Warship of Great Power

Chapter 862: Curry Paste from Heaven

  Chapter 862 Curry sauce that fell from the sky

   "It's so boring!" Delano was lying in the grass at the airport, chewing a grass root, and said to James beside him.

"Yeah, the U.S. Navy admitted it! They came here. At that time, let's have a stealth plane flying over the Nimitz aircraft carrier. Speaking of which, I haven't flown a plane over the Nimitz aircraft carrier for many years. The deck is empty!"

"It's a pity that the power of the plane is not enough. If I can use afterburner to achieve supersonic speed at ultra-low altitude, I can shatter the glass on the bridge. Even if it doesn't shatter, I still have to scare them!" Delano continued.

  After the last mission, the two of them returned to the land. The real plane and those models were placed together, which made it easier to confuse the real with the real.

   "No, I can't take it anymore." Delano said, "I have to discuss it with the Siamese."

   "What are you discussing?"

   "It doesn't matter if the fighter planes are always parked, we have to take off once to verify that our planes are real. For a normal base, it doesn't fly once in more than ten days, which is a bit inappropriate."

   "That's right, I'm going too!"

   Ten minutes later.

  The two put on a full set of flight suits, walked towards the plane, and climbed up skillfully.

  The engine roared, and the two planes taxied to the runway, forming a formation, and then stepped up the accelerator to taxi on the runway.

  In the control tower of the base, the commander sighed: "This kind of aircraft is really beautiful. We will have money in the future, so we really need to equip a batch of them!"

   "Look, there's white smoke over there!" At this moment, an adjutant shouted loudly while pointing his finger to the sky.

  A white smoke is flying towards them quickly, followed by a second, and a third.

   "Rockets? Impossible, why are there rockets here?" The commander was stunned.

   "These rockets are coming to our tarmac, **** they are coming to our planes!"

   As soon as the voice fell, the first rocket had already landed on the tarmac.


This one was blown up in the open space without causing any consequences, but the second one that flew from behind directly hit the plane, splitting the plane in half, and then burning blazingly, followed by the third and the fourth .

   "Fortunately, our real plane has already taken off, otherwise the loss will be great!"

   "That's right, quick, call the wild dogs and caddy!"

   "The base is calling wild dogs, the base is under attack, please counterattack immediately!"

"The wild dogs received it, we have seen it, please rest assured, they cannot escape our palm!" Delano has been in the east for a long time, and he can also speak a lot of oriental dialects, but he speaks the oriental dialects in English, Always feel weird.

   During the take-off process, they saw the white smoke appearing from the side, and they were condescending, and they could directly see the place where the white smoke came from: the **** of a mountain in the distance!

   How dare you attack the base here with a rocket launcher! Fortunately, our side just took off two fighter planes, otherwise these two planes would be in danger.

  Hmph, these attackers must not be let go!

  The fighter plane had just taken off, and Delano had already pulled the control lever, turned the nose, and flew in the direction of the target. At the same time, he turned on the radar and adjusted to the synthetic aperture mode.

   "Cadboy, keep up!"

   "The caddy received it, but we don't have a suitable ground strike weapon." James replied.

  The purpose of this lift-off was to let the air out. Their plane only had two air-to-air missiles loaded, and they were not fully loaded. It was a bit embarrassing to carry out a ground attack at this time.

   "We have enough guns."

  As an excellent pilot, you must not be obsessed with missiles. When needed, you also need to be able to skillfully use machine guns. Delano used machine guns when flying high-altitude balloons.

  Compared to missiles that need to do various tests before take-off, the cannon only needs to be loaded with shells, and you don’t need to worry about it for a long time, which also makes the use of the cannon more convenient.

   "The caddy understands." James quickly adjusted the weapon system and switched to the cannon mode. As for the unreliable voice system, he has already turned it off.

The synthetic aperture mode synthesizes an equivalently long antenna aperture through advanced signal processing technology, so as to obtain a map with higher resolution. The most important is the flat-panel slot radar, which can also achieve an accuracy of 0.1 meters. (This specific data has not been found, and I don’t know if this accuracy is too bad.)

   This accuracy is enough to draw all the ground targets. After a few seconds, Delano found the target on his cockpit display: three pickup trucks!

  Pickup trucks are a kind of magical existence. They can go into the city, go to the countryside, climb mountains, and even cross rivers. The cargo bucket at the back can be used to pull goods or load weapons. Rocket launchers are some people’s favorite.

   At this time, the attack mission was completed, and the three pickup trucks were running quickly in the mountains, hoping to leave the scene as soon as possible to avoid reprisals, but they did not expect that they had already been targeted.

   "The plane is coming!"

   "Don't worry, it can't find us." A big man on the pickup truck said: "The pilot in the sky looks at us like an ant. How can he know where we are?"

   "It's already swooping down!"


   "Damn, quick, brake!"

  Tom tom tom!

Delano operated the fighter plane like a dragonfly on the water, and pulled it up after diving. In just this moment, dense shells landed on one of the Humvees, hitting the Humvee on the spot and bursting into flames. Jump off the top and roll on the ground.

   Immediately after Delano pulls up, James dives down and continues to fire, setting the second pickup truck ablaze.

  The last one left!

  Sharp brakes sounded, and the pickup truck skilfully got under a cliff, and all the undead armed personnel also hid inside.

   "Unless it has missiles, it can't hit us at all."

   "That's right, he has to get up before he can fire. This is a blind spot for shooting! Unless it's a helicopter."

   "However, if he doesn't leave, we will have to stay here forever. Will we be caught up by the army on the ground?"

   "Hmph, he won't stay away forever."

   While they were discussing, the roar in the sky was getting closer, getting closer, something was wrong! Why is this plane so slow? It is obviously a jet, but why is it similar to a helicopter now? Moreover, listening to this voice, the speed is still decreasing?

  The wind is getting stronger and stronger, blowing the sand and gravel around it.

  An armed man couldn't help being curious, and sneaked out his head. When he saw the plane, his face changed completely.

   "This aircraft can hover, we are not safe here!"

  If it is other aircraft, it really can't do it, but the J-31A is originally a vertical take-off and landing fighter, and hovering in the air is its special skill!

  Draenor knew it was time to play cool when he discovered that the other party was hiding under the cliff!

   "Cadboy, you go north and you go south, let's wipe out these **** guys!"

  Two fighter planes slowly approached the cliff from north and south directions, and they entered a hovering state stably three kilometers away.

   "Cadboy, get ready, fire!"

  Tom tom tom!

  Intensive 30mm shells fired at the cliff, bang bang bang! There were explosions one after another, and a few seconds later, the cliff collapsed, burying everyone underneath.

   This is the alternative use of VTOL fighters! Use it as a helicopter in complex terrain!

Of course, this kind of usage has a lot of restrictions. For example, the opponent cannot be too strong, not to mention the Stinger anti-aircraft missile. Even if there is an RPG, if the opponent is lucky, they may shoot down the plane, throw a **** or It is a drama to blow up a plane with a grenade, and it is really possible to shoot down a plane with an RPG.

  After fighting these people, Draenor felt refreshed, and the rest of the finishing work was handed over to the ground personnel, and their mission was over.

   "The wild dogs call the base, the wild dogs call the base, we request to return."

   "Attention wild dog, there may be explosive fragments on the ground of the base, which is no longer suitable for you to land. Please go to the port and land on the aircraft carrier!"

   "Wild dog received!"

  After the aircraft carrier returned to Hong Kong, it has been parked there quietly, and has never been out again. It has been enough of the limelight last time, but they did not expect that their carrier-based aircraft was hit.

   Lacourt was the most annoyed.

   "Damn it, who did it?"

   "Judging from their clothes and weapons, they should be those hiding in the woods."

"No, no, definitely not those people." Lacour shook his head: "Those people don't need to fight us, especially they came to bomb our airport! These people must have been sent by Ah San! They sneaked across the border , Pretending to be someone else, to destroy our fighter plane! It’s too damn, why didn’t we think of defending the hillside over there?”

   "Then what should we do now? Shall we protest to Ah San?"

   "Ah San will never admit it, and they will ask us to provide evidence. Damn it!" Lacour did not expect that the retribution would come so quickly.

   "Report, caddies and wild dogs are coming."

After the two landed, they came to the Naval Command to look for Lacour. After seeing Lacour, Delano said straightforwardly: "There must be someone behind this matter, hum, they blew up our plane, then we will Go blow up their planes!"

   Only a group of armed personnel on the ground was eliminated, of course it was not enough, Delano is not a reckless man, he can quickly judge: someone wants to trouble Siam! This group of armed personnel was specially dispatched.

  Since the other party used such a despicable method, why should our side be soft? Moreover, it will be easier for one's own side to carry out revenge!

   "Well, we need to study and make a decision. Please rest assured, you two, we will definitely have retaliation." Lacourt said.

  What does it mean to fly directly to bomb the opponent's airport? Lacourt is frightening enough to think about it, isn't it just building a canal? As for making things so big? How do you end up getting bigger?

   After reassuring the two pilots, Lacour ran to find Qiu Daxin.

   "This time it was really a thrill. If the two fighter planes hadn't happened to take off, we would have lost a lot!" Qiu Daxin was terrified: "Fortunately, only some models were blown up."

"It is said that the model is not cheap, but fortunately we can afford it." Lacourt said: "If the two borrowed planes blow up, we will have to give Dongfang a few years of free canal tolls to pay for it." , but these are not important, what is important is what to do next."

"Do you have any ideas?" Qiu Daxin said: "At present, it seems to the outside world that we have been bombed with more than a dozen stealth planes and lost hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars. If we don't say anything, then It also seems that we are too weak. Can the identity of the other party be determined?"

"One of the rockets that fell on our airport did not explode. We can determine who did it based on this rocket, but they don't admit it. If we want to be tougher, we can send a stealth plane over and take them away." His plane was also blown up," Lacourt said.

  Qiu Daxin felt his eyelids twitching violently. This method of revenge is enjoyable enough. How will it end next?

   "Do you think this method is appropriate?" Qiu Daxin asked.

"I think this method is a bit too strong." Lacour said: "These current conspiracies are all aimed at our canal project, trying to prevent the construction of our canal, as long as it can be delayed until our canal is completed, those people Naturally, there is no reason to continue to trouble us."

"Yeah, they just want to delay our construction of the canal, so we have to work harder to build the canal and make it navigable as soon as possible." Qiu Daxin said: "However, appropriate retaliation is also necessary, otherwise we will appear too weak gone."

   "Why don't I contact my old friend and see what advice my old friend has?"


   Soon, Lacour came back, with excitement on his face, there was a solution!

   Night falls.

  The Chakri aircraft carrier roared, the engine ignited and started, and the huge aircraft carrier drove out of the port again, advancing in the dark.

  On the ship island, Draenor was full of excitement: "Are you sure you want to carry out this operation?"

   "Yes, we have already determined, just follow your plan, but the target of our revenge is not those planes, but the aircraft carrier under construction in the shipyard."

   "No problem, our fighter planes have precise navigation equipment, so we can bomb wherever we want, absolutely nothing wrong."

   "Also, you must ensure your own absolute safety. If any accident occurs, you must end the mission and return to the voyage immediately."

   "If we fall into the sea, we will say that we are American pilots, Ah San can't do anything to us." Delano was very excited, this kind of mission is too rare! Even if you can't come back, you have to go!

   "By the way, what kind of bomb are we hanging?"

  "A special bomb, guided by GPS, as long as you drop it, you have to return."


   There are already some experts beside the plane, who are doing various inspections on the plane. Delano looks at their busy figures and can't wait to take off immediately.

In the middle of the night, the fighter plane roared away from the deck, completely blending into the black night. The two planes headed west all the way, flying according to the pre-set procedures. This kind of time is the most boring, Delano suddenly realized, It might as well be fun to blow up those little guys back then, after all, that's what the real thing is.

   Now, it's like playing a video game.

He doesn't need to worry about the whole flight at all, just rely on the navigation system, and he doesn't need him to drop the bomb at the end. Navigate to the corresponding position, drop the bomb and return, all are automatically controlled by the computer. The whole process, he only operates a few times when landing. Come on, it's boring, it's so boring!

  A San Shipyard.

  There was a rumbling sound in the distant sky, and several boatmen looked up at the sky boredly. Could it be thunder?

   Soon, the roar turned into a howling, and their expressions suddenly changed. What's going on, is it a bomb? It sounded like a bomb falling!

   But, how is it possible, where did the bomb come from?

   There is a naval base next to their shipyard, where there are radars looking at the sky all the time, what kind of planes without eyes would dare to sneak attack?

This unscientific!

   Bang! Snapped!

  It was only when a loud voice sounded that they finally realized that they looked at the semi-finished aircraft carrier at the outfitting dock in horror. What's going on? There is movement there?

   Bang! Snapped!

   Bang! Snapped!

  The sound rang four times in a row, and the hull began to vibrate violently under the impact, as if it were a bell, and everyone on the night shift in the shipyard was alarmed.

   What happened?

  Ten minutes later, the person in charge of the shipyard arrived, and when he boarded the semi-finished aircraft carrier, his face instantly became ugly.

  The whole deck is full of white debris and yellow sticky things, which look like curry.

  The person in charge wiped part of it with his hand, tasted it in his mouth, and then spit it out immediately. This is not curry, this is a stool similar to curry! Even the person who made this thing deliberately put some flavored additives in it, making it smell a bit like curry.

  Damn it, who did this?

   Before dawn, Sunil and the others hurried to the shipyard.

  Just yesterday, they were still excited and celebrating. Although all those who carried out the mission died, they completed the mission. They blew up most of the J-31A fighters, but now? They were retaliated, and their semi-finished aircraft carrier was poured with shit!

This is just a lesson. If they still do whatever they want in the future, the next time they come over, what they throw down will not be this kind of curry sauce-like poop, but real poop. Their aircraft carrier has not yet entered service, and I am afraid it will Bury the bottom of the sea.

   Moreover, if the other party wants to come, can they only target an aircraft carrier like them? Maybe they will attack their entire navy! Those warships docked at the port may not be able to escape the opponent's revenge. The stealth machine is so powerful.

   No, we have to develop a stealth machine too! We can't suffer like this!

  Sunil thought of this method in his mind, but how to get the stealth machine? The United States has not succeeded in building the sea, only the Orientals have this kind of stealth machine, do they have to buy it from the East?

  (end of this chapter)

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