Warship of Great Power

Chapter 867: Even if you are thick-skinned, you will feel a little shameless.

  Chapter 867 Even if you have a thick skin, you still feel a little shameless!

   "Why haven't I heard good news lately?" Swift muttered.

  Now, they are very helpless as they watch the canal being dug continuously, but they have no countermeasures. Now, looking at the photos taken on satellite images, they are even more speechless.

   On the bank of the wide canal, a row of launching vehicles appeared.

  There are triple-packs, quadruple-packs, square ones, round ones, and ribbed ones. You can tell what kind of equipment these are just by looking at them.

  The Orientals actually sold anti-ship missiles to Siam!

   "According to the information we inquired, the Siamese Navy finally chose C602." The assistant pointed to the satellite image photo: "This is the biggest one."

   "C602? What is it? Why haven't I heard of it before? Isn't the Eastern people exporting C802?" Swift only knows so much about the Eastern.

"This is a new anti-ship missile developed by Dongfang. It is thicker and longer than the C802, and has a longer range and greater power. According to the data calculated by the current intelligence department, the range of this missile is about 300 kilometers. , and the weight of the warhead is about four to five hundred kilograms."

   A warhead with a range of three hundred and a weight of four or five hundred? Swift frowned: "That is to say, our Ticonderoga can't stop its attack?"

  The previous C802 attack targets were warships with a displacement of 3,000 to 4,000 tons. Two missiles were needed to deal with warships with a displacement of 6,000 to 7,000 tons. Now, one of these missiles can severely damage warships of the 10,000-ton class. This performance is absolutely heaven-defying.

  In the future, will their warships dare to hang around outside?

   "Yes, the intelligence department has calculated that it should be of this level. A few years ago, this missile was used on the main warships in the East. I don't know why it is suddenly exported to Siam."

  With gloomy eyes, Swift picked up his pipe and took two puffs.

   Unknowingly, the relationship between Siam and the East is getting closer and closer. All the missiles used by the East are exported to Siam. Will Siam still control it in the future?

What do those idiots think, they have to attack Siam on the matter of the canal. If the United States takes the lead and helps Siam build the canal, then Siam will definitely have a close relationship with them. The Orientals went there.

   This is an afterthought. He forgot that he was also very disgusted with the canal project at the beginning.

  What else can I do now? The Siamese country is soft and hard, and has been working hard, just waiting to dig a canal!

  For them, it is related to strategic issues, but for Singapore, it is related to economic development, and it is related to life and death.

  Singapore PSA Group.

  Li Mingyao had already been fired by them because of his incompetence. However, they did not feel relaxed because of the dismissal of Li Mingyao. Seeing the canal being dug day by day, their hearts sank day by day until they entered the abyss.

   "The artificial rain enhancement didn't work either, even when it rained, they were still working."

   "Then we will rain more, making the construction site there completely impossible to construct."

   "If the soil there is completely softened, their construction progress may be faster."

   "How is it possible, are they all gods?"

   "If the soil is completely softened, they can use dredgers, and the excavation will be more efficient. I am afraid that the entire canal will be penetrated in a month."

  No one spoke, and their faces were all ugly.

  Eastern people still have dredgers, but they don’t use them now because they are constructing on land. If it continues to rain and the soil over there turns into mud completely, then the dredgers can be started, and the efficiency will be even more terrible.

  Besides, they are not gods, and it is impossible to really control the weather. They can only do a little bit of manipulation, which has already cost a lot of money.

"That is to say, we can't prevent the opening of this canal?" Gao Bowen's eyes were gloomy: "Everyone, if the canal over there is open to navigation, we will decline. We will never watch such a thing happen. We must We must do everything we can to hinder their construction!"

play hard? I have thought of controlling the weather, so what else can I do? Unless they use armed force, but their strength is very small, and if they want to use it, it will be dispatched by the United States. Now it seems that the Americans obviously do not have the courage. It is even possible for the Americans to turn to Siam.

"Everyone, do you remember that the Suez Canal is blocked?" One of them said: "Since we can't stop Siam from building a canal, after their canal is built, we will send a ship over and throw all the goods on board." Going to the middle of the canal and blocking the canal, so those ships have to obediently come to our Strait of Malacca?"

   "How long can it be blocked?"

  Once it is blocked, the other party will definitely find a way to unblock it. What happens after it is unblocked?

   "After dredging, we will send a second ship."

  This is a bad idea, but it sounds good now! A cold light flashed in Gao Bowen's eyes, and he nodded: "This method is fine, Wang Yong, I will leave this matter to you."

  Wang Yong nodded: "Okay."

   "This operation is an after-the-fact remedy. We still have to think about whether we can stop the construction of the canal now." Gao Bowen continued.

  It would be best if it could be stopped during construction.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, they didn't think of a good solution. The best solution is to encourage the residents in the south to make trouble. However, Siam's propaganda is in place. When the canal is successfully built, nearby residents will benefit and provide a lot of jobs. Wait, and Siam has increased its control over there, so it is not easy to make trouble.

   Just like that, I couldn't think of any solution for a long time. Seeing night fell, the meeting for this day could only be suspended.

  Wang Yong's method is the only one approved, he is very happy, now he can gain a higher status in the group, moreover, this action is highly operable, as long as a bulk carrier is abolished.

  The workload of canal excavation under construction and dredging after opening is completely different, because the latter has been soaked in seawater, and various excavators and the like cannot go down.

  Just this one action can block the canal for half a year, and we can talk about it after half a year.

   When he came to the garage, he drove his Mazda into a city full of traffic. It was rush hour, and there were many cars on the road. Singapore, a small place, has a high density of cars.

  The intersection ahead turned red again, he stepped on the brake lightly, and then habitually glanced at the rearview mirror, his expression suddenly changed.

  An Iveco muck truck is driving from behind. Judging by the posture of the car, it doesn't seem to slow down at all. Could it be that the driver fell asleep?

what to do?

He looked at the rear of the double-decker bus in front of him, gritted his teeth to keep himself from trembling, quickly unfastened the seat belt with his left hand, and pushed the door with his right hand, but before he opened the door, there was a terrible crash sound behind him .


He leaned his head back against the headrest, and watched the bus in front of him getting closer and closer with his frightened eyes, three meters, two meters, one meter, half a meter... the tail lights of the bus It almost appeared in front of his eyes, and finally stopped!

Because the seat belt was unbuckled, the airbag did not explode. He knew that the front of the bus was completely squeezed behind the buttocks of the bus, but the body was strong enough to leave a safe space for him, because he was being pushed forward , His body moved backward due to inertia, and he didn't rush forward, and he didn't hit the broken windshield. Now he just needs to wait quietly for the firefighters to arrive.

  But in the next second, he smelled a special smell in the air.


   The dirt truck behind him smashed his gas tank!

  In the next second, a raging fire was burning from behind.

  Wang Yong's eyes were full of despair, he shouted loudly, and slapped the glass, but it was useless. The next second, flames enveloped him.

   When the firefighters arrived, they only took out a charred corpse from the car. The driver of the muck truck was there with a pale face and trembling hands, and made notes for the traffic police who came later.

   Soon, the traffic police determined that this was a normal traffic accident. Due to the failure of the air drying tank, the air pressure brake system of the muck truck failed, and it could not stop in front of the traffic light, which caused the accident.

  However, when the news reached the ears of other executives of the Port Group who had gone home from the meeting, their faces changed drastically.

   What a coincidence, what a coincidence!

   Are they being monitored?

  The meeting room was searched by technicians several times, but no bugs were found, so they began to look suspiciously at the people who participated in the meeting. Did someone inform you?

   They began to become panicked.


  "The development of this technology is really changing with each passing day. No one would have thought that as long as a laser is fired at the target's window, the reflected laser can filter out the sound from the window. It's amazing." Qin Tao was very emotional.

   "Yes, this technology is very advanced, but it can only be used for single-layer windows. After all, the vibration of the glass is greater. Now double-layer windows have become popular, and this kind of windows is very difficult to eavesdrop on." Xu Zhengyang said.

   "Well, but the technology will continue to develop in the future, and there will be new methods." After Qin Tao finished speaking, he glanced out the window: "Are you in Qiongzhou so soon?"

   "Well. It's already here. Max said that he has something to report to you personally, but he doesn't know what it is."

   "As long as you don't spend too much money, you can rely on him. After all, Starship Company is also the signature of our Mingzhou Group." Qin Tao said.

The development of the Starship Company is growing stronger and stronger. After breaking with NASA, it has received more support. Many local tyrants will donate to the Starship Company to support the development of the Starship Company. Spaceflight burns money. It used to be the whole country But now, the success of the Starship Company has made everyone see the power of private aerospace.

The Starship Company is always busy. Even Max himself did not greet Qin Tao at the door. He seemed to be very busy. After Qin Tao arrived in the meeting room and drank a cup of tea, Max came in, and And with Frank Rubio.

"Mr. Qin, our Dragon spacecraft is progressing smoothly, and we expect to carry out the first launch of the Dragon spacecraft in the near future." Max said: "This is an important moment of commemorative significance, so I invite you to come here and want to Let me report to you."

   "The progress of the Dragon spacecraft is so fast?" Qin Tao was surprised.

The manned spaceships of the domestic aerospace sector are also launching frequently, but they are all unmanned. The first manned spaceflight needs to wait until 2003, and now I don’t know if the time has advanced, and here, the private starship company actually The first manned spacecraft is also launched!

   From the time point of view, the Dragon spacecraft of the Starship Company will definitely lag behind. After all, before the official manned launch, several unmanned launches must be carried out. In three to five years, I dare not send people up. What if it doesn’t come back?

However, the Shenzhou spacecraft belongs to the third-generation manned spacecraft, with a conventional three-chamber one-stage structure, which is the same as the Soyuz manned spacecraft that has been flying for many years, while the Dragon spacecraft belongs to the fourth-generation spacecraft, with a two-stage structure, and most of the It can also be recycled.

   This is not a level at all.

"Yes, Mr. Qin, according to your request, we will first carry out the research and development of the cargo spacecraft. This is progressing very quickly, and we can launch it with our starship MK1." Frank Rubio was full of excitement: "Our spacecraft It will be the most advanced spacecraft in the world! Maybe, NASA will come back to ask us to help send astronauts up in the future.”

   "Well, everything is up to you, when to launch, call me in advance."

"Mr. Qin, it's not easy for us to launch once. After going to the sky, we not only need to fly a few laps, but also plan to conduct more experiments. Can you negotiate with the domestic space agency and conduct a launch with our Dragon spacecraft in space?" Butt."

  For any spacecraft, it is definitely not for the purpose of going up to the sky for a few laps and then coming down. The most important task of the spacecraft is to transport personnel and materials to the space station, which must involve space docking.

  Only I can’t complete this. At least two ships have to be launched, which is too expensive. Therefore, Max thought of the Shenzhou spacecraft. Anyway, the Shenzhou spacecraft has to be launched. It can be assembled together, and then the docking experiment will be carried out.

  Qin Tao shook his head: "I'm afraid this will be difficult."


"Now, the first task of our domestic aerospace department is to realize manned spaceflight. Everything is based on this goal. The spaceship has not yet considered the space docking capability, which will be done in the future. If we ask the domestic space agency I am afraid that making this request will waste their time."

From Shenzhou 1 to Shenzhou 4, they were all designed to solve the problem of astronauts going to space and returning. Every spaceship has been improved and perfected. By the time of Shenzhou 4, it has come in full compliance with the requirements of manned spaceflight. All kinds of items are complete, waiting for the verification to pass, and Shenzhou 5 is officially manned.

   As for the docking, it will not be possible until Shenzhou-8, which will officially dock with Tiangong-1, and the time has come to 2011.

   It is not generally difficult to request docking now.

"No, we don't need the domestic aerospace department to do any work. We just need to wait until the Shenzhou spacecraft is in the sky. During its orbital operation, we will operate the Dragon spacecraft to approach, dock, and separate. The department provides the docking port data of the Shenzhou.”

  Qin Tao helped his forehead helplessly: "What I'm afraid of is that the current Shenzhou spacecraft doesn't have a docking port yet!"

  The status of each Shenzhou spacecraft is different. Now it is preparing for manned spaceflight, so it is estimated that the need for docking has not been considered. There is no docking port, and there is not even a docking port. How can docking be done?

   "This is no problem. If there is no interface, we can help design one, which is also standardized with our interface." Frank Rubio continued.

   No wonder they didn't go directly to the domestic aerospace department. They probably would have been kicked out by the broom, so they could only go to Qin Tao.

"If the domestic aerospace department disagrees, I hope President Qin can help us contact Da Mao. We can use their Mir for docking experiments. Please rest assured that we are very experienced. Some of the team have participated in the docking of space shuttles and Mir before. technicians, we promise nothing will go wrong," Frank Rubio continued.

   Mir? Even if Qin Tao had a thick skin, he felt that this request was even more shameless. What is Mir? The world's largest space station that has been in orbit for fifteen years! Although this space station is old, it is full of commemorative significance. Our Dragon spacecraft is going to be docked with the Mir for the first time. If it loses control and hits it, can we afford it?

   "The Mir is scheduled to fall, and it is now in the unattended stage. It is most suitable as our docking partner. If we go up, we can transport some supplies to them for free." Max continued on the side.

This is the characteristic of private spaceflight. No matter what you do, you must pay attention to efficiency. Saving money is the first priority. The domestic Shenzhou spacecraft will not carry out manned missions until the fifth ship is launched. If it is handed over to the Starship Company, two ships are probably enough. Too much is a waste.

   Now that the first Dragon cargo spaceship is going up, it has to perform various tasks, the more tests the better.

   "Okay, I can contact you. If they don't agree, there's nothing I can do." Qin Tao said.

   No wonder he was asked to come over. Only Qin Tao can brazenly coordinate these matters, and others can't do it at all.

   "Anything else?"

  Knowing that these people's time is precious, Qin Tao didn't intend to procrastinate too much. If nothing happened, he would go back.

   "Also, after the launch of the Dragon spacecraft, we want to officially announce our plans for the moon landing."

   "Moon landing?"

  Qin Tao looked at everyone in surprise, your footsteps are really fast enough, others can't catch up at all, when did you start dreaming about going to the moon?

   "Yes, our goal is Mars, but Mars is too far away, and it would be too risky for us to go there directly, so we plan to build a base on the moon as an experiment before landing on Mars."

   Is this not just going to the moon, but building a moon base?

   Qin Tao admired the boldness of these people: "Then tell me in detail, do you have any specific plans?"

"Currently we still rely on Starship MK1, which has a near-earth carrying capacity of 60 tons, and can also send a load of about 20 tons to lunar orbit, but it is still too small for our lunar landing operations. We can only use two rockets to carry the lunar module and the orbital module respectively, and after reaching the moon, they will dock in lunar orbit and then perform related tasks.”

How to land on the moon is a big problem. The answer given by the United States is to launch a rocket. Such a rocket needs a powerful thrust. The Saturn V is unprecedented in human history. It has 3,400 tons The thrust can send a 127-ton spacecraft to low-Earth orbit and hit the lunar orbit, and the carrying capacity is as high as 45 tons. (It is also said to be fifty tons.)

   It is precisely because of such a powerful thrust that it can complete all the lunar exploration missions at once, and there will be no second model after that.

  Starship Corporation can't do it either, so they can only carry out another plan: launch in two!

The two rockets send the orbital module and the lunar module to the lunar orbit, so that it is enough to transport more than 20 tons of weight alone, which is completely within the capacity of the existing starship MK1. Although this requires one more docking mission, But the transportation is much more convenient.

   However, there are many problems with this method. For example, docking in lunar orbit is too far away from the earth. How to measure and control and how to ensure the accuracy?

   These are all problems, but in front of Starship Corporation, all problems can be solved! Just look for the route!

   "This is an early plan. In the future, as we launch more rockets, we will be able to establish bases on the surface of the moon, allowing astronauts to live and work on the surface of the moon for a long time. Moreover, the moon can also be used for profit."

   "Profit?" Qin Tao was a little surprised: "How do you plan to make money? Are you developing the above minerals?"

There are indeed a lot of minerals on the moon, especially the nuclear fusion fuel helium-3, but this does not mean that exploring the moon can make money. Getting to Earth is not an easy journey, either.

"Of course it's rich people's money." Max said: "At present, we have received requests from more than 20 rich people. They hope to experience space flight with our Dragon spacecraft. In the future, they will definitely hope to travel to the moon. They can afford even the most expensive expenses, after all, for them, money is just a number.”

  Develop tourism?

  Max really has a big brain. However, Qin Tao doesn't need to ask too much about the Starship company. He prefers to be the shopkeeper.

   "Since you have already decided, let's announce it when the time comes. The group will support it." Qin Tao said, "Is there anything else?"

   "There are others, too. Mr. Qin, we expect to complete the research and development of the manned Dragon spacecraft in two years. Can you invite domestic astronauts to fly?"

  Starship Corporation can't do everything, they can't afford to train astronauts. In the future, the astronauts needed for their manned spaceflight program must be invited from the east.

"As long as safety is ensured, I think they will be very willing." Coordination should not be difficult. After all, the country trains the best astronauts. Unfortunately, there are few opportunities to go into space, resulting in many astronauts training for many years. Always been the unsung hero.

  Starship Company invited them over and gave them a chance to go to heaven, even if it was dangerous, they probably would be willing.

  (end of this chapter)

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