Warship of Great Power

Chapter 851: In time for National Day? We won't rush!

There is no need for steam catapults. Open-air installation, open-air testing, and open-air maintenance are all no problem, but electromagnetic catapults are different. They are very sensitive to humidity and salt, so the installation of electromagnetic catapults must have a shed. This shed is fully enclosed. , it must also have a moisture removal function to avoid moisture and salt erosion.

Of course, after it is installed and put into use, the inside of the electromagnetic catapult will be sealed, and then you will no longer be afraid of the maritime environment.

“Are we having difficulty with the installation?” Qin Tao asked.

"Of course not." Ma Ming shook his head: "After all, we have already had experience."

There is an electromagnetic catapult at the Wasteland Village base. So far, it has maintained a high level of reliability. Pilots are trained to take off. Although it is on a warship, it is in a dock. The installation is similar to that on land. It is nothing. question.

 All they have to do is to be careful and conscientious to ensure that each module is installed accurately.

Looking at the workers on site working hard, Wu Shengli said: "Taozi, let's go out and don't affect the workers' construction. By the way, Ma, how long will it take to install the three catapults?"

“If it’s just installation, one month is enough, but the most complicated part is debugging, which is estimated to take half a year to a year.”

“Do I need to be in the dock during debugging?”

 “This is not necessary, as long as the shed remains.”

Hearing this, Wu Shengli's heart beat violently for no reason.

It is still possible to launch the water before the National Day. Qin Tao said that the main concern is the installation of the electromagnetic catapult, but now they say that it can be installed in time!

“Okay, come on, try to complete the installation before the National Day. Give a gift to the motherland!”

Hearing Wu Shengli's words, Qin Tao frowned: "Worker Ma, don't be anxious, work slowly and carefully. The installation of the electromagnetic catapult is very critical. Don't worry about the progress. Quality is the first priority."

Qin Tao usually does not contradict his father-in-law face to face, but now he must make his attitude clear. For shipyards, construction quality always comes first! The progress can be delayed, but the quality cannot be poor.

"Understood." Ma Ming nodded: "We will not discredit the Mingzhou Group. However, we are also confident that the electromagnetic catapult will be installed before the National Day."

Wu Shengli was in a good mood when he came out of the work shed. Although he was scolded by Qin Tao, this was all for official business, that is, for the navy. He had no dissatisfaction. Instead, he was very happy about the possibility of going into the water during the National Day.

 “Where shall we go next?” Makarov asked.

Because the work shed was quite crowded, he didn't go in at all and kept waiting outside. Anyway, he didn't have to take care of this project. He only needed to check the construction progress every day.

“What’s next?” Wu Shengli looked at the vast deck. There really wasn’t much to see up here. What about below? Various equipment should be installed inside. Where should we look?

“Go to the hangar and then go to the engine room.” Qin Tao said.

There is nothing interesting to see in other cabins, so just follow this route and go around.

Hearing Qin Tao's words, Wu Shengli nodded: "That's right, let's go like this!"

The lower level of the deck is the hangar. Since the ship island has not yet been installed, openings are reserved for each elevator, so the hangar is very open. Everyone walked down and let out bursts of emotion again.

“This hangar is much larger than our 001!”

“Yes, it is twice the area of ​​our 001 hangar!”

Everyone was filled with emotion towards this kind of giant ship. The last one, 001, was purchased from an outside company, but this one was built independently by our own side, which has a completely different meaning. At this time, looking at the spacious hangar below, everyone was there. Imagine the scene of being filled with carrier-based aircraft in the future.

 It will definitely be very spectacular.

"Our 001 aircraft carrier mainly has no way to get through the vertical launch device on the front deck." Qin Tao said: "But now we have missiles such as the YJ-21, which can be installed on it to improve the long-range strike capability of the 001 aircraft carrier. A step up.”

Qin Tao originally planned to transform that area into a supermarket, but later gave up. Facts have proved that leaving those launch tubes has great benefits. The YJ-21 is mature and can be stuffed in. The defense of the US aircraft carrier The radius is 600 kilometers, so our side can attack them from a thousand kilometers away, leaving them with no ability to fight back.

 Although 001 carries a small number of carrier-based aircraft, its combat capabilities are not bad at all.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Wu Shengli glanced at him: "Taozi, you said it nicely, when will it be modified for us?"

“When this aircraft carrier is launched and the dock is free, it can be modified for you at any time. We will not delay it at all. The key is the Navy. As long as the Navy transfers the modification funds to our account, we will be waiting at any time.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll wait until this aircraft carrier is put into service and becomes combat effective.” A naval leader said.

This is not a question of money, it is a question of the navy having no aircraft carriers to use. Navy leaders are justified.

"Well, okay, maybe we can delay it for a few more years and wait until the aircraft carrier enters the dock for upgrade in the mid-term before refitting it. Anyway, our destroyers and frigates can also use this kind of killer weapon." Wu Shengli said.

 If an aircraft carrier has been in service for 30 years, it will definitely need to be upgraded every ten years to update modern electronic equipment, repair problematic areas, etc.

"Yes, the mid-term refit is the most suitable time. By then, our navy may have entered the era of three aircraft carriers. One will be in the dock for repairs, and two are in service. They can respond to various situations at any time." Qin Tao said: " Everyone, let’s take a look around here?”

Although it is just an ordinary hangar, there are still many things to pay attention to, such as how to place carrier-based aircraft, how to schedule them, how to install fireproof rolling shutter doors, where is the maintenance area, etc., all of which are clearly divided. If these are not arranged in advance, the aircraft carrier will operation will be in big trouble.

Although Qin Tao did not personally watch the construction of the aircraft carrier, he was very familiar with the aircraft carrier. He showed everyone here and there, as if they were working here every day. Even Makarov admired it very much. Mr. Qin was such a person Excellent chief shipbuilder!

 After looking at the hangar, we continued downward and backward, and finally we came to the engine room.

The guys saw their old acquaintance Babbage again here, who was directing the pipe installation in the boiler room.

"Our aircraft carrier is still powered by conventional power, so it uses boiler power. Eight boilers burn steam and provide it to four steam turbines. The power provided is enough to propel the warship to a speed of thirty knots." Babbage said: "In During the segmented construction, we had already put in boilers and other equipment, but we just didn’t install them.”

If it is not inserted in advance, it will be necessary to cut a hole in the hangar deck and hoist the equipment down. This will save a lot of trouble. A reasonable construction plan can greatly shorten the total construction time.

"Yes, it is still conventionally powered, but by the time the next ship is built, it will definitely be nuclear powered." Qin Tao said: "Even if we improve the boiler, it is still not as advanced as nuclear power."

Dongfang's aircraft carrier boiler technology comes from Lao Maozi, who imitates the boiler of the Kiev-class aircraft carrier, and the Kiev-class aircraft carrier only has a displacement of 40,000 tons. Now our own aircraft carrier has grown to 80,000 tons, which means that the boiler technology must also be improved. Just fine.

"Yes, if there is nuclear power, of course it will be nuclear power. By then, our four power cabins can be reduced to two." Babbage said.

The aircraft carrier needs to burn eight boilers, which must not be arranged at once. Its four power cabins are in the shape of a field. Each power cabin has two boilers and a steam turbine. The boiler is in the front and the steam turbine is in the back. , and then output the power to the rear through the transmission shaft, and part of the power is also divided for use by the generator.

This arrangement is the safest, otherwise once a certain boiler explodes, it may cause a chain reaction of other boilers.

“If nuclear power is used, will our boilers also be eliminated? If the entire ship boiler system is abandoned, it will be difficult to use it again in the future, right?”

 The most typical example in this regard is Lao Maozi. Lao Maozi used to get everything he wanted, but now? All kinds of industries have been crippled and nothing can be done. If they want to renovate the aircraft carrier for Ah San, they have to use Dongfang's boilers.

"Yes, if this technology is put down, it will be difficult to use it again in the future, but it should not be used in the future." Qin Tao said: "We can already manufacture 40-megawatt gas turbines, and future aircraft carriers will Instead of nuclear power, you can also use gas turbines, and there is no need to burn boilers. This method that the navy has used for hundreds of years should be eliminated."

 Since the first steamship, the most commonly used power source for ships has been the boiler, which has been used until now and should be phased out.

Gas turbines can completely be used as power for aircraft carriers. If the 002 aircraft carrier was not built earlier and the heavy-duty gas turbines have not yet been tested in practice, the current aircraft carrier would probably be transformed into a gas turbine aircraft carrier.

"Yes, the warships of many Western countries have all been powered by gas turbines. We have to look forward." Wu Shengli nodded: "But for the sake of safety, our relevant units still need to produce a few more boilers as backup. We will have more boilers in the future." It can be replaced when needed.”

 The round boiler stands in front of everyone's eyes, and some engineering and technical personnel are busy connecting various pipelines. Looking at this lively scene, everyone is full of expectations.

This is the heart of the aircraft carrier. I hope that the chain will not be lost here, so that this domestic aircraft carrier can stably gallop on the ocean!

"By the way, the ship's integrated power system is also here, right?" Someone thought of something.

 Compared with 001, this aircraft carrier not only increases the displacement to 80,000 tons, uses electromagnetic catapults, but also uses a specialized ship-wide integrated power system.

 Conventionally powered electromagnetic catapult is the only one in the world. It can support the operation of electromagnetic catapult, which is the result of the integrated power system of the whole ship.

"No, this place is only responsible for power generation. The control cabinet of the ship's integrated power system is two cabins away from here." Babbage said: "These systems will be installed after they are launched into the water. After all, Ma Ming and the others can't take care of it now."

The integrated power and electromagnetic catapult of the entire ship were all worked out by Ma Ming, and only Ma Ming and his team could do the installation. However, they don’t have that much time and energy now. This integrated power system really has to wait until it is launched into the water. It can only be installed during the outfitting stage, so I can’t take care of it now.

“It’s a pity that it’s not all-electric propulsion yet.” Babbage said: “If all-electric propulsion is realized in the future, it will be more flexible.”

The four steam turbines are arranged behind the warship, which can shorten the length of the drive shaft, and the boiler needs to shorten the chimney position as much as possible. This is really difficult to coordinate. If an electric pusher is used, all the power will be transmitted through electricity. That would be much more convenient.

“You have to eat one bite at a time. It’s already good that we can build an aircraft carrier of this level now,” Qin Tao said.

If we follow some people's conservative ideas, this first domestically produced aircraft carrier may be built as a ski-jump take-off version, or equipped with a steam catapult. Now this aircraft carrier has already taken great steps. If Even the electric pusher will probably make many people worry about losing their hair. If the whole ship loses the lock, won't it lose power?

“Yes, we are looking forward to the next ship.” Babbage said: “After coming to the East, we feel like we have returned to the past era, and every day’s work is full of meaning.”

After visiting the engine room, everyone returned to the aircraft carrier deck. Wu Shengli looked at the ship island that was still being welded and said: "If the electromagnetic catapult can be installed before the National Day, then our ship island will also be installed on the National Day. Docked to the aircraft carrier before the holidays!”

“If we don’t install various equipment, we can still make progress in time.” Makarov said.

“Lao Ma, we must follow our own pace and don’t let laymen lead experts.” Qin Tao said again: “The navy can launch the aircraft carrier on the same day if it wants, but we can just launch the aircraft carrier without the island.”

As a result, Wu Shengli was defeated again.

 “Next, let’s go have dinner first?”

  Everyone walked around for a long time, and their stomachs were growling.

Of course, we ate in the canteen of the Mingzhou Group Guesthouse. It was definitely better than many five-star hotels. The food on the table was fragrant. However, everyone was not very interested in eating. They were all talking about how they felt after watching the meal.

“Back then, we were so envious of American aircraft carriers. Now, we can finally have an aircraft carrier of this level! The combat effectiveness of our aircraft carrier is definitely no worse than the Kitty Hawk!”

“No, our aircraft carrier’s combat capability is definitely better than that of the Kitty Hawk. After all, we have to carry some stealth aircraft, and the Americans don’t have such aircraft yet.”

 “When you are ready to serve, you must go to the Pacific Ocean!”

"Taozi, actually I have been thinking about going into the water on National Day, not only to give a gift to the motherland, but also to report to Mr. Liu. On that day, I will definitely meet Mr. Liu, and after meeting, he will definitely ask me How is the progress of our aircraft carrier? If he knew that it could be launched that day, he would be very happy." Wu Shengli said to Qin Tao.

"Dad, I know, but the construction of aircraft carriers is scientific and there should not be any other external factors that interfere with our construction." Qin Tao said: "The navy should create such conditions for us instead of creating difficulties for us. There is no Difficulties create difficulties for us.”

"Okay, you're right." Wu Shengli was a little dissatisfied with Qin Tao's words, but thinking that Qin Tao was right, he could only wave his hands and change the subject: "What should we watch this afternoon?"

I only saw the aircraft carrier in the morning. There are also many other equipment of the navy here, such as destroyers, frigates, and submarines. At this time, after hearing Wu Shengli's words, Qin Tao said: "What does the navy want to see?"

“How is the construction of 052D going?” Wu Shengli asked.

“It’s still on the slipway. If you want to take a look, you can go over and have a look. But in terms of appearance, it’s not much different from our 052C.”

Although the phased array has been replaced with liquid cooling and the hanging hair has been replaced with a universal hanging hair, these can only be seen after outfitting. The 052D on the slipway is just a shell, and only the most careful people can see it. With this difference in mind, the people present were just looking at the shell. There was nothing interesting to see. After all, it was not the first 052C to be built. I don’t know how many people were full of expectations at that time.

If the construction of the 10,000-ton large drive starts, maybe it will arouse everyone's interest. Now, Xiao Tiantian has become Mrs. Niu and cannot arouse everyone's interest.

"Yes, there is really nothing to see in the past." Wu Shengli said: "What about 095?"

“The first half of 095 should be almost done.” Qin Tao said, “Then let’s go take a look at 095 in the afternoon.”

Everyone got excited and ate quickly. After eating, they went to see the big guy underwater.

Submarines are all manufactured indoors, and space is limited. In order to build nuclear submarines for the navy, Mingzhou Group even allocated part of the orders for the construction of conventional submarines to brother units. The navy also attaches great importance to this project, even if the aircraft carrier allocation is Despite delays, the submarine's funds have never been in arrears, because the Navy knows that if the funds are not available, the construction work may really stop.

 In the huge production workshop, the front half of the 095 has indeed been built. Looking at the thick hull, many people were filled with emotion.

 “It’s still fun to watch, everyone!”

“That’s right, its displacement is much larger than our existing submarines, thanks to Mingzhou Group’s advanced plate bending machine!”

 The plate bending machine was still running at this time, making the next segmented pressure shell, and the buzzing sound seemed to echo his words.

“Everyone, what does it mean to have some promise? When the 095 is built, we will start building a strategic missile nuclear submarine with a displacement of 20,000 tons. That will be the real big thing!”

 In the past, the displacement of 091 was only four to five thousand tons. By the time of 093, the displacement had only been enlarged to six thousand tons. And the displacement of the 095 in front of us has reached eight thousand tons.

There are only a few bending machines in the world that can roll nuclear submarines of this level!

 Its displacement is even greater than the 052D currently being manufactured!

Everyone was shocked, only Qin Tao said, what is this? This is just the beginning. In the future, we will build larger submarines, strategic missile nuclear submarines equipped with Julang-2 missiles. Will the small displacement be enough?

Kvasa ran over excitedly: "Mr. Qin, you are here!"

Kvasa was originally from the design bureau and was mainly responsible for the design work. However, since the construction started in 2005, he stayed at the Mingzhou Shipyard and kept an eye on the construction, watching such a big guy slowly transform from drawings to Reality, I enjoy it every day.

“Well, let me see, which part are we building now?”

“The conning tower has been built, and there are many things that need to be installed on the conning tower, so we are currently mainly installing equipment. The next step is to build the new cabin section which is the vertical launch system. We have just bent the steel plates.” Kvasa said.

The construction of submarines is very different from surface ships. There is no outfitting link. During the construction process, the interior must be installed. Otherwise, once the submarine's shell is welded, not to mention components such as engines, even if it is A water pipe several meters long cannot fit in.

 Hence, the construction of submarines is very slow, but once they are built, they can be driven out directly.

“Well, the equipment on the command tower is crucial to improving combat effectiveness, so we must be cautious.” Qin Tao nodded.

Wu Shengli and others no longer point fingers. After all, even if 095 is built, it must be launched secretly and serve secretly without any fanfare.

It doesn't matter if it's a few days early or a few days late. Moreover, the order of the project cannot be messed up. Otherwise, if the submarine is launched and some parts are not installed, the submarine shell will have to be cut open.

"Yes, many supporting factories are also delaying progress. As for this photoelectric mast, it took more than a month to deliver it to us." Kvasa said with some dissatisfaction: "Mr. Qin, when encountering this In this case, can we deduct the wages of the supporting manufacturers?"

“Is it difficult to make a photoelectric mast? Isn’t this what our 039C uses?”

“The photoelectric mast we used before was still a penetrating type. This time we designed a brand new non-penetrating type. There is no need to open an opening on the top of the control tower, and the lifting and contraction tube must also be newly developed.” Kvasa said.

"Since it is a completely new research and development, the delay is justifiable. There is no need to deduct wages, and it is not easy for them." Qin Tao said: "Which unit provided this photoelectric mast?"

“Golden Sun Motor Company and Goose Factory jointly developed it.” Kvasa said.


 After all the trouble, it’s still yours, why should you deduct your own money?

 The expressions on the faces of the navy leaders present are meaningful. Look how Mr. Qin ends it!

“Tell them, if you don’t do it next time, if you still delay next time, I will slap you hard!” After Qin Tao finished speaking, he looked at the part being built: “Has the relevant unit of the vertical launcher provided it?”

This is definitely not a supporting factory under his own control. The navy's hair has always been the exclusive supplier.

 “Well, it’s over there.”

 “I’ll go over and have a look.”

 What's so cool about a broken pipe? Everyone looked in the direction Qin Tao was going with a little contempt.

“Let’s go in from this section and take a look inside?” Wu Shengli suggested.

The submarine under construction is like a normal submarine that has been cut with a knife. The cross section is clear and there are people busy on several decks.

 “That’s right, let’s go up and have a look!”

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