can automatically climb to altitude to avoid collision."

  The big nose with a straight twenty is also bigger than the Black Hawk, because of the equipment installed inside.

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, the glass cockpit is inevitable for technological development. We will train a large number of pilots in the future, and they will get used to it. The digital telex is also very powerful, which can reduce the burden on the pilots and ensure flight safety. Let's go to the back have a look."

  Qin Tao said that the cockpit is very advanced, but as a shipbuilder, he really can't understand it.

  The rear crew compartment is also spacious.

"Under extreme conditions, we can carry fifteen fully armed soldiers inside, and at the same time, we can also hang a 105mm gun or a vehicle similar to a Humvee. We use a side door design to facilitate the soldiers to leave the cabin as soon as possible. At the same time, the side door It can also be equipped with equipment such as machine guns, and under normal circumstances, 12 fully armed fighters can comfortably ride on the plane, and they also have the ability to fight at any time."

  Qin Tao nodded: "This place is spacious enough and can be transformed into a business jet. There don't need to be too many seats, four to six are enough, but there must be large high-end leather seats, preferably with massage functions."

  Xu Can opened his eyes wide: "Mr. Qin, are you planning to build a special plane for your own use?"

"Yes, do you want to come to our Mingzhou Group Transportation Company?" Qin Tao issued a solicitation: "I won't talk about the treatment or anything, you come to our Mingzhou Group, and you will definitely have a greater role in promoting the development of military industry .”

  Below, Wu Shengli and others were also looking at the plane in a daze, and Deng Hui accompanied them.

   "This aircraft is still prepared for the Army Aviation. Our Navy will use it, and the helicopter needs to do some special treatment." Wu Shengli said: "Have you carried out research on these projects now?"

"Of course." Deng Hui nodded: "The helicopter that the navy needs, the first requirement is to fold the rotor. Oscar is already researching the electric folding technology. The time is shorter, and the deployment and recovery are more convenient, so that our navy can use it better. .”

   Electric folding? Wu Shengli opened his eyes wide.

"At present, only the SH-60 used by the U.S. Navy uses electric folding technology. The Black Hawk we introduced is a land-based version that cannot fold the rotor. Therefore, the current technology is completely independently developed by us, but our current domestic technical strength Strong, folding wings is not a complicated project, there should be no technical difficulties." Deng Hui said.

   "No wonder Oscar didn't come. He was developing these equipment for our navy." Wu Shengli nodded.

The first flight of this helicopter is inseparable from the efforts of a large group of technicians. Oscar is one of them. In the eyes of everyone.

   "In addition to the folding of the rotor, the tail is also folded." Deng Hui continued to introduce.

   Rear wing? Can the tail part be folded?

  As long as it is not a coaxial reversing helicopter, it must have a long tail beam with a propeller at the back. What is this used for? turn?

It must be used for turning, but the turning of this helicopter is different from that of ordinary airplanes. This turning is made by the rotational moment of the main rotor on the top, and the tail propeller blows air from the side to balance the rotational moment. Just the right balance means direct flight, greater than With this rotational moment, the helicopter will turn to the direction of rotor rotation, and vice versa.

   If the rotors are broken, say by a shootout on the battlefield, then the helicopter will be seen spinning and landing.

  The rotor at the tail is used to maintain the direction, but it consumes energy, so there is a trade-off: the less energy consumed, the better, so how can it be less? You have to make the tail boom longer to increase the moment arm and reduce the force.

  Land-based helicopters don’t matter, the big deal is that the rear is longer, but for ship-based helicopters, the shorter the tail, the smaller the hangar area required, so it is best for the tail to be foldable.

   There is no foldable model in China.

  The straight nine heads are not big at all, and they still use ducted tail rotors, which are destined to be unable to be folded. The Ka-27 series aircraft are also coaxial and reversed. What is needed is height, and the buttocks are very short.

"Because the tail is to be folded, the wheels at the tail need to be moved forward. When folding, the horizontal tail is folded up, close to the vertical tail, and then folded to the front left as a whole. This size is about the same as that of the Ka-27. It should be able to fit Into the hangar of the Ka-27."

  It is almost the same as Ka-27! Wu Shengli was even more excited: "If these things are done well, our navy will give a bonus to the research and development personnel!"

The navy has a headache because of the common use of helicopters. Different helicopters require different hangars. As a result, the hangars of warships are not easy to design. Now this newly developed modern ship-borne helicopter can save space and can be used on previous warships. Definitely good news.

   "Thank you, Leader Wu, but due to the development of these projects, the naval helicopters will take longer. I hope the navy can wait patiently."

   "We are patient, patient." Wu Shengli nodded again and again: "As long as it is finalized and delivered to the troops at the same time as the Army's helicopters."

   They all said it would take longer, but leader Wu actually asked to finalize it at the same time?

  Deng Hui felt a little stressed.

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